12ème étage - Batiment E 168 Bureaux de la colline 92213 Saint Cloud Cedex France Tel : +33 1 49 11 65 75 Fax : +33 1 49 11 65 76 MANUFACTURER FILE " FINAL " Customer : IZAR FENE SHIPYARD Vessel : FPSO – BLOCK 137B Shipyard : IZAR FENE SHIPYARD Our ref. : 759197 Please remind this AUXITROL Ref. N° for spare parts and any inquiries. Société Anonyme au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602023251 Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé – 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 5, allée Charles Pathé 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 France Tel : + 33 (0) 1 49 11 65 75 Fax : + 33 (0) 1 49 11 65 76 E-Mail : system.dir@auxitrol.com http://www.auxitrol.com An Esterline Technologies Company SYSTEMS&SENSORS 04/06/02 Page 1/3 CUSTOMER : IZAR FENE VESSEL : FPSO BLOCK 137B AUXITROL Ref. : 759197 Please remind this AUXITROL Ref. N° for spare parts and any inquiries. MANUFACTURING FILE « FINAL » SUMMARY 1) SYNOPTIC.........................................................................................759197-00 SCOPE OF SUPPLY .........................................................................759197-03 2) DRAWINGS 2-1 Cargo Tanks Level TA840 Radar Level Transmitter ...............................................................M13002 Flexible kit BV2.........................................................................................M13145 Flexible kit BV3.........................................................................................M13144 BV2 Plug ..................................................................................................M13156 Rotative Hinge ..........................................................................................M13142 TA840 Fixing bolts....................................................................................M13143 Gore Tex Gasket Installation ....................................................................M12734 TA840 Installation of Cable protection......................................................M13549 TA840 Deck Socket..................................................................................M15088 Deck Socket Installation ..........................................................................M12881 TA840 Beam Propagation requirement ....................................................M13267 FRANCE : Auxitrol S.A. – Paris & Bourges SPAIN : Auxitrol Iberico - Madrid Headquarters : 5, allée Charles Pathé – 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 – France Auxitrol S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S. Bourges Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 5, allée Charles Pathé 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 France Tel : + 33 (0) 1 49 11 65 75 Fax : + 33 (0) 1 49 11 65 76 E-Mail : system.dir@auxitrol.com http://www.auxitrol.com An Esterline Technologies Company SYSTEMS&SENSORS 04/06/02 Page 2/3 2-2 Cargo Temperature and IG Pressure T901-Pxx IG Pressure and Cargo Temperature Transmitter....................M11818 Flexible kit BV3.........................................................................................M13144 Gore Tex Gasket Installation ....................................................................M12987 Installation Socket ....................................................................................M28287 Deck Socket Installation ...........................................................................M12881 2-3 Ballast and Service Tank Level PL3700 Level Transmitter ........................................................................M23714-1/2 Cable Deck penetration ...........................................................................M26198 2-4 Cargo Level Alarm System Carla Indicating Cabinet ...........................................................................M29293 Wiring Diagram.........................................................................................M22187 Lidec L92 Level Switch.............................................................................M13865 Flange for Lidec........................................................................................M10063 Installation Socket (Yard Supply)..............................................................M25093 BV2 Flexible kit.........................................................................................M13145 Lidec installation of cable protection.........................................................M12763 Test magnet .............................................................................................M13032 Zener Barrier box MT12 ...........................................................................M12035 Alarm Module ...........................................................................................M11117 M1000 Alarm Unit.....................................................................................M10355 Power Supply ...........................................................................................M12527 Horn .....................................................................................................M10351 Rotating Lamp ..........................................................................................M10352 Label for Deck "OFA" ...............................................................................M10284 Label for Deck "HLA"................................................................................M10285 2-5 Tank Level, Temperature, Pressure Monitoring Monitoring System Cabinet ......................................................................M22829 TA840-I Safety Module Master.................................................................M13071 TA840-I Safety Module Slave ...................................................................M13072 TA840 System Typical Wiring ..................................................................M23370 MICATRANS A/D .....................................................................................M13753 MICATRANS A/D Typical Wiring ..............................................................M15055 INC840 Inclinometer.................................................................................M13728 Workstation to TA 840-I Connecting.........................................................M29172 FRANCE : Auxitrol S.A. – Paris & Bourges SPAIN : Auxitrol Iberico - Madrid Headquarters : 5, allée Charles Pathé – 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 – France Auxitrol S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S. Bourges Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 5, allée Charles Pathé 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 France Tel : + 33 (0) 1 49 11 65 75 Fax : + 33 (0) 1 49 11 65 76 E-Mail : system.dir@auxitrol.com http://www.auxitrol.com An Esterline Technologies Company SYSTEMS&SENSORS 04/06/02 Page 3/3 3) TECHNICAL DATA 3.1 - Product Technical Data Questionnaire ....................................759197-04 3.2 - I / O and Wiring List ...................................................................759197-12 4) TECHNICAL MANUALS TA840 System Installation Manual .................................................... CB322508A TA840-I Fuses location ..................................................................... M15061 TA840-I Safety Module Communication protocol .............................. DT2395E INC840 INCLINOMETER User Manual............................................. CB322533A MICATRANS A/D Installation and Maintenance Manual ................... CB322514 CRI840 19’ Indicating rack (included in Micatrans AD) ..................... MT5082 Lidec Installation Manual................................................................... NT401 PL3700 Installation Manual ............................................................... MI5090 PL3700 Maintenance Manual............................................................ MM5090 5) CERTIFICATES 5.1 - Intrinsic Safety certificates Certificate of Conformity LCIE TA840 System................................... 95.D6147X Certificate of Conformity LCIE T901P transmitter.............................. 96.D6083X Certificate of Conformity LCIE TA840 Radar..................................... 95.D6119X Certificate of Conformity LCIE TA840 Interface................................. 95.D6118X Certificate of Conformity LCIE PL3700.............................................. 00 E6113X Certificate of Conformity LCIE Lidec ................................................. 92.C6107X 5.2 - Type Approval certificates BV Type Approval TA840 System ..................................................... 6598/B0 BV BV Type Approval PL3700 ................................................................ 11058/A0 BV BV Type Approval MICATRANS A/D ................................................ 05135/C0 BV BV Type Approval Lidec .................................................................... 4930/C0 BV FRANCE : Auxitrol S.A. – Paris & Bourges SPAIN : Auxitrol Iberico - Madrid Headquarters : 5, allée Charles Pathé – 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 – France Auxitrol S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S. Bourges 1 TA840-I TA840-I Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud Cedex France Tel : + 33 (0) 1 49 11 65 75 Fax : + 33 (0) 1 49 11 65 76 E-Mail : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com http://www.auxitrol.com An Esterline Technologies Company SYSTEMS&SENSORS IZAR FENE FPSO BLOCK 137B 759197-03 page 1 / 2 SCOPE OF SUPPLY Item 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 Designation Cargo Level TA 840 Radar Level Transmitter - Intrinsically Safe Radar Fixation Kit (Bolt) Gasket in Gore-tex for Radar TA 840 Grounding Braid & Hinge Fixation for Radar TA 840 Flexible Conduit KIT BV2 for Bus output from Radar TA 840 Flexible Conduit KIT BV3 for Temperature Input to Radar TA 840 Radar SS Deck Trunk Cargo Temperature T901-P31A Temperature (3 Probes) and Vapour Pressure Transmitter with Flexible Conduit & Gasket Total Sensor Length Ballast, Draft and Service Tanks PL3700 Level Transmitter - Side Mounting with PN16DN40 Flange Cable Lenght in m = 28 Qty 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 490 15 4 PL3700 Immersed Electrical Level Transmitter Cable Length in m = 340 10 5 Top Tank Fitting for Immersed Level Transmitter 10 6 6 6 Monitoring TA 840I Safety Module - Base Unit TA 840I Safety Module - Extension Unit TA 840I Safety Block in 220 V ac 1 1 15 7 7 CT 701 ASM Atmospheric Pressure Transmitter INC 840 Inclinometer - two Channels 1 1 8 MICATRANS Converter unit for 32 Analog inputs 4-20 mA to (1) RS485 or RS232C 1 10 MICAD Tank Gauging Software 1 11 Cubicle with ventilation 1 CHINA : Auxitrol S.A. – Shanghai FRANCE : Auxitrol S.A. – Paris & Bourges NORWAY : Auxitrol Norway – Oslo SPAIN : Auxitrol Iberico - Madrid Headquarters : 5, allée Charles Pathé – 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 – France Auxitrol S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S. Bourges Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud Cedex France Tel : + 33 (0) 1 49 11 65 75 Fax : + 33 (0) 1 49 11 65 76 E-Mail : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com http://www.auxitrol.com An Esterline Technologies Company SYSTEMS&SENSORS page 2 / 2 Cargo Level Alarm 12 L92B Level Detector S.S. Head Output= 18-6 mA with Flexible Conduit 12 CARLA system Prewired Cabinet including : 12 Relay with Base 12 Buzzer 12 Indicating Lamp 12 Push Button 12 Power Supply 12 MSL Alarm Module for Level Detectors type LIDEC 12 M1000 Alarm Unit 10 Channels for Binary Inputs 12 Test Device for Level Detectors type L91 or L92 14 1 3 2 3 3 2 28 4 4 13 Label for OFA and / or HLA 14 14 14 14 Zener Type 706+ Zener Type 729P MT12 Box for 12 Zeners MT5 Box 2 14 28 4 15 Gyrophare Eex + Syrene Eex for OFA alarm 1 CHINA : Auxitrol S.A. – Shanghai FRANCE : Auxitrol S.A. – Paris & Bourges NORWAY : Auxitrol Norway – Oslo SPAIN : Auxitrol Iberico - Madrid Headquarters : 5, allée Charles Pathé – 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 – France Auxitrol S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S. Bourges 2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 ru w ~ '.J id 0 - =.om"'o-Ul"""N- ~I œ 3 "lJ m"'o-Ul"""N-°.o~"'a-Ul"""N- "'+0~;;1;;1-t-t-t-t"tJ ~~~ ~UI<~~~~~~~ §n ç~;s;soo œ m_~ --. 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"" .-. 0 Z ~~ ~~ ru w ~ U1 0'1 ~ ro 3 3-1 IZAR FENE FPSO-Block 137B 759197-04 Page 1/7 PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE TA840 RADAR LEVEL TRANSMITTER TA840 Radar Manual Sounding Reference Offset (+) L2 Dec Bon pour commande Tank height L1 le : 25/02/02 Tank Bottom TANK NAME 1 CO1P 2 C01S 3 C0 2P 4 C02S 5 C03P 6 C03S 7 C04P 8 CO4S 9 C05P 10 C05S 11 C06P 12 C06S 13 OIL SETTLING TANK 14 WATER SETTLING TANK L1 (mm) L2 (mm) 23315 23315 23315 23315 23315 23315 23315 23315 23315 23315 23315 23315 23338 23133 825 825 825 825 825 825 825 825 825 825 825 825 825 825 Offset (mm) + or -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -403 -457 -468 L.E. IZAR FENE FPSO-Block 137B 759197-04 Page 2/7 PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE T901P – 31A TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE SENSOR TA840 Radar T901P-21A H5 H4 Deck Upper temperature probe H1 H2 Middle temperature probe H4 : Distance between the process face of the T901P's flange and the ceiling of the tank H3 Lower temperature probe TANK NAME 1 CO1P 2 CO1S 3 CO2P 4 CO2S 5 CO3P 6 CO3S 7 CO4P 8 CO4S 9 CO5P 10 CO5S 11 CO6P 12 CO6S 13 OIL SETTLING TANK 14 WATER SETTLING TANK Upper H1 (mm) 4605 4605 4655 4655 4645 4645 4625 4625 4675 4675 4655 4655 4885 4570 Middle H2 (mm) 13935 13935 13985 13985 13980 13980 13960 13960 14005 14005 13985 13985 14160 13850 Lower H3 (mm) 22865 22865 22915 22915 22915 22915 22890 22890 22935 22935 22915 22915 23045 22730 H4 (mm) 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 H5 (mm) 645 645 515 515 595 595 615 615 595 595 595 595 485 592 Inert Gas Absolute pressure range : 900 to 1300 mbar Note : H4 must be such as the housing doesn't stay under residual water IZAR FENE FPSO-Block 137B 759197-04 Page 3/7 PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE LEVEL SWITCH LIDEC L92 LIDEC L92 Distance between the process face of the L92's flange and the ceiling of the tank L3 Deck L2 L1 98% Level Alarm limit 95% Level Alarm limit TANK NAME 1 CO1P 2 CO1S 3 CO2P 4 CO2S 5 CO3P 6 CO3S 7 CO4P 8 CO4S 9 CO5P 10 CO5S 11 CO6P 12 CO6S 13 OIL SETTLING TANK 14 WATER SETTLING TANK OFA / 98 % Vol. HLA / 95 % Vol. L1 (mm) L2 (mm) 433 433 433 433 419 419 419 419 433 433 433 433 416 393 1133 1133 1133 1133 1119 1119 1119 1119 1133 1133 1133 1133 1117 1086 L3 (mm) 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Note : L3 must be such as the housing doesn't stay under residual water IZAR FENE FPSO-Block 137B 759197-04 Page 4/7 PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE PL 3700 DRAFT LEVEL TRANSMITTER Vent Pipe Maxi Draft (20 mA) Mini Draft PL3700 Level C Zero Reference (4 mA) Te shape A Keel line DRAFT A C (mm) (mm) Cable length (m) Specific Gravity of the Liquid Yes or No NO 1 FORE 160 17000 30 1.025 2 AFT 160 17000 30 1.025 3 TRIM PORT 160 17000 30 1.025 4 TRIM STBD 160 17000 30 1.025 Zener barrier NOTE :3 TRANSMITTERS WITH REMOTE BOX IN STAINLESS STEEL ( AFT AND TRIM P & S ) IZAR FENE FPSO-Block 137B 759197-04 Page 5/7 PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE PL3700 LEVEL TRANSMITTER AFTER PEAK AND SERVICE TANKS Air vent pipe 20 mA Maxi. tank height (100% volume) H3 PL3700 Level Transmitter H1 Zero line (4 mA) H2 0 - Tank bottom Zero line Vent pipe height 1 TANK NAME FO DAILY Nº 1P 2 DO STORAGE Nº 1P 16000 150 850 3 26260 3 DO STORAGE Nº 1S 16000 150 850 3 26260 4 DO DAILY TANK 5500 150 850 3 10260 5 DO DAILY TANK 5500 150 850 3 10260 1560 90 5 2330 3000 100 3 24260 6 7 AFF FF DO SERVICE TK FWD FF DO SERVICE TANK H1 (mm) H2 (mm) 8000 150 Cable Max. Specific length Gravity Liquid 980 (m) 3 H3 (mm) 16000 850 850 IZAR FENE FPSO-Block 137B 759197-04 Page 6/7 PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE 8 9 FWD EMERG.DG DO TK IG & HEALTER`S DO DAILY TANK 10 F.O. Nº 1 P 11 F.O. Nº 1 S 2400 100 5500 150 23500 150 23500 150 850 850 980 980 3 7900 3 10260 5 24260 5 24260 NOTE : 2 TRANSMITTERS ( TANKS F.O. 1P AND F.O. 1S) WITH REMOTE BOX IN STAINLESS STEEL. IZAR FENE FPSO-Block 137B 759197-04 Page 7/7 PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE PL3700 LEVEL TRANSMITTER BALLAST AND SERVICE TANKS Air vent pipe Maxi. tank height (20 mA) (100% volume) H1 H3 PL3700 Level t itt zero line (4 mA) H2 Tank bottom Max. Specific Gravity Cable Vent pipe height Liquid length (m) H3 (mm) 50 1000 20 21260 13500 50 3 WB FOREPEAK P 23500 150 4 WB FOREPEAK S 23500 150 5 WB TK 1P 23125 50 6 WB TK 1S 23125 50 7 WB TK 2P 23125 50 8 WB TK 2S 23125 50 9 WB AFT PEAK P 23500 50 10 WB AFT PEAK S 23500 50 • Hazardous area; with zener barrier 1000 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 21260 31260 31260 23923 23923 23923 23923 24300 24300 Zero line TANK NAME 1 FW STORAGE TK 2 FW STORAGE TK H1 (mm) H2 (mm) 13500 • 6 TRANSMITTERS WITH WITH REMOTE BOX IN STAINLESS STEEL: • WB TK 1 AND 2 ( P & S) WB AFT PEAK (P & S ). IZAR FENE 759197 FPSO BLOCK 137B PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE IZAR FENE Vessel : FPSO BLOCK 137B Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siret 602 023 251 00104 - APE 332B - T.V.A. FR 90 602 023 251 Siège Social : 5, allée Charles PATHE 18941 BOURGES Cedex 9 France Table of Contents: 1.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Cargo Tanks .................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Documents required ................................................................................................................ 3 2.2 Information sheet - Cargo tanks Radar Position..................................................................... 3 3.0 Ballast Tanks................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Documents required ................................................................................................................ 4 3.2 Information sheet for Ballast Tanks........................................................................................ 4 4.0 Drafts, Trim and Heel Correction................................................................................................... 5 5.0 Other documents required............................................................................................................... 6 Appendix 1 Page 2 / 9 756194-04A Rev. 00 1.0 Introduction In order for Auxitrol to be able to deliver a best operational system using Trim & Heel Level Compensation and Volume calculation of Cargo and other tanks, it is most important to receive answers to all the questions raised in this questionnaire. These data are used when there is an inclinometer or Draft, trim and heel application to measure the angle of the ship lengthwise and/or breadthwise. 