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Statistical Inference: Probability & Random Samples

Statistical Inference
Topic 1- Probability and random samples
Jun Ma
Topic 1
Semester 1, 2020
Jun Ma (Topic 1)
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Unit Convenor: Jun Ma
Location: 526 Level 5, 12 Wally’s Walk
Phone: 9850 8548
Email: jun.ma@mq.edu.au
Consultation: Monday 1-3pm
Tutor: Sophia Shen
Email: Sophia.Shen@mq.edu.au
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Unit Outline
Topic 1: Probability and random samples
Topic 2: Large sample probability concepts
Topic 3: Estimation concepts
Topic 4: Likelihood
Topic 5: Estimation methods
Topic 6: Hypothesis testing concepts
Topic 7: Hypothesis testing methods
Topic 8: Bayesian inference
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Statistical inference
This unit is about the theory behind Statistical Inference
Statistical inference is the science of drawing conclusions on the basis
of numerical information that is subject to randomness
The core principle is that information about a population can be
obtained using a “representative” sample from that population
A “representative” sample requires that the sample has been taken at
random from the population
To model variability in random samples we use probability models
This means we need probability concepts to study statistical inference
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Population and Sample
e.g. all adults in a
population of interest
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e.g. 300 adults
chosen at random
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based on the
e.g. at least one-third
of adults have high
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Topic 1 Outline: Probability and random samples
Populations and random samples
Probability and relative frequency
Probability and set theory
Probability axioms
Random variables and probability distributions
Joint probability distributions
Common probability distributions including the normal distribution
Sampling variation and statistical inference
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Probability and random samples
We usually interpret probability to be the long-run frequency with
which an event occurs in repeated trials
We can then model random variation in our sample using the
probabilistic variation in repeated samples from the population
This leads to the Frequentist approach to statistical inference, which
is the most common approach and will be our main focus in this unit
There is also another approach called Bayesian statistical inference,
which is based on a different interpretation of probability (we will do
one lecture on this later in the unit)
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Relative frequency
Consider N “samples” taken in identical fashion from a population of
Consider an event of interest that could possibly occur in each of
these samples
Let fN be the number of samples where the event occurred
Then fN /N is called the relative frequency with which the event
The probability of the event to occur is then the limit of this relative
probability = lim
N→∞ N
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Set theory
A rigorous description of probability theory uses concepts from set
A set is a collection of objects
An element of a set is a member of this collection
If ω is element of a set Ω we write ω ∈ Ω
A is a subset of a set Ω, written A ⊂ Ω, if ω ∈ A implies ω ∈ Ω
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Set operations
Denote a union as A ∪ B
which means ω ∈ A ∪ B ⇒
ω ∈ A or ω ∈ B.
Denote an intersection as
A ∩ B which means ω ∈
A ∩ B ⇒ ω ∈ A and ω ∈ B.
Denote a complement of A
as Ac (or A), so that ω ∈ Ac
means that ω ∈ Ω but ω 6∈ A.
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Outcomes, sample spaces and events
Random samples involve uncertainty or variability
The term outcome refers to a given realisation of this sampling
The set of all possible outcomes is referred to as the sample space
A subset of outcomes in the sample space is called an event
An event can be interpreted as an observation that could occur in our
sample e.g. a coin toss yields a head
Each event has a probability assigned to it reflecting the “chance”
that it will occur
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Suppose our sample consists of two individuals for whom we record
whether or not a particular infection is present or absent
Denote presence or absence of the infection by 1 and 0, respectively
One possible outcome is that both individuals have the infection,
denoted by (1, 1)
The sample space is the set of all possible outcomes, that is, all
possible pairs of infection statuses for the two individuals
Ω = {(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)}
The event “there is exactly one infected individual in the sample” is
denoted by the subset of the sample space {(0, 1), (1, 0)}
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Probability and sets
Since events are defined mathematically as sets, we can use set
operations to construct new events from existing events
Consider two events E1 and E2 , then the new event E1 ∩ E2 is
interpreted as the event that both E1 and E2 occur
The new event E1 ∪ E2 is interpreted as the event that either E1 or E2
or both occur
The new event E1c is interpreted as the event that E1 does not occur
The empty set ∅ is interpreted as an impossible event
If E1 ∩ E2 = ∅ then E1 and E2 are called mutually exclusive events
with the interpretation that the two events cannot both occur
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Example (cont.)
