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Siemens TBS000 Gas Turbine Brochure | Specs & Features

The TBS000 was designed for industrial duty, with the same philosophy as
earlier Gas Turbines being appiied, such as reliability. This gives the TBS000
tl1e ability to run for long periods witi1out change of major components allied
to on-site maintenance capability.
The TBS000 offered proven reliability, with over 800
TB units :.,f 111 types in ,vorldv11ide operati Jrl which
h,.ive a:crued in e>.cess .,:,f ,(I 111illion runni1:9 h0urs.
The I tsYJ\JcJ ael.ve, s between 3.4 and 3.81tvW .or..:t;n£;
and its twin sh.3t :-unti!;,U,"tion i-,rvv:de$ fo, a w!de ,d, ge
ot pu.Ner y ..e. ti n ::nd .·.,eL11a11i._al d, ive aµplicatiuns :..
any en !r 11m-=,lt.
The TBSOoc·s compa - de iy.. ,rnd edse0f t,>e,c:1 i0n a11d
ma:nte. a,,ce mad.=,t n :deal t,Jrime muve,· fur 0ffshcre
pla for mJ and remote :nsta,13 iuns.
The TBS000 offered:
■ Proven reliability
Low maintenance cost
■ Low installed cost
■ Easy on-site maintenance
■ High availability
Reliable starting
■ Ease of operation
■ Dual fuel capability
Steam injection capability
■ Single-lift package capability
Inlet & exhaust ducting layout flexibility
with autor,,atic changeover form primary to 5econdary
fuel possible acros the entire load range.
The two-stage power tur:.,ine, with externally ail cooled
discs. is ae:odynamicaiiy coupleo to the gas gene ator.
and provides power for the driven unit. Lont:oyl ste111
ro .-11aintain alignment between :otating and static
elements. the power tu bine stator casing is attached to
the gearbo, through air couled suppo:t struts within the
exhaust elbow. Compactness withigidity is a feature of
the power turbine assembly.
·1 he highly respo,,sive 1B5000 offered unmatched
T<exa o's TJrtan Field p, Jtform with 13 Siemens G'Js Turbines
ins,al'e,:; five to d,i.e ::i'.nera,or , two for ,,ain oil lin<3pump urive
ti,ree to uri•·e 9ascompressor and three to drive water in;e·tion
pumps. txhat.st hea, fro,,1 thegas tt.rbines driviny thegenerators
,vos ret0vered and used in the processing of the v e/1 os.
Design Features
A heavy duty industrial gas turbine, the TBSOOO
offered the characteristics of high reliability and lo.:g
life associa<ed ,. ith ,:ell designed turbo ma hi..eIy.
fne Tfs:iOOLl : o.,np.e q:.::e .1ni, wh1Lh co11sis.s uf"
,2-sl3ye suo o,,,c a";,,:-i'low Lu,npre'.::o a two-st::.yc Ji;
cou,ed o ,e.hu:ig c0mp, essu.u,bine foll. combusdur,
.:ha·,,;.,e·s und a sei:,arate tvVo- tagL i,owerurbine. ihe
co,np·:essor featu es variable in:et guide vanes to modulate
ai. flow anL.assu:e fast easy 5tart up and ma:-.imur11
efficiency ur1C:er partial loacs l'he cent;-e ca5ing is split
hori,:ontally along the centre line p:ovid:ng access to the
compressor with the r,d11imum of dismantling.
The ;our reve se-flow tuuular cor11uustion chamtiers
eYternaIiy mounted around the forward face of the
centre casing assembly. are specially designed ,or long
life and a e readil, accessible for inspection purposes.
The 1Iev:b!e fuel systern is capable of operating on a wide
-.,a iety of gaseous fuels includinge,ine y gas, landfill
gas and high L02 cuntent as, a ell as distillate fuel,
relia ility for base load electrical power generation
and mechanical drive, onshore and offshore. A version
of the TBSOOO was also used as a prime mover in the
Nomad 5, a compact, self contained, mobile power
station designed to meet base load and peak electrical
demands up to 3.SM·N.
The TBSOOO is well suited for cogeneration and combined
cycle power applications. Using exhaust gas to generate
steam for process use or supplementary power
generation significantly increases the system efficiency.
Steam may also be used for injection into the TB OOO to
increase the power output which also reduces heat rate
and emissions. Options exist for emissions control by
primary inJection, power enhancement up to 4.2MW
ISO by secondary injection and power enhancement
with emissions control using both injection systems.
A fully integrated Siemens controls package suitable for
all applications is available, offering high reliability and
incorporating features to enhance engine and systems
Options are available to provide control sequencing and
monitoring of driven equipment and auxiliaries used in
power generation, cogeneration and mechanical drive
applications. The controls pac age may also be extended
to cover data logging, plant supervisory control and
financial management of complex power systems.