2.0 Cargo Tanks These questions relate to the 13 Cargo Tanks. 2.1 Documents required 1. Tank tables for all Cargo tanks, using electronic format. 2. Tank arrangement drawing which shows the location of each tank mentioned in information sheet 2.2. as well as location of TA840 Radar transmitters. 3. Fill in the Information sheet 2.2. 2.2 Information sheet - Cargo tanks TA840 Radar Position N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Tank Name ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Y-Pos. (m) X-Pos. (m) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Comments. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! : Data to be fulfilled by Yard, with respect of the sign + or Tank Name : Tank Name to be max 10 Characters. Y-Pos. & X-Pos.: Please refer to appendix 1 for guidance on calculating these values. All Measurements with 3 decimal digits eq. 1.098 m Page 3 / 9 756194-04A Rev. 00 3.0 Ballast Tanks These questions relate to the 14 Ballast tanks. 3.1 Documents required 1 .Tank tables for all mentioned tanks, using electronic format. 2. Tank arrangement drawing which shows the location of each tank mentioned in information sheet 3.2. as well as location of sensitive point of level transmitters (Example : location of immersed PL3700 level transmitters). 3. Fill in the Information sheet 3.2. 3.2 Information sheet for Ballast Tanks N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tank Name ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Y-Pos. (m) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! X-Pos. (m) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Comments. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! : Data to be fulfilled by Yard, with respect of the sign + or Tank Name : Tank Name to be max 10 Characters. Y-Pos. & X-Pos.: Please refer to appendix 1 for guidance on calculating these values. All Measurements with 3 decimal digits eq. 1.098 m Page 4 / 9 4.0 Drafts, Trim and Heel Correction These data are required to proceed to Trim & Heel compensation of Drafts measurement. Important note : please mention if the Trim & Heel compensation must be performed by reference to Shell Marks or to Perpendiculars. If the compensation is to be performed by reference to Shell Marks, please fulfil data PAM, MM and PFM. ! Draft compensation By reference to Shell Marks or to Perpendiculars Measures METER Drawing ref. Explanation of drawing reference CA PAM PAA CF PFM PFF LPP B CP MP CS MS MM ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Distance Centerline to Draft AFTER, + toward Port Distance After Perpendicular to After Shell Mark, + toward Fore Distance After Perpendicular to Draft AFTER, + toward Fore Distance Centerline to Draft FORE, + toward Port Distance Fore Perpendicular to Fore Shell Mark, + toward After Distance Fore Perpendicular to Draft FORE, + toward After Length between Perpendiculars Breadth Moulded Distance Centerline to Draft MID PORT, + toward Port Distance Midship to Draft MID PORT, + toward After Distance Centerline to Draft MID STARBOARD, + toward Starboard Distance Midship to Draft MID STARBOARD, + toward After Distance Midship to Middle Shell Mark, + toward After ! : Data to be fulfilled by Yard, with respect of the sign + or All Measurements with 3 decimal digits eq. 1.098 m Shell mark Fore Middle Shell mark Shell mark After Mid Draft P or S Perpendicular After Midship Draft After Perpendicular Fore Draft Fore +MM +PAM +MP or MS +PAA LPP Page 5 / 9 +PFM +PFF Draft After Draft Fore + CA + CF Centerline Centerline Mid Draft Port Mid Draft Starboard B + CP 5.0 +CS Other documents required Completion of the Product Technical Data Questionnaire, regarding Transmitters. Page 6 / 9 APPENDIX 1 How to measure and calculate Sensor positions for Level Transmitter mounting Y- Position The Y Position is calculated from the measured values DAFT and TOTAL TANK LENGTH.(See fig. 1 or 2). Y- POS = ½ TANK LENGTH - SENSOR DISTANCE FROM AFT BULKHEAD (DAFT) X- Position The X Position is calculated from the measured values DPS and TOTAL TANK BREADTH.(See fig. 1 or 2). X- POS = ½ TANK BREADTH - SENSOR DISTANCE FROM PS BULKHEAD (DPS) Page 7 / 9 APPENDIX 1 TOTAL BREADTH TOTAL BREADTH DPS TOTAL BREADTH DPS DPS TOTAL LENGTH TOTAL LENGTH TOTAL BREADTH DAFT TOTAL BREADTH TOTAL LENGTH DAFT DAFT TOTAL BREADTH DPS DPS DPS DAFT Fig. 1 Page 8 / 9 TOTAL LENGTH DAFT TOTAL LENGTH TOTAL LENGTH DAFT TOTAL LENGTH APPENDIX 1 TOTAL BREADTH DPS DAFT TOTAL BREADTH TOTAL LENGTH TOTAL LENGTH TOTAL LENGTH DPS DAFT TOTAL BREADTH TOTAL BREADTH DPS DPS DAFT DAFT DPS DAFT TOTAL LENGTH TOTAL BREADTH Fig. 2 Page 9 / 9 3-2 TAG Name and location Ullage CO1P Upper temp CO1P Middle temp. CO1P Lower temp. CO1P Inert gas press. CO1P Ullage 01S Upper temp. C01S Middle temp. C01S Lower temp. C01S Inert gas press. C01S Ullage C0 2P Upper temp. C0 2P Middle temp. C0 2P Lower temp. C0 2P Inert gas press. C0 2P Ullage C02S Upper temp. C02S Middle temp. C02S Lower temp. C02S Inert gas press. C02S Ullage C03P Upper temp. C03P Middle temp. C03P Lower temp. C03P Inert gas press. C03P Ullage C03S Upper temp. C03S Middle temp. C03S Lower temp. C03S Inert gas press. C03S Ullage C04P Upper temp. C04P Middle temp. C04P Lower temp. C04P Inert gas press. C04P Ullage CO4S Upper temp. CO4S Middle temp. CO4S Lower temp. CO4S Inert gas press. CO4S Ullage C05P Upper temp. C05P Middle temp. C05P Lower temp. C05P Inert gas press. C05P Ullage C05S Upper temp. C05S Middle temp. C05S Lower temp. C05S Inert gas press. C05S Ullage C06P Upper temp. C06P Middle temp. C06P Lower temp. C06P Inert gas press. C06P Ullage C06S Upper temp. C06S Middle temp. C06S Lower temp. C06S Inert gas press. C06S TAG Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Type of meas. Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Meas. range 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 Units mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar Sensor model TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A Zener barrier box - Page 1 / 2 - Zener Barrier WIRING LIST HLA Alarm 95% FPSO FOR AQUITAINE LIBYE-BLOCK 137B A/D converter TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 Interface rack Nb TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 Channel TA 840-I 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 Modbus address 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 File : 759197-12.xls Ref. 759197-12 Rev. 00 Date of issue : 26/06/02 connecting drawing Terminal - Micatrans Terminal + Micatrans OFA Alarm 98% TAG Name and location Ullage OIL SETTLING TANK Upper temp. OIL SETTLING TANK Middle temp. OIL SETTLING TANK Lower temp. OIL SETTLING TANK Inert gas press. OIL SETTLING TANK Ullage WATER SETTLING TANK Upper temp. WATER SETTLING TANK Middle temp. WATER SETTLING TANK Lower temp. WATER SETTLING TANK Inert gas press. WATER SETTLING TANK FO DAILY Nº 1P DO STORAGE Nº 1P DO STORAGE Nº 1S DO DAILY TANK DO DAILY TANK AFF FF DO SERVICE TK FWD FF DO SERVICE TANK FWD EMERG.DG DO TK IG & HEALTER`S DO DAILY TANK F.O. Nº 1 P F.O. Nº 1 S FW STORAGE TK P FW STORAGE TK S WB FOREPEAK P WB FOREPEAK S WB TK 1P WB TK 1S WB TK 2P WB TK 2S WB AFT PEAK P WB AFT PEAK S FORE DRAFT AFT DRAFT TRIM PORT DRAFT TRIM STBD DRAFT Atmospheric pressure Inclinometer TRIM Inclinometer HEEL CO1P CO1S CO2P CO2S CO3P CO3S CO4P CO4S CO5P CO5S CO6P CO6S OIL SETTLING TANK WATER SETTLING TANK TA840-I Power failure TA840-I Power failure TA840-I System failure 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 TAG Number 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Type of meas. On / Off On / Off On / Off level switch level switch level switch level switch level switch level switch level switch level switch level switch level switch level switch level switch level switch level switch Abs. pressure Angle Angle level level level level level level level level level level level level level level level level level level level level level level level level level Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Ullage Temperature Temperature Temperature Abs. pressure Meas. range 900 to 1100 -10 +10 -10 +10 7693 13473 13473 4548 4548 1250 2465 1955 4548 22883 22883 13450 13450 23934 23934 23652 23652 23652 23652 24036 24036 17261 17261 17261 17261 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 0 to 30000 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 -40 to +120 900 to 1300 Units mbar ° (deg.) ° (deg.) mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm WC mm °C °C °C mbar mm °C °C °C mbar Sensor model Free Contact Free Contact Free Contact LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B LIDEC L92 B CT701A ATM INC840 INC840 PL3701 PL3701 PL3701 PL3701 PL3701 PL3701 PL3701 PL3701 PL3701 PL3701 PL3701 PL3702 PL3702 PL3702 PL3702 PL3702 PL3702 PL3702 PL3702 PL3702 PL3702 PL3701 PL3701 PL3701 PL3701 TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A TA840 T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A T901-P31A Zener barrier box 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 - Page 2 / 2 - Zener Barrier WIRING LIST X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HLA Alarm 95% FPSO FOR AQUITAINE LIBYE-BLOCK 137B OFA Alarm 98% X X X X X X X X X X X X X X A/D converter MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 TA840 Interface rack Nb TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 TA840-I safety module rack 1 CARLA CARLA CARLA CARLA CARLA CARLA CARLA CARLA CARLA CARLA CARLA CARLA CARLA CARLA MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 MICATRANS A/D RACK3 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 TA840-I safety module rack 2 Channel TA 840-I 42 43 44 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 Modbus address 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 9 10 11 6 4 9 10 11 6 Terminal + Micatrans 76 79 82 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 Terminal - Micatrans 77 80 83 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 53 56 59 62 65 68 71 74 File : 759197-12.xls Ref. 759197-12 Rev. 00 Date of issue : 26/06/02 connecting drawing 4 Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 1 / 21 all rights reserved TA 840 Radar Level Transmitter Technical description Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 2 / 21 all rights reserved IMC SYSTEM Item Contents Description Page Revision Page 3 1 General Description of "IMC System" 4 2 2.1 2.2 TA840 Radar Level Transmitter Principle of level measurement Functional description 4 4 5 3 TA840-I Safety Module 6 4 T 901-P Temperature / Pressure Sensor 8 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 Mechanical installation TA840 Level Transmitter TA 840-I Safety Module T 901-P temperature / pressure sensor 9 9 12 13 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Electrical installation Important remarks TA840 Level Transmitter TA 840-I Safety Module T 901-P temperature / pressure transmitter 14 14 14 18 20 7 Drawings in appendix 21 Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 3 / 21 all rights reserved REVISION PAGE Revision Date of issue REV01 20/05/98 AUTHOR Systems & Sensors Division Modification Location all § APPROBATOR 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France DIRECTION Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 4 / 21 all rights reserved 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF « IMC System » The I. M. C. System continuously measures liquid level and temperature, as well as inert gas pressure in cargo tanks. This system is based on a distributed data processing architecture, using stand alone TA840 contactless level transmitters installed on top of each tank, and connected to TA840-I safety module located in cargo control room. The associated inert gas pressure and liquid temperature information is transmitted to cargo control room by means of T901-P sensor directly connected to TA840. A data link from TA840-I to a monitoring system makes it possible then to process level, temperatures and IG pressure information from the various transmitters and sensors, to display and monitor the cargo. 2 TA840 RADAR LEVEL TRANSMITTER 2.1 Principle of level measurement The TA840 radar is a stand-alone radar type level transmitter using a frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW), electromagnetic signal to measure distance between its antenna and cargo tank content surface (ullage). As shown here under difference frequency (dF) between emitted and reflected FMCW signals is proportional directly to ullage. A suitable data processor is able then to calculate accurate distance. The microwave signal issued from antenna is directly processed by dedicated signal processor inside TA840 radar. The calculated ullage in millimeters is directly then sent to cargo control room. The liquid cargo temperature up to 3 RTD as well as inert gas pressure can be measured and digitally transmitted by TA840 radar to cargo control room. TA840 RADAR FREQUENCY ____ EMITTED SIGNAL ........ REFLECTED SIGNAL ULLAGE MESURE CARGO Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 5 / 21 all rights reserved 2.2 Functional description Handle to lift the radar for the antenna cleaning operation 316L SS housing 6 x M20 bolts to fasten the TA840 Radar on the socket Terminal box cover Three packing-gland for electrical cables Flat gasket between the TA840 Radar and the socket Pivot hinge The TA840 radar has a FLAT-T technology antenna covered and protected by PTFE radome used to protect antenna against tank’s atmosphere. The electronics is completely sealed in its stainless steel AISI 316L housing. Due to this compact design, all parts in contact with liquid or atmosphere of cargo tank are PTFE or 316L. Antenna is included in sealed part of stainless steel housing. To access to terminal box, remove screws and cover. Flat technology antenna Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 6 / 21 all rights reserved Due to its location in hazardous area on deck, TA840 radar meets EN 50014 and EN 50020 Intrinsic Safety (IS) rules. The power supplies and digital link from each transmitter are protected by an individual "safety block" located in TA840-I Safety Module installed in cargo control room. The classification of TA 840 radar is EEx ia IIB T4 for installation in Zone 0. The certificate of conformity has been issued from LCIE laboratory with following reference: LCIE 95.D6119X The TA 840 radar must only be connected to TA 840-I safety module and T901-P temperature pressure transmitter. See paragraph « Electrical installation » for cable’s characteristic which can be used. 3 TA 840-I SAFETY MODULE The main purpose of TA840-I safety module is to assume intrinsic safety between TA840 radar and cargo monitoring system used on board. Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 7 / 21 all rights reserved Each TA840 radar is connected to an individual safety block specially designed to power transmitter and link RS485 digital bus, according to EN50020 intrinsic safety rules. CPU board Main supply switch Safety blocks Status LED DB9 female connector for RS232 direct access to TA840 Radar during commissionning. Front panel open All safety blocks are plugged into TA840-I safety module based on a 3U 19” standard rack, with up to 8 safety blocks per rack. The next safety blocks will be inserted into as many racks as needed (modulo 8 blocks per rack). In front of each safety block, four-status LED show state of both power supply lines and data transmission between TA840 radar and TA840-I Safety Module. In addition, a RS232 digital link, located in front of each safety block, allows direct access to TA840 concerned, particularly during commissioning. The continuously polling of all TA840 radar is performed by CPU (Control Processing Unit) board integrated in master rack, which then transmits received data to cargo monitoring system using a digital link (RS232 or RS485). Another digital link, in front of processing board, is used for system checking and/or as a low-grade supervisor output in case of main supervisor’s failure. Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 8 / 21 all rights reserved 4 T 901-P Temperature / Pressure Sensor Both temperature of cargo tank content and inert gas pressure are measured by the T901-P Temperature / Pressure Sensor. The temperature is measured with one to three Pt100 RTD elements immersed at different heights in cargo tank, and IG pressure is measured by an absolute or a differential pressure transmitter located inside sensor’s housing. Due to its location in hazardous area, T901-P sensor meets EN 50014 and EN 50020 rules. Electrical connection with cable flexible tube T901-P Process flange 2’’ 150 # Flat gasket Washer 4 nuts M16 Hole for pressure sensor RTD sensor 100 ohm at 0°C (IEC 751 standard) Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 9 / 21 all rights reserved 5 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 5.1 TA 840 Level Transmitter To improve accuracy, we recommend to install TA 840 radar at plumb line of cargo tank's centre of gravity to minimise correction of trim and list. The best performance is obtained when it's 10 degrees conical beam can pass through cargo tank to bottom without any reflecting surfaces. However, the advanced algorithms used by the TA 840 radar allow an accurate measurement even if some obstacles are present within the radar beam. See drawing M13267 for beam propagation of TA 840 radar. The TA 840 radar is installed on deck on top of a socket not supplied by AUXITROL. The flange fixing size is ISO PN10 DN 250 without any raised face. The machining surface is Ra 6,3 to 12,5 suitable for flat Nitril gasket of 3 mm Starboard socket for TA840 Radar Horizontal surface within 0.5 degrees for ship at even keel Flange ISO PN10 DN250 Tube 10’’ Sch 40 1 tube with fitting 1’’ female thread ISO 7 2 tube with fitting 3/4’’ female thread ISO 7 Cable protecting tubes on the left to centreline and AFT position CL AF 30° Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 10 / 21 all rights reserved Be careful that after final installation the surface of the fixing flange must be horizontal within 0.5 degrees for a ship at even keel. To protect packing-glands and flexible tubes against powerful jets of sea water, cables protecting tubes must be installed on AFT side of socket and 30° to centreline. It is also possible to make junction between flexible tube and cable protecting tube with threaded flange as hereafter indicated. Socket FOR TA840 Radar with threaded flange for flexible tube connection 1’’ or ¾’’ female thread (ISO 7) The TA 840 radar is delivered in an individual box with an antenna protection plate to prevent any damage on radome before final installation. Plastic protection Antenna protection plate Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 11 / 21 all rights reserved Be careful to avoid any shocks to antenna surface, and remove antenna protection plate just before installing radar on socket. Before to install TA 840 radar, clean flange face, install gasket (drawing M13130 for Nitril gasket) and after removing antenna protection place radar on the flange. (Be careful about position of two fixing hole for pivot). (For chemical applications, we propose to use Gore-Tex gasket.) Fix pivot on socket and on radar with braided earth conductor on left side of pivot as indicated on the following picture. The TA 840 radar is fixed on socket with 6 bolts M20 x 100 and a flat gasket with a tightening torque from 60 to 70 mN. On request, AUXITROL will provide gasket and stainless steel bolts. Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 12 / 21 all rights reserved TA 840-I Safety Module Master and Slaves modules, are normally installed in a standard 19” cabinet. Otherwise it is possible to make a cut-off as indicated on sketch. Cut off for 3U 19’’ module For a configuration using 3 and more TA840 safety module a forced air circulation system is recommended. Each radar needs a safety block, and each module contents up to 8 safety blocks. The safety module is fixed with 4 screws M6 x 16 located on front face. 19’’ cabinet for TA840-I Safety Module Forced air module Master TA840-I Safety Module Slave TA840-I Safety Module 1U = 44 mm Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 13 / 21 all rights reserved 5.2 T 901-P temperature / pressure sensor The T901-P temperature / pressure sensor is located on deck on top of each tank on a socket not provided by AUXITROL. The fixing counter flange is PN20 DN50 (2” 150#). The recommended position is around 150 mm from plumb line position of after bulkhead. Inside tank 3 temperature sensors are protected with a closed metallic tube 1”1/4 SCH 40 (42,2 mm OD and wall thickness 3,56 mm). This tube is fixed to after bulkhead by welded plate every 1 meter. For a best response time, it is better to fill it with silicone oil for exemple. T901-P Flat gasket Socket welded on deck Upper deck 1’’ ¼ sensor protecting tube Fixing plate to the after bulkhead welded every 1 or 1,5 meters Aft bulkhead Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 14 / 21 all rights reserved 6 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 6.1 IMPORTANT REMARKS The TA 840 radar and T901-P temperature / pressure sensor are installed on deck in a hazardous area. The IMC System is approved EN 50014, EN 50020 and EN 50039 according to European standards for use in Intrinsic Safety (IS). The certificate of conformity of complete TA-840 system has been issued from LCIE laboratory with reference: LCIE SYST 95.D6147 X. INTRINSIC SAFETY Special conditions for intrinsically safe operations are: - TA840 Radar input terminal must be connected only to the TA840-I Safety Module and T 901-P temperature / pressure sensor. - L, L/R and C characteristics of the connecting cable between TA840 Radar and TA840-I Safety Module must not exceed any of the following values: L ≤0,1 µΗ; L/R ≤ 24 µΗ/Ω; C ≤0,4 µF 6.2 • • TA 840 Level Transmitter The TA 840 radar has 3 cable entries: 2 cable-glands BV2 type for cable OD 8,5 to 14,5 mm. 1 cable-gland BV3 type for cable OD 13 to 19 mm. TA840 Radar terminal box To T901-P To a separate pressure sensor To TA840-I Safety Module Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 15 / 21 all rights reserved 2 or 3 cables are connected to TA 840 radar like: • Right side BV2 connection For cable of 3 twisted pairs (3x2x0.75mm2 mini) with 1 collective screen, external diameter 8.5 to 14.5 mm. This cable is used to connect TA 840 to TA 840-I Safety Module. • Left side BV3 connection For 1 cable of 10 conductors 0.75 mm2 with 1 collective screen and external diameter 13 to 19 mm, to connect TA 840 radar to T 901-P temperature pressure sensor. • Centre BV2 connection For 1 cable which can be used in case of separate temperature and pressure sensor. The section conductors is 0.75 mm2 and external diameter of cable 8.5 to 14.5 mm. The 3 cable-gland bodies are definitely screwed on TA 840 radar's housing with a special compound for tightness; do not try to remove them. If some of them are not used, they must be closed with special plugs delivered by AUXITROL on request: TA 840 plug connection: Ref. M13156 for BV2 Ref. M13157 for BV3, Attention! About characteristic of this cable; L, L/R and C must not exceed any of following values: L ≤0,1 µΗ; L/R ≤ 24 µΗ/Ω; C ≤0,4 µF. TA840 Radar terminal box Plug Cable Sealing ring Washer Collar Counter nut Gland nut Sealing washer Locking nut Flexible tube in position Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 16 / 21 all rights reserved Cables arrive to TA 840 connection box through a flexible protecting tube made in inside part of special rubber, and outside with stainless steel armouring . The overall length is 700 mm. On one side a threaded connection for fixing to cable protecting tube, and other side is union coupling. Electrical connection to TA 840 terminal procedure • On top of radar, remove 9 screws M6 to open connection box and access to terminal junction (hexagonal head screws 10 mm). • Remove plastic protection from 3 body’s cable gland of TA 840. Remark: For connection of separate T901P pressure sensor located on TA840 body socket, AUXITROL provides a special flexible hose, with double packing glands: one for TA840 Radar side, one for T901P pressure sensor side. In that case we recommend to connect it first on centre BV2 following items b) then d) to e) of general procedure for each TA840 Radar and T901P sides General procedure: a) Introduce the middle position electric cable (BV2 to separate pressure sensor) into protecting tube. b) Introduce electrical cable in flexible tube. c) Screw flexible tube on metallic connection (3/4"male conic BSPT) to cable protection tube. d) Add item (9), (8) with (7), (5), and (4). e) Introduce cable in packing-gland body sealed on TA 840 housing. f) Cut and strip cable to make connection to terminal. g) Screw gland nut item (6) to compress sealing ring. h) Screw and block counter nut (7). i) Screw locking nut (10) to gland nut (8) by using 2 flat wrenches. j) Then install 2 cables on each side in same order: -1 cable to T901-P temperature pressure sensor through BV3 packing gland. -1 cable to TA 840-I safety module through other BV2 packing gland. K) Connect to TA840 radar terminal in conformity with drawing provided. To close terminal box, be careful about sealing O-ring which must be in right position in groove, if necessary with finger put again some silicone grease on it. Place cover in good position and screw 9 hexagonal head screws M6. Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 17 / 21 all rights reserved TA840Radar Radar terminal T A 840 terminal box Radar terminal T ATA840 840 Radar, wiring diagram To the T901-P sensor To the TA 840-I Safety Module Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 18 / 21 all rights reserved 6.3 TA 840-I safety module The electrical diagram of TA 840-I safety module is displayed on drawing separately provided. The main supply is 220 or 110Vac, adjusted in factory in conformity with Intrinsically safe standards. Consumption is about 100 VA. The maximum switching current is 0,5 A for 220 Vac and 1A for 24/48 Vdc for: SPDT contacts for supply failure, SPDT contacts of CPU failure SPDT contacts of radar disconnected. IMPORTANT! Special conditions for intrinsically safe operations are: • TA 840 radar input terminal must be connected only to TA 840-I safety module and T901-P temperature / pressure sensor. • L, L/R and C characteristics of connecting cable between TA 840 radar and TA 840-I safety module must not exceed any of following values: L ≤0,1 µΗ; µΗ L/R ≤ 24 µΗ/Ω; µΗ/Ω C ≤0,4 µF Main supply 220 or 110 Vac Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 19 / 21 all rights reserved Connection to cargo monitoring system. With RS232 connector for short distance (up to 10m) between TA 840 I safety module and cargo monitoring system. With RS485 connector for long distance (more than 10 m). We recommend to use a twisted pair with 1 collective screen Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Department TA840 RADAR : Installation Manual CB322508A - REV 06 Page 20 / 21 all rights reserved The connections between “MASTER” TA 840-I Safety Module and “SLAVE” TA840-I Safety Modules with flat cables are AUXITROL supply. INTERCONNECTION BETWEEN RACKS TA840 -I SAFETY MODULE INTERCONNECTION BETWEEN RACKS IN 6.4 OUT T 901-P temperature / pressure transmitter To the TA840 Radar intrinsically safe cabling: 5 twisted pairs with one collective screen (according to EN 50039). Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France System & Sensors Division Project Support Department Communication Protocol for TA840-I (file : DT2395E05.DOC) DT2395E REV 05 Page 1/22 All rigths reserved INTERFACE OF THE LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ON BOARD VESSELS TA840-I SAFETY MODULE COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL Auxitrol - SA au capital de 25 000 000 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251 - Siret 602 023 251 00021 - APE 332B - T.V.A. FR 90 602 023 251 Direction Commerciale : 168 Bureaux de la Colline - 92213 Saint Cloud Cedex - France - Tél. : +33 (0) 1 49 11 65 75 - Fax : +33 (0) 1 49 11 65 76 DT2395E REV 05 Page 2/22 REVISION Revision Date Paragraphs Modifications 00 30/06/95 01 30/09/96 § 2 and § 3 Updating 02 18/12/96 § 1, 2.2, 3.3 to 3.7 Updating 03 10/01/97 04 06/08/97 § 3.4 and 3.5 05 25/01/01 § 3.3 AUTHOR Original document Minor corrections Minor corrections Updating SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE L. MAUDUIT APPROVED BY T. LEPREVOST DT2395E REV 05 Page 3/22 CONTENTS 1) GENERAL PRESENTATION 2) HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 3) 2.1) Link with the main monitoring system 2.2) Link with the « System » P.C. COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL 3.1) General structure of the frames 3.2) Definition of the frames 3.3) Description of a « TA840 radar » type frame 3.4) Description of a « TA840-I safety module » type frame 3.5) Description of a « Pressure Transmitter » type frame 3.6) Description of a « Temperature Transmitter » type frame 3.7) Description of an « Inclinometer» type frame DT2395E REV 05 Page 4/22 1- GENERAL PRESENTATION This document presents the communication protocol used between the TA840-I safety module of the AUXITROL - I.M.C. System cargo measuring system and, on the one hand, the main monitoring system, and, on the other hand, the « System » P.C. Main monitoring system Main monitoring link RS232 or RS485 CPU board TA840-I safety module (master rack) Redundant serial link to the main monitoring system Portable Control Device System P.C. Individual Indicators The communication between the TA840-I safety module's master rack and the main monitoring system is by means of a serial link, and according to a master/slave MODBUS type protocol. Similarly, the communication between the TA840-I safety module’s master rack and the « System » P.C. is also by means of a serial link, and according to the same master/slave MODBUS type protocol. DT2395E REV 05 Page 5/22 Furthermore, the TA840-I safety module communicates with the TA840 Radar transmitters which are connected to it, and periodically refreshes all the information from the measurements on the cargo tanks. It can be connected to a 4-20mA acquisition unit (AUXITROL's MICATRANS A/D type) making possible to receive data from pressure, temperature, inclinometers, or any 4-20mA transmitters. 2- HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 2.1) Link with the main monitoring system: • This link uses either an RS232 serial port (Sub-D 9 pins) or an RS485 type field bus (2-wire). • These two connectors are located on the rear of the TA840-I safety module's master rack. • Selection of the RS232 or RS485 link is done by switching two jumpers located on the master rack’s CPU board: RS232 mode (cable lenght ≤ 10 m) lll lll RS485 mode (10m < cable lenght < 500 m) lll lll CPU board (components’ side view) • The dialogue frames are made up of words of 10 bits each: - 1 start bit - 8 data bits (no parity) - 1 stop bit • The baud rate of this serial link is programmable by the « System » P.C. between 1200 and 19200 baud (the default value is set to 9600 baud). DT2395E REV 05 Page 6/22 2.2) Link with the « System » P.C.: • This link uses an RS232 type serial port (Sub-D 9 pins). It has several possible functions: 1) Configuration of the safety module’s parameters 2) Redundant serial link to the main monitoring system 3) Communication with the Portable Control Device 4) Communication to individual indicators • It is located on the front of the TA840-I safety module master rack’s CPU board. • Similarly, the dialogue frames are made up of words of 10 bits each: - 1 start bit - 8 data bits (no parity) - 1 stop bit • The baud rate of this serial link is programmable between 1200 and 19200 baud (9600 baud per default). 3- COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL 3.1) General structure of the frames: The dialogue frames are identical for the two links with the main monitoring system and the « System » P.C. Exchanges are made at the initiative of the monitoring system or of the System P.C. which operate in master mode, while the TA840-I safety module operates in slave mode. The monitoring system or the System P.C. send a « question » to the TA840-I safety module which « answers » with the data from the interrogated slave. The general structure of a « question » frame is as follows: DT2395E REV 05 Page 7/22 Question: Slave n° Function code Information (1 byte) (1 byte) (n bytes) This byte selects the various commands: - 1 or 2 - 3 or 4 -5 -6 - 15 - 16 : reading of n bits : reading of n words : writing of 1 bit : writing of 1 word : writing of n bits : writing of n words Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) These n bytes define: - the address of the 1st bit - the address of the 1st word - the value of the bits - the value of the words - the number of bits - the number of words The general structure of an "answer" frame is as follows: Answer: Slave n° Function code Information (1 byte) (1 byte) (n bytes) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) These n bytes represent: - the value of the bits read - the value of the words read - the value of the bits written - the value of the words written - the number of bits - the number of words Control of messages: The control word CRC 16 is calculated by the sender of a message. On receipt of the latter, the receiver recalculates the CRC 16 of the frame received and does not answer the question if it finds the CRC 16 word different. If the control word CRC 16 is acceptable, but the receiver does not recognise the question (incorrect address or data), it sends back the code of the function with the most significant bit (msb) (bit 7) at 1, followed by a byte defining the type of error. DT2395E REV 05 Page 8/22 Slave n° (1 byte) Function code (with bit7 at 1) (1 byte) Error code (1 byte) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) Value of the byte: -1 : function code not known -2 : address incorrect -3 : data incorrect -4 : slave not ready (out of transmission) -5 : slave de-activated Method of calculation of the control word CRC 16: • Initialise the CRC at FFFF (hexadecimal) Do from the 1st byte to the last CRC xor byte -> CRC Do 8 times Shift the CRC by one bit to the right If the bit output is equal to 1, do CRC xor A001 -> CRC End do End do • The least significant byte of the CRC 16 is transmitted first, followed by the most significant byte: Example of a question with a CRC 16 (HEX) = C8 55: 01 03 00 01 00 07 55 C8 DT2395E REV 05 Page 9/22 3.2) Definition of the frames: 3.2.1) Reading of n bits (bit b0 to bn): function code = 1 or 2 Question: Slave n° Function code Address of the 1st bit: (1 byte) = 1 or 2 msb, lsb (1 byte) (2 bytes) Number of bits (2 bytes) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) Answer: Slave n° Function code Number of 1st byte (1 byte) = 1 or 2 bytes read read (1 byte) (1 byte) (1 byte) last byte read (1 byte) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) The first bit transmitted is the bit b0, beyond the last bit bn the bits not used are set at 0. 3.2.2) Reading of n words: function code = 3 or 4 Question: Slave n° Function code (1 byte) = 3 or 4 (1 byte) Address of the 1st word msb, lsb (2 bytes) Number of words 127 maximum (2 bytes) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) Answer: Slave n° Function code Number of 1st word (1 byte) = 3 or 4 bytes read read (1 byte) (1 byte) (2 bytes) last word read (2 bytes) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) 3.2.3) Writing of a bit: function code = 5 Question: Slave n° (1 byte) Function code = 5 (1 byte) Address of the bit msb, lsb (2 bytes) Value of the bit (1 byte) 0 (1 byte) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) The value of the bit is 00 (hex) for the writing of a bit at « 0 », and FF (hex) for the writing ofa bit at « 1 ». Answer: The answer frame is identical to the question frame. DT2395E REV 05 Page 10/22 3.2.4) Writing of a word: function code = 6 Question: Slave n° (1 byte) Function code = 6 (1 byte) Address of the word msb, lsb (2 bytes) Value of the word (2 bytes) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) Answer: The answer frame is identical to the question frame. 