This article was downloaded by: [UQ Library] On: 15 July 2015, At: 13:15 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG IETE Journal of Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Input Impedance, Bandwidth and Efficiency of an Edge-Modulated Microstrip Antenna a b D N Khanra , S K Chowdhury & A K Mallick a c Department of Physics, V S Mahavidyalaya, Manikpara 721 513, India. b Department of Electronics and Telecommnication Enggineering, Jadavpur University, Calcutta 700 032, India. c Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721 302, India. Published online: 26 Mar 2015. To cite this article: D N Khanra, S K Chowdhury & A K Mallick (1998) Input Impedance, Bandwidth and Efficiency of an Edge-Modulated Microstrip Antenna, IETE Journal of Research, 44:1-2, 49-60, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.1998.11416029 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. 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AND Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 A K MALLICK Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721 302, India. A sinusoidally edge-modulated microstrip patch antenna has been analysed using the modal expansion cavity model. The investigations have been carried out to explore the input impedance, bandwidth and radiation efficiency of the modulated structure against its physical parameters like the modulation depth and periodicity. The simulated results clearly show that the bandwidth jncreases with modulation depth under certain conditions of excitation. The analysis further shows that the modulated structure provides a lot of flexibility in matching the antenna to the standard feeder lines. Experimental results tally satisfactorily with the theoretical data. Indexing terms : lmput impedance, Bandwidth, Edge-modulated, Microstrip antenna. M ICROSTRIP patch antennas are being increasingly view, a sinusoidally edge-modulated patch antenna (Fig 1) has been considered for analysis and studies in order to improve the bandwidth and radiation characteristics without increasing the overall size of the antenna structure. The proposed modulated structure provides some additional design parameters for controlling the antenna characteristics. The physical parameters are the modulation factor r, periodicity p, and average half-width ii2 (half of the average width). In this paper, the input impedance, resonant frequency, bandwidth and radiation efficiency of the modulated patch antenna have been studied for different modes of excitation with varying modulation factor and periodicity. Analysis indicates that the physical parameters of the modulated patch antenna have significant effects over its antenna characteristics. The beam width of the radiation pattern widens [IOJ and the bandwidth increases with the increase in modulation factor, r although the area of the patch remains the same. It may be noted that the unique combination of wide beam width and broad bandwidth is an attracting feature of a microstrip antenna for its use in mobile communication systems [Ill. Further, the slope of the resonant resistance versus feed position curve decreases with the modulation factor r which indicates that matching to a particular impedance value would be better in the modulated structure than the conventional rectangular patch. These improved antenna characteristics may put it across in a more advantageous position in comparison with the rectangular patch antennas. Theoretical data have been experimentally verified and they are in good agreement with each other. used in microwaves due to their many interesting physical and electrical properties. In particular, the rectangular and circular disk structures have been extensively studied by many a research workers [1-31. The recent trend in the study of microstrip antennas indicates that various unconventional shaped patch antennas provided improved performance and better flexibility in the design. For instance, an elliptic resonator is preferable over circular disk 141 for application in harmonic multipliers and parametric amplifiers where the eccentricity, as a design parameter, provides additional tlexibility and enhances the usefulness of this structure. A stripline circulator using an apex-coupled equilateral triangular resonator [SJ has a bandwidth three times as large as that of a circular disk. The main drawback of microstrip antennas is their