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CIS170 Data Analytics Syllabus - Cypress College

Welcome to our class!
Instructor Information:
Instructor: Peter Molnar
Office Hours: Please see Class Schedule
Campus Phone: (714) 484-7211
E-Mail: PMolnar@CypressCollege.edu
Cypress College Address: 9200 Valley View Cypress, CA 90630
E-Mail is generally the most convenient and efficient way to handle our communications. I will always
attempt to return your email with 24 hours of receipt. However, there are times when a personal
conversation or meeting might be the best way to communicate. The best time to speak with me is
during my office hours. At other times I may be in meetings or working on my classes. Please also take
advantage of the CIS Computer Lab resources. The lab is completely staffed with certified instructors
and lab technicians that can answer many of your questions in the lab. Please see CIS Computer Lab
below for location and hours.
Course Identification:
Course: CIS170 Introduction to Data Analytics
Prerequisites: None
This course includes provides an overview of the fundamental concepts and terminology of computer
information systems including lab experience with current computer applications.
General Online Requirements:
This course requires the following minimum hardware, software, and email information. Please see your
instructor for current requirements.
* Computer platform: Windows
* Hardware: 4GB of RAM, 100 GB of free disk space
* Software: Microsoft Office 2019 Professional (Excel)
* Browser: See the Class Information link in Canvas for allowed browsers.
* An e-mail account
Course Textbooks and Supplies:
This course requires the following textbooks and supplies:
Text Book: Business Analytics, Camm, Cochran, Fry, and Ohlmann. Publisher: Cengage. 4th Edition.
Software : Excel, Web browser and internet connection.
Note: The textbook and lab manual may be purchased only at the Cypress College bookstore
https://www.bkstr.com/cypressstore or from within our Canvas system.
CIS Computer Lab
You may use the computers in the CIS Computer Lab. The lab is fully staffed with certified instructors
and lab technicians to assist you with your work. If you use the lab be sure and bring all your class
materials and personal identification such as a driver's license or school id. The primary storage device
used in the CIS Computer Lab is a USB Flash Memory Storage Device. These requirements will be
discussed at our first class meeting. All students enrolled in this class are eligible to use the computer
lab for an unlimited number of hours during the term of the course. Please contact me or the CIS Lab
Instructor if you have any questions.
CIS Computer Lab
Business & CIS Building - Second Floor Room - BUS-208
Lab Hours - Please see the Class Schedule for current lab hours
Phone: (714) 484-7214 or 484-7215 (Voice Mail)
E-Mail: CISLAB@cypresscollege.edu
Tips for Online Success:
Generally, the successful online student has the following attributes:
1) independent learner
2) self-motivated
3) willing to learn in isolation
4) willing to ask questions as soon as questions arise
5) good with written instructions
6) good at expressing him/herself in writing
7) aware of technology as a convenience and barrier
8) ability to manage time and project due dates
Many students and instructors agree that online courses are not for every student. If you have the
above characteristics and a strong desire to complete this course then you will have a rewarding and
valuable learning experience. Communication is an important element in completing an online
course. Please stay in constant communication with me as we work together to successfully complete
this class. Your questions and suggestions will make this a learning experience for both of us.
Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO):
1. Students will be able to employ data analytic techniques and methodologies to evaluate data with
70% accuracy.
2. Evaluate Cloud Computing Techniques - Examine Hadoop, Cloud Computing, and Data Visualization
techniques with 70% accuracy.
Course Objectives:
Upon the completion of this course, you will be able to:
Explain BI, its benefits, and applications.
Examine data analytics process and tools.
Compare, contrast, and utilize structures, storage, sources, conversion, migration, and quality of
data as it relates to the data set of the problem.
Evaluate various aspects of Big Data and Data Warehouses.
Evaluate Cloud Computing, and Data Visualization.