3.2.5) Writing of n bits: function code = 15 Question: Slave n° (1 byte) Function code = 15 (1 byte) addr. of the 1st bit msb, lsb (2 bytes) number number of bits of bytes (2 bytes) (1 byte) value of the bits (n bytes) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) Answer: Slave n° Function code = (1 byte) 15 (1 byte) Address of the 1st bit msb, lsb (2 bytes) number of bits (2 bytes) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) 3.2.6) Writing of n mots: function code = 16 Question: Slave n° (1 byte) Function code = 16 (1 byte) addr. of the 1st word msb, lsb (2 bytes) number of words (2 bytes) number of bytes (1 byte) value of the 1st word (2 bytes) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) Answer: Slave n° (1 byte) Function code = 16 (1 byte) Address of the 1st word msb, lsb (2 bytes) number of words (2 bytes) Control word CRC 16 (2 bytes) DT2395E REV 05 Page 11/22 3.3) Description of a « TA840 radar » type frame: The TA840 radar transmitters can have a slave number from 1 to 104. The following table presents for each TA840 radar type slave (n° 1 up to 104) the content of the various addresses accessible: Address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 to 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 to 62 63 Type of data word word word word signed word signed word word word signed word signed word signed word word word signed word signed word signed word signed word signed word word word word word word word bit bit bit bit bit bit bit Definition reserved reserved ullage (tenths of mm: 0 to 9) ullage (in mm: 0 to 32000) mean temperature (in tenths of °C: -400 to +1200) I.G. pressure (in tenths of mbar: -700 to +3500) name1 of tank (2 ASCII characters) name2 of tank (2 ASCII characters) temperature n° 1 (in tenths of °C: -400 to +1200) temperature n° 2 (in tenths of °C: -400 to +1200) temperature n° 3 (in tenths of °C: -400 to +1200) reserved max. height (in mm: 0 to 32000) offset between the radar and the manual sounding reference (in mm) reserved reserved min. pressure of the I.G. transducer (in tenths of mbar) max. pressure of the I.G. transducer (in tenths of mbar) reserved ullage of temperature sensor n° 1 (at top of tank, in mm) ullage of temperature sensor n° 2 (in middle of tank, in mm) ullage of temperature sensor n° 3 (at bottom of tank, in mm) reserved type of slave temperature n° 1 validated (bit = 1) temperature n° 2 validated (bit = 1) temperature n° 3 validated (bit = 1) I.G. pressure validated (bit = 1) offset validated (bit = 1) reserved TA840 radar validated (bit = 1) Note: All those data are accessible in reading by both the « System » P.C. and monitoring system links, (but only in writing by the « System » P.C. link). The bit of address @63 is also accessible in writing by the monitoring system. DT2395E REV 05 Page 12/22 • Ullage of the liquid (@3 and @4): This is a value measured and transmitted by the TA840 radar. Ullage (in mm) = (@3) / 10 + (@4) If the level value is incorrect, the value transmitted is 60000.0 mm. • Mean temperature (@5): This is the mean temperature value calculated by the TA840-I safety module, on the basis of the spot temperatures measured and transmitted by the TA840 radar, averaging only the immersed RTDs. Mean temperature (in °C) = (@5) / 10 In order actually to be taken into account, the three spot RTDs must be validated in the TA840-I rack (see validation of the RTDs by bits 40 to 42). The mean temperature can vary from - 40.0°C to +120.0°C (signed word). If the mean temperature value is incorrect, the value transmitted is - 50.0°C. • Inert gas pressure (@6): This is a value measured and transmitted by the TA840 radar. Pressure (in mbar) = (@6) / 10 This value can vary as standard from - 70.0 mbar to +350.0 mbar (signed word). These two minimum and maximum values are defined at the addresses @25 and @26. If the pressure value is incorrect, the value transmitted is 3000.0 mbar. • Name of the tank (@7 and @8): The name of the tank is coded by 4 ASCII characters in addresses @7 and @8. Example: the tank name « 3COT » is coded: (@7) HEX = 3343 and (@8) HEX = 4F54. DT2395E REV 05 Page 13/22 • Spot temperatures (@9, @10 and @11): These are the three spot RTDs measured and transmitted by the TA840 radar. They correspond to temperature 1 measured at the top of the tank (address @9), temperature 2 measured in the middle of the tank (address @10) and temperature 3 measured at the bottom of the tank (address @11). The values are transmitted in tenths of °C, and vary from - 40.0°C to +120.0°C. If a probe is not connected or is missing, a value outside the above range is transmitted. • Max. measurement height (@21): This value (in mm) represents the distance between the bottom of the tank and the TA840 radar’s reference (upper flange of the deck socket). • Radar offset (@22): This value (in mm) represents the distance between the TA840 radar’s reference and the manual sounding device’s reference surface. It is used to obtain a direct correspondence between the measurements carried out by the TA840 radar and the manual sounding device. By convention, the value is positive if the TA840 radar is below the manual sounding device’s reference. • Minimum pressure of the inert gas transducer (@25): This value (in tenths of mbar) represents the minimum pressure measured by the transducer. By default, this value is -70.0mbar (signed word). • Maximum pressure of the inert gas transducer (@26): This value (in tenths of mbar) represents the maximum pressure measured by the transducer. By default, this value is +350.0mbar (signed word). DT2395E REV 05 Page 14/22 • Height of the temperature probes (@28, @29 and @30): These values correspond to the various installation heights of the temperature probes in relation to the TA840 radar’s reference (in mm). The distance in ullage with temperature probe 1 at the top of the tank is stored at address @28, the distance with temperature probe 2 in the middle of the tank is stored at address @29, and the distance with temperature probe 3 at the bottom of the tank is stored at address @30. • Type of slave (@39): This value defines the type of slave currently connected. Value: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TA840 radar relative pressure transmitter FORE draft relative pressure transmitter AFT draft relative pressure transmitter PORT draft relative pressure transmitter STARBOARD draft relative pressure transmitter absolute pressure transmitter temperature transmitter inclinometer • Validation of the spot temperature probes (@40, @41 and @42): Depending on the configuration of the system, these bits are used to validate the spot temperature probes to be taken into account for the calculation of the mean temperature. Temperature probe 1 will be validated by setting the bit = 1 at address @40, probe temperature 2 by setting the bit = 1 at address @41, and probe temperature 3 by setting the bit = 1 at address @42. DT2395E REV 05 Page 15/22 • Validation of the inert gas pressure (@43): This bit is used to validate the taking into account of the inert gas pressure transducer connected to the TA840 radar. The measurement of the inert gas pressure is validated by setting the bit = 1 at address @43. • Taking into account of the offset (@44): This bit, when it is set at 1, makes it possible to offset the level measurement carried out by the TA840 radar, by the value of the offset stored at address @22. • Validation of the TA840 radar (@63): This bit, if it is set at 1, makes it possible to validate the taking into account of the TA840 radar in the TA840-I master rack’s CPU interrogation cycle. In particular, if the radar is unavailable, it can be worthwhile to inhibit its interrogation (by setting this bit to 0), so as not to slow down unnecessarily the interrogation cycle of all the remaining radars. 3.4) Description of a « TA840-I safety module » type frame: The TA840-I safety module corresponds to the slave number equal to 255. The following table presents, for this TA840-I safety module type slave (n° 255), the contents of the various addresses accessible: Address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 to 450 451 452 453 to 470 Type of data word word word word word word word word word word word word word word signed word signed word word word bit bit bit Definition Revision of the software (e.g.: 102 = revision 1.02) year of revision (e.g.: 96) month of revision (e.g.: 09) date of revision (e.g.: 23) current year current month current date current day (e.g.: 1 = Sunday) current hours current minutes current seconds monitoring system link’s rate (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200) system P.C. link’s mode system P.C. link’s rate (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200) « TRIM » height (in cm) « HEEL » angle (in hundredths of degree) length between perpendiculars (in cm) reserved configuration of the TA840 radar in progress (bit on 1) system fault on the TA840-I safety module (bit on 1) reserved Note: All those data are accessible in reading and writing by the « System » P.C. link, but only in reading by the monitoring system link. DT2395E REV 05 Page 16/22 • Revision and date of the TA840-I safety module’s software (@1, @2, @3 and @4): Those values correspond to the version and date of the software installed in the TA840-I rack’s CPU board. • TA840-I safety module’s internal clock (@5, @6, @7, @8, @9, @10 and @11): Those addresses make it possible to read (or to set) the current date and time of the internal clock of the TA840-I rack’s CPU board. It should be remembered that this clock is also used to date the events recorded during operation (« data logging »). • Baud rate with the main monitoring system (@12): This address makes it possible to read (or to set) the baud rate with the main monitoring system. The value can be either 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 bauds. • Function mode of the « system » PC link (@ 13): This address enables to set the « System » PC link’s function: A « 0 » value means a Monitoring system type link A « 1 » value means a Portable Control Device type link A « 2 » value means an individual indicator type link • Baud rate with the « system » P.C. link (@ 14): This address makes it possible to read (or to set) the baud rate with the « System » P.C. link. The value can be either 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 bauds. DT2395E REV 05 Page 17/22 • Trim (@ 15) This value corresponds to the « Trim » (in cm) of the vessel. It represents the difference between the AFT draft minus the FORE draft. This value is calculated at the « perpendiculars ». Positive TRIM If one of the draft’s value is not correct, the TRIM will be set to 6000 cm. • Heel (@ 16) This value corresponds to the « Heel » angle (in hundredths of degree) of the vessel. It represents the difference between starboard draft minus the port draft. STARBOARD Positive HEEL If one of the draft’s value is not correct, the HEEL will be set to 9000 hundredths of degree (90.00). • Length LPP (@ 17) This value corresponds to the length between perpendiculars AFT and FORE (in cm). • Configuration of radar in progress (@451): This bit, when it is set at 1, indicates to the monitoring system that one of the TA840 radars is being configured, and therefore is momentarily no longer accessible to the monitoring system. • System fault detected on the TA840-I safety module (@452): This bit, when it is set at 1, indicates to the monitoring system that a system fault has been detected on the TA840-I safety module. DT2395E REV 05 Page 18/22 3.5) Description of a « pressure transmitter » type frame: The pressure transmitters can have a slave number from 49 to 96 (or to 104). The following table shows for each slave of pressure transmitter type (n°49 up to 96) the content of the accessible addresses: Address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 to 38 39 40 to 62 63 Type of data word signed word word word signed word signed word word word word word word word bit bit Definition specific gravity of the liquid (kg per m3) pressure in mbar level (innage, in mm: 0 to 32000) 4-20 mA current signal (in hundredths of mA) min. pressure in mbar max. pressure in mbar tank name1 (2 characters ASCII) tank name2 (2 characters ASCII) calibration maximum height (in mm) calibration minimum height (in mm) reserved type of slave reserved transmitter validation (bit = 1) Note: All those data are accessible in reading by both the « System » P.C. and the monitoring system links, (but only in writing by the system link). The specific gravity of the liquid (address @1) and the transmitter validation (address @63) are also accessible in writing by the monitoring system. • Specific gravity of the liquid (@1): It is a value in kg per m3 which enables to calculate the innage of the liquid. • Pressure (@2): It is a signed value in mbar, calculated from the measured 4-20mA current. • Level (@3): It is a value in mm, calculated from the measured pressure and the liquid’s specific gravity located at the address @1. If the value is wrong, the transmitted value will be 60000 mm. • 4 -20 mA Current (@4): It is the measured current value (in hundredths of mA). DT2395E REV 05 Page 19/22 • Min. Pressure (@5): It is the transmitter calibration value at 4mA in mbar • Max. Pressure (@6): It is the transmitter calibration value at 20mA in mbar • Tank name (@7 and @8): The tank name is coded by 4 ASCII char. into address @7 and @8. E.g.: tank name « 3COT » is coded: (@7) HEX = 3343 and (@8) HEX = 4F54 • Maximum height (@9): It is the transmitter’s calibration height at 20mA (in mm). • Minimum height (@10): It is the transmitter’s calibration height at 4mA (in mm). • Type of slave (@39): This value defines the type of slave currently connected. Value: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TA840 radar relative pressure transmitter FORE draft relative pressure transmitter AFT draft relative pressure transmitter PORT draft relative pressure transmitter STARBOARD draft relative pressure transmitter absolute pressure transmitter temperature transmitter inclinometer • Transmitter validation (@63): This bit, if it is set at 1, makes it possible to validate the taking into account of the transmitter in the TA840-I master rack’s CPU interrogation cycle. In particular, if the transmitter is unavailable, it can be worthwhile to inhibit its interrogation (by setting this bit to 0), so as not to slow down unnecessarily the interrogation cycle of all the remaining sensors. DT2395E REV 05 Page 20/22 3.6) Description of a « Temperature transmitter » frame type The temperature transmitters can have a slave number from 49 to 96. The following table shows for each slave of temperature transmitter type (n°49 up to 96) the content of the accessible addresses: Address 1 to 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 38 39 40 to 62 63 Type of data word signed word word signed word signed word word word word word bit bit Definition reserved temperature (in tenths of °C) 4-20 mA current signal (in hundredths of mA) min. temperature (in tenths of °C) max. temperature (in tenths of °C) tank name1 (2 ASCII characters) tank name2 (2 ASCII characters) reserved type of slave reserved transmitter validation Note: All those data are accessible in reading by both the « System » P.C. and the monitoring system links, (but only in writing by the system P.C. link). The transmitter validation (address @63) is also accessible in writing by the monitoring system. • Temperature (@3): It is a value in tenths of Celsius degree. If the value is wrong, the transmitted value is -2000. • 4-20 mA Current (@4): It is the measured current value (in hundredths of mA). • Temperature min. (@5): It is the temperature transmitter calibration’s value in tenths of Celsius degree at 4mA • Temperature max. (@6): It is the temperature transmitter calibration’s value in tenths of Celsius degree at 20mA • Tank name (@7 and @8): The tank name is coded by 4 ASCII char. into address @7 and @8. E.g.: tank name « 3COT » is coded: (@7) HEX = 3343 and (@8) HEX = 4F54 DT2395E REV 05 Page 21/22 • Type of slave (@39): This value defines the type of slave currently connected. Value: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TA840 radar relative pressure transmitter FORE draft relative pressure transmitter AFT draft relative pressure transmitter PORT draft relative pressure transmitter STARBOARD draft relative pressure transmitter absolute pressure transmitter temperature transmitter inclinometer • Transmitter validation (@63): This bit, when set to 1, enables validation of the transmitter into CPU’s interrogating cycle of the TA840-I master rack. In particular, if the transmitter is unavailable, it can be worthwhile to inhibit its interrogation (by setting this bit to 0), so as not to slow down unnecessarily the interrogation cycle of all the remaining sensors. 3.7) Description of a «Inclinometer» frame type The inclinometers can have a slave number from 49 to 96. The following table shows for each inclinometer slave type (n°49 up to 96) the content of the accessible addresses: Address 1 to 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 38 39 40 to 62 63 Type of data word signed word word signed word signed word word word word word bit bit Definition reserved angle (in hundredths of degree) 4-20 mA current (in hundredths of mA) min. angle (in hundredths of degree) max. angle (in hundredths of degree) tag1 (2 ASCII characters) tag2 (2 ASCII characters) reserved type of slave reserved validation of the transmitter (bit = 1) Note: All those data are accessible in reading by the « System » P.C. and the monitoring system links, (but only in writing by the system link). The bit of address @63 is also accessible in writing by the monitoring system. DT2395E REV 05 Page 22/22 • Angle (@3): It is a value in hundredths of degree. If the value is wrong, the transmitted value is 9000 hundredths of degree. • 4-20 mA Current (@4): It is the measured current value in hundredths of mA. • Min Angle. (@5): It is the inclinometer calibration’s value in hundredths of degree at 4mA • Max. Angle (@6): It is the inclinometer calibration’s value in hundredths of degree at 20mA • Tag (@7 and @8): The tag is coded by 4 ASCII char. into address @7 and @8. E.g.: tag « TRIM » is coded: (@7) HEX = 5452 and (@8) HEX = 494D • Type of Slave (@39): This value defines the type of slave currently connected. Value: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TA840 radar relative pressure transmitter FORE draft relative pressure transmitter AFT draft relative pressure transmitter PORT draft relative pressure transmitter STARBOARD draft relative pressure transmitter absolute pressure transmitter temperature transmitter inclinometer • Transmitter validation (@63): This bit, if it is set at 1, makes it possible to validate the taking into account of the transmitter in the TA840-I master rack’s CPU interrogation cycle. In particular, if the transmitter is unavailable, it can be worthwhile to inhibit its interrogation (by setting this bit to 0), so as not to slow down unnecessarily the interrogation cycle of all the remaining sensors. Systems & Sensors Division INC840 Configurations - Installation - Adjustment 07/03/01 CB322533A REV 01 Page 1/7 All right reserved INC 840 INCLINOMETER CONFIGURATIONS INSTALLATION - ADJUSTMENT Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division INC840 Configurations - Installation - Adjustment 07/03/01 CB322533A REV 01 Page 2/7 All right reserved CONTENT 1) CONFIGURATIONS: 3 2) TECHNICAL DATA: 3 3) WIRING CONNECTIONS: 3 4) ON SITE ADJUSTMENT: 4 5) GENERAL VIEWS OF THE VARIOUS CONFIGURATIONS ON BOARD SHIP: 5 HT TYPE HORIZONTAL MOUNTING 5 HH TYPE HORIZONTAL MOUNTING 5 HHT TYPE HORIZONTAL MOUNTING 6 VT TYPE UPRIGHT MOUNTING 6 VH TYPE UPRIGHT MOUNTING 7 VT TYPE UPRIGHT MOUNTING 7 Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division INC840 Configurations - Installation - Adjustment 07/03/01 CB322533A REV 01 Page 3/7 All right reserved 1) CONFIGURATIONS : TYPES: (see appended drawings) HT HORIZONTAL mounting with one inclinometer along the TRIM direction (fore and aft) HH HORIZONTAL mounting with one inclinometer along the HEEL direction (athwart ships) HHT HORIZONTAL mounting with one inclinometer along the TRIM and HEEL directions VT VERTICAL mounting with one inclinometer along the TRIM direction (fore and aft) VH VERTICAL mounting with one inclinometer along the HEEL direction VHT VERTICAL mounting with one inclinometer along the TRIM and HEEL directions The instrument is to be wired prior to mounting with a max. 10mm, min. 5 mm OD shielded cable, with 4 wires of 1.5mm² max. sectional area, see wiring diagram on page 2. The instrument is to be secured so as to bear against the reference planes provided. 