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Entrepreneurship Education Assessment: An Article Review

An Article Review of Pittaway, L. and Edwards, C. (2012).
Assessment: examining practice in entrepreneurship education, Vol. 54 No. 8/9, Issue 16
November 2012.
The article of “Assessment: examining practice in entrepreneurship education” was authored in
2012 by Luke Pittaway, Ph.D., College of Business Administration, Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, Georgia, USA and Corina Edwards, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, and Swansea
University, Swansea, UK. The article was originally published on International Research Journal
of Problems and Perspectives in Management in 2015. The article mainly focused on observing
the actual practices done in the entrepreneurship education, which was not included in the previous
studies. Accordingly, the Authors tried to identify the type of education being provided,
assessment practices along with expected outcomes. After thoroughly exploring the article, the
study was made with higher standards and can be a source of other studies to be done in related
topics. However, there are some study inconsistencies were observed.
The previous studies focused on entrepreneurship educators’ aspiration about the assessment,
which misses the core concept of assessing the current practice. Hence, the paper thoroughly
explore the existing assessment practice by considering different forms of education along with
the assessment methods and also planned to create a link between desired educational outcomes
with actual student achievement. As clearly seen in the paper, the researchers, clearly defined the
purpose of the paper (to explore the current practice using different criteria) and defined the
objectives basing the previous debate by some scholars. It also showed the gap that the research
paper could fill in the topic.
Literature review
The writers used different literatures in order to come up with the framework, which can serve as
the basis of empirical study presented in the paper. The framework was prepared comprising the
findings of various latest studies made by different scholars including the researcher himself.
Those findings include the forms of types of entrepreneurship education and their expected
outcomes with each type. The paper flawlessly linked the expected outcome with the type of
education provided. This makes the theoretical part of the study more clear and used to forward a
hypothesis. The completeness and variety of literatures will guarantee the trustworthiness of the
empirical part or the paper as a whole. Finally, the linkage of different findings made by the writers
are outstanding.
The study clearly stated the methodologies employed in undertaking the study. The study was
designed to use a qualitative approach. In this connection, the writer showed simple random
sampling was used in collection of data necessary for the research. Accordingly, the major source
of data is secondary sources collected from websites & some teachers. The data analysis was
divided in to two major stages and different techniques were used in analyzing each category.
Hence, the first stage simple descriptive and in the second phase analytical analysis was used. The
mentioned tools were not adequately discussed in order to help the reader give a clue on the
purpose of the tools in the specific topic except the sapling method. The sampling method were
conducting using business & non-business categories, however, lack of sufficient sample size in
the non-business category observed which hindered detailed analysis and recommendation was
given for further study to followed in the future.
Even though the writers listed out the methodologies they were using in in conducting the study,
the authors doesn’t provide any evidence to support their application in the specific research topic.
Furthermore, the study was only supported with secondary data but it is better if the authors
employed primary data (Interview) to get first hand insight of the real world practice from the
actual action owners. This is also stated one limitation of the study. On top of that the research
areas were majorly focused in USA & UK (which can be similar in different aspects of application
of the topic) which neglected the situations from other countries/continents’ perspective (only
collected three samples).
Results and Discussions
The authors neatly categorized the finding of the study into three sections to seek an answer for
the research questions raised in the beginning of the study. The categories were forms and types
of entrepreneurship education, learning outcomes and assessment practices
Forms and types of entrepreneurship education
The finding is this category is that most of educators used “About” type of education, which is
inclined to more of traditional way of schooling students that is focus on knowledge accumulation
approach. The second type of education approach used is “Form” with the aim to develop
entrepreneurial skill. The “Through” form and the “Embedded” forms of entrepreneurship
education are used less often.
From the above finding we can easily understand that the domination of approach of education
tend to be more traditional.
Learning outcomes
As per the finding in this category, the tendency of learning outcomes inclined to acquisition of
knowledge which constitutes around half of the sample taken. The last two shares in this category
focus on skill and experience respectively.
As per the framework provided in the first pages of the study, the authors tried to link forms of
entrepreneurial education with learning outcomes. About” forms of entrepreneurship education
tended towards learning outcomes that were focused on “knowledge” and “understanding”. For”
forms of educational practice were founded to be equally divided between the attainment of
knowledge and understanding and the acquisition of skills and competencies. “Through” approach
inclined more on empathy and relationships. This showed the previous the hypothesized
framework is accepted.
Assessment practice
The third and final category is finding the current practice of the topic on the selected sample.
Accordingly, though, the most common approach if education is “About” which is mainly focused
on tests, exam & essays as an assessment practice, provision of business plan & business reports
tended to take the higher share when it comes to assessment practices. Methods that involve selfassessment or peer assessment were used much less often than expected.
Regarding the responsible person in charge of assessment, professors or lecturers take the highest
share of the sample. Entrepreneurs & business owners founded to be the second stakeholders in
charge of assessment and students’ self-assessment is last.
Concerning the type of assessment in practice, subjective & objective assessment methods take
the same share having 50/50 share in the sample collected. In the case of the “formative vs
summative” dimension of assessment practice, the data also show a balanced approach with equal
use of formative and summative forms of assessment but with a slight preference for formative
Finally, the findings were perfectly linked with and done as per the previous framework; however
becomes short in literature & empirical contrast. The findings also was not supported with any
Conclusions and recommendations
The conclusion & recommendation was done basing the findings & the questions raised (research
questions) in the previous chapter of the study. The Authors also tried to support the
recommendation with evidence. By doing so, the authors tried to maintain consistency across the
study though the consistency fall short in the methodology & discussion sections.
The Authors used APA system; a parenthetical system for which the bracketed references in the
body of the essay are the author’s surname, the date of publication. In relation to this the authors
exhaustively listed the cited books/journal or other type and put them in alphabetical order and in
a complete manner. In this connection, there is no mismatch of citation observes while reading the