The event “either 1 or 2 individuals in the sample are infected”
corresponds to the event union
{(0, 1), (1, 0)} ∪ {(1, 1)} = {(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)}
The event “both 1 and 2 individuals in the sample are infected ”
corresponds to the event intersection
{(0, 1), (1, 0)} ∩ {(1, 1)} = ∅
which is impossible since these events are mutually exclusive
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Valid probabilities
Probability is a function of events, or a function of subsets of the
sample space
Consider an event E that is a subset of the sample space Ω
Then Pr(E) denotes the probability that event E will occur
The function “Pr” is allowed to be any function of subsets of the
sample space that satisfies certain requirements that make it a valid
Any valid probability must satisfy the following intuitively natural
requirements, called axioms
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Axioms of probability
The probability of any event E is a number between 0 and 1 inclusive.
That is,
0 ≤ Pr(E) ≤ 1
The probability of an event with certainty is 1 and the probability of
an impossible event is 0. That is,
Pr(Ω) = 1
Pr(∅) = 0
If two events E1 and E2 are mutually exclusive, so they cannot both
occur, the probability that either event occurs is the sum of their
respective probabilities. That is,
if E1 ∩ E2 = ∅
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Pr(E1 ∪ E2 ) = Pr(E1 ) + Pr(E2 )
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Probability properties
Many properties follow from the probability axioms. For example:
If A ⊂ B, then P(A) ≤ P(B)
P(Ac ) = 1 − P(A)
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) − P(A ∩ B)
These types of properties can be illustrated using a Venn diagram similar
to those on slide 10 (see also tutorial)
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Example (cont.) - 3 probability assignments
{(0, 0)}
{(0, 1)}
{(1, 0)}
{(1, 1)}
{(0, 0), (0, 1)}
{(0, 0), (1, 0)}
{(0, 0), (1, 1)}
{(0, 1), (1, 0)}
{(0, 1), (1, 1)}
{(1, 0), (1, 1)}
{(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)}
{(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)}
{(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)}
{(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)}
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probability 1
probability 2
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probability 3
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Example (cont.)
The probability axioms are only satisfied for probability assignments 1
and 2. Probability assignment 3 is invalid because
Pr Ω = Pr {(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)} = 1
6= Pr {(0, 0)} + Pr {(0, 1)} + Pr {(1, 0)} + Pr {(1, 1)} = 1.2
Consider event E1 “exactly one individual is infected” and event E2
“the first individual is infected”
E1 = {(0, 1), (1, 0)}
E2 = {(1, 0), (1, 1)}
E1 ∩ E2 = {(1, 0)}
Using property 3 from slide 18, Pr(E1 ∪ E2 ) is
0.0950+0.0500−0.0475 = 0.0975 or 0.4950+0.4500−0.2475 = 0.6975
In each case the calculation agrees with the probability assigned to
the event {(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)}
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Random variables
A random variable is a function of outcomes in the sample space
It can be thought of as an uncertain quantity that takes on values
with particular probabilities
A random variable that can take on only a discrete set of values then
it is referred to as a discrete random variable
A random variable that can take on a continuum of values is referred
to as a continuous random variable
For example: the gender of a randomly sampled individual is discrete
while their cholesterol level is continuous
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Random variables and probabilities
Statements about a random variable taking on a particular value or
having a value in a particular range are events
For a random variable X and a given number x, statements such as
X = x and X ≤ x are events
We can therefore assign probabilities Pr(X = x) and Pr(X ≤ x) to
such events
A general convention is that random variables are denoted by
upper-case letters, while the values that they can take on are
denoted by lower-case letters
This distinction will be important in subsequent lectures
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Probability distributions