inherent narrow bandwidth and broadening the bandwidth is the most challenging task for research workers. Many efforts have been made to improve the bandwidth of microstrip antennas. But the methods used invariably increase the volume and overall size of the antenna to a large extent either by extending the radiating surface 16 1 or by increasing the antenna thickness 171, by coupling additional resonators [SJ or using parasitic elements 191. The main research aim is clearly to investigate ways of improving the bandwidth without sacrificing the conformal planar structure, low volume and weight, and the operational advantages. With this aim in Paper No 131-8; received 1995 March 27; revised 1998 April 15; Copyright ©1998 by the IETE. 49 so IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH. Vol44, Nos I & 2, 1998 .I I PLANE Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 Fig I The sinusoidally width modulated patch antenna ANALYSIS There are different analytical and numerical techniques [l 2- 16l for the analysis of microstrip antennas. But some of them are computationally expensive while some others are applicable only to regular shapes. The modal expansion cavity model [l?J on the other hand, is applicable to rectangular as well as to various other unconventional shapes whose geometries are specified simply by curvilinear orthogonal coordinate systems. Moreover, it provides simple and closed form expressions for the different antenna characteristics. It provides a good insight into the radiation mechanism of the antenna. Further, the location of the feed and the complete spectrum of modes or only the dominant mode can be considered in the analysis. Keeping all these in mind, the modal expansion cavity model has been employed for the analysis of the proposed modulated structure. In this model the patch antenna is considered as a thin TM cavity with leaky magnetic walls and the fields inside the antenna are assumed to be those of the cavity. Therefore, the first step. of the analysis is to solve the electromagnetic wave equation to obtain the field expressions within the cavity. This requires a coordinate system which is quite natural to the boundary surfaces of the cavity formed by the modulated patch and the ground plane. Since, the rectangular or any other standard coordinate system is· not suitable for this purpose, a new coordinate system (u 1, u2 , u 3 ) has been established by coordinate transformation. The relationship between the rectangular and the new coordinate system for sinusoidal modulation (Fig 2) is obtained as follows: 21t Lll y = "'-2 [1- rcos (-p.-)]; (I) where r is the modulation factor and p is the periodicity as stated earlier. Under the physical constraint r u2 ! p « 1, the new coordinate system is orthogonal and the corresponding wave equation is separable. The close spacing of the patch conductor to the ground plane tends to concentrate the fields underneath the patch. The fields leak out into the air through the substrate surrounding the patch. The first order approximation to the microstrip antenna is an enclosed cavity bounded by a magnetic wall along the edges, and by electric walls from above and below. Also, for the small height of the cavity compared to the wavelength, h «~.only the urcomponent of the electric field and the u 1 and u2-components of the magnetic field exist in the cavity. Assuming ei 001 time variation, the electric field £ 3 due to a urdirected current probe located at (u 1', u2 ') in the patch satisfies the wave equation: (2) where w is the angular frequency, k2 = ail J.lo E 0 E,, h (u 1 ', u2 ') is the current density at the feed point and V, is the transverse del operator with respect to urax·is. The boundary condition satisfied by £ 3 is: (3) where, sm is the magnetic wall boundary of the modulated patch and it coincides· with the outward extensions due to the fringing effect and n is the unit normal to the boundary. A solution of eqn (2) may be expressed as: E3 (ttl, u2) =L L m=O n=O (4) DN KHANRA eta/: 51 INPUT IMPEDANCE, BANDWIDTH AND EF;;tctENCY OF AN EDGE MoDULATED MtCROSTRIP ANTENNA where, the Lame's coefficients h; in the (u 1, u2 coordinates are given by: y , u 3) Thus, eqn (6) reduces to two ordinary differential equation as given by: u 1 '"' CONSTANT (7a) (7b) Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 Now, satisfying the boundary conditions that the normal component of the electric field is zero on the boundary of the patch, the solution of eqn (7a) may be obtained by transforming it to the general form of the Mathieu equation [IS] as given by: L m=O Am cos (m n u11p) (8a) Ul(ul)=-------- ~ u1 = CONSTANT u 2 .. 