PROPERT 1ES lone pur ot Follows ctek rule Central atom 1 N Rutherfor Model Bohr Model Planetany eouble bonn clo Signifier thi's Brackets - Dense Positie nacles vhere electons oroit arsne it lite Vaaue planctS orß the SunPriociple nucdeus Hgdroqen fixe shells, and HTom more between orbris Positive nucleus witm asorbing ur releasin enere electons 6ccupyng o76 molecda i s a resonance he maleele hus bri.Doule bond dostit ochuly exst Mitep ck 3veiall thopme orbital Shalowest Eheray 2.0rhital-shage Guastustonbi fS* partiularsSed6ials i c Guatan unr S p i n sf elcccron speahc Elect tds fill empty ordals and then puir Hp. RULE (EXCLUS TON 1s 2P 25 Carbon-C State Gnd p hsial proçeltie olar covaleyt oni Intramoleculor force hoh-pola Polar covlent weak Lon attraces to Dispersion D-induced-D dipole hrak tPafrary torre wak forue wiên a poar molecde tauses a dipde in anen-Por molecule. Tonic solis 2.D-D bonds -brite 3.I-D &on 4. Tnduced bonds -hgh 5Dispecsion -hard H Attactian of opposte pertial chovgd -D SOLTDS stong 1t-bonds ionic chemical poperties ntramaleculor For: Detennihe Force by Shtength. Evey intermoleaudo m-P Low Cond uctivir u Molecular Solis hydragen H bonds Tri poral Bipgrinidal Bent -ftias louest m-P - weakest metal - Loy can duchivity E:Lone eairs n:tof 1e pairs Trigonal Bipymial| Trigonal flana opposite spih Values of+72 or - 7 Detemine Lntermolecular Forcer: hoh-polor mut have m #of bonding seBs AXs AX Ez -The max of 2electrons in an AXmEn A:cedral atom T-ShoedX:Bonding Sets Octahe dral S VSE PR NOTA TTON Octa hedrel Octa he dral HUNDS PAULI orbital aton has a ftull valence AX AX NUMBERS PRINCIPLE elemonts bond sethat eosh bon hybrid chweenh2 Jiagrass.Shell and hanrq a Spin preperty QUANTUM AUFBAU Octet Rule: are used waen =enerqy leel Electons i l quatun Nuner chorge of Model lectron -Elecrons ocbit în ovtrall N :O Quantumn Mechonical Model elecar LTQVIs Metalic soLids - high m.P when intadeculor forte 'nCtease ,liquis Maleask ani duchle 9ain more odhesion, cosity and COvalent Nehuork sui ohesiah,vis Hgh canduchivity hard -high m-f -Low condutiy higSucface fension -- ORGANIC COMPOUND CLASSES ,PROPERTIES &IUPAC SUFFIX,PREFIX & INTRAMOLECULAR FORES high bn lOwb.p high bplèlCarbon sUFFIX bP PREFLX TME or ad doubk A D COMPOU ND Alkans Alkenes Bon type Sngle Alkyhs|banded to oxygen triple doule Extremely hign &pP Solubt lity Empirical OH petanaic acid Sane as aldehydes & alcahols Formua Cnht2 CaH,n Chftn- Shot aguecs,long Salid Carboxyle+ alcohol iag romH C-H H-Et- HCEC-H.hier bpthan alkans, lauer tan alcool and Solubility insolule inSante i inSdlabe State Bfane an ber2g5.The iot liqu) eOH Sie group ot verg high b-p H Solli 1y H-C-OH lang chais, Liouid Lak e or H efono dn Carbaxytie acid. Oxggen 2 oryen Chain, 5+ is unsolube slig tHy Sduble same al Jehydes Popan-2-one as estrs solid palar,D-0 bond Aldehydes -al Kerones One GX plar Amins amine Amino laD-D bon -OXA pola -Rther non -pslar, London pola Oxo CH C Alkgns Alkans ane hsa-pslr,Lanton GEOMETRIC SIDE 6ROUP REACTIONS of copouds. Longer bp enen more BENZEV ci'S Picny Replage Hdoable bond on on alkee Substitatron) CH M,N-nchy eig 1 Te hiahot b.p Thigh b-p, Saneas Carbamoyl- CH Stsolid Carboryle ocid t omine Any Carbon in the idle iS dorusle boned to oygen -am+de Remove CH3 AA t,otor stde halazen group to(adarhian) fann caulke bard(elimuastian) 3-4 liqid 1ca doon is 915, 2t is liui. Same olabct*s allehyles Short=gas, Ani s Decreates b-p Sowets ecrease ether higer thuy e polar, D-b bond |Waer + allene alcbh» l (hykcstian) short-vey soluble ethana allokyarbonyl- hon-polor Lond on wLqur sng= insolubl alkyl-octe -ye ethy metny alkane. Thigh bp but hmac loer thwn alcshol. Solable in 1-4 caton awbp aler to alkans p EsAers Alkens -Rne Shat aliguidlanga Solia Ammoni a Siugap kist carbon sare as albehyds sligktly solusle,ess 5o bsaded to carbsxy- Ether s Short-solble long =isoldle i doube bonded to Same acis. alky graups Shat Carbon, Chans, n Carboryi nethr ehanooe polar, D-b bond - oit a Corboxylic aid Aldehye+H =1 alcahol (Reductian) uketntt H 2 olcohal (ReAucion) l'alahol -Hz aldehzde (oxiduckton) Rich oe ncher: The cas with the mote hon 6snds etaias thoe bands. Ror get poarer: The carban win louer hyicagen bonds loSer hase 6onds, Zalkshol-H =Ketone (xidehion) al cohal t carboxylic acid ester + rter (ranverstin) MH, eser t water =alchsl tcartoryic acd Chydatan) pentan amide DERIMODYNAICS aA theat>bB tcC (K3) -Heat lEcay is lost fescapine Lnquiny CO2 Proucts ore (ode AH=S8kT/ms Aa +29 HqKJlmol H of 4H-231 kT/msl Protuds oe hetter - Benes are forhed t Pruay K CH Heat/enecgy gauncd/ rtaind the The tstul AH of ateactjon t e Sum bt each Step Epegy rieaENDOTHE RAIC: Enegy iS absathed HESS'S LAw: EXOTtRML. 82kT/mol CO2c9)+ CHyc9) 9 CHioadH Bonds are brok¢n TABLE OF STANDARD ENTHALPIES CE FORMATION Ngt 34o 2NH AH=-8.8AIKI CALORI METER evice that can eaSufe te heit inyolued ín a feathan Tlo tenpesahute Chanfo ngity: #reatian du@ein a ane he het capacity of the stn ll.6kT/°c.Cacdae by5 KATE LAw: Instananeas foe ofceacfion n S c : Since there S no K CA eron, dt mass, eusethis facmda q= CAT Consknt eacton U.6J/°C AVERAGE ROR: Equation hent transfer: foc heat In Sone inques, Ino Ss is calcul ehed wth fhis: (g Imol) mo (h l) eanting molecale B Concetrahion = xsum ot exders. r-4C Fininq Conenkfatn on mass or oune Chagein Concestrotian MASS volume nMxmn 41-Chage in ayerature Cngpe*|CoLTSTONTHEORY: POTENTIAL EEROY DIAGRAM| ROR FACTORS m*C ( secthi hea mass transfecred(J) spacity/g- Rate of reaschian is depepdent on NuaMber enthapylJer k colie w proper ORTENTATTON and KINETIC Tocaleudahe molar enthaley (AH molor entholpy (KTmel) Transition Ste nENERGY (Ea) caalyst: Fwd Thcreases ror by Streching bend%. Ea Rvere Fa Cohcestration: Tncreased ofefectie colliSiohs.| Moleculer MUsT To calculae 44: 442hholarmaSs of mole ule"A" L mol Unt for 7s.4K Concetatton bubles, the rue quainyps. c4T .The hcatofthe reachion is 75k ( sigfics) coefficicit of "A an'B CBT Coentabin has has an Otder of2, cate rate of eeg refease. AHAMprokacs-dHceaskarts) DH=2(-3o. 841kTI l) -0(») QH-IG1.7skSlnal bowó calosinckr. the dheo Concentratan cauwes orto ieare2 Reachnis Surface area: Increase urfnce enthalc Produchs Time Dattel live zcatahred reachian area CausS for t ncrease Tempecaure : Tnereased teocat. Caues ror + incicuSe DYNAMICSEQUTLIRRIUM +heot To 7is eqyal to Reerse Fwd reachn rate Rcacri ns D.E o pne chg occurs ore i ConStany closcd Reacticn rat stil Sysens RICE tabe ocua Tia) durng ilbriun. SSkem Locta aA tbB Recucion R Lhtial heat only estapes - LProducts Eeg>1, Caluuate reaehaut or Pradud conCentratioS,use the RICE tube COncetrahi an prous have geater aA+bBcCtdD kerCe CDT CA1 C0 1,preeis ax eahuts hae qal aentatan TfK cuse teprsents I ka,3, reados kae garer tontetation upper Concentrotin at X Solies aid leui ds are gnofe ia te equlikniwn eailíbrium. C if Hhe X-x +2X ke Concentytfon Eaya lioun COncentratHn T-X E 2% -* using the eqyilubrium Corstast 1s needes to solve for XK, I change to (eesrefan intanc6, ke, is given TATCT 