2) TECHNICAL DATA: Supply voltage: Output parameters Output: Zero point (typical value) Resolution Cross axis sensitivity 8 up to 30VDC 4-20mA range:+/-10° 12mA 0.01° Dynamic performance Time constant 0.3s Maximum ratings Operating temperature Storage temperature - 40°C up to + 85°C - 45°C up to + 90°C Supply electrical connection: 1% Cable OD 5mm mini. Cable OD 10mm maxi. 4 wires + shield. Section wire 1.5mm² 3) WIRING CONNECTIONS: 1. Strip the cable along a length of 150mm, thread it through the cable gland and under the terminal block 2. Tighten the cable gland 3. Get the wires around the terminal block and connect: - HEEL sensor terminals 1 and 2 - TRIM sensor terminals 4 and 5 4. Cable grounding is to be done on the acquisition side Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division INC840 Configurations - Installation - Adjustment 07/03/01 CB322533A REV 01 Page 4/7 All right reserved 4) ON SITE ADJUSTMENT: Each instrument is factory-preset. The sensors are positioned by hand so as to read 12mA (to the nearest value), and are secured in place. Measure the ship’s TRIM and HEEL. Compensate using the offset correction (if greater than 2°, reposition the sensor). HORIZONTAL positioning Strength = 12mA Tilting to the RIGHT DECREASING strength Tilting to the LEFT INCREASING strength Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division INC840 Configurations - Installation - Adjustment 07/03/01 CB322533A REV 01 Page 5/7 All right reserved 5) GENERAL VIEW OF THE VARIOUS CONFIGURATIONS ON BOARD SHIP HT TYPE HORIZONTAL MOUNTING With one inclinometer along the TRIM direction Reference planes on board ship Reference surfaces of the instrument HH TYPE HORIZONTAL MOUNTING With one inclinometer along the HEEL direction Reference planes on board ship Reference surfaces of the instrument Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division INC840 Configurations - Installation - Adjustment 07/03/01 CB322533A REV 01 Page 6/7 All right reserved HHT TYPE HORIZONTAL MOUNTING With two inclinometers Reference planes on board ship Reference surfaces of the instrument VT TYPE UPRIGHT MOUNTING With one inclinometer along the TRIM direction Reference planes on board ship Reference surfaces of the instrument Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division INC840 Configurations - Installation - Adjustment 07/03/01 CB322533A REV 01 Page 7/7 All right reserved VH TYPE UPRIGHT MOUNTING With one inclinometer along the HEEL direction Reference planes on board ship Reference surfaces of the instrument VHT TYPE UPRIGHT MOUNTING With two inclinometers Reference planes on board ship Reference surfaces of the instrument Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Dept MICATRANS A/D Interface CB322514e rev04 04/12/1998 all rights reserved MICATRANS A/D INTERFACE 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 O I CB322514~E REV04 page 1 / 10 Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Dept CB322514~E REV04 page 2 / 10 all rights reserved CONTENTS 1. Purpose 2. General description 2.1. Functional description 2.2. User’s instructions 2.3. Typical wiring diagram 2.4. Electrical connections 2.5. Mechanical installation 3. Technical characteristics Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Dept CB322514~E REV04 page 3 / 10 all rights reserved 1. Purpose This document presents the MICATRANS A/D Analog to Digital Interface. 2. General description 2.1. Functional Description The main purpose of the MICATRANS A/D Interface is to scan continuously the 4-20 mA transmitters to which it is connected, to digitize the 4-20 mA analog signal, and to transmit those data to either a PC based MICAD monitoring system or a TA 840-I Safety Module. The number of 4-20 mA channels available on each MICATRANS A/D Interface is up to: 16, 32 or 48 In case of more than 48 inputs, several MICATRANS A/D Interfaces can be put in parallel, using a RS485 digital link (see § 2.3.2.). It includes a 24 VDC power source module in order to supply directly the 4-20 mA transmitters. In case of 4-20 mA transmitter connected through zener barrier, the 0 VDC of the power supply shall be earthed using a strap at the rear of the rack. An external power supply can also be connected to the MICATRANS A/D Interface, instead of using the internal one. In front of the MICATRANS A/D Interface, a LCD display and a numeric key pad allow the reading of a selected 4-20 mA analog input, directly in « percentage » or in « mA ». Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Dept CB322514~E REV04 page 4 / 10 all rights reserved 2.2. User’s instructions release When the MICATRANS A/D Interface is switched on, the following data are displayed: then, Esterline AUXITROL Esterline AUXITROL MICATRANS A/D MICATRANS A/D Ver 2.2 15/01/98 Date of release CHANNEL N°1 xx.xx mA 9600 bds - chan :001-048 baud rate 1st channel last channel It is the channel number « 1 » with its current input value in « mA ». To select another channel, press the * key, enter the channel number (1 to 48) using the numeric key pad 0 ... 9 , and confirm by pressing the # key. In case of several MICATRANS A/D Interfaces in parallel, the first interface will have the channel numbers between 1 to 48, the second interface will have the channel numbers between 49 to 96, the third interface will have the channel numbers between 97 to 144, and so on... The channel number « 1 » (or « 49 », or « 97 », or...) corresponds to the transmitter connected to the terminals 1 and 2. The channel number « 2 » (or « 50 » or « 98 », or ...) corresponds to the transmitter connected to the terminals 4 and 5. The channel number « 48 » (or « 96 », or « 144 », or...) corresponds to the transmitter connected to the terminals 142 and 143. To change the displayed value from « percentage » to « mA » - and reverse -, press directly the key # . As soon as the 4-20 mA analog signal becomes lower than 3.3 mA and greater than 21 mA, the displayed value will be respectively: Esterline AUXITROL MICATRANS A/D CHANNEL N°1 xx.xx mA - -.- - mA (or - - -.- %) if < 3.3 mA ++.++ mA (or +++.+ %) if > 21 mA 2.3. Typical Wiring Diagram Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Dept CB322514~E REV04 page 5 / 10 all rights reserved 2.3.1. In case of maximum 48 x 4-20 mA transmitters: TA840-I Safety module used in the radar based cargo monitoring system PC based MICAD monitoring system MICAD + Zener barriers RS485 digital link CT701 RS232 digital link or RS485 digital link + CT800 up to 48 4-20 mA analog inputs 100-127/200-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz Power Supply 1 2 4 5 3 6 7 8 9 0 O I LCD Display Numeric Key Pad Power Switch Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Dept CB322514~E REV04 page 6 / 10 all rights reserved 2.3.2. In case of more than 48 x 4-20 mA transmitters: TA840-I Safety module used in the radar based cargo monitoring system + + CT701 PC based MICAD monitoring system CT701 - - + + CT800 MICAD CT800 zener barriers zener barriers - - RS485 digital link or RS232 digital link RS 485 digital link 1 to 48 4-20 mA analog inputs 49 to 96 4-20 mA analog inputs up to 5 MICATRANS A/D Interface 3 3 1 2 1 2 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 0 0 O I O I Numeric Key Pad LCD Display Numeric Key Pad Power Switch 100-127/200-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz Power Supply LCD Display Power Switch Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Dept CB322514~E REV04 page 7 / 10 all rights reserved 2.4.3. RS485 digital output: 4-20 mA Transmitter n°2 + RS485 link + + - 142 143 144 RS485A RS485B Rear of the MICATRANS A/D Interface Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Dept CB322514~E REV04 page 8 / 10 all rights reserved 2.4.2. Transmitters connected to the MICATRANS A/D Interface through MTL 706 zener barriers: 4-20 mA Transmitter n°1 + Hazardous area 3 MTL706 2 + + + - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - + Safe area 4 4-20 mA Transmitter n°2 1 4 3 MTL706 2 1 +24V Rear of the MICATRANS A/D Interface 0V In case of zener barrier, this strap has to be connected. In this case, the input load on each current loop using a zener barrier is 250 Ω. Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Dept CB322514~E REV04 page 9 / 10 all rights reserved 2.4.4. RS232 digital output: RS232 digital output Rear of the MICATRANS A/D Interface It is a SUB-D 25 pin connector with the following affectation: Pin number 2 3 4 7 Function Tx Rx RTS Ground Input/Output output input output - Nota: The RTS output (pin 4) is needed by some of the RS232/RS485 converter (if external converter connected) which is used for the communication with a TA840-I Safety Module. 2.4.5. Power supply input: Rear of the MICATRANS A/D Interface 100 to 240 Vac 50-60 Hz 2.5. PH N Mechanical Installation The MICATRANS A/D Interface can be installed directly in a standard 19’’ cubicle. It can also be installed in a panel, the cut out dimensions are : 448 x 134 mm and it uses 4 M6 x 16 screws for the fixation. Systems & Sensors Division Project Support Dept CB322514~E REV04 page 10 / 10 all rights reserved 3. Technical Characteristics Presentation: 3 U 19’’ rack (483 x 132 x 280 mm) Cut out dimension: 134 + Number of 4-20mA transmitters: up to 16, 32 or 48 per rack (possibility of 5 racks in parallel) Power supply: 100 - 240 VAC / 50 - 60 Hz 1 1 mm x 448 + mm 0 0 Power supply to the 4-20 mA transmitters: 24 VDC internal power source (external power source can be used) Display: LCD type DOT Matrix 4x20 characters Digital link to the monitoring system: Digital link to the monitoring system: RS232 link with sub-D 25 pin connector RS485 link with screw terminal (max. 2,5 mm²) Scanning rate: about 3 seconds for 48 channels Baud rate of the digital link: can be programmed from 1200 or 9600 baud Numeric key pad: 0 ... 9 keys * key to select the channel to display # key to confirm the channel number, and to change the display form « percentage » to « mA » and reverse Weight: 5 kg 4-20 mA Analog inputs wiring: 2 wire + shield connected to unpluggable screw terminal (max. 2.5 mm²) System & Sensors Division MT 5082-E REV. 00 30.11.2000 All rights reserved CRI 840 Page 1/8 * CRI 840 BACK –UP DISPLAY Technical manual Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company System & Sensors Division MT 5082-E REV. 00 30.11.2000 All rights reserved CRI 840 Page 2/8 CONTENT 1. PURPOSE ..................................................................................... 3 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................ 3 2.1. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................. 3 2.2. USER’S INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................... 3 3. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS................................................ 7 Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company System & Sensors Division MT 5082-E REV. 00 30.11.2000 All rights reserved CRI 840 Page 3/8 1. Purpose This document presents the use of CRI 840 Back-up display, specially designed to display all data related to Cargo, Ballast, Service tanks and others, monitored by TA840 Gauging System . 2. General description 2.1. Functional Description The CRI 840 is composed of a front plate 19" 3U, which can be combined with a MICATRANS A/D rack, or installed alone in a cubicle. It is composed of a numeric Keypad and a LCD 4 x 20 characters display. It is connected to the C.P.U. of Safety Module TA840-I. 2.2. User’s instructions When the TA840-I is switched on, the following data are displayed during about 5 seconds : " Esterline AUXITROL " " TA840-I " " Ver. 1.12 " " 20-Mar-2000 " Then following default data are displayed : " Esterline AUXITROL " " " " Date: / / " " Time: : : " It can be now possible to select a channel by pressing the channel number (1 to 104) using the numeric keypad ∗ key, entering the 0... 9 , and confirm by pressing the # key. Pressing # key goes back to above default display Keys 2 and 0 allow to go to following or previous page. Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company System & Sensors Division MT 5082-E REV. 00 30.11.2000 All rights reserved CRI 840 Page 4/8 a. Display a TA840 Level Transmitter page 1 : "Ch: Tank: " "Ullage : mm " "Temperat.: °C " "Pressure : mbar" (Slave N° and Tank name) (Average Temperature) page 2 : "Ch: Tank: " "Temp1 : °C " "Temp2 : °C " "Temp3 : °C " (T1, upper temperature) (T2, middle temperature) (T3, lower temperature) page 3 : "Ch: Tank: " "Ull.Temp1: mm " "Ull.Temp2: mm " "Ull.Temp3: mm " (Location of probes) page 4 : "Ch: Tank: " "Min pres.: mbar" "Max pres.: mbar" "Pressure : mbar" (Calibration pressure) (Calibration pressure) page 5 : "Ch: Tank: " "Max height: mm " "Offset : mm " "Ullage : mm " page 6 : "Ch: Tank: " "Algo mode : " "Permitivity: " "Wave eff.reduct.: " (calculated by Radar) page 7 : "Ch: Tank: "Temp. valid.: "Press.valid.: "Radio/rst valid.: Division of Auxitrol Technologies " " " " (YYY or NNN, status for T1, T2, T3) (Y or N) (YY or NN) AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company System & Sensors Division MT 5082-E REV. 00 30.11.2000 All rights reserved CRI 840 Page 5/8 page 8 : "Ch: Tank: " "Offset valid. : " "Empty tank val.: " "TA840 revision : " (Y or N) (Y or N) page 9 : "Ch: Tank: " "Autotest : " "MF : ROS: " "Signal : " b. (OK or FAULT) (OK or FAULT); (OK or LOW) (OK or FAULT) Display a Pressure or Hydrostatic Pressure Transmitter (Analogue type) page 1 : "Ch: Tank: " "Pressure : mbar" "Level : mm" "Spec. Grav.: " (-5536 mm in case of failure) (Used for Calibration) "Ch: Tank: " "Current : mA" "Min pres.: mbar" "Max pres.: mbar" (Calibration pressure) (Calibration pressure) page 2 : page 3 : "Ch: Tank: " "Min height: mm" "Max height: mm" "Slave type: " Division of Auxitrol Technologies (Calibration height) (Calibration height) Slave type : "Relative" "FORE dr." "AFT dra." "PORT dr." "STBD dr." "Absolute" AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company System & Sensors Division MT 5082-E REV. 00 30.11.2000 All rights reserved CRI 840 Page 6/8 c. Display a Temperature Transmitter (Analogue type) page 1 : "Ch: Tank: " "Temperat.: °C " "Current : mA " " " (-50°C in case of failure) page 2 : "Ch: Tank: " "Min temp.: °C " "Max temp.: °C " " " d. (Calibration temperature) (Calibration temperature) Display an Inclinometer Transmitter page 1 : "Ch: Trim or Heel " "Angle : ° " "Current : mA " " " (90° in case of failure) page 2 : "Ch: Trim or Heel " "Min angle: ° " "Max angle: ° " " " e. (Calibration angle) (Calibration angle) Display the TA840-I parameters : channel 255 page 1 : "Ch: 255 TA840-I " "Version : " "Ver. date: / / " " / / : : " (date and time from CPU) page 2 : "Ch: 255 TA840-I " "Monit.rate: bds" "Syst. rate: bds" "Syst. mode: " Division of Auxitrol Technologies front " Monitor." " PCD " " Indicat." AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company System & Sensors Division MT 5082-E REV. 00 30.11.2000 All rights reserved CRI 840 Page 7/8 page 3 : "Ch: 255 TA840-I " "TRIM height: cm" "HEEL angle : ° " "T/H valid. : " (in case of calculation by TA840-I) (Y or N) page 4 : "Ch: TA840-I " "Qty events : " "Length PP : cm" "Syst. mode : " f. (system bit Y or N) In case of failure, one following error messages is displayed :' " Channel disabled "; (Channel n° not valid) " TA840 not answer "; (TA840 in failure) " Channel error (Channel n° over 104) "; 3. Technical Characteristics Presentation : 3 U 19’’ rack (483 x 132 mm) Cut out dimension : 134 + Display : LCD type DOT Matrix 4x20 characters Digital link to the monitoring system : Parallel type connection to TA840-I Numeric key pad: 0 Weight: Division of Auxitrol Technologies 1 1 mm x 448 + mm 0 0 ... 9 keys * key to select the channel to display # key to confirm the channel number 1 kg AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division Lidec L91 & L92NT401/03-99 05/03/99 Page 1/10 (file:NT401rev05-03-99.doc) ELECTRONIC LEVEL SWITCH type LIDEC 91 - 92 Installation Operating Maintenance Manual Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tél. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Lidec L91 & L92NT401/03-99 05/03/99 Page 2/10 (file:NT401rev05-03-99.doc) CONTENTS Page 1. UNPACKING AND INSPECTION____________________________________ 3 2. STORAGE _____________________________________________________ 3 4. OPERATING PRINCIPLE__________________________________________ 3 5. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ____________________________________ 4 6. INSTALLATION _________________________________________________ 6 8. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS _____________________________________ 7 8.1 - Power supply 18 to 28 V DC ____________________________________________ 7 8.2 - Cable specification____________________________________________________ 7 8.3 - Wire connection ______________________________________________________ 7 9. SETTING POINT ADJUSTMENT ____________________________________ 8 10. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE TEST _________________________________ 8 11. FAULT FINDING_______________________________________________ 9 Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tél. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Lidec L91 & L92NT401/03-99 05/03/99 Page 3/10 (file:NT401rev05-03-99.doc) 1. UNPACKING AND INSPECTION Before unpacking the LIDEC, inspect the box for damage caused during shipping. If any damage is found, contact the forwarding company and note protest until the LIDEC is tested. Unpack carefully the LIDEC, and check visually if there is any mechanical damage. The LIDEC identification is located on the body of the enclosure. 2. STORAGE Storage must be carried out using the original packing, in a dry and covered area. The LIDEC must be shock protected. Storage temperature: - 40 to + 80°C. 4. OPERATING PRINCIPLE The sensor type LIDEC detects High or Low level in any liquid, with an alarm output given by a current loop change (18 mA to 6 mA) or a dry contact. The LIDEC can be installed either horizontally or vertically. Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tél. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Lidec L91 & L92NT401/03-99 05/03/99 Page 4/10 (file:NT401rev05-03-99.doc) The principle is based on the absorption of « mechanical » waves at the tip of the probe. The « mechanical » waves are generated and detected by a piezo-electric ceramic. Note: due to that principle, the probe must not be painted, it must be cleaned periodically when used with viscous liquid. The LIDEC provides a very safe operation, the circuitry includes a fail-safe detection which activates an alarm for the following: - Level alarm, - Electronic failure, - Piezzo-electric ceramic failure, - Power supply failure. 5. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Power supply : 18 to 28 V DC (24 V DC nominal) Consumption : 0.6 W Alarm output : - By current loop detection: (standard) * 18 mA when no liquid * 6 mA when liquid - By a dry contact (N.O. or N.C.): (optional) * Selected using a micro-switch * Capacity: 50 Watts / Max. 28Vcc - Top mounting: at 5 mm (± 2mm) in water above the Alarm setting : lowest part of the probe. - Horizontal mounting: the axis of the probe (± 2mm) in water. Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tél. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Lidec L91 & L92NT401/03-99 05/03/99 Page 5/10 (file:NT401rev05-03-99.doc) Accuracy : ± 2mm Connections : by terminal blocks for max. 2.5 mm2 wire Hysteresis : < 4 mm Operating temperature : - 25 to + 70°C (Housing) - 40 to + 90°C (Probe) Intrinsic safety data Conformity Certificate: LCIE 92.C6107X : • Maximum values on supply terminals: EEx ia IIB T5 Ui = 28 Vcc I = 200 mA Pi = 1,4 W Li = 0 Ci = 25 nF EEx ia IIC T5 Ui = 28 Vcc Li = 120 mA Pi = 0,84 W Li = 0 Ci = 25 nF • Maximum values on relay terminals (optional): U = 28 Vcc L=0 C=0 - Data for EEx ia IIB T5 class: • Maximum values on supply terminals: U = 28 Vcc I = 200 mA P = 1.4 W L=0 C = 25nF • Maximum values on relay terminals (optional): U = 28 Vcc L=0 C=0 - Relay terminal must be connected to an intrinsic safety certified device. Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tél. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Lidec L91 & L92NT401/03-99 05/03/99 Page 6/10 (file:NT401rev05-03-99.doc) 6. INSTALLATION - Various types of fixation are available (Flange or Thread): (see drawing p.3) - For thread fixation, tightness must be carried out with the appropriate product - For flange fixation, tightness depend on the gasket fitted between the flange and the counter flange. Caution: When work is being carried out inside the tank or close to the probe, it is necessary to protect the probe against shocks, sand blasting, painting, 7. OUTPUT RELAY SETTING Positions of the jumps ST1, determine the output configuration. Setting is as follows: ST1 ST4 B1 ST5 18 - 6 mA 6 - 18 mA ST1 ST4 B1 ST5 Relay ON without liquid Relay OFF without liquid ST1 Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tél. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Lidec L91 & L92NT401/03-99 05/03/99 Page 7/10 (file:NT401rev05-03-99.doc) 8. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Safety instruction: Ensure the power supply line is turned off. 8.1 - Power supply 18 to 28 V DC 8.2 - Cable specification * Screened cable with two cores, (four cores with relay option) suitable for the surrounding. Wire gauge to be 1.0 to 1.5 mm², except for relay option, depending of the power switched. NOTE : - Be sure to respect the intrinsic safety requirements (see chapter 5) - The screen must be connected to ground on the voltage supply side, and not on the Lidec enclosure. * Cable maximum outside diameter to be selected according to the type of cable gland: - In standard - In option : : BV1 diameter 6 to 12 mm BV2 diameter Max. 14.5 mm L 8.5 to 14.5 mm 8.3 - Wire connection See § 7. CAUTION : Minimum voltage acceptable on the LIDEC 16 V DC Maximum voltage for I.S. (EEx "i") is 28 V DC Maximum capacity of the terminal blocks: 2.5 mm2 Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tél. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Lidec L91 & L92NT401/03-99 05/03/99 Page 8/10 (file:NT401rev05-03-99.doc) 9. SETTING POINT ADJUSTMENT (See figure on chapter 7) Potentiometers with red varnish are factory adjustments, not to be modified. The initial setting point is carried out at the factory for a detection at 5 mm (in water) above the lowest point of the probe. The sensitivity trimmer allows the adjustment of the sensitivity of this setting: turning it clockwise decreases the sensitivity. This adjustment is possible till 10mm from the lowest point of the probe, by decreasing the sensitivity, or to comply with the acoustic characteristics of the liquid. 10. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE TEST Post commissioning the LIDEC should be checked at routine intervals to ensure it remains within specified characteristics. This is a achieved by approaching magnet on top of the housing. Alarm should be activated immediately. Tag & S/N (+ Tank name) = mentions to be given with any guarantee claim or spare part replacement order. For replacement: Systems & Sensors Division probe P/N M13118 + board P/N M12027 = P/N M13229 option relay board = P/N M10138 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tél. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Lidec L91 & L92NT401/03-99 05/03/99 Page 9/10 (file:NT401rev05-03-99.doc) 11. FAULT FINDING Sensor faults are generally due to errors from the following : NO ALARM - ALARM ALWAYS ON - ALARM SETTING NOT CORRECT ST5 IMPULSION WIDTH ST4 B1 ST5 Adjustment for probes Ø 14 to+ 16 mm Adjustment for probes Ø 8 mm ST1 Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tél. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division Lidec L91 & L92NT401/03-99 05/03/99 Page 10/10 (file:NT401rev05-03-99.doc) NO ALARM Check the DC supply in 'A', it should be 18 to 28 VDV Possible trouble: - Wrong cabling in 'A' or 'B', - Wires not properly connected, - Output contact wrong setting 'E' ALARM ALWAYS ON Check the DC supply in 'A', it should be 18 to 28 VDV Possible trouble: - Wrong cabling in 'A' or 'B', - Wires not properly connected, - Output contact wrong setting 'E', - Zener barrier failure, - Power supply failure, - Wave generator disconnected 'C', or short circuit on ‘C’, - Printed circuit board failure, - Dirty probe ALARM SETTING NOT CORRECT Possible trouble: - Wrong sensitivity adjustment 'D', - Printed circuit board failure. Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tél. +33.(0) Fax +33.(0) Auxitrol - SA au capital de 65 595 700 FRF - R.C.S. Bourges B 602 023 251- Siège Social : 5, allée Charles Pathé - 18941 Bourges Cedex 9 - France Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 1 / 13 LEVEL & PRESSURE TRANSMITTER Type PL 3700 TECHNICAL MANUAL Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 2 / 13 CONTENT 1. DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION..................................................................................................................3 1.1. DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................................................3 1.2. APPLICATION. ................................................................................................................................................3 1.3. GENERAL VIEW . .............................................................................................................................................3 2. ADVANTAGES. ..................................................................................................................................................4 3. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. .......................................................................................................................4 3.1. TRANSDUCER RANGES. ..................................................................................................................................4 3.2. OPERATING CONDITION ..................................................................................................................................4 3.3. ENVIRONMENT. ..............................................................................................................................................4 3.4. ACCURACY ....................................................................................................................................................5 3.5. ELECTRICAL...................................................................................................................................................5 3.6. OTHERS: .......................................................................................................................................................6 3.7. MARINE CLASSIFICATION. ...............................................................................................................................6 3.8. TRANSMITTER DIMENSION...............................................................................................................................6 3.9. MECHANICAL MOUNTING.................................................................................................................................7 3.10. ELECTRICAL CONNECTING...........................................................................................................................7 4. PL 3700 (PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE). .........................................................................9 5. PERSONAL NOTES .........................................................................................................................................10 6. CODIFICATION ................................................................................................................................................11 6.1. LEVEL TRANSMITTER PL3700.......................................................................................................................11 6.2. PRESSURE TRANSMITTER PL3700................................................................................................................13 INDEX DRAWINGS: Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France M 22865 SHEET 1 & 2. M 23714 SHEET 1 & 2. M 23769 M 24479 M 24663 M 26198 Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 3 / 13 1. DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION 1.1. Description The PL 3700 is a 2-wires 4-20 mA level and pressure transmitter consisting of a transducer and an amplifier connected via a 3-core vented cable. The transducer is fully welded and it is submersible (IP68), housed in stainless steel AISI 316L using a capacitive Ceramic diaphragm. Amplifier is housed inside sea water-resistant polyester casing (IP 66) which can be installed inside area protected against wave effect damage or inside sea water-resistant stainless steel AISI 316l casing (IP66/67) with adapting flexible pipe in stainless steel which can be installed on deck. The PL 3700 can be manufactured with 11 different programmable ranges for level application, it is depend the application, absolute transmitter or gauge transmitter, and with a fixed range for pressure measurement. The PL 3700 can be immersed and mounted inside tank using adapted bracket or on side mounting using adapted flange. 1.2. Application The PL3700 has been developed for level measuring in tanks, ballast, oil, fresh water, chemical product… It covers as well drafts measuring, pressure measuring in cargo line and inert gas measuring. 1.3. General view Remote box ( housing in stainless steel 316L IP66/67 ) For deck mounting Remote box ( housing in Polyester IP66 ) For protected area mounting Transducer ( housing in stainless steel 316L IP68 ) Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 4 / 13 2. ADVANTAGES The ceramic capacitive pressure sensor provides a flush diaphragm, avoiding risks of sensor clogging and ensures extremely low hysteresis, minimal output drift error and high repeatability. Ceramic diaphragm provides outstanding corrosion resistance. 3. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3.1. Transducer ranges Absolute or Gauge level applications. Measure range 0 to 80/120 mbar 0 to 120/175 mbar 0 to 175/250 mbar 0 to 250/350 mbar 0 to 350/500 mbar 0 to 500/700 mbar 0 to 700/1000 mbar 0 to 1000/1400 mbar 0 to 1400/2000 mbar 0 to 2000/2800 mbar 0 to 2800/4000 mbar Measure range -200 to 1000 mbar +900 to 1100 mbar +800 to 2000 mbar +0 to 20000 mbar Admissible overload 10 bar 10 bar 18 bar 40 bar Type of measurement Gauge Absolute Absolute Absolute Operating Condition 3.3. Type of measurement Gauge Gauge Gauge Gauge Gauge Gauge Gauge Absolute and Gauge Absolute and Gauge Absolute and Gauge Absolute and Gauge Absolute or Gauge pressure applications. 3.2. Admissible overload 6 bar 6 bar 6 bar 6 bar 6 bar 6 bar 10 bar 10 bar 18 bar 18 bar 18 bar Operating temperature. Transducer : -40°C to +125°C. (side mounting). -40°C to +100°C. (immersed mounting). Amplifier : -40°C to +85°C. Environment Protection Class - Transducer: - Remote box: IP68 at 10bar Sea water-resistant polyester housing: IP66. Stainless steel housing: IP66/67 Intrinsic safety for use in hazardous area - EEx ia IIC/IIB T6, certificate number LCIE 00.E6113X with 50 m cable max between transducer and amplifier. Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved 3.4. Accuracy Reference accuracy : ± 0.30% F.S. at 20°C including repeatability, hysteresis and non-linearity. Temperature drift: - Between –20 and + 80°C: ± 0.80% FS, i.e.; 0.008% FS per degree. - Above +80°C: ± 0.025% FS per degree. Electrical Power supply: 12 to 30 VDC ( Maximum 28 VDC for use on hazardous area with intrinsic safety certification ). Permissible load resistance is shown graphically below. Calculation formula: R loop max. (ohm) = U Loop – 12 0.020 Max Load resistance at various power supply voltage 800 Load Resistance (Ohm) 3.5. NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 5 / 13 700 600 500 400 300 Load Resistance 200 100 0 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Power Supply Voltage (V) Output current: 4 – 20 mA DC, 2 wired system. Adjustment: Span adjustment of each transmitter is adjustable from 100% to 70% of the nominal transducer range (full scale). Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved 3.6. Others 3.7. NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 6 / 13 Diaphragm material: Ceramic AL2O3. O-ring material: Viton or Kalrez (in option). Transmitter’s cable: Polyethylene or Fluoro Ethylene Propylene (in option, for chemical application or high temperature above 80°C). Transmitter housing: Stainless steel AISI 316L. Remote box: Polyester or stainless steel AISI 316L. Marine classification DNV, GL, BV. LRS, RINA, NKK, KRS, ABS, CCS (all pending) CE marked in accordance with EU directive. Transmitter dimension 110 108 75 3.8. Polyester remote box Thickness 55mm Ø 157 110 Stainless steel 316 L remote box Thickness 90mm 4 holes Ø 13 110 208 Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 7 / 13 Ø 44 ~ 120 Cable OD 8 mm Max length 50 m 3 Transducer Housing Stainless steel 316L Ceramic diaphragm 3.9. Zero line Mechanical mounting Different types of mechanical mounting are available: - Fixation kit in stainless steel 316L for immersed application. - Pipe Kit in stainless steel 316L for immersed application. - Flange PN40 DN25 in stainless steel 316L, screwed or welded. - Flange PN16 DN40 in stainless steel 316L, screwed or welded. . 3.10. Electrical connecting Transducer: Transducer is delivered with minimum 1 meter to maximum 50 meter of cable. Correct length has to be determined by customer. Cable is composed of 3 wires (0V, Supply & signal), 1 braid ground, one vent pipe (gauge application) and one aluminum shield. Transducer can be connected only to amplifier. Supply: 5V (red) Signal (blue) Aluminum shield Vent pipe Supply: 0V (brown) Braid ground Amplifier box : Polyester amplifier box is supplied − with one cable gland properly secure for transducer cable input. − with one set of two cable glands to be mounted by customer : one PG 13 as standard mounting for cable Ø 6 to Ø 12 mm, and one PG16 for cables Ø 9 to Ø 14 mm. Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 8 / 13 Programmable Electronic board Cable gland PG 13 Ø 6 to Ø 12 mm or Cable gland PG 16 Ø 9 to Ø 14 mm Transducer Cable Power supply Cable Stainless steel amplifier box is supplied with two female thread input : - One ISO M17x 1.5 female thread for transducer input to mount adapted flexible pipe kit in stainless steel. - One ISO M23 x 1.5 female thread for power supply input to mount adapted flexible pipe kit in stainless steel. ISO M17x1.5 Female thread For flexible kit adaptation ISO M23x1.5 Female thread For flexible kit adaptation Transducer Cable Power supply Cable Programmable Electronic board Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 9 / 13 4. PL 3700 (Product Technical Data Questionnaire). H Maxi. tank height (100% volume) 20mA L1 Hv H hz Tank bottom hz Zero line (4 mA) H (cm) hz (cm) Hv (cm) L1 (m) Cable length Specific gravity Serial Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 10 / 13 5. Personal notes Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 11 / 13 6. CODIFICATION 6.1. 1 2 Level transmitter PL3700 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Level Transmitter PL3700 PL3700 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 G | | A | | | | 3 | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Type of measure Gage pressure Absolute pressure 2 | | | | | | | | | | 0 to 175 mbar (min. range 0 to 120 mbar) A B C D E F G H J X 0 to 250 mbar (min. range 0 to 175 mbar) 0 to 350 mbar (min. range 0 to 250 mbar) 0 to 500 mbar (min. range 0 to 350 mbar) 0 to 700 mbar (min. range 0 to 500 mbar) 0 to 1000 mbar (min. range 0 to 700 mbar) 0 to 1400 mbar (min. range 0 to 1000 mbar) 0 to 2000 mbar (min. range 0 to 1400 mbar) 0 to 2800 mbar (min. range 0 to 2000 mbar) 0 to 4000 mbar (min. range 0 to 2800 mbar) Other range Type forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) On request Environment Non-Corrosive Product Comment Viton gasket ( standard ) Flange / process connection Screwed flange PN16 DN40 Welded flange PN16 DN40 Screwed flange PN40 DN25 Welded flange PN40 DN25 Without flange Other screwed flange Other welded flange all types all types all types all types all types On request On request | | | | | | | | | | | 4 S | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 C D E F 0 X Y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6 A B | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9 A C | | | | | | 1 0 0 A B C D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Division of Auxitrol Technologies Range 0 to 120 mbar (min. range 0 to 80 mbar) Comment Cable Material and Lenght Comment Polyethylen (PET), lenght in meter (min all types, temp < 85°C 01/max 50) Teflon (FEP), lenght in meter (min 01/max 50) all types, temp < 125°C Electronics Housing Polyester housing 316L stainless steel housing Comment all types, for protected installation all types, for "on deck" installation Flexible options and cable protection No cable protection Adaptators Kit (for flexible conduits) 1 flexible conduit (cell-electronic box) 2 flexible conduits 3 flexible conduits AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Comment all types Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for polyester box (digit 9=A,B) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 12 / 13 9 10 11 12 13 Level Transmitter PL3700 PL3700 | | | | | | | | | | 1 1 0 1 Division of Auxitrol Technologies | | | | | | | 1 2 0 1 Calibration | | | | Standard calibration Customized calibration | | | 1 3 0 A B C 1 2 Without test flange With test flange Comment all types all types Test flange option Comment all types all flanged types Mechanical installation options Without any option 316L fixation kit (for immerged mounting) 316L fixation kit + top tank fitting 316L fixation kit + top tank fitting for flexible kit 316L pipe for immerged mounting 316L pipe for immerged mounting + flexible use AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Comment all types all immerged types all immerged types all immerged types all immerged types all immerged types Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Technical Manual All right reserved 6.2. 