1 and the solution of eqn (7b) is readily obtained as: CONSTANT ~ u2 (u 2 ) = n=O L Bn cos { n n ( w wI 2 + u2 ) (8b) u, 0 Pig 2 The patch contiguration in respect to the transformed coordinate system (u 1, u 2, u 3 ) where, A11111 are the mode amplitude coefficients and 'I'm 11 are the ttrdirected orthonormalised electric field vectors for the TM 11111 mode. The mode vectors satisfy the homogeneous wave equation as given below: 2 } 2 (Y'1 + K 11111 'l'mn ) = 0 with d'Jimn a;;=0 where, w = 2 u 2 [I- r cos (2 n u 1 I p)]. This w is the width of the modulated patch and it varies along the u 1-axis. Its minimum value is w 1 (=2 ii 2 (1 - r) and maximum value is w 2 (= 2 ii 2 (I+ r)) (Fig 1). For a non-radiating cavity with perfect magnetic walls, the electric field mode vectors may be expressed as: (5) mTr:u 1 ) Xmn The resonant wavenumber Km 11 is given by K 2 mn = E 0 = E 0 E r Jl 0 W rn 11 ; W mn being the complex resonant angular frequency corresponding to the TM 11111 mode. Now eqn (5) may be solved by employing the separated solution technique. In an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system eqn (5) may be expressed as: 3 L i =I +K () d U; 2 m n 'I'm n =0 (6) li'mn (ul, L12) co ( s - - cos ~nTr:(w/2+u2 )) (I W =- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,JJ-rcos(2tru 1 /p) (9) where Xmn = { 1 V; m = 0 · and m= 0 or m :;tO and n=O n=O n:;tO But, for the radiating cavity with leaky magnetic walls, the eigenvalues become complex and the electric field mode vectors no longer have a zero-normal component on the cavity walls. However, the perturbation is so small that the electric field mode vectors are still accurately expressed by eqn (9) 1191. 52 IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH, Vol 44, Nos 1 & 2, 1998 Now, if the antenna is fed by a urdirected current probe 10 of small rectangular cross-section (Llu 1Llu 2),at (u 1', u2 ' ), A u 1'+ t::.u 112 J = .k YJl 0 E 0 E r mn 1 k2 -k2mn =]· {go_h 2pu 2 then· the coefficients of each electric mode vector are obtained from eqn (9) as given by: J. 1/lmn du 1 du 2 tlu3 u 1' - llu 1 /2 kxmn 2 2 lo G m n (ul k -k mn , , (10) • U2 ) Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 where, { 1 ) . (mnllu 1 ) mnu' • ( (m+2)nllu 1 ) cos ( -sm ·[ cos ((m+2)nu'1 ) sm . 2p + (L) . p 2p p ( m~~ u 1 4 ) · · { (m + ~; Ll u 1 } Now, substituting the above value ofA m n in eqn (4) the expression for the'u 3- directed electric field is obtained as: 1: m=O 1: n=O (11) VI- rcos (2 nu 1 I p) Equation (11) gives the general expression for the ur directed electric field within the cavity. The cavity is able to support an infinite set of ™mn resonant modes of different frequencies with different amplitudes. But the fields excited by the feed will be dominated by a particular mode whose resonant frequency is nearest to the excitation frequency. In practice, the antenna is fed by the resonant frequency of a particular mode of interest. In that case, the fields inside the cavity consist of the desired mode along with some of its harmonics only. Since the resonant frequencies .of all these modes are far apart in the frequency spectrum, the chance of overlapping of these harmonics over the desired mode is remote and the contribution of the harmonics is insignificant. Thus, the general response of the patch antenna is controlled by the desired mode only. Therefore, for all practical purposes the basic analysis of the patch antenna is done on the assumption that only the desired mode exists [201, Input Impedance The input impedance at the feed point (u'1, u'2 ) is defined as the ratio of the input voltage and the «urrent as given by: . Z. = V in =- h E3 (u't• u'2) m Io lo (12) o In an ideal cavity, the loss-tangent is related to the quality factor Q by the relation o = 1/Q. In case of the patch antenna, the power dissipated by it includes the power absorbed in the loss mechanisms (conductor loss and dielectric loss) as well as the power radiated into the far field. The effects of all these. losses are taken into account by defining an effective loss-tangent, oeff in terms of the total quality factor, QT. The total Q-factor of the antenna is the combination of