PARTICIPANT INFORMATION SHEET STUDY TITLE: Effects of Mothers’ and Fathers’ Parenting Styles on Young Adults’ Self-Regulated Learning Please take your time to read the following information carefully. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY? This research aims to find a better understanding of the preference of the most appropriate parenting styles in Malaysia according to fathers and mothers and how it affects young adults’ self-regulated learning. This study will be completed in about 15-20 minutes. You will be given the link to a Google form to answer based on the topic above. WHY HAVE I BEEN INVITED TO PARTICIPATE? You have been invited to participate in the study because you are a student in Malaysia between the ages of 18-29 years old. Additionally participants must: » Currently have both of their parents with them. » Currently be studying in any university in Malaysia. DO I HAVE TO TAKE PART? Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You still have the right to withdraw at any time before submission of the form without having to give a reason. Please note that choosing to either take part or not to take part in the study will have no impact on you in any manner related to the researcher or institution. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ME IF I TAKE PART? (Details of the procedure) You will be involved in the study for 20 minutes maximum. You will be using a computer that will prompt you to respond to statements and questions related to the effects of parenting styles and gender on self-regulated learning of young adults. It consists of 2 questionnaires - 30 items for Part B(i) and Part B(ii) and 44 items for Part C respectively. WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE DISADVANTAGES AND RISKS OF TAKING PART? You will be solicited to contribute between 15-20 minutes of your time to answer these questions but other than that, there are no predicted dangers or disservices in participating. WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE BENEFITS OF TAKING PART? Your commitment will be essential for advancing my comprehension of effects of parenting styles on self-regulated learning of young adults. WILL MY INFORMATION IN THIS STUDY BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL? Your responses will be treated with full classification and kept unknown and might be utilized by the researcher directing the study. Your consent form and contact data will be put away independently from surveys or potentially other information gathered as a major aspect of the study. These will be put away in a safe secret key ensured area available just to the researcher leading the study. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH STUDY? The results of this study will be utilized as a component of my coursework for BPY3318 Research Project and may likewise be dispersed at academic meetings/talks as well as distributed in peer-reviewed, academic journals. WHO IS ORGANISING AND FUNDING THE RESEARCH? I am directing the research as an understudy at the Quest International University Perak as a feature of my BPY3318 Research Project coursework venture inside my Bachelor of Psychology (Honors) program. WHO HAS APPROVED THIS STUDY? The research has been affirmed through the QIUP research ethics board. CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION In the event that you wish to get additional data concerning this study, it would be ideal if you email the principle investigator, Veronica James Iruthianatham by email at or the co-investigator, Ms. Farrah Sow at In the event that you have any worry about the manner by which the study has been directed, you should contact the principle investigator, Veronica James Iruthianatham by email at or by telephone at 010-3749256. In the occasion you encounter any emotional distress you can likewise contact the Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Nee Nee Chan,, and additionally the Director of Student Affairs, Mr. Dasuki Wahab,, 012-2027211. THANK YOU Thank you for taking your time to read the information sheet. DATE 18/11/2020.