A Siemens TBS000 gas turbine
driving a 3.3 MW generator at the
pharmaceutical works of the Boots
Company pie at Beeston, near
Nottingham. The exhaust from the
turbine was fed into a boiler which,
with the provision of auxiliary firing,
produced 60, ooo lblhr of process
steam at a pressure of 340 psig. The
installation achieved an efficiency
well over 74%.
Optional Equipment
The TBS000 has been designed for ease of on-site
maintenance thereby maximizing operating
availability and minimizing downtime.
A concept of standard optional equipment provides a
wide range of proven, pre-engineered equipment.
Modular fuel and lubricating oil systems are mounted
away from the hot parts of the engine. Accessibly and
conveniently located on the turbine base are all of the
cable and pipe connections.
Design features included:
On-or-off site maintenance capability
■ Horizontally split centre casing facilitates easy
inspection of the compressor rotor and stator blades
and turbine inlet support casing and bearings
■ Using standard roll-out gear, the gas generator is
easily removed from the turbine for blade inspection
and overhaul
■ Combustion chambers and fuel burners easily
Standard output shaft speeds suit most available driven
machines. A direct drive speed of 7900 rev/minis suitable
for centrifugal pumps and compressors and with an integral
epicyclic or parallel shaft gearbox, shaft speeds within
the speed range of 1500 to 18,000 rev/min are provided.
Weights & Dimensions
accessible if servicing is required
■ Gas generator easily transportable by air in a custom
Base Engine
built container
Planned inspection intervals of 8000 fired hours, or
annually, with an intermediate inspection every third
year or 24000 fired hours and major inspection every six
years or qsooo fired hours, give low cost maintenance
and high availability (;·lote: these inspections are
designated A, B and C).
Length - 19'0" (5790 mm)
Height - 8'0" (2438 mm)
Width - 8'0" (2438 mm)
Weight - 30,000 lb (13,608 kg)
Generator Set
Length - 32'0" (9753 mm)
The design of the gas turbine provides operators with the
facility to carry out at site blade inspection and servicing
of the unit or, at the operator's choice, at a Siemens
approved Service Centre.
Standard roll-out gear enables the gas generator to be
simply removed from the turbine when blade inspection
is due, or when servicing is required. With the gas
generator removed, the rotating assembly is readily
accessible by removing the top half of the stator casing.
ombustion chambers and fuel burners are equally
accessible when servicing is required.
Height - 8'0" (2438 mm)
Width - 8'0" (2438 mm)
Weight - 63,000 lb (28,577 kg)
Pump Set
Length - 26'0" (7925 mm)
Height - 8'0" (2438 mm)
Width - 8'0" (2438 mm)
Weight - 43,000 lb (19,505 kg)
Compressor Set
Length - 26'0" (7925 mm)
Height - 8'0" (2438 mm)
Width - 8'0" (2438 mm)
Weight - 57,000 lb (25,855 kg)
Normal Continuous Ratings
Altitude Correction Parameter
AJtitude Om
AJtitude Of
SOOGft 10.JOOft
o. 4
.sn Rating at 15 °L (59 °f)
and Sea Le el 4900.
bHP output shaft speed 7900 rev,min.
The performance figures given are with lero inlet and
exhaust duct and gearbox losses. tandard gearbox loss for
indirect drive is 1.5%.
ISO Rating 4900 BHP
. ,o
lou uutµut g.,1.1iJux
60 ·c
CJirect drive - no output gearbox
inlet arid e, ha:.. t d (ting losses ha'.? ot been d:?b:ted. Power
turbine spee'.J, 950 ri;v'min.
Exhaust t mf'eratures and Mass Flows an, typical of current
,.,rodu :ti0n engines.
Overall thermal efficiencies ranging from 55% to 90% are vbtainable
when using a gas turtine as the single power .:nd heat source in an
integrated mc:nufacturing process.·,he curves show the variation of
e;..haust gas ,.,ass flow and te111perature at sea level and different
a,nbient te111peratures.
Since the exhaust gasses are rich in unconsumed oxygen, auxiliary
firing can be employed to increase the heat available by a factor of
up to four or fi e toonedepending on application.
_.- ..-'¾,
Published by and copyright 2013:
Siemens AG
Energy Sector
=reye;lebensuasse 1
Y10S8 Erlangen. Germany
Siemens Energ) Inc.
4400 A1a'ay3 Trau
Jrlando, F. ,a;639;_vSA
,:or r.,ore ;11rorm3ti n, ,;,ease ontact
ourust mer s,· r rt Center.
.hone T ,9 ·.80 524 7J 00
::ax: +49180 524 2 I, 1
(,:h3rges depending n provider)
:: mai;- support.ene: _.,y@siemens.com
Ene•c;,y Service uivision
LLN 2013 -'33.18 LN
Printed on elementary chlorine-free
blea.hed paper.
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