all the Q-factors corresponding to 0 53· N KHANRA et al : INPUT IMPEDANCE, BANDWIDTH AND EFFICIENCY OF AN EDGE MODULATED MICROSTRIP ANTENNA radiation, conductor and dielectric losses (viz., QR, Qc and Q1, respectively). Thus, the "effective loss-tangent" 8eff of terms of this 8eff• an effective complex wave number, ke.ff is defined as follows: the dielectric substrate may be expressed as given below 121 1: (18) (13) The general expression for the different Q-factors of a microstrip patch antenna is given by: Substituting this value of the wavenumber and that for E 3 (u 1 ', u2 ') from eqn (II) in eqn (12) the input impedance for the TMmn mode may be written as: z m. = jWJ.L 0 hc2 2p ii2E r Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 (14) where, E.1 is the total energy stored within the antenna at resonance, Pa is the absorbed power and fr is the resonant frequency. 'The subscript a denotes radiation, conduction or dielectric losses, as appropriate, using the symbols R, C and D respectively. The energy stored in the antenna is equal to the peak energy stored by the electric or magnetic field distribution within the substrate, which leads to the formula as given below: (15) where, the surface of integration A is the planar area of the patch and the height h is constant all over the patch. x2m n ro2m n- (1 - 1 jOeff )ro2 Gm n (u 1 • 21r 1r 12 0 0 j j (IEel2 + IE, 12) R2 sinO dO dt/> (16a) 2 ). (19) Using the simple loss-less cavity model, the computed resonant frequency is slightly higher than the measured value. This is due to the fact that the magnetic walls at the edges are to some extent beyond the actual boundary of the patch for the fringing effect. The waves travelling in a particular direction (along± u1 for TM 10 mode and along± u2-axis for 1M 01 mode) have to cover these extensions. In other words the effective dimensions of the patch are greater than their actual values and consequently the resonant frequency is decreased. Thus, the resonant frequency fr for the TMmnmode of the modulated patch antenna is given by: The power dissipated due to different losses in the antenna are given by: I pH= 2 Z o 1 U (20) where, Pe.ff and we.ff are the effective dimensions of the modulated patch structure including the extensions due to fringing effect and are given by the following expressions. (2la) Pejf= P + 2!:.. P (2lb) (16b) ' h , andP"=-CJ 1 . 2 j IE3 J2. d A - - -EsC1u e 0 Er (16c) where, Zo (=VJJiJ /E 0) is the intrinsic impedance of free space, Gc is the bulk conductiv·ity of the patch conductor and CJ" is that of the dielectric substrate. Again, CJ" may be expressed as CJIJ = 2'/C fr ere 0 8. Thus, combining the eqns (14 ), (15) and (16) together the Q-factors are expressed as: The extensio11s in dimensions of the modulated patch along u1 and u2-axis due to the fringing effect are given by the wetl known formula !221. t:..p=0.4l 2 h[Ee.ff(w) +0.3 ][w/h+0.262 w I h + 0.813 Ee.ff(w)- 0.258 where, e e.ff (w) is the effective dielectric constant of the substrate and is given by: Er+l e .. . - ( w ) = - -Er-1 +-e.ll Q" = 1/oand Qc =h....; J.L o 1Cfr Gc (17) The values of Es and PH are computed from eqn (15) and ( 16) and then the radiation quality factor QH is evaluated from eqn (14). Thus evaluating the different Q-factors, the effective loss-tangent, De.ff is obtained from eqn (13). In ]<22) 2 2 10) ( 1+-- WI h -Jn (23) The expressions for t:.w and corresponding e 11./f( p) are obtained from eqns (22) and (23) respectively by just interchanging p and w. The bandwidth of microstrip antenna is normally defined as: IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH, Vol 44, Nos I & 2, 1998 54 Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 BW=[(f12 -j, 1)1f,]x100% (24) where, /,1 and f 12 are the frequencies between which the magnitude of the reflection coefficient of the antenna is ~ 1/3 (which corresponds to a VSWR ~ 2.0). However, in an another way, the bandwidth may be defined [23 1, which is suitable to the experimental data. In this case, the patch antenna is represented by a parallel RLC circuit. According to this resonant circuit model, the bandwidth is obtained using only the resistance data as a function of frequency. Following this definition, fa and /,1 in eqn (24) are the frequencies where the resistance is 0.67 times the value of Rnu,x (resistance at resonant frequency) i.e., R (/,1 ) =R Ur2) = 0.67 Rnu,x- For the special case