Uploaded by Vincent Sante

Surface Area & Volume Quiz: Geometry Problems

ILO 28-30 QUIZ
Show your solution. 4 points if either the first or the second column is correct. 5 points if both columns are correct. No solution, no
points. Rating for many rows addressing an ILO will be averaged.
5.00 – Exemplary (Achieved the ILO with mastery of the concept)
4.00 – Satisfactory (Achieved the ILO with no mistakes)
3.00 – Developing (Partially achieved the ILO with minor mistakes)
2.00 – Beginning (Partially achieved the ILO with major mistakes)
1.00 – Poor (Failed to achieve the ILO. Not following instructions)
ILO 28 Determine surface
area of solid figures
Column 1
1. Find the surface area of a ball with a diameter
of 33 cm.
2. Determine the surface area of a rolling dice with
one side equals to 1 in.
3. A cone has a base diameter of 10 in and a
perpendicular height of 12 in. What is the
surface area?
4. Find the surface area of the following figure
given 𝑎 = 4, ℎ is perpendicular to the base and
all edges are equal.
ILO 29 Determine volume
of solid figures
5. Determine the volume of the figures in No. 1-4.
ILO 30 Apply formulas for
surface area and volume
in solving geometric
6. A canning company plans to reduce its
manufacturing cost by decreasing both the
height and diameter of the can by 29/30. Given
that the original height of the can is 4.2 in and
the diameter is 2.7 in, how many tin sheet in in2
was saved in making a can after the reduction?
7. A conical upright tank with a base diameter of 2
m and a height of 1.5 m was filled with liquid.
After 24 hours, it was discovered that the tank is
leaking and upon measuring the height of the
liquid, it was only 1 m. Find the amount of liquid
left in m3?
1.5 𝑚
Column 2
A pool is to be constructed with the
dimensions shown in the figure below. If
a gallon of paint can cover 400 ft2 of
surface, how many paint is needed to
cover the walls and floor of the pool?
How many liters of water can it carry
when full?