COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus Terminal Examinations Spring 2021 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Program/Class:___BEE/6C_________ Subject: _Control Systems__ Total Time Allowed:_3 Hours (09:00-12:00 hrs)__ Student Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________09-July-2021____________ Instructor: __Engr.Saad Hassan Maximum Marks: _______50______________ Registration#: ___________________________ Q1: Determine the stability of following system using the Routh-Hurwitz method. [CLO-2, PLO-2] (12.5) 1 𝑆 R(s) E(s) 2 𝑆+3 50 Y(s) 3 1 𝑆+2 x Q2) In many modern automobiles cruise control is used to reduce driver fatigue, instead of pressing the accelerator pedal, to control throttle it uses actuator. Cruise control is connected to accelerator and to maintain the preset speed it uses an actuator for controlling the throttle. Design a PID controller using Ziegler-Nichol’s method for this system so that the speed of vehicle can be controlled. [CLO-3, PLO-3] (12.5) Where (M) (b) mass of the vehicle damping coefficient X*100 kg 500/X N.sec/m Q3. Determine the output responses for the two mass bodies mechanical system described in figure below. All initial conditions are zero. [CLO-1, PLO-1] (12.5) f1=sin t f2=9 𝑡 2 Q4.For the following electric circuit, design a close loop state space system using the pole placement technique which tracks a unit step input. The desired roots in complex plane should be place in such a way that the system achieves minimum settling time having undamped natural frequency equal to 4. The state variables are voltage across capacitor (also the output) and current through inductor. [CLO-3, PLO-3] (12.5) Note: in all the questions there is a variable X X=Your Registration Number e.g. if your registration number FA18-BEE-032/WAH than X=32