2.X Ke C-ca-x Kunts are in mol/L or M I f ke ke has no unit xiboo initial oncentat (on of a reuctot,the x value for that Teactont Cah be writen o f Le Chatlier's Pinciple: When a reversible reactian in a clostd In acodance totne Brgnste-Lowy theory: An acid ir a proton ) | sySten. experiehts a disturbance, the equlibrun will Shitt tste donor and a base is a protun accetsr. sice that dimiaishs tre effest*. TPressre lvVO'm eguilibiun teer ructia,tstal WTrmass Stron MalS reuctiay u t s topasls Vprssare/ Avsiue = equliten Ps t u r repcian whnore tal ms LatalSSpeees up both reaias,hS HTlewpecatge no tal More enlbthenmic reackins oceur chfecton egulibreum Stcon9 OLarge ka Values (rgst egailiatam) OLarge k, valueslrigdepuliiun| Nearly 99.9% JsoáaBe inuater USualy are a brnany acid (e. HCI) Almast 451% oiahian in waer falvaufin otkeric Sie OProJu a wakconjue base han reacing with a baSe. dtur, tqvauri endolieoi Side. Weoak OTiay ka valua (aestered egihii Mote potuets = Product 50% dissociaterin wate iodut/NReactant More Reactois Rendrs/V cC tD + heát ta3e tb8 DProduc a lemperahure L = BASES ACTDS - Mlore exohyernic tadirs Strony cnjugahe gA in exoThermie síce, endothe mic Side a reachn win a bSe. Reacts ih adiés ta prsuce a eak onjugate ac id. weak OSnall k, ales (centerel eguliiusm) 50% dhssociattan in woter Praducs acona tonjucyte acid in a rCackio wth an aci T REDOX REDOX RE ACTION: Reactant Oxidized ion tut wil SOLVIN6/BALANCING REDOX : 2 ways RED + OX Reuced ReactantProducts USTNG OXIDATION NUNBE RS beneral Steps For beth qcidíc ard basit 4(ionthatwllgain e) ACIDIC or BASIC conditis? tondihíons and neither. OCal alate oxidation numbers fom eath elemeN on reactust ard prodsatsi Also caled the feduane aqtt 4(Ass cailed the oxidi zis uot) Calculate he dispary ine perml& per Compoud (recctat site) HALF REACTIONS : Thee's 2 tys Use te lowet conpondaoninokur of He oxidizad tad redced elemeatS mol pe half reachon = feactat elenert loses Oxidi zed reacton= Teactaht element Recuel half EXAMPLE: Fes *u9) 7 gains e. Compydectran dispaty 2 Oridat íon number Calcul atm Balance Ormen y odhing weter to one site. o is reduced Oxygen h in in a covdent a y adg picton(H) to oe i 2.But in in wetl H0, huaride>i hiyhe* EN >Charge the element uo I n covalet Compeud Sum of oxiàadionO Charge Sum of oxidat I n jonic Cowpound, Oxidation educhin e NaH) 1 horoly hoye oxidation Mumber Ca Soy breaks apat Acd OH on hah Sier,equa to the amat of Halded. and as c H0 md Sinplity in íoní« form ot Compound. USTNG HALF REACTIONS; General eps: DEtabhsh okidchion 6lacE Also indus extra steps fur aci (bsie coano hnunbers ofeach tldrent and spt Ae teadian iato 2,cheel ond oxidizcd. alance reactians I f acidic / bo5ic, balance oryjen by cddihq H0 b1 sile. If gains ele ctons, it turhs H20. For ksh conditins G7 Balance charse 6y adding e. compound,the elemet Woridurion nuber BASTC condtion Everyfhing okae and 2 mote Seps. Combne oH witn H toferm : Comgound+1 . But conigound canpand Chote an dr ffs The or Was made up of ony tonS, OPare elemets>O Ton Chaqe of Said ion Hydrogeh QUALT TATWE EXAMPLE In ACTDIC Conditrons :2 extra Steps Salonce hdrgan OXTOATION NUMBE R : coeficiestS. Balance the produets e. Fe is ondized a 3+ as aati-/basic, balance byloen by adiing *t 1 side . I f bsic, odd OH tho boih sids equal to fhe amu of bgkrgen aea. IF basic, ¬ombie ON wn H to forn Ho Obalance Teactiar chargs sy addng e. and sihpi Multiply each reaction by lowet cOnmman denoindtar fat @Combine bsth reackons. i.0 wh Cancel aut elecons