Topics and Assignments and Due Dates:
The instructor reserves the right to change the following topics, assignments, and due dates if
necessary. Please check the course announcements weekly for any changes. Each student is expected
to submit work performed by their own personal effort. Copying or using work not your own may result
in failure and dismissal from this class. Do your best work! Lab assignments are due no later than the
dates due. Late lab assignments may not be accepted. Please contact me for help If you have any
questions or problems. Please click the Class Schedule link under the Canvas Syllabus section for the
specific assignments and due dates.
Grading Policy:
The instructor reserves the right to drop any student for lack of satisfactory progress in this
course. Satisfactory progress includes: Quiz scores, Assignments, Examinations, Class Participation and
Conduct. Student progress is obtained online so that each student may monitor their progress and
successfully complete this course. Please check the course announcements weekly for any
changes. Please click the Class Schedule link under the Canvas Syllabus section for the specific grading
procedure and point system.
Academic Honesty:
Students are expected to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting material which
demonstrates their level of knowledge and which is used to determine grades. Such standards are
founded on basic concepts of integrity and honesty. This policy can be found in the Cypress College
Catalog. Each student is expected to submit work performed by their own personal effort. Copying or
using work not your own may result in failure and dismissal from this class. Do your best work!
Student Grievances:
If you have any questions or concerns during this course please contact me. I am sure we can resolve
any concerns which prevent you from completing this course. If the problem cannot be resolved
between the two of us, you can refer to the Student Grievances section in the Cypress College Catalog
at: http://www.cypresscollege.edu/academics/CollegeCatalog.aspx
Student Services:
Online students have access to all the student services as on-campus students. For more information on
student services, please refer to http://www.cypresscollege.edu/services/services-a-to-z/.
Academic Advising/Counseling:
Online students have access to academic advising and counseling as on-campus students. The
counseling Webpage lists all the counselors and their e-mail addresses. The Webpage is located under
Counseling on the Cypress College Website at http://www.cypresscollege.edu/services/counseling/.
Information about online advisement can also be found there. Please contact your counselor for any
questions concerning the transfer of this class and general career advice.
Cypress College Library Learning Resources:
The library web page provides access to an online catalog listing the library holdings from Cypress,
Fullerton, Goldenwest, Orange Coast/>, Cal State Fullerton and Cal State Long Beach. You will need
campus ID card to check out books from these libraries. There is also a periodical database and journals
available online through the library. Students need a user ID and password to access the periodical
database. You can contact the librarian about acquiring a user ID and password for on-line access if
If you need tutoring or special assistance please contact me or visit the CIS Computer Lab on the second
floor of the Business & CIS Building. If you visit the CIS Computer Lab, please bring all of your student
materials and see the lab instructor for assistance. The lab personnel will be able to spend some time
with you to assist you with your problem. You may also visit me during my office hours. I would be glad
to sit down with you and help you successful complete this course.
Campus Safety:
The Cypress College Department of Campus Safety is committed to providing a safe campus
environment for its students, faculty, and visitors. Campus Safety provides security and safety services
to the campus. The department is responsible for crime prevention and personal safety. While this is our
primary responsibility, personal safety and crime prevention does rest with each individual. Therefore,
each of us must take personal responsibility for our own safety, as well as for the safety of those around
us. Cypress College is among the safest colleges in the country. We strive towards this goal by providing
proactive patrol procedures, interaction with the community, and high visibility. We have also
established a partnership with the Cypress Police Department. This combination has been successful in
solving many of the problems and issues that have been presented to Cypress College members.
Campus Safety provides coverage to the campus 24 hours a day. Campus Safety is located on the
Business Building first floor, adjacent to parking lot 1. The Business Office is open 8 am–5 pm. Any
criminal action or emergency must be reported to Campus Safety at (714) 484-7387. Cypress College
complies with the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and the National Incident
Management System (NIMS) by conducting emergency exercises each semester. Campus Safety
provides escort service upon request at (714) 484-7387. Lost and found items are housed in the
Campus Safety Office. Contact Campus Safety to receive information regarding items.
Health Center Location and Phone number:
GYM II Building, 1st Floor, 714-484-7361