The probability distribution for a random variable is a rule for
assigning a probability to any event stating that the random variable
takes on a specific value or lies in a specific range
There are various ways to specify the probability distribution of a
random variable
We will use 3 functions for specifying the probability distribution of a
random variable
Cumulative distribution function (or simply called distribution function)
Probability function
Probability density function
These are not the only functions that can be used to specify a
probability distribution, but they are the only ones we will use
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Cumulative distribution function
The cumulative distribution function of a random variable X is a
function FX (x) such that
FX (x) = Pr(X ≤ x)
for any value x
Any valid cumulative distribution function must therefore satisfy the
following three properties:
(i) lim FX (x) = 1
lim FX (x) = 0
(iii) FX (x1 ) ≥ FX (x2 )
where x1 ≥ x2
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Probability function
For a discrete random variable X , the probability function is a
function that gives the probability that the random variable will equal
any specific value
The probability function is
fX (x) = Pr(X = x)
where x is any number in the set of possible values that X can take on
For any discrete random variable, x fX (x) = 1, where the
summation is taken over all possible values that X can take on
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Probability density function
For a continuous random variable X , the probability density
function is the derivative of the cumulative distribution function
fX (x) =
FX (x)
It specifies the probability that a continuous random variable will fall
into any given range through the relationship
Z u
Pr(l ≤ X ≤ u) =
fX (x)dx
It must therefore always integrate to 1 over the range (−∞, ∞)
The probability density function does not give the probability that a
continuous random variable is equal to a specific value
For a continuous random variable it is always the case that
Pr(X = x) = 0 (can you think why?)
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Attributes of probability distributions: Expectation
The probability distribution of a random variable has various
attributes that summarise the way the random variable tends to
The expectation, or mean, of a random variable is the average value
that the random variable takes on
For discrete random variables the expectation is
xfX (x)
E(X ) =
where the summation is over all possible values of the random
variable X
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Attributes of probability distributions: Expectation (cont.)
For continuous random variables the expectation is given by
Z ∞
xfX (x)dx
E(X ) =
Since the sum or integral of a linear function yields a linear function
of the sum or integral, expectations possess an important linearity
property, namely, for constants c0 and c1
E(c0 + c1 X ) = c0 + c1 E(X )
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Attributes of probability distributions: Variance
The variance of a random variable is a measure of the degree of
variation that a random variable exhibits
It is defined as
2 Var(X ) = E X − E(X )
= E(X 2 ) − E(X )2
for both continuous and discrete random variables
Unlike expectations, the linearity property does not hold for variances,
but is replaced by the equally important property
Var(c0 + c1 X ) = c12 Var(X )
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Attributes of probability distributions: Percentiles
Another important attribute are percentiles
For α ∈ (0, 1), the α-percentile of a probability distribution is the
point below which 100α% of the distribution falls
The α-percentile of a probability distribution with cumulative
distribution function FX (x) is the point pα that satisfies
FX (pα ) = α
For example, the 0.5 percentile, called the median, is the point below
which half of the probability distribution lies
The 0.25 and 0.75 percentiles, called quartiles, specify the points
below which one-quarter and three-quarters of the distribution lies
Other percentiles of a probability distribution will also be of interest,
particularly when we come to discuss confidence intervals in
subsequent topics.
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Example (cont.)
