Logan Park High School Year 10 Food Technology Ra Maakete - Market Day Na you rourou, na taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi “With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive” Name - ___________________________________________ Due Date - ___________________ 1 Do a checklist table for the teacher with student names on for the different stages Google Sheets Marking Rubric Weekly Outline Teacher page to record what the pairs are making Food Order pages Recipes until own trials All this in a folder I was pleased with.. exemplar statements at the end Homework tasks list The Situation - where you describe how you will take advantage of a need or an opportunity, or solve a problem. For your student Market Day product you will take advantage of an opportunity (to sell an innovative food product to a member of your school community) and you may also choose to solve a problem or take advantage of a need at the same time. THE ISSUE: The Opportunity Logan Park High School has a diverse population of students who are teenagers. This age group is well-known for its love of novelty and fun. You will design, trial and produce an innovative food product for sale at a one-off school market stall to be held at lunchtime in Term One. WHAT ARE THE ATTRIBUTES ( RULES AND MUST HAVES) - 12 This is the physical (appearance, colour, flavour, texture) and functional (nutrition) nature of the outcome, for example, ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Made from scratch (no processed foods) Able to be stored until sale (not made on the day) Appealing to the majority of students Affordable Reasonably healthy (lowish in sugar, high in fibre, baked not fried etc) 2 ★ ★ ★ ★ Prepared ahead of time Portable Labelled with ingredients A degree of innovation Coming up with ideas is often the hardest part! Luckily there are some tools you can use to help you. One of the best is S.C.A.M.P.E.R which stands for S = Substitute e.g. instead of sugar use honey, artificial sweetener, stevia C = Combine e.g bring together two random ideas e.g. an ice-block and a scone could be “Scones on a stick” as a dipper for soup; cupcakes and a lucky dip could be cup cakes with icing where each colour has a flavour different from what you might expect (i.e. green tastes like raspberry; yellow tastes like mint; red tastes like butterscotch etc. A = Adapt e.g. find a way to change the product so that it can have other uses e.g. ice-cream that has extra calcium; a product that normally needs to be scooped up with a spoon but that you design so that it can be picked up and eaten in a bite (frozen, a gel) or squeezed out of a tube etc M = Modify e.g. change the flour to gluten free flour; change butter to oil; make it smaller (mini sizes); make a tube out of something flat e.g pastry with a filling etc P = Put something in e.g an addition such as a new layer, an extra flavour, something crunchy for texture, E = Eliminate - take something out e.g. fat, colour, butter, cheese R = Reverse - inside out, upside down, back to front e.g. a wrap with the lettuce on the outside instead of a flour wrap; a lamington with the chocolate icing mixed with coconut inside a sponge as frozen balls of icing. Your teacher will take you through some ideas on the board. Do teacher ideas list. Some past ideas at Year 10 Logan Park High School have included Russian Roulette cupcakes - identical iced cupcakes (12 for sale) but four of them had a teaspoon of chilli paste in the middle. Customers knew that and bought one on the understanding that theirs might contain the chilli. So popular and sold out! Combine of cupcakes with a game of chance. Scones on a stick combo with soup - scone dough shaped like an iceblock, cooked and then a popsicle stick inserted into the cooked scone. Sold as a dipper with hot pumpkin soup. Sold out! Combine. Coloured fruit pies - sweet short pastry made and then coloured with different colours. Sold as little fruit pies - so pretty! Blue, pink, orange. Modify. 3 Now you will work with your partner to come up with some initial ideas. Remember that this is not about unhealthy fast food. This is you being a clever inventor. Don’t rush this stage... Write below the initial brainstorm ideas that you and your partner have had (at least four) - to be signed off by your teacher. Initial Idea Example - frozen watermelon kebabs SCAMPER At least four attributes (list) Combine - kebabs with ice blocks Healthy, able to be stored ahead, appealing to the majority of students, portable. 1. 2. 3. 