of a prescribed VSWR = 2.0, this method is equivalent to the analytical expression BW = (VSWR- I) /QYVSWR. In the present paper, the bandwidth is calculated according to this projected definition and the frequencies/, 1 and fr 2 are found from the resistance versus frequency curve around the resonant frequency (Fig 3). The radiation efficiency, 1J is another important parameter for microstrip antennas. It is defined as the ratio of the radiated power aod the total power fed to the input of the antenna. In terms of the different Q-factors of the antenna, the radiation efficiency may be expressed [241 as follows: 1J = Qc QD Qc QD + Qc QR + QD QR X 100% (25) Thus, the radiation efficiency of the modulated patch antenna may be evaluated by computing the different Q-factors from the eqn (14) and (17). From eqn (25) it is evident that high radiation efficiency is obtained for small QR and large Qc and Q0 . RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS R,.ll 0.67 ~~,. .. "'E :z: 0 '! 1% t,. fr FREctUENCY fra IN GHz Fig 3 Variation of R with frequency for a particular set of parameters and determination of bandwidth The resonant frequency of the modulated patch antenna has been computed using eqn (20) for the aforesaid parameters and modes of excitation. It is observed that fr for the TM01 mode decreases with r while it remains almost the same for the TM 10 mode. It may be interpreted that radiation for the TM 01 mode occurs mostly from the modulated edges and the separation between these modulated edges increases with r. On the other hand, radiation for the TM 10 mode' occurs from the unmodulated edges and hence fr is invariant of r. Similarly, fr decreases with p for the TM 10 mode while it remains almost independent of p for the TM01 mode. The variations in resonant frequency with the antenna parameters rand p for different modes are furnished in Tables 1 & 2. The real (R) and imaginary (X) parts of the input The resonant frequency./, and the input impedance, Z;n . impedance are computed from eqn (19). The studies on the of the modulated patch antenna are evaluated for different input impedance include the variation of its real (R) and structure parameters and modes of excitation. In the imaginary (X) components with frequency as well as with following investigations, the values of the modulation factor, the feed location. The investigations have been performed r are arbitrarily chosen as 0.0, 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8 within the in two steps. In the first step, the effects of the modulation limits of 0 and 1.0. The values of the parameter, pare fixed factor, r have been studied when the periodicity,.p is kept at 3.2 em.; 6.4 em., 9.6 em., 12.8 em. With these values of r constant. In the second step, the effects of p are studied and p the constraint on the physical parameters of the modulated patch structure for the condition of orthogonality TABLE 1 Resonant frequency /,(GHz) of the modulated patch (h = 0.159 em, E r = 2.5 and 0 =0.0018) for of the transformed coordinates namely (r u 2 )/p<<I is different modes with r as the parameter (p = 6.4 satisfied. The modes under study are restricted to the em) dominant TM 10 and TM 01 and some higher order modes 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.5 like TM 20 and TMo2· The theoretically computed results have been experimentally verified using modulated patches having modulation factors r =0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 constructed from 3M-Cu-Clad 250 teflon type-0625-50 dielectric substrate of thickness h = 0.159 em, relative permittivity E r = 2.5 and loss tangent =0.0018. o Mo~ 1.446 1.446 1.446 1.446 ™o1 TM2o 2.82 2.58 2.325 2.129 2.892 2.892 2.893 2.893 ™o2 5.644 5.174 4.65 4.259 TM 10 0 N KHANRA eta[ : INPUT IMPEDANCE, BANDWIDTH AND EFFICIENCY OF AN EDGE MODULATED MICROSTRIP ANTENNA Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 TABLE2 Resonant frequency J,(GHz) for different modes with p (em) as the parameter (r = 0.5) M~ 3.2 6.4 TM 10 2.822 TM 01 9.6 12.8 1.446 0.972 0.732 2.325 2.325 2.324 2.324 TM 20 5.645 2.892 1.944 1.464 TM 02 4.65 4.649 4.649 4.648 keeping r at a constant value. As expected, the reactance (imaginary component, X) passes through zero and the resistance (real component, R) shows a peak at the resonant frequency. It is observed that the peak value of R changes with r and p. In other words, the slope of the