DAILY LESSON PLAN I. School Teacher Learning Area Quarter Date & Time OBJECTIVES : A Content Standard KABACAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL MATH 9 2nd The learners will demonstrate understanding of key concepts of variation and radicals. B Performance Standard The learners will be able to formulate and solve problems involving radicals. accurately C Learning Competency Code M9AL – IIf – Ib: Writes radical expressions as expressions with rational exponent Learning At the end of the lesson, at least 80% of the students will be Competency/Objectives able to: define radical expressions; 1. Cognitive 2. Psychomotor transform radical expressions as expressions with rational exponent; and 3. Affective observe the pattern in transforming radical expressions as expressions with rational exponent. II CONTENT III LEARNING RESOURCES A References 1. Teacher’s Guide pages 2. Learner’s Materials pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR)portal B Other Learning Resource IV. PATTERNS AND ALGEBRA PROCEDURES A Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson INTRODUCTION - Can you still recall your last lesson? - If yes, can you say it for me? - If no, aha, your last lesson was about writing or transforming expressions with rational exponents to radical expressions. - Last time, you have been taught on how to transform expressions with rational exponents to radical expressions, in there you only need to move the denominator of the rational exponent to the index of the radical ( or the number superscripted outside the symbol √𝑜) while the numerator become the exponent of the radicand (The number inside the symbol √𝑜). You don’t need to change the letters or the variables of the given expression. - Now, if you understood well your last lesson, this would be easy for you to write radical expressions into expressions with rational exponents which only the inverse of your last lesson. - Are you now ready? Aha! So lend to me your ears. (Presentation of objectives) B C D Establishing a purpose for the lesson Presenting examples/Instances of the new lesson Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1 OVERVIEW Before the discussion, the learners must be familiar with the key points that we will be talking here this time. - The word ‘index’ is the number (superscripted) outside the symbol or outside of the radical sign. - The word ‘radical sign’ means the symbol √𝑜. - Moreover, the word ‘radicand’ means the expressions inside the symbol or the radical sign. Besides variables or letters, radicands have exponents. I DO IT The teacher will present the steps in transforming radical expressions to expressions with rational exponents. - First step: Write the letter or variable used in the expression. No need to put radical sign or the symbol. - Second step: copy the exponent of the radicand and put it as exponent of the variable or letter. This number will become the numerator of your rational exponent. - Third step: move the index number as the denominator of your rational exponent. Example 𝑜 Let say √𝑙 2 is the given radical expression. Transform it into expression with rational exponent. Step 1. copy the variable – l Step 2. Put the radicand exponent in l as its exponent. Since there is no written exponent in radical – it automatically means 2.1. Thus, l is raised to 1 or simply l. Step 3. Move the index as denominator of your exponent. Since there is also no written number in the index – it is automatically 3.1. Thus we call it square root. 2 for the word square and root for the symbol. 𝑜 E Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2 Therefore, if we transform √𝑙 2 , we will get l1/2. WE DO IT Now, the teacher and the students will show how to use those steps. 5 Let say √𝑣 2 is the given. And let’s follow the steps. - What is the first step? Step 1: copy the variable v. There is no need to put the radical sign then. - What’s next? Step 2: put the radicand exponent 2 as exponent of your variable v, it becomes v2. - And the last step is? Step 3: move your index 5 as the numerator of your exponent 2. 5 - Therefore, by following the steps, we can transform √𝑣 2 as 2 𝑣5. F G F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3) YOU DO IT The learners will continue to follow the given steps. They will transform the following radical expressions flashed in their screen into expressions with rational exponents. Correct answers will be showed after they answered all questions. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living 3 𝑏3 7 𝑟7 2. √𝑟 −6 𝑣 3. √𝑤 𝑜 H Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson I Evaluating learning 4 1. √𝑏 4 −6 1 𝑤2 - From what you have seen and heard, we actually did the inverse of our last lesson. - In case that the exponent of the radicand has no entry, it automatically has the value of 1. Also, in case that the index has no entry, it automatically has the value of 2. That is why we usually called it as square root. Square means 2 and root signifies the symbol. - In general, in transforming radical expressions to expressions with rational expressions, we need to follow these steps. - First step: Write the letter or variable used in the expression. No need to put radical sign or the symbol √𝑜. - Second step: copy the exponent of the radicand and put it as exponent of the variable or letter. This number will become the numerator of your rational exponent. - Third step: move the index number as the denominator of your rational exponent. - After which, you can simplify the exponents to its lowest form. If it is not possible, then box the whole expression as your answer. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Transform the following radical expressions flashed in your screen into expressions with rational exponents. 𝑔12 4 𝑦4 𝑣 ℎ2 2. √𝑦 −9 3. √ℎ𝑜 J Additional activities for application or remediation V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION A No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation B No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80% C Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D No. of learners who continue to require 13 12 1. √𝑔13 −9 1 E F G remediation Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?