4. Rank these ideas in order of 1 = Best Idea and 4 = Not likely to make with a reason beside each e.g. 4 “We probably won’t make this one as we won’t be able to keep the food hot at sale time”. Ranking of Ideas in Order of Likely to Make Reason for the ranking 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher Sign Off (all sections fully completed) - ______________________________ Describe the social and physical environment where the Market Day product will be purchased and eaten 1. Social environment (people in that area and how they use it) - __________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Physical environment (buildings, space, plantings, walkways, near-by buildings) 4 ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ INITIAL BRIEF Conceptual Statement My partner and I plan to make ___________________________because ______________________________________________________________. It will be purchased by (stakeholders) _____________________________ to be consumed at _______________________________. The attributes (at least 8) are that it is _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ STAKEHOLDERS A stakeholder is anyone who has an interest in your product Main Stakeholders: Person for whom you are making the item ( your family) Secondary Stakeholders: People who have an interest or are associated with your project ( eg teacher, nutritionist, friends ) 5 RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATE STAKEHOLDERS (PREFERENCES) 1. Interview four friends (not in this class) using Google Forms as a survey to find out which of your ideas students may prefer. 2. You will do this before you decide on what to make first. THis is called a focus group. 3. You will take your finished product back to them before you sell it to the school. Sample questions could be ★ ★ ★ ★ Would you like a surprise? What would you be willing to pay? Would you like something as a snack or a meal? Do you have any allergies? Your teacher will show you a sample questionnaire. Questions you will ask 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Teacher sign off (sighted Google Form completed): _______________________________________________ Summary survey responses I found out that my focus group would like/not like (add more in if relevant) 1. 2. 3. Teacher sign off - sighted student responses to Google Form Survey - ____________ 6 These will influence your specifications and your Conceptual Statement Below (do a teacher resource for comparison between the first one and the second one) Revised Conceptual statement (what you are making, who for and why, where it will be eaten and with who and what it must have) I am going to make (WHAT) ___________________________________________ for (WHO) _____________________________ because (WHY) ________________ _________________________ at (WHERE) ________________________________ with (WITH WHO) ________________________________________ It must have (ATTRIBUTES) (note at least six) 1. _____________________________ 2. ______________________________ 3. _____________________________ 4. ______________________________ 5. _____________________________ 6. ______________________________ RESEARCH For the idea you have chosen there will be an existing link with a product that has given you the idea. Find at least four images of an existing food product that has influenced what you want to make e.g. Scones on a stick? You would have some pictures of scones including pinwheel and some pictures of ice blocks. Insert the images into the table below - 7 . Final Brief (Statement of what you are making with all the detail). Copy the Conceptual Statement and make it into a flowing sentence (without the brackets). ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Teacher Sign Off - ____________________________________ SPECIFICATIONS You now need to describe what your own product must have e.g. Scones on a Stick it must be ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ able to stay on the stick while being dipped in hot soup wide enough to fit in the purchaser’s mouth tasty golden brown made in under one hour wrapped and be able to be kept frozen appeal to a wide variety of people. These are a bit like a shopping list that list everything required to complete the project. They can be changed or altered as long as it is explained in writing. 8 Relate them to your stakeholder and the product function in it’s intended environment and explain why they are important. Specifications: List what your product must have (using the example above) 1.________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________________________ 6._________________________________________________________________ SKETCH YOUR IDEAS ON AN A4 PIECE OF PAPER, ANNOTATE (LABEL THE PARTS - SEE TEACHER EXAMPLE) AND TAKE A PHOTO OF THE PAGE. UPLOAD IT TO YOUR DRIVE AND IMPORT INTO THE SPACE BELOW. 9 Send your focus group members your Final Brief Statement as a Gmail and ask them to rate it on a scale of 1 - 5, 1 being the highest with a reason if possible. Show your teacher the replies. Teacher Sign Off __________________________________________ Summarise the feedback e.g. No one had allergies, all of them would like a surprise, the highest amount willing to pay was $4.50 etc 1. 2. 3. 4. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ MODELLING: INITIAL RECIPE AND PRODUCTION PLAN (PLANNING DOCUMENTS) From the results of your Focus Group feedback, the annotated sketch and your justification of why you have chosen the best idea to trial, you can now write your recipe for making. TRIAL # 1 NAME OF RECIPE: Preheat the oven (if required) - temperature and mode e.g. 180 degrees C Bake Equipment Ingredients 1. _______________________________ 2.________________________________ etc 10 Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. etc Trial #2 EVALUATION OF INITIAL RECIPE SENSORY EVALUATION Use the descriptors on the sensory evaluation sheet to help you fill this in Name of recipe Appearance Aroma (Smell) Texture Flavour Rating Make a mark on the line below to indicate where your satisfaction with the product from Trial #1 is 1 ______________________________________________________________5 Needs work Couldn’t be better Changes I would make to improve it overall- e.g. change the cooking time from 20 minutes to 25 then check. 11 1. Change _________________ from to ____________________________ 2. Change _________________ from to ____________________________ 3. Change _________________ from to ____________________________ Trial #2 Rewrite here if needed, or use Trial #1 recipe with the changes noted above. Trial #2 EVALUATION OF INITIAL RECIPE SENSORY EVALUATION Use the descriptors on the sensory evaluation sheet to help you fill this in Name of recipe Appearance Aroma (Smell) Texture Flavour Rating Make a mark on the line below to indicate where your satisfaction with the product from Trial #1 is 1 ______________________________________________________________5 Needs work Couldn’t be better Changes I would make to improve it overall- e.g. change the cooking time from 20 minutes to 25 then check. 4. Change _________________ from to ____________________________ 5. Change _________________ from to ____________________________ 6. Change _________________ from to ____________________________ Evaluation after Trial #2 - From the results I found that ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 12 FINAL BRIEF We are going to make ___________________________________ for our Original Market Day Product because the focus group feedback and the results of the Trials showed that __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Design a short Feedback form (Google Docs) (4 - 5 questions with a 1 - 5 format) for purchasers of your product to fill out on Market Day. Try to get at least five responses. Insert your Feedback form below - Take a photo of your product being sold on Market Day, upload the photo to your Drive and insert it below - STUDENT ASSESSMENT UNIT: VEGETARIAN MEALS Technology Curriculum Strands - Level 5 Students develop an outcome through Technological practice supported by learning outcome as follows: 13 Formulate and describe design ideas (ideation), and evaluate suitability of ideas (ODE) Establish key attributes for an outcome informed by stakeholder (focus group) considerations (BD) Describe examples to illustrate how an outcome fitness for purpose was enhanced (TP) Describe and evaluate knowledge and skills used Self Assessment Self-Assessment Criteria I can describe design ideas and evaluate the suitability of ideas I questioned stakeholders (focus group) to establish key attributes I can describe examples of how my outcomes fitness for purpose was improved I can identify the knowledge and skills that I used I can use time effectively and work co-operatively L3 I was pleased with… I need to work on… Excellent Very Good Good Fair My effort during this unit was: 14 Poor L4 L5 TEACHER’S ASSESSMENT CRITERIA / COMMENTS Teacher Assessment Criteria / Comments Assessment Criteria Brief Development Above( L 6) Within (L5) Below (L4) Established a conceptual statement that justifies the nature of the outcome and why such an outcome should be developed Establish a conceptual statement that justifies the nature of the outcome and why such an outcome should be developed Establish a conceptual statement that communicates the nature of the outcome and why such an outcome should be developed Evidence Stakeholder questions Refined brief Final Brief development Generate design ideas that are informed by research and the critical analysis of existing outcomes Existing ideas What have identified Use planning tools to establish and review key stages, identify and manage all resources and to determine and guide actions to ensure completion of an outcome Planning sheet Generate design ideas that are informed by research and analysis of existing outcomes Describe design ideas (either through drawing models and /or verbally ) or potential outcomes Use planning tools to record key planning decisions regarding the management of time, resources, and stakeholder interactions Review progress at set review points and revise time management as appropriate to ensure completion of an outcome Outcome development & Evaluation Evidence Planning for Practice Evidence Comments 15