resistance curve near the resonant frequency depends upon the structure parameters rand p. Further, the magnitude and position of the maxima of X also changes with the structure parameters r and p and thereby bringing a change in the slope of the curve at the zero crossing. These studies reveal valuable informations in respect of matching the modulated structure with a feeder line of any characteristic impedance. As stated earlier, at resonant frequency the input impedance is purely resistive or in other words the resistance is maximum. This maximum value is called the resonant resistance (R;n). For the TM 10 and TM 20 modes, the antenna is center fed along the u 1-axis. These modes consist of waves travelling along the ± u 1 axis between 0 and p. The impedance characteristics are practically independent of the exact location of the feed so long as it is along the u2-axis with no field variation. But, when the feed is moved along the u 1-axis with nonuniform field for these TM 10 and TM 20 modes, the entire impedance locus changes drastically with the position of the feed. Similarly, the impedance values remain unchanged when the feed is moved along the u 1-side for TM 01 and TM 02 modes but change sharply for moving the feed along the urside. Variation ofthe resonant resistance (R;n) with the feed position as a function of r for the TM 10, TM 01 , TM 20 and TM 02 modes are shown in Figs 4a through 4d. It is observed that the R;n values for the TM 10 and TM 01 m'odes assume their maximum at the patch edges and gradually decrease to zero as the feed is moved to the center ofthe patch. But in case of the TM 20 and TM02 modes, Rin variation shows three peaks with the additional third one at the middle (u' 1!p 0.5) of the is further observed that, the magnitudes of all these peaks are same for r = 0 (rectangular patch) but the magnitude of the central peak for r > 0 (modulated patches) is lower than those at the edes. Moreover, R;n becomes a less sensitive functi-on of the feed position in between u' 1 lp = 0.25 and 0.75. The variations of Rin with the feed position for the aforesaid modes have also been studied as a function of the periodicity, p with a constant value of r. Figures Sa through 5d depict the variations of R;n for the different modes. It is seen that, the nature of the R;n variation curves for these cases of the = 55 parameter p, are similar but the magnitue of Rin changes in reverse to the cases of r parameter. Thus, the most noticeable feature of R;n variation of the modulated patch antenna is that, more flexibility is obtained in choosing the impedance by suitably selecting the value of r and p and the mode of excitation. Further, mechanical tolerances of the feed location is better managed with higher values of r because of lower slope of the curve. Thus, the modulated patch antenna can be more accurately matched to any desired impedance value than the rectangular or similar conventional patch antennas. The bandwidth Df the modulated patch has been evaluated for TM 10, TM01 , TM 20 , TM 02 modes with different values of r which are shown in Table 3. It is found that the bandwidth for the TM 10 and TM 20 modes increases with r. This is a most significant aspect of the modulated patch antenna. It is well known that the bandwidth of rectangular microstrip antennas increases with its area. But here, in the case of the modulated patch, the bandwidth for the TM 10 mode increases with the modulation factor r, nevertheless the area of the patch remains the same for all values of r. Not only that, the rate of increase (Fig 6) of the bandwidth of the modulated patch is higher than that of its rectangular counterpart whose width b is equal to the maximum width w 2 of the modulated patch antenna (Fig I). The bandwidth for the TM 01 and TM 02 modes decreases as r is increased. But the rate of decrease is very low. The bandwidth of the modulated patch antenna also depends on the periodicity, p. The variation in bandwidth with p for different modes has been studied keeping the modulation factor, r at a constant value and the results are shown in Table 4. It is found that the variation Df bandwidth with p is reverse to that with the parameter r, i.e., the bandwidth for TM 10, TM 20 modes decreases while for TM 01 and TM 02 modes increases with increasing p. The radiation efficiency, T) of the modulated patch antenna has also been evaluated as a function of