Evacuation Drill Location: District – 5 Buffer Park Date: 14-July-2022 Time: 3:05 pm Objective of Emergency Drill: An evacuation drill allows employees to become familiar with emergency procedures, their evacuation routes, alarm, assembly area, roles, and responsibilities, so that they will know what to do in case of an actual emergency Scenario: An emergency evacuation drill was conducted at district 5 BP on Thursday, 14th July 2022. At 3:05 pm, the drill began. When an alarm is raised, the emergency response team directs the employee to leave the work location and evacuate the area. Upon arriving at the designated assembly point, all employees, including staff, were counted by the fire warden. A total of 20 employees, including staff, participated in the drill. Response time was good, approximately 90 seconds. At 3:20 pm, the drill ended. Pictures of Drill: