This is what we will be learning about this term. PE As athletes we will: -Outdoor PE lessons, we will develop our throwing, catching and bouncing skills in our basketball lessons. -Indoor lessons will focus on developing our coordination skills and strength through dance and gymnastics. partnerclass. English As Writers we will learn to write a nonfiction fact file and retell short narrative stories. We will focus on: -using the correct handwriting families. -using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces appropriately. -the spelling rules for adding –s, ing and past tense ed. -the conjunction ‘and’ to join sentences. -Learn to spell High Frequency Words. -retrieving information from a non-fiction text -writing a simple non-fiction sentence. R.E As Spiritual people, we will study: - Meals, focusing on the story of The Last Supper. -Change, we will be learning about the season of Lent and learn that change is a necessary part of healthy growth. We will study scripture from Mark and Luke’s Gospel. Year 1 Spring Term 2 2020 -Use of Chrome Music Lab. -Pattern making with musical notes. -Saving links to projects on Seesaw. -Create music digitally using the theme of animal movement. Science As Scientists we will continue to learn about everyday materials through practical investigations. We will focus on: -the properties of different materials. - practical uses of everyday materials. - build aeroplanes out of different materials. Welcome Home Geography As Geographers: -We will learn about our school and our local area. -We will learn about key places in Brighton and Hove using Google Maps. -We will learn to draw and label maps with key features. -We will use points on a compass. Maths As Mathematicians we will: - Computing As digital experts we will: Counting forwards and backwards to 50 in numerals and words. Count one more/ one less (to 50). Compare and order numbers (up to 50). To group numbers into tens and ones (up to 50). To represent numbers to 50 using a variety on concrete materials. To find one more and one less than given numbers up to 50. Count in 2s, 5,s and 10s. Compare number sentences. Music As Musicians we will: -Learn to sing songs about the solar system. -Listen to Holst ‘The Planets’ suite and identify a range of musical features from two contrasting pieces. -Compose and perform a piece of space music and record on computers. Art As Artists, we will: This term we will be exploring a range of drawing styles and proportions whilst developing our observational drawing, textile and sculptural skills skills focusing on buildings and landscapes in the local area.