its structure parameters. It is found that, T) increases with r for TM 10 and TM 20 modes while it decreases for the TM 01 and TM 02 modes (Fig 7a). On the other hand, T) increases with p for TM 01 and TM 02 modes but decreases for TM 10 and TM 20 modes (Fig 7 b). It may be noted that the variation of radiation efficiency with the structure parameters are just opposite to that of the bandwidth. This trade off between the bandwidth and radiation efficiency of the modulated patch antenna may be utilized for selecting the physical parameters depending upon the requirements in its specific uses. Thus, it is observed that, the modulation factor, r and the periodicity, p have their significant effects on the resonant frequency, input impedance, bandwidth and radiation efficiency of the modulated patch antenna. Further, by suitably selecting the values of r and p, one can have to his desire, a broader or narrower bandwidth with respect to an quivalent rectangular JETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH, Vol 44, Nos I & 2, 1998 1000 COHPUTED HEASURED .. • 400 MEASURED COHPUTEO p , 6.4cm h = 0.159cm r• o r • 0.2 r • o. 5 r. o.e 800 p • E,, 2.5 h : 0.0018 r • o.o r = o. 2 r • 0. 5 r = 0. 8 • 6./o(lll h .. 0,159 A· • Clll X E, : 2. 5 6 : 300 0.0018 6 00 Vl 2: :r 0 .,; :r :r z - 200 0 ::!" .!: a: 400 " 0: 100 Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 200 0 0 0.25 0 0.25 0 1.0 0.75 0.50 (c) 250 . • X 200 1.0 u; /p (a) COHPUTED HEASURED 0.75 0.50 ul/ p 00 r =o r • 0.2 r. 0.5 r. o.e p = 6.4 p : 6.4 Clll h = 0.159clll em = 0.159cm Er = 2.5 & = 0.0018 h MEASURED COMPUTED a. r = 0.0 f,= & I 2.5 : 0.0018 • r = 0.2 r • 0.5 r "' 0.8 • )C 10 I Vl 2: 150 \. Vl :z: 60 2: :r 0 0 :z; - ::!" c a: c a: 100 50 0 -0.50 40 20 -0.25 0.25 0 0.50 0 -0.50 0 -0.25 (h) Fig 4 Yarjation of resonant resistance (R; 11 (c) TM 20 mode, and (d) TM 02 mode 0.25 0.50 u;/w uil W (d) ) with feed location as a function of r. (p = 6.4 em). (a) TM 10 mode, (b) TM 01 mode, 0 N KHANRA l'/ a/: 51 INPUT IMPEDANCE, BANDWIDTH ANIJ EFFICIENCY OF AN EDGE MODULATED MICROSTRIP ANTENNA 1400 500 COMPUTED MEASURED 1200 •' P•3.2em p = 6.4 em p=9.6 em X p:12.8 em. • COMPUTED MEASURED p • 3.2 ern . r = o.s h = 0.1S9cm Er = 2.5 1000 P= 6.4 ern. X p =12.8 em. • 400 I •' p = 9.6 ern x/ r. = o. s I h = 0.1S9ern Er = 2.5 0 = 0.0018 6 = 300 ~ 800 :r Vl 0 ::1: 0.0018 :r 0 c a: 600 c 0:- 200 400 Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 100 200 0.25 0.50 0.15 0 1.00 0 u;'l p 0.25 0.50 200 300 .. MEASURED COMPUTED MEASURED p=3.2 p• 6.4 p = 9.6 p =12.8 2 so 1.0 (c) (a) ' • 0.75 u;tt> em. em. em. em. COMPUTED P • p I( p • = 3.2 & em. 6.4 em . P= 9.6 e"' =12.8 em 160 r "' 0.5 r h : 0,159em Er: 2.5 5 :: 0.0018 = 0.5 h • 0.1S9em Er = 2.5 ~ c 0.0018 100 120 Vl Vl ::1: ::1: :r :r 0 0 150 z c a: 10 a: , 100 I I I I I 40 so •I I I . • '1./ "' ,17· 0 -0.50 -0.25 0 0-25 0.50 0 -0.50 -0.25 0.25 0.50 u21 W (d) (b) Fig 5 Variation of resonant resistance (/?,,) with feed location as a function of p. (r (c) TM 20 mode, and (d) TM 02 mode = 0.5 I em). (a) TM 10 mode, (b) TM 01 mode, IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH, Vol 44, Nos I & l, I 'J':.I!S 58 100 TABLE 3 % bandwidth of the modulated patch for different modes with r as the parameter (p = 6.4 em) M~ ™1o ™o1 ™zo ™oz 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.65 0.83 1.35 2.30 2.55 2.12 1.46 1.06 0.90 1.24 2.77 2.94 3.26 3.09 2.88 2.67 0.8 ·r--------------------, --- --- --- 90 80 .. ~ 10 ~ 9.6 - --· -·-··- so 12.8 Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 M ™1o ™o1 ™zo ™oz 3.68 1.35 1.03 0.68 0.92 1.46 1.83 2.06 5.31 2.77 1.44 1.09. 2.15 2.88 3.44 3.65 -· -· -· -· -· --· -· -· .-· 60 6.4 .. ..---··- c::' TABLE 4 % bandwidth of the modulated patch for different modes withp (em) as the parameter (r = 0.5). 3.2 - 0 p = 6.4 ''"· u2= 1.6 ''"· h = O.IS9 em. ™o1 ™oz 1 "1o 1 "zo Er 6 o.z 0 =z.s =0.0011 0.4 o.a 0.6 (a) 2./. 