1 2 NT5090.doc Rev. 01 page 13 / 13 Pressure transmitter PL3700 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | | | G | A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 | S | C | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6 7 8 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PL3700 2 3 P Q R S X 5 F P 0 Y A B | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9 | A | C | | 10 0 A B C D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 11 | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 12 | 0 | | 13 0 A Division of Auxitrol Technologies Pressure Transmitter PL3700 Type of measure Gauge pressure Absolute pressure Range -200 to 1000 mbar 900 to 1100 mbar (atmospheric pressure) 800 to 2000 mbar 0 to 20000 mbar Other range Environment Non-Corrosive Product Corrosive Product ( chemical ) Flange / process connection Welded flange PN40 DN25 1/2'' gas female connection Without flange Other welded flange Type forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if gage pressure (digit 2=G) forbidden if gage pressure (digit 2=G) forbidden if gage pressure (digit 2=G) On request Comment Viton gasket ( standard ) Kalrez gasket, forbidden if digit 3=Q Comment all except atm pressure (digit 3=Q) only for manifold pressure ( digit 3=S ) only for atm pressure ( digit 3=Q ) On request Cable Material and Lenght Comment Polyethylen (PET), lenght in meter (min 01/max 50) all types, temp < 85°C Teflon (FEP), lenght in meter (min 01/max 50) all types, high temp and corrosive atm Electronics Housing Polyester housing 316L stainless steel housing all types, for protected installation all types, for "on deck" installation Flexible options and cable protection No cable protection Adaptators Kit (for flexible conduits) 1 flexible conduit (cell-electronic box) 2 flexible conduits 3 flexible conduits all types Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for polyester box (digit 9=A,B) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Calibration Standard calibration all types Test flange option Without test flange all types Mechanical installation options Without any option 316L fixation kit all types only for atm pressure (digit 3=Q) AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 1 /16 LEVEL & PRESSURE TRANSMITTER Type PL 3700 INSTALLATION & OPERATING MANUAL Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 2 /16 CONTENT 1. DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION ..................................................................................................................3 2. STORAGE...........................................................................................................................................................3 3. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION ..........................................................................................................................3 3.1. 3.2. 4. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ...........................................................................................................................6 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 5. POSITIONING..................................................................................................................................................3 MOUNTING .....................................................................................................................................................3 TRANSDUCER: ...............................................................................................................................................6 REMOTE BOX : ...............................................................................................................................................7 CABLE DEFINITION : POWER SUPPLY ...............................................................................................................8 MOUNTING OF STAINLESS STEEL FLEXIBLE PIPE ...............................................................................................9 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ............................................................................................................................10 PRECAUTIONS FOR INTRINSICALLY SAFE INSTALLATION EEX I .........................................................................10 STARTING UP THE PL3700 ............................................................................................................................11 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. VERIFICATION ..............................................................................................................................................11 PRELIMINARY CHECK ....................................................................................................................................11 CONTROL IN WORKING .................................................................................................................................11 SETTING ......................................................................................................................................................11 6. PL 3700 (PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE).........................................................................12 7. PERSONAL NOTES .........................................................................................................................................13 8. CODIFICATION ................................................................................................................................................14 8.1. 8.2. LEVEL TRANSMITTER PL3700.......................................................................................................................14 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER PL3700................................................................................................................16 DRAWINGS: INDEX Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France M 22865 SHEET 1 & 2. M 23714 SHEET 1 & 2. M 23769 M 24479 M 24663 M 26198 Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 3 /16 1. DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION REFER TO TECHNICAL MANUAL NT5090 2. STORAGE The material should be stored in covered area, and protected in the original packing 3. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION CAUTION: If any kind of work are carry out inside the tanks it is necessary to protect the diaphragm and transducer against chocks, sandblasting, painting, etc…. 3.1. Positioning The PL3700 IS CALIBRATED FOR ONE SPECIFIC TANK ONLY. It must be installed with corresponding tank. Each transducer has to be associated with it own amplifier box (check serial number engraved on both equipment). 3.2. Mounting Different possibilities of mounting are possible : immersed or side mounting, depending of type of tanks, liquid and pressure to measure. Immersed mounting: - Ballast tanks application: (DWG: M23714, M24479, M24663, M26198). Top tank fitting Flexible option S.S 316L Fixation KIT Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved - MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 4 /16 Draft mounting application : Vent pipe T- shape Connection PL 3700 Flange mounting Hull shell Valve - Pole mounting installation: (DWG: M23769, M23714) Flexible option Top tank fitting connection Deck Fixed pipe Side tank Fixations Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 5 /16 Side flange mounting: (DWG: M23714) Two types of flange adapters are available: - Transducer screwed on flange or transducer welded on flange. Flange test (for maintenance) is also available for mounting between transducer and interfacing. To facilitate any maintenance work on transducer, we recommended to install an isolation valve between tank and transducer Transducer Flange Test ISO flange TYPE: 05-B NF E 29-203 ISO flange TYPE: 05-A NF E 29-203 PN16 DN40 Screwed PN16 DN40 PN16 DN40 Welded PN40 DN25 Screwed PN40 DN25 PN40 DN25 Welded Welded Flange PIPE PRESSURE APPLICATION LEVEL APPLICATION Screwed Flange TANK Test Flange Division of Auxitrol Technologies 1/8 test connection plug AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 6 /16 4. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Transducer: (DWG: M23714, M23769, M24663, M26198.) IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATION: Cable isolation must be not damage (Cracks, weld spatter, burn, crush, etc). If cable is installed without protection tube: DO NOT: - Tighten high until crushing of the cable with cable fixation. - Fix cable alongside pipe with temperature which exceed 80°C. - Expose cable to chemical or corrosive product. Cable must be bent with a maximum radius as indicated in following figure. If radius is too small vent pipe inside cable can be crush and transducer will be damaged. Cable gland on top tank or tank penetration must be tighten with tightening torque between 2.5 to 3 m/Kg maxi for not crushing vent pipe inside cable. Cable gland Tightening torque 2.5 to 3 m/Kg 170 mini 4.1. Mini radius 40 mm Bulkhead 50 mini With flexible 130 mini Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved 4.2. MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 7 /16 Remote box : (DWG: M22865, M23714, M23769.) Housing in Polyester (IP66): (Gauge or Absolute application). IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATION: Remote box in Polyester must be installed: - Outside the tank. - In area protected against possible chock which can damage housing. - In area protected against possible projection of chemical or corrosive product which can damage housing. - More high position possible. - With cable gland positioned downward. - In area where room temperature will not exceed +85°C. Remote box in Polyester must not be painted. The polyester box is delivered with a set of two cable gland : one PG13.5 and one PG16 with reducer. Choose the right cable gland depending of your cable diameter and screw it on the box. fter connecting the cable, the cable gland must be be tightened correctly to ensure waterproof. Wet area installation for gauge application. Vent pipe must be connected between remote box venting connection and dry air area (cofferdam, stool etc… ) : thus the transducer can breath without any risk of blocking of venting ( water, dirty, etc… ) which can damage transducer. PG 13 Cable Ø 6 to Ø 12mm or PG 16 Cable Ø 9 to Ø 14mm + reducer Transducer Input Power supply Input Venting for pipe connection 1/8” NPT Cable gland Positioned downward Pipe for venting To dry area Dry air area Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 8 /16 Housing in stainless steel 316L (IP66/67): (Gauge or Absolute application) IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATION: Remote box in stainless steel must be installed: - When there is a risk of chock damage. - On chemical or corrosive area. - Outside the tank. - More high position possible. - With cable gland positioned horizontally. - In area where room temperature will not exceed +85°C. Flexible must be mounted and tightened correctly. Wet area installation for gauge application Vent pipe must be connected between remote box venting connection and dry air area (cofferdam, stool etc… ) : thus the transducer can breath without any risk of blocking of venting ( water, dirty, etc… ) which can damage transducer. Flexible pipe ¾” gas x ISO M17 Flexible pipe ¾” gas x ISO M23 Transducer Input Power supply Input Venting for pipe connection 1/8” NPT Pipe for venting To dry area Dry air area 4.3. Cable definition : power supply 2 Remote box in polyester: 1 pair cable (2 x 0.75 mm ) Ø 6 to 12mm. 2 Remote box in stainless steel: 1 pair cable (2 x 0.75 mm ) Ø 8,5 to 14,5mm. Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved 4.4. MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 9 /16 Mounting of stainless steel flexible pipe The cable-gland body are definitely screwed on remote box housing with a special compound for tightness, do not try to remove them. Cables arrive to stainless steel remote box connection terminal through two flexible pipes delivered with it. This flexible pipe is made, inside, with special rubber and outside, with stainless steel armoring. Different lengths are available. On one side there is a threaded connection to fix to cable protecting pipe and on the other side is an union coupling to fix to remote box gland. General procedure for mounting flexible pipe: - (4) Washer Open remote box cover Remove the plastic protection from body cable gland. Introduce cable into flexible pipe. Screw flexible pipe on coupling (3/4” female conic BSPT) from cable protection pipe (using Teflon tape for good water-tightness). Add items, (1), (2) with (3) then (4) and (5). Cut and strike cable. Introduce cable inside remote box housing. Screw gland nut (2) to compress sealing ring (5). Screw and block counter nut (3). Screw locking nut (6) to gland nut (2) by using two flat wrenches. (1) Sealing washer (5) Sealing ring ( 6) Locking nut Coupling (2) Gland nut (3) Counter nut Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved 4.5. MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 10 /16 Electrical connection - Power OFF the system before any connecting work. Connect power supply wires to terminal block in taking care about polarity. Connect transducer wires to terminal block in taking care about polarity. PCB connection (Drwg:M22865) G 0V Sg 5V +_ G Braid ground Supply 0V (brown) Ground Signal (blue) _ Supply 5V (red) + Power supply 12 – 30 VDC Output 4 – 20 mA Vent plastic pipe 4.6. Precautions for intrinsically safe installation EEx i “Zener” barriers should be installed in Safe Area. Safe area Hazardous area Supply 12 - 30 Vdc Current loop Output 4 - 20mA Zener Shield Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 11 /16 5. STARTING UP THE PL3700 5.1. Verification Before powering ON PL3700, check the polarity on all the equipment connected to the processing line. 5.2. Preliminary check Power ON PL3700. Check the output reading ( in mA ) on PL3700 terminal block : - 5.3. 4 mA if no liquid or no pressure. 4 to 20 mA if liquid or pressure. Control in working Compare level of liquid with value indicated on analog indicator or on monitoring system. INFORMATION - On analog indicator, scale is indicated and calculated with specific gravity used to calibrate PL3700. Before comparing level, check if liquid inside tank has same specific gravity. If it is different, you may have a significant error. - Indication is without any Trim & Heel correction. If the manual sounding pipe is not close to the PL3700, you also may have a significant difference. - For tank with special shape, check if manual sounding pipe is not bent or if end of pipe is not installed above or below PL3700 position. If yes you have to compare volume according with manual sounding tables. 5.4. Setting Calibration of PL3700 is pre-set in factory and no adjustment is required. The measuring range is indicated in mbar on transducer and associated remote box. The indicated value corresponds to maximum hydrostatic pressure calculated as follow (refer to PTDQ §7 ) : P = (H-hz) x Sg x 0,981 P = Hydrostatic pressure. (mbar) H = Total height to gauge. (cm) Hz = Zero line. (cm) Sg = Specific gravity of liquid. Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 12 /16 6. PL 3700 (PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE). H Maxi. tank height (100% volume) 20mA L1 Hv H hz Tank bottom hz Zero line (4 mA) H (cm) hz (cm) Hv (cm) L1 (m) Cable length Specific gravity Serial Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 13 /16 7. PERSONAL NOTES Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 14 /16 8. CODIFICATION 8.1. 1 2 Level transmitter PL3700 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | | | G | A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 | S | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6 7 8 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Level Transmitter PL3700 PL3700 2 3 A B C D E F G H J X 5 C D E F 0 X Y A B | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9 | A | C | | 10 0 A B C D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Division of Auxitrol Technologies | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Type of measure Gauge pressure Absolute pressure Range 0 to 250 mbar (min. range 0 to 175 mbar) 0 to 350 mbar (min. range 0 to 250 mbar) 0 to 500 mbar (min. range 0 to 350 mbar) 0 to 700 mbar (min. range 0 to 500 mbar) 0 to 1000 mbar (min. range 0 to 700 mbar) 0 to 1400 mbar (min. range 0 to 1000 mbar) 0 to 2000 mbar (min. range 0 to 1400 mbar) 0 to 2800 mbar (min. range 0 to 2000 mbar) 0 to 4000 mbar (min. range 0 to 2800 mbar) Other range forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) On request Type Environment Non-Corrosive Product Viton gasket ( standard ) Flange / process connection Screwed flange PN16 DN40 Welded flange PN16 DN40 Screwed flange PN40 DN25 Welded flange PN40 DN25 Without flange Other screwed flange Other welded flange all types all types all types all types all types On request On request Comment Comment Cable Material and Lenght Comment Polyethylen (PET), lenght in meter (min 01/max 50) all types, temp < 85°C Teflon (FEP), lenght in meter (min 01/max 50) all types, temp < 125°C Electronics Housing Polyester housing 316L stainless steel housing all types, for protected installation all types, for "on deck" installation Flexible options and cable protection No cable protection Adaptators Kit (for flexible conduits) 1 flexible conduit (cell-electronic box) 2 flexible conduits 3 flexible conduits all types Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for polyester box (digit 9=A,B) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Comment Comment Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 15 /16 9 10 11 12 13 Level Transmitter PL3700 PL3700 | | | | | | | | | | | 11 | 0 | 1 | | | | | | | 12 | 0 | 1 | | 13 0 A B C 1 2 Division of Auxitrol Technologies Calibration Standard calibration Customized calibration all types all types Comment Test flange option Without test flange With test flange all types all flanged types Comment Mechanical installation options Comment all types Without any option 316L fixation kit (for immerged mounting) all immerged types all immerged types 316L fixation kit + top tank fitting 316L fixation kit + top tank fitting for flexible kit all immerged types all immerged types 316L pipe for immerged mounting + flexible use all immerged types 316L pipe for immerged mounting AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Installation – Operating manual All right reserved 8.2. 