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ALS SHS Module Validation Report

An On-Line/On-Site Field Validation of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Senior High School (SHS)
Modules and Sessions Guides was conducted at ___________________ last November 9-12, 2021. The
participants of the activity were selected ALS SHS Teachers and Formal SHS/JHS Teachers who have
expertise/experience on the subject matter, and LNHS ALS SHS Students and LNHS Formal SHS Students.
On the first day of the On-Line/On-Site Field Validation of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Senior
High School (SHS) Modules and Sessions Guides, November 9, 2021, a virtual orientation was held thru
Google Meet. The orientation was participated by the selected TWG, teacher validators and facilitators.
On November 10-11, 2021, the learners and the teachers have validated the modules for Bread and
Pastry Services (Quarter 1: Module 1 & 2), Food and Beverage Services, and Work Immersion. On the
first day of the validation, thirty-eight (38) SHS students, 10 ALS SHS students and 28 Formal SHS
students section Cookery - 1, reported on-site at _________________. Three (3) classrooms were used
and each classroom accommodated ten (10) students and one (1) facilitator. The activity began with the
orientation to the learners given by the Assistant SHS Principal. After the orientation, four (4) sets of
modules were given to the students; two (2) modules were answered in the morning and another two
(2) modules in the afternoon. The manuscript of the modules was then validated according to the
following: (a) Are the lessons and instructions clear; (b) Is the language easily understood; (c) Are the
activities and exercises easy to follow; (d) Can the activities and exercises be done within the alloted
time; (e) Are the illustrations/pictures interesting, appropriate, and accurate; (f) Are the
illustrations/pictures helpful in understanding the lessons and activities; and (g) Are the
illustrations/pictures clear (colors, text, etc.). Comments and suggestions/recommendaions were also
added by the students. At the same day, the selected teacher validators have also answered and
validated the modules online.
On the second day of the validation, another twenty (20) Formal SHS students, section Cookery - 2
reported on-site and validated the same modules given on the first day. The teachers have validated
also the modules on-line. On the last day of the activity, November 12, 2021, the results of the
validation on both the learners and teachers were consolidated and finalized.