100 2.0 i ~ 0 90 -- 1.6 c ·- --------- 10 .c -o ·- 1.2 Rectangular 3: 10 potch "0 c ~ 0.8 o--o--o Theory Expt. 60 Jt-X-X--0( 0.1. r = O.S Liz= 1.6 - ''"· = O.IS9 , •. €r = z.s 6 = 0.0018 h so '·b' 3.0 in em -·-• Fig 6 Comparison of the bandwidth variation with b for the TM 10 mode of the modulated patch and its equivalent rectangular counterpart = 9.0 12.0 (b) Fi~ patch antenna. It can also be more accurately matched to any desired impedance level by properly selecting the values of r and p. The investigation, therefore, reveals that the modulated patch antenna provides improved performance and better flexibility in the design with respect to the conventional rectangular patch antenna. It is also economical and cost effective. It may be noted that r 0 always exhibits the familiar properties of the corresponding rectangular patch antennas. It may also be noted that the maximum value ofthe (r ii2 I p) ratio is always kept within a small magnitude of 0.25 keeping in mind the restriction imposed on these parameters. 6.0 7 Variation of radiation efficiency with the structure parameter. (a) parameters r, (b) parameters p The input impedances have been measured with the help of a network analyzer (HP-841 OC). It is to note that the value of the periodicity p is taken to be 6.4 em unless otherwise specified. The computed data for the resonant frequencies, input impedances and bandwidths, are in good. agreement with the measured results. CONCLUSION A new shaped (sinusoidally edge-modulated) microstrip D N KHANRA eta/ : INPUT IMPEDANCE, BANDWIDTH AND EFFICIENCY OF AN EDGE MODULATED MICROSTRIP ANTENNA patch antenna has been studied in order to get some additional physical parameters controlling its antenna characteristics. A new orthogonal coordinate system has been established to match its boundary and then the modal expansion cavity model has been employed for the analysis. The input-impedance, band-width and the radiation efficiency have been evaluated for different modes of operation with different values of modulation factor, rand different values of periodicity, p. The computed data have been experimentally verified an{l they are in good agreement with each other. The observations show that the modulation factor, rand the periodicity, p have their significant effects on the input impedance, bandwidth and radiation efficiency of the modulated patch antenna. Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 REFERENCES I. Y T Lo, D Solomon & W F Richards, Theory and Experiment on Microstrip Antennas, IEEE Trans Antennas Propagat, vol AP-27, pp 137-145, 1979. 2. A G Derneryd, A theoretical investigation of the Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Element, IEEE Trans Antennas Propagat, vol AP-26, pp 532-535, 1978. 3. A G Derneryd, Analysis of the microstrip disk antenna element, IEEE Trans Antennas Propagat, vol AP-27, no 5, pp 660-664, 1979. 4. A K Sharma & B Bhat, Spectral Domain analysis of elliptic microstrip disk resonators, IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech, vol MTT-28, pp 573-576, 1980. 5. J Helszajn & D S James, Planar triangular resonators with magnetic walls, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, vol MTT-26, pp 95-100, 1978. 6. 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Vol 44, Nos I & 2, 1998 AUTHORS Downloaded by [UQ Library] at 13:15 15 July 2015 A K Mallick, BEE (Hans), MTech, PhD was graduated from the Jadavpur University, .Calcutta, and received his postgraduate and doctoral degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He is, formally, an Electrical Engineer with specialization in Microwave and Lightwave Engineering. Dr Mallick served the All India Radio (AIR), Calcutta as an Assistant Engineer for four years (1962-65) and joined the Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in the year 1967 as a Lecturer. At present, he is a Professor of the same Department. He was the Head and Professor of the Radar and Communication Center of the Institute from 1984 to 1989. In his credit, there are a number of superior quality research papers published in national and international journals of repute. His principal research interest is in the areas which include Electrostatics, Electromagnetics, Microwaves, Millimeterwaves and Lightwave Engineering. At present, he is actively engaged in the area of MicrbStrip Antennas, EMIIEMC, and Fault Diagnosis of Phased Array Antennas. Dr Mallick is a Fellow Member of the Institution of Engineers (India), and a Life Member of the Society of EMC Engineers (India). * * * D N Khanra, MSc, PhD was born in 1951 the District of Midnapore, West Bengal. He received the Post Graduate degree in Physics from Calcutta University in 1976 and the PhD degree from Jadavpur University in 1995. At present he is working as a Reader in Physics at V S Mahavidyalaya, Manikpara, Midnapore. His area of research interest is Microwaves and Microstrip Antennas.