Define a random variable T to be the number infected in the sample
of 2 people
T is a discrete random variable since its possible values are 0, 1 and 2
The table gives the value of T for each outcome in the sample space
The table also gives the probability distribution of T under the
probability assignment 1 discussed earlier
t Event T = t
fT (t)
FT (t)
{(0, 0)}
0.9025 0.9025
1 {(0, 1), (1, 0)} 0.0950 0.9975
{(1, 1)}
E(T ) = 0 × 0.9025 + 1 × 0.0950 + 2 × 0.0025 = 0.1
Var(T ) = (02 × 0.9025 + 12 × 0.0950 + 22 × 0.0025) − (0.12 ) = 0.095
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Conditional probability
The probability of an event might change once we know that some
other event has occurred, this means this event depends on the other
For two events E1 and E2 , the conditional probability that E1 occurs
given that E2 has occurred is denoted Pr(E1 |E2 ) and is defined as
Pr(E1 |E2 ) =
Pr(E1 ∩ E2 )
Pr(E2 )
This is defined only for events E2 that are not impossible, so that
Pr(E2 ) 6= 0 in the denominator
It does not make sense for us to condition on the occurrence of an
impossible event
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A property that applies to both events and random variables
Using the definition of conditional probability, two events E1 and E2
are independent events if
Pr E1 |E2 = Pr E1
The occurrence of the event E2 does not affect the probability of
occurrence of the event E1 (and vice versa)
We can re-express this definition by saying that E1 and E2 are
independent events if they satisfy the multiplicative property
Pr E1 ∩ E2 = Pr E1 Pr E2
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Independent random variables
Statistical inference makes more use of the concept of independence
when applied to random variables
Consider two random variables X1 and X2 , with cumulative
distribution functions F1 (x1 ) and F2 (x2 )
X1 and X2 are said to be independent random variables if
Pr(X1 ≤ x1 | X2 ≤ x2 ) = Pr(X1 ≤ x1 ) = F1 (x1 )
Pr(X2 ≤ x2 | X1 ≤ x1 ) = Pr(X2 ≤ x2 ) = F2 (x2 )
where x1 and x2 are in the range of possible values of X1 and X2
Knowing the value of one random variable does not affect the
probability distribution of the other
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Independent random variables (cont.)
Like independence of events, independence of random variables can
be defined using the multiplicative property
Pr({X1 ≤ x1 }∩{X2 ≤ x2 }) = Pr(X1 ≤ x1 ) Pr(X2 ≤ x2 ) = F1 (x1 )F2 (x2 )
We can see from this form that independence of random variables is
defined in terms of independence of the two events X1 ≤ x1 and
X2 ≤ x2
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Joint probability distributions
The above discussion introduces us to the concept of the joint
probability distribution of two random variables
Generalisation of the definition of a probability distribution for a
single random variable to define distribution for two or more random
The joint probability distribution of two random variables is a rule
for assigning probabilities to any event stating that the two random
variables simultaneously take on specific values or lie in specific ranges
Like the probability distribution of a single random variable, the joint
probability distribution can be characterised by various functions
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Joint cumulative distribution function
The first such function is a generalisation of the cumulative
distribution function
Consider the shorthand notation
Pr(X1 ≤ x1 , X2 ≤ x2 ) ≡ Pr({X1 ≤ x1 } ∩ {X2 ≤ x2 })
Then the joint cumulative distribution function of two random
variables X1 and X2 is the function of two variables
FX1 ,X2 (x1 , x2 ) = Pr(X1 ≤ x1 , X2 ≤ x2 )
So independence of two random variables is equivalent to their joint
cumulative distribution function factoring into the product of their
individual cumulative distribution functions
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Joint probability function
The joint probability function of two discrete random variables X1
and X2 is the function of two variables
fX1 ,X2 (x1 , x2 ) = Pr(X1 = x1 , X2 = x2 )
The multiplicative property for independence of two discrete random
variables can equivalently be expressed in terms of their joint
probability function
That is, two discrete random variables X1 and X2 are independent if
fX1 ,X2 (x1 , x2 ) = f1 (x1 )f2 (x2 )
where f1 (x1 ) and f2 (x2 ) are the probability functions of X1 and X2
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Joint probability density function
The joint probability density function of two continuous random
variables X1 and X2 is the function of two variables
FX1 ,X2 (x1 , x2 )
fX1 ,X2 (x1 , x2 ) =
∂x1 ∂x2
where the symbol ∂ means partial differentiation of a multivariable
function, rather than the symbol d used in univariable differentiation
The joint probability density function specifies the probability that the
two continuous random variables will simultaneously fall into any two
given ranges through the relationship
Z u1 Z u2
Pr(l1 ≤ X1 ≤ u1 , l2 ≤ X2 ≤ u2 ) =
fX1 ,X2 (x1 , x2 )dx2 dx1
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Correlation and covariance
The covariance of X and Y is defined as
Cov(X , Y ) = E X − E(X ) Y − E(Y ) = E(XY ) − E(X )E(Y )
We say that X and Y are uncorrelated when Cov(X , Y ) = 0, i.e.
