ASSET MANAGEMENT IN SAP Asset Management 1 Agenda Assets Accounting Types of Assets • AUC Assets • Fixed Assets Asset Life Cycle • Asset Master • Asset Acquisition • Asset Transfer • Asset Retirement Retirement with scrap. Retirement without revenue. Retirement with revenue. Month End Activities • Depreciation Run • Periodic posting Year End Activities • Fiscal Year Change • Yearend closing Asset Management 2 ASSETS ACCOUNTING Asset Accounting in the SAP system is used for managing and monitoring Under Construction and fixed assets. In Financial Accounting, it serves as a subsidiary ledger to the general ledger, providing detailed information on transactions involving Assets. Asset Management 3 TYPES OF ASSETS There are 2 types of Assets 1. Assets under construction : AUC can be created from different ways Investment Measure Purchase Order Production Order 2. Fixed Assets : Values of fixed assets can be posted through Acquisition from vendor Purchase Order Settlement an AUC and transfer to a final asset Asset Management 4 ASSETS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Definitions Commitment : from a legal obligation (contract, purchase order) which engages the company to a third party. Capitalizations : corresponds to the Good Receipt (MIGO). Can be done before the physical receipt of product if the ownership transfer takes place at the load. Commissioning : transfer from Asset Under Construction to Final Asset and activation of asset depreciation postings. Assets under construction are a special form of tangible assets. They are usually displayed as a separate balance sheet item and therefore need a separate account determination in their asset classes. • SAP allows posting ‘down payments’ to AuC. It is also possible to enter credit memos for AuC even after its complete capitalization, provided you are managing this asset class and allowing negative APC (Acquisition and Production Costs). • The IM (Investment Management) module helps to manage internal orders/projects for AuC. • Depreciation is not allowed for AuC. It is necessary to use the depreciation key ‘0000’ to ensure that you are not calculating any depreciation for AuC. But you can continue to have special tax depreciation and investment support even on these assets. Asset Management 5 Fixed asset - a subsidiary ledger to the general ledger in financial accounting for SAP. Assets are capitalized and included in the company Balance Sheet as assets, rather than written off to Profit and Loss account as expenses. FIXED ASSETS Net Book Value - the value of an asset in the accounting book which is calculated using the historical cost of the asset less any accumulated depreciation. If the asset has been revalued upwards or downwards, the accumulated write-up or write-off is also taken into account in the calculation of the net book value. FIXED ASSET Acquisition and Production Costs - the costs involved in obtaining an asset, whether it is purchased externally, or produced internally. ASSET CLASS Depreciation Area Depreciation Type Account determination Low Value Asset - an asset for which the acquisition and production costs (less included sales tax) does not exceed a legally predefined amount. Typically, a low value asset can be completely written off within the period in which it is acquired. Useful Life - a period during which an asset is expected to be usable for the purpose for which it was acquired. Useful life may, or may not, correspond with the asset's actual physical life, or economic life. Before the end of an asset’s useful life, the asset should be written off completely. Capitalization - the process of recording an acquisition and production cost as an AUC asset (written off as depreciation over several accounting periods), instead of an expense (charged against earnings in one accounting period). Asset Management 6 Asset Value Date - the date of an asset transaction from the accounting point of view. For example, the date of asset capitalization or retirement. The asset value date can be different from the posting date and document date, but it must be within the same period as the posting date. Depreciation - the reduction in the book value of an asset over its useful life for both tax and accounting purposes. Depreciation would be included with the company expenses. Depreciation Area – a dimension showing the valuation of an asset according to a particular accounting standard. For example, individual financial statements, or balance sheets for tax purposes. You can set up different depreciation areas to calculate different values in parallel for each asset. Depreciation Type - a label for classifying depreciation based on the reason for the depreciation. SAP allows you to set up depreciation types using several depreciation methods. For example, Straight Line, Straight Line Period Control, Declining Balance and so on. Salvage Value - the estimated value of an asset at the end of its useful life. The depreciation of an asset cannot cause the asset value to fall below the salvage value. Retirement - the removal of an asset or part of an asset from the asset portfolio. Asset Management 7 ASSET CLASS ASSET CLASS Function of Asset Class Screen Layout Number Assignment Account Allocation Every asset has to be assigned to exactly one asset class. The asset class is used to assign the assets (their business transactions) to the correct general ledger accounts. Several asset class can use same account assignment. The most important tasks of the asset classes are ●The asset class provides default values to all asset master records in the class. ●Controls