1 2 MI5090.doc Rev. 01 Page 16 /16 Pressure transmitter PL3700 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Level Transmitter PL3700 PL3700 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 G | | A | | | | 3 | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Type of measure Gage pressure Absolute pressure 2 | | | | | | | | | | 0 to 175 mbar (min. range 0 to 120 mbar) A B C D E F G H J X 0 to 250 mbar (min. range 0 to 175 mbar) 0 to 350 mbar (min. range 0 to 250 mbar) 0 to 500 mbar (min. range 0 to 350 mbar) 0 to 700 mbar (min. range 0 to 500 mbar) 0 to 1000 mbar (min. range 0 to 700 mbar) 0 to 1400 mbar (min. range 0 to 1000 mbar) 0 to 2000 mbar (min. range 0 to 1400 mbar) 0 to 2800 mbar (min. range 0 to 2000 mbar) 0 to 4000 mbar (min. range 0 to 2800 mbar) Other range Type forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) On request Environment Non-Corrosive Product Comment Viton gasket ( standard ) Flange / process connection Screwed flange PN16 DN40 Welded flange PN16 DN40 Screwed flange PN40 DN25 Welded flange PN40 DN25 Without flange Other screwed flange Other welded flange all types all types all types all types all types On request On request | | | | | | | | | | | 4 S | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 C D E F 0 X Y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6 A B | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9 A C | | | | | | 1 0 0 A B C D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Division of Auxitrol Technologies Range 0 to 120 mbar (min. range 0 to 80 mbar) Comment Cable Material and Lenght Comment Polyethylen (PET), lenght in meter (min all types, temp < 85°C 01/max 50) Teflon (FEP), lenght in meter (min 01/max 50) all types, temp < 125°C Electronics Housing Polyester housing 316L stainless steel housing Comment all types, for protected installation all types, for "on deck" installation Flexible options and cable protection No cable protection Adaptators Kit (for flexible conduits) 1 flexible conduit (cell-electronic box) 2 flexible conduits 3 flexible conduits AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Comment all types Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for polyester box (digit 9=A,B) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 1 / 15 LEVEL & PRESSURE TRANSMITTER Type PL 3700 MAINTENANCE MANUAL Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 2 / 15 CONTENT 1. PRESENTATION AND APPLICATION...............................................................................................................3 2. DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................................................................3 3. MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................................................................3 PERIODIC CONTROL........................................................................................................................................3 “ZERO” AND SPAN CALIBRATION ......................................................................................................................4 3.1. 3.2. 4. RE-CALIBRATING ..............................................................................................................................................6 PL3700 CONFIGURATION ...............................................................................................................................6 CALIBRATION .................................................................................................................................................8 4.1. 4.2. 5. TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................................................................8 6. CUSTOMER’S SERVICES REFERENCES........................................................................................................9 7. SPARE PART LIST .............................................................................................................................................9 8. PL 3700 (PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE).........................................................................11 9. PERSONAL NOTES .........................................................................................................................................12 10. CODIFICATION.............................................................................................................................................13 10.1. 10.2. LEVEL TRANSMITTER PL3700 ...................................................................................................................13 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER PL3700 ............................................................................................................15 INDEX DRAWINGS: Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France M 22865 SHEET 1 & 2. Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 3 / 15 1. PRESENTATION AND APPLICATION REFER TO TECHNICAL MANUAL NT5090 2. DESCRIPTION REFER TO TECHNICAL MANUAL NT5090 3. MAINTENANCE 3.1. Periodic control Auxitrol SA recommends yearly checking of: Transducer: - Visual inspection of cable. - Ceramic membrane is not obstructed by any dirty. Remote box: - Visual inspection of cables. - Flexible pipes are not damaged. - Cable glands are correctly tightened. - Venting pipe is not obstructed by any dirty. Zero and span calibration. - See procedure § 3.2. Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved “Zero” and span calibration OFF R Bu SPAN Bw ZERO ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 Switch for range calibration RANGE TAG + - 0v S/N 24v 3.2. MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 4 / 15 PL3700 Ammeter + + Power supply 12 – 30 VDC “Zero” calibration (gauge sensor application): To check “Zero”, transducer must be placed to atmospheric pressure. - Immersed installation: Remove any liquid or pressure (inert gas) from tank. - Flange installation: Close isolating valve. If test flange, remove 1/8 '' NPT plug. If no test flange dismount the transducer from isolating valve. - Check mA readings: If readings = 4,00 mA, correct. If readings <> 4.00 mA ± 0.3%, adjust “Zero” potentiometer. Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 5 / 15 “Zero” calibration (absolute sensor application): - Immersed installation: Remove any liquid or pressure (inert gas) from tank. - Flange installation: Close isolating valve. If test flange, remove 1/8 '' NPT plug. If no test flange dismount the transducer from isolating valve, connect test pressure equipment with adapted test flange. - Check mA readings: Reading will indicate atmospheric pressure X mA. Before any calibration check existing value from atmospheric pressure. Example: PL3700 absolute range: 900 to 1100 mbar. - 4.00 mA = 900 mbar - 20.00 mA = 1100 mbar - Span = 1100 – 900 = 200 mbar Actual value from atmospheric pressure = 996 mbar. Calibration using test pressure equipment. To test or calibrate absolute pressure sensor, using vacuum test pressure equipment is recommended. Gauge test pressure equipment can be used ( depending on its capability to generated vacuum pressure ). Connect test pressure equipment. Pressure test to apply = 900 mbar ( abs pressure ) or -100 mbar (gauge). If readings = 4.00 mA, correct. If readings <> 4.00 mA ± 0.3%, adjust “Zero” potentiometer. “Span” calibration (gauge sensor application): - Immersed installation: Remove any liquid or pressure (inert gas) from tank. Connect test pressure equipment - Flange installation: Close isolating valve. If test flange, connect test pressure equipment into 1/8 NPT test connection. If no test flange dismount the transducer from isolating valve, connect test pressure equipment with adapted test flange. Apply full range of pressure indicated on transducer or remote box. Check mA readings: If readings = 20,00 mA, correct. If readings <> 20,00 mA ± 0.3%, adjust “Span” potentiometer. Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 6 / 15 “Span” calibration (absolute application): - Immersed installation: Remove any liquid or pressure (inert gas) from tank. Connect test pressure equipment - Flange installation: Close isolating valve. If test flange, connect test pressure equipment into 1/8 NPT test connection. If no test flange dismount the transducer from isolating valve, connect test pressure equipment with adapted test flange. - Check mA readings: Example: To test or calibrate absolute pressure sensor, using vacuum test pressure equipment is recommended. Gauge test pressure equipment can also be used. PL3700 absolute range: 900 to 1100 mbar. - 4,00 mA = 900 mbar - 20.00 mA = 1100 mbar - Span = 1100 – 900 = 200 mbar Actual value from atmospheric pressure = 996 mbar. - Pressure test to apply = 200 mbar -96 mbar = 104 mbar ( gauge pressure ) or 1100 mbar ( absolute pressure ). If readings = 20,00 mA, correct. If readings <> 20,00 mA ± 0.3%, adjust “Span” potentiometer. 4. RE-CALIBRATING 4.1. PL3700 configuration According to the nominal span of transducer and calibrated span needed by customer, it is necessary to place switches according to following table. Switches 1 2 3 4 5 6 Division of Auxitrol Technologies 100% OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON % of SPAN 90% 80% OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON ON ON AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France 70% OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 7 / 15 In case of change the calibration on an existing tank (zero position or maximum tank height are changed), you can use the same PL3700 only if new calibration is still inside 70% of full span (check with following example). If it is not the case, you have to exchange to a new, adapted PL3700 (refer to table § 2.2.). Example: The measuring range is indicated in mbar on transducer and associated remote box. The indicated value corresponds to the maximum hydrostatic pressure calculated as follow (for help use PTDQ § 8). P = (H-hz) x Sg x 0,981 P = Hydrostatic pressure. (mbar) H = Total height to gauge. (cm) Hz = Zero line. (cm) Sg = Specific gravity of liquid. • Existing PL3700 has been calibrated for following tank: H = 370 cm. Hz = 5 cm Sg = 1.025. (Sea water) P = (370-5) x 1.025 x 0,981 = 367 mbar. PL3700 to use is range 0. 350/500 mbar, 73.4% of full span → (367 / 500 x 100 = 73,4%). Switch positions are: 3, 5, 6 = ON, 1, 2, 4 = OFF. • Tank is modified with the following values : H = 350 cm. Hz = 5 cm Sg = 1.025 (sea water). P = (350-5) x 1.025 x 0,981 = 346 mbar. PL3700 to use is range 0. 250/350mbar, 99% of full span → (346 / 350 x 100 = 99%).. Switch positions are : 4, 6 = ON, 1, 2, 3,5 = OFF. Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved 4.2. MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 8 / 15 Calibration Connect test pressure equipment as explained § 3.2. Connect ammeter on PL3700 terminal block as explained § 3.2. Powering ON PL3700. - Apply pressure requested for 4mA if any. - Adjust “Zero” potentiometer to get 4,00 mA ± 0,3%. - Apply pressure requested for 20 mA (example 346 mbar). - Adjust “Span” potentiometer to get 20,00 mA ± 0,3%. - Apply again pressure of zero point, and check again if 4.00 mA still correct. - If no, adjust again “Zero” potentiometer to get 4,00 mA ± 0,3% and repeat previews operations until calibration become correct. 5. TROUBLESHOOTING Trouble Possible trouble Indication Error Action - “Zero” setting - Adjust “Zero” - “Span” setting - Adjust “Span” - Specific gravity - Check if specific gravity is same used than for calibration - Check if venting pipe is not blocked or crushed - Breather venting pipe Indication still “Zero” Indication still “Maximum ” - Check voltage on PL3700 - Check zener output and input voltage - Power supply failure - Isolating valve closed - Open the valve - Faulty sensor - Replace sensor - Faulty sensor - Replace sensor Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 9 / 15 6. CUSTOMER’S SERVICES REFERENCES For any request or help you can contact AUXITROL S.A. customer's services at the following references. Fax: + 33 (0) Email: aagostini@auxitrol.com For sending equipment to check or to repair: AUXITROL S.A. System and sensors division Customer’s department 5 allée Charles PATHE 18941 BOURGES Cedex France. 7. SPARE PART LIST For best and faster after sales services you can fill and send us following board to order spare part needed. To facilitate order it is recommended to indicate serial and tag number from existing PL3700. To choose correct items use drawings M22865 folio 1 & 2 and codification § 10. Information requested DESIGNATION Remote box in Polyester Remote box in Stainless steel Flexible pipe Electronic board Transducer Fixation kit Flange Serial number Used for absolute or gauge measurement Used for absolute or gauge measurement see codification Range and Type of measurement QUANTITY 5 weeks 5 weeks 5 weeks 5 weeks 5 weeks 5 weeks 5 weeks Size Division of Auxitrol Technologies Delay AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 10 / 15 Customer’s Informations ( refer to codification §10) : Customer’s references Date of order Customer’s signing Company: Contact: Tel: Fax: Address: Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 11 / 15 8. PL 3700 (PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE). H Maxi. tank height (100% volume) 20mA L1 Hv H hz Tank bottom hz Zero line (4 mA) H (cm) hz (cm) Hv (cm) L1 (m) Cable length Specific gravity Serial Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 12 / 15 9. PERSONAL NOTES Division of Auxitrol Technologies AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 13 / 15 10. CODIFICATION 10.1. Level transmitter PL3700 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Level Transmitter PL3700 PL3700 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 G | | A | | | | 3 | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Type of measure Gage pressure Absolute pressure 2 | | | | | | | | | | 0 to 175 mbar (min. range 0 to 120 mbar) A B C D E F G H J X 0 to 250 mbar (min. range 0 to 175 mbar) 0 to 350 mbar (min. range 0 to 250 mbar) 0 to 500 mbar (min. range 0 to 350 mbar) 0 to 700 mbar (min. range 0 to 500 mbar) 0 to 1000 mbar (min. range 0 to 700 mbar) 0 to 1400 mbar (min. range 0 to 1000 mbar) 0 to 2000 mbar (min. range 0 to 1400 mbar) 0 to 2800 mbar (min. range 0 to 2000 mbar) 0 to 4000 mbar (min. range 0 to 2800 mbar) Other range Type forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) all (abs and gage pressure ) On request Environment Non-Corrosive Product Comment Viton gasket ( standard ) Flange / process connection Screwed flange PN16 DN40 Welded flange PN16 DN40 Screwed flange PN40 DN25 Welded flange PN40 DN25 Without flange Other screwed flange Other welded flange all types all types all types all types all types On request On request | | | | | | | | | | | 4 S | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 C D E F 0 X Y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6 A B | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9 A C | | | | | | 1 0 0 A B C D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Division of Auxitrol Technologies Range 0 to 120 mbar (min. range 0 to 80 mbar) Comment Cable Material and Lenght Comment Polyethylen (PET), lenght in meter (min all types, temp < 85°C 01/max 50) Teflon (FEP), lenght in meter (min 01/max 50) all types, temp < 125°C Electronics Housing Polyester housing 316L stainless steel housing Comment all types, for protected installation all types, for "on deck" installation Flexible options and cable protection No cable protection Adaptators Kit (for flexible conduits) 1 flexible conduit (cell-electronic box) 2 flexible conduits 3 flexible conduits AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Comment all types Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for polyester box (digit 9=A,B) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 14 / 15 9 10 11 12 13 Level Transmitter PL3700 PL3700 | | | | | | | | | | | 11 | 0 | 1 | | | | | | | 12 | 0 | 1 | | 13 0 A B C 1 2 Division of Auxitrol Technologies Calibration Standard calibration Customized calibration all types all types Comment Test flange option Without test flange With test flange all types all flanged types Comment Mechanical installation options Comment all types Without any option 316L fixation kit (for immerged mounting) all immerged types all immerged types 316L fixation kit + top tank fitting 316L fixation kit + top tank fitting for flexible kit all immerged types all immerged types 316L pipe for immerged mounting + flexible use all immerged types 316L pipe for immerged mounting AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company Systems & Sensors Division PL3700 Maintenance manual All right reserved MM5090 Rev. 01 Page 15 / 15 10.2. Pressure transmitter PL3700 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | | | G | A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 | S | C | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6 7 8 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PL3700 2 3 P Q R S X 5 F P 0 Y A B | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9 | A | C | | 10 0 A B C D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 11 | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 12 | 0 | | 13 0 A Division of Auxitrol Technologies Pressure Transmitter PL3700 Type of measure Gauge pressure Absolute pressure Range -200 to 1000 mbar 900 to 1100 mbar (atmospheric pressure) 800 to 2000 mbar 0 to 20000 mbar Other range Environment Non-Corrosive Product Corrosive Product ( chemical ) Flange / process connection Welded flange PN40 DN25 1/2'' gas female connection Without flange Other welded flange Type forbidden if abs pressure (digit 2=A) forbidden if gage pressure (digit 2=G) forbidden if gage pressure (digit 2=G) forbidden if gage pressure (digit 2=G) On request Comment Viton gasket ( standard ) Kalrez gasket, forbidden if digit 3=Q Comment all except atm pressure (digit 3=Q) only for manifold pressure ( digit 3=S ) only for atm pressure ( digit 3=Q ) On request Cable Material and Lenght Comment Polyethylen (PET), lenght in meter (min 01/max 50) all types, temp < 85°C Teflon (FEP), lenght in meter (min 01/max 50) all types, high temp and corrosive atm Electronics Housing Polyester housing 316L stainless steel housing all types, for protected installation all types, for "on deck" installation Flexible options and cable protection No cable protection Adaptators Kit (for flexible conduits) 1 flexible conduit (cell-electronic box) 2 flexible conduits 3 flexible conduits all types Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for polyester box (digit 9=A,B) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Only for SST box ( digit 9=C ) Calibration Standard calibration all types Test flange option Without test flange all types Mechanical installation options Without any option 316L fixation kit all types only for atm pressure (digit 3=Q) AUXITROL S.A. 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex France Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment Tel. : + 33.(0) Fax : + 33.(0) Email : systemes.dir@auxitrol.com AUXITROL S.A. - 602 023 251 R.C.S Bourges An Esterline Technologies Company 5 5-1 5-2