the screen layout of Asset master, ●The assignment of asset numbers can be controlled by the asset class. Asset Management 8 ACCOUNT DETERMINATION One of the most important functions of the asset class is to establish the connection between the asset master records and the corresponding accounts in the general ledger in Financial Accounting. This connection is created by the account determination key in the asset class The below GL accounts is an example used in one project. Area 01 Acquisition values Accumulated depreciation Depreciation 928* 968* 9675* 28* 68* 675* Local 20*/21*/23* 90 Group xx Reval 920*/921* 929* 969* xx Inflation 920*8/921*8 928* 968* 9675* Asset Management 9 Chart of depreciation/Depreciation Area Chart of depreciation: Charts of depreciation are used in order to manage various legal requirements for the depreciation and valuation of assets. These charts of depreciation are usually country-specific and are defined independently of the other organizational units. Depreciation Area: Depreciation areas are used to calculates different values in parallel for each fixed asset for different purposes. You manage the depreciation terms and values necessary for this valuation in the depreciation areas of each asset An example where you can see 4 depreciation areas. 01-Book Depreciation (affiliate enters the useful life according to the local rules) 02/03- Tax Depreciation 32- Group Depreciation for USD currency 90-Group Depreciation for local currency (useful life defined by the Group rules) Asset Management 10 Depreciation Keys: The depreciation key contains the value settings which are necessary for determining depreciation amounts. It represents a combination of calculation rules, which are used for the automatically calculated depreciation types • Ordinary depreciation • Special depreciation • Imputed interest Asset Management 11 ASSET LIFE CYCLE Acquisition : Acquisition occur when a company acquires a new asset. Transfer : Transfer of asset can be Intracompany transfer(within the same company code ) based on business requirement. Depreciation : Asset depreciation is reduction in the book value of an asset due to its use over time or Due to legal framework for taxation reporting. Asset Management 12 Retirement and disposals : Asset retirement is the removal of an asset or part of an asset from the asset portfolio. This removal of an asset (or part of an asset) is posted from a bookkeeping perspective as an asset retirement. Depending on organizational considerations, or the business transaction which leads to the retirement, you can distinguish the following types of retirement: Asset Management 13 ASSET PROCESS FLOW • • • • • • • Master data creation/change(Transaction AS01/AS02) Acquisitions posting to asset (Transaction F-90) Transfers Depreciation/Periodic postings Retirement Period end closing Year-end closing process. Asset Management 14 MASTER DATA CREATION/CHANGE (TCODE.AS01/AS02) Asset Management 15 ACQUISITIONS POSTING TO ASSET (TRANSACTION F-90) Acquisition from purchase with vendor screen Transaction type:100 for external acquisition Asset Management 16 Asset Management 17 ASSET EXPLORER (TRANSACTION -AW01N) Asset Explorer before posting Asset Explorer after Acquisition Asset Management 18 ASSET TRANSFERS (T-CODE ABUMN) Transfer within company code from one asset to the other The asset 43494 is transferred to new asset 43495 in the same company code Asset Management 19 RETIREMENT (SCRAP) PROCESS (TRANSACTION ABAVN) Perform this procedure when a Capital Asset Disposal and Transfer form has been received, and an asset needs to be scrapped Asset Management 20 RETIREMENT WITH REVENUE (F-92) Asset Management 21 Asset Management 22 AW01N Before posting AW01N After posting Asset Management 23 MONTH END ACTIVITIES • Depreciation Run(AFAB): Depreciation is the systematic reduction in the recorded cost of a fixed asset. The reason for using depreciation is to match a portion of the cost of a fixed asset to the revenue that it generates; this is mandated under the matching principle, where you record revenues with their associated expenses in the same reporting period in order to give a complete picture of the results of a revenue-generating transaction. The net effect of depreciation is a gradual decline in the reported carrying amount of fixed assets on the balance sheet. Every asset transaction in the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) component immediately causes a change of the forecasted depreciation. However, an asset transaction does not immediately cause an update of the depreciation and value adjustment accounts for the financial statements. The planned depreciation is posted directly to Financial Accounting (FI) when you run the periodic depreciation posting run. This posting run posts the planned depreciation for each posting level for each asset as a lump sum amount • Periodic posting(ASKB): Periodic asset posting will update acquisition and depreciation in depreciation area other than area 01 which are maintained as post "APC and depreciation on periodic basis” The purpose of periodic posting is to rectify the difference between the ledgers due to parallel depreciation area. Asset Management 24 DEPRECIATION POSTING (TRANSACTION AFAB) Initially execute the transaction AFAB in test run mode in order to know if depreciation run has any errors to be addressed. Important point: Depreciation Run always executed in background mode only. The Planned Posting Run is the standard periodic run to post planned depreciation. This should be used when the last depreciation run was successful, and it’s time to carry out the depreciation run as part of the new period-closing process. The Repeat run is used to repeat the posting run within the period last posted. Repeat would be used if changes have been made after the period depreciation run has been posted. If posting run terminated for technical reasons, and changes made already made to the database, the depreciation run report must be begin in restart mode. The Unplanned Posting run allows posting outside of the normal processing cycle(By setting this indicator, the system does not check for the connection to the previous period and allows skipping over periods Asset Management 25 Test run will help you to find out errors with the error log. Asset Management 26 Issues observed during depreciation run(AFAB) Error message : “Cost center 1000/GN111S0098 is blocked in the primary cost postings to the period”. Reason: The error message is caused as the cost center is blocked for posting. In order to post the depreciation to the cost center. Solution: Go to Transaction code KS02 and unblock the cost center: GN111S0098 by unchecking as per below screenshot. Asset Management 27 Error message : Last record program interrupted (restart in period 2016 007) Reason: Generally when a depreciation has executed in test mode you can get a message stating last record program interrupted. It is due to depreciation run was not completely posted in the previous period. though you have already executed depreciation for the previous period, It may be of several reasons: • Acquisition for the previous period made after the execution of depreciation. • Depreciation run interrupted and not all the assets were depreciated. Solution: You need to execute the deprecation by selecting the radio button restart as per below screenshot Asset Management 28 PERIODIC POSTING - ASKB Initially execute the transaction ASKB in test run mode in order to know if depreciation run has any errors to be addressed. Important point: Periodic posting are always executed in background mode only. Start the periodic posting report with the "Restart posting run" option in order to update the missing documents. Asset Management 29 Issues observed on Periodic posting. Error message : Revaluation acquis. and production costs' could not be found. Reason: The user posted revaluation amount to the 90 Dep area, but the GL accounts are not maintained in AO90 transition to the 90 dep. Solution: To resolve the issue need to maintain GL accounts for 90 dep in AO90 transaction. But this is a customizing task and the validation of BPO is needed. Please create an OM&GA ticket. Difference in FI-AA Balances. In several scenarios we find the differences in FI-AA balances. FI-AA differences may occurs Depreciation not been posted(Transaction code AFAB) ASKB not being executed after Sales, Transfer, Scraping,(Due to which posting of values in GL accounts related to depreciation Area 90 will not takes place). Manual Posting on accounts 28*(All other are reconciliation accounts or in automatic postings only) Asset Management 30 YEAR END ACTIVITIES Fiscal year change(AJRW): From the point of view of the system, a fiscal year change is the opening of a new fiscal year for a company code. At the fiscal year change, the asset values from the previous fiscal year are carried forward cumulatively into the new fiscal year. Once the fiscal year change takes place, you can post to assets using value dates in the new fiscal year. At the same time, you can continue to post in the previous fiscal year. You find the fiscal year change program under Periodic processing . Year end closing(AJAB): The year-end closing is an annual balance sheet, an annual profit and loss statement, and an appendix with additional information (annual report), which has to be created to meet the particular legal obligations in each country. Before you can close a fiscal year in Financial Accounting from a bookkeeping perspective, you have to carry out preparatory measures in Asset Accounting. Asset Management 31 YEAR-END ACTIVITES IN ASSET ACCOUNTING Fiscal year change (AJRW): A fiscal year change is a technical procedure. The asset values from the previous fiscal year are carried forward cumulatively into the new fiscal year. Once the fiscal year change takes place, you can post to assets using value dates in the new fiscal year. At the same time, you can continue to post in the previous fiscal year. Always execute in background mode only. You can check closed fiscal year in the transaction OAAQ. Asset Management 32 ASSET ACCOUNTING YEAR-END CLOSING (AJAB) Year end closing for asset accounting has to be performed, before closing of the financial accounting for the year. Prerequisites for closing: All the periodic posting such as depreciation run, periodic posting ASKB and FI-AA reconciliation( ABST2) has to be completed Execution of fiscal year change(AJAB): Only the test run can be executed in foreground to find out errors. Once the test run is passed without errors, AJAB can be scheduled by unchecking the test run in background mode. Asset Management 33 There are no errors, so you can proceed to execute AJAB in real mode Execute the production run in background Asset Management 34 Error Message: Depreciation not posted completely. Reason: The acquisition amount posted for the assets for previous period after the execution of depreciation run and again depreciation was not executed. Solution: Go to AFAB transaction and execute the depreciation for the assets in Restart mode and then schedule AJAB in background. Asset Management 35 THANKS Asset Management 36