E(XY ) = E(X )E(Y )
Being uncorrelated random variables is a weaker property than being
independent random variables
Independent implies uncorrelated but not vice versa
Covariance is a generalisation of variance
Cov(X , X ) = Var(X )
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Correlation and covariance (cont.)
A measure of the extent to which two random variables depart from
being uncorrelated is the correlation
Corr(X , Y ) = p
Var(X )Var(Y )
Correlation is scaled such that it always lies between −1 and 1, with 0
corresponding to being uncorrelated
It is important in studying the linear relationship between two
variables, with the extremes of −1 and 1 corresponding to a perfect
negative and positive linear relationship, respectively
Although being uncorrelated implies that there is no linear
relationship between two variables, it does not preclude that some
other relationship exists. This is another reason why independence is
a stronger property than being uncorrelated
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Correlation example
Suppose (X , Y ) can be either
(2, 2)
(−1, 1)
(1, −1)
(−2, −2)
The random variables X and Y
are certainly dependent, since if
we know what one of them is,
we can figure out what the
other one is too.
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Correlation example (cont.)
On the other hand, E [XY ], E [X ] and E [Y ] are all zero; for instance,
E [XY ] = 10% × 2 × 2 + 40% × (−1) × 1
+ 40% × 1 × (−1) + 10% × (−2) × (−2)
= 0.4 − 0.4 − 0.4 + 0.4
= 0;
so the correlation between X and Y is zero
X and Y are uncorrelated but not independent
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Independent random samples
The main use of the concept of independence in this unit is for
modelling a random sample from a population
We will often use a collection of n random variables to represent n
observations in a random sample and assume that these observations
are independent
For a random sample, independence means that one observation does
not affect the probability distribution of another observation
n random variables X = (X1 , . . . , Xn ) are (mutually) independent if
their joint cumulative distribution function factors into the product of
their n individual cumulative distribution functions or likewise for the
joint density or probability functions
FX (x) = Pr(X1 ≤ x1 , . . . , Xn ≤ xn ) =
Fi (xi )
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fX (x) =
fi (xi )
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Independence example
Random variable T0 is 1 if only one individual is infected and 0
Random variable T1 is 1 if the first individual is infected and 0
Random variable T2 is 1 if the second individual is infected and 0
Consider events T0 = 1, T1 = 1, T2 = 1,denoted as E0 , E1 , E2
E0 = {(0, 1), (1, 0)} and Pr(E0 ) = 0.095 based on Table 1
Likewise we have E1 = {(1, 0), (1, 1)} and Pr(E1 ) = 0.05, as well as
E2 = {(0, 1), (1, 1)} and Pr(E2 ) = 0.05
Conditional probability
1 ∩E0 )
Pr(E1 |E0 ) = Pr(E
Pr(E0 ) =
Jun Ma (Topic 1)
= 0.5
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Independence example (cont.)
Thus, given we know exactly one person is infected, it is equally likely
to be individual 1 or 2
E0 and E1 are not independent events since Pr(E1 |E0 ) 6= Pr(E1 )
Knowledge that there is one infected individual provides information
about whether individual 1 is infected
On the other hand, T1 = 1 and T2 = 1 are independent events
Pr(E1 ∩ E2 ) = Pr({(1, 1)}) = 0.0025 = 0.05 × 0.05 = Pr(E1 ) Pr(E2 )
Same process can be followed for any other value of the random
variables T1 and T2 to show that
Pr(T1 = t1 , T2 = t2 ) = Pr(T1 = t1 ) Pr(T2 = t2 ) t1 = 0, 1
t2 = 0, 1
That is, the random variables T1 and T2 are independent random
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Common probability distributions
Probability distributions commonly used in statistical inference are
based on a simple and flexible function for fX (x) or FX (x)
In subsequent lectures we will use many common probability
All of these are summarised in the accompanying document “Common
Probability Distributions” (which will be reviewed in the lecture)
Common discrete distributions include: binomial, Poisson, geometric,
negative binomial and hypergeometric distributions
Common continuous distributions include: normal, exponential,
gamma, uniform, beta, t, χ2 and F distributions
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Normal distribution
The most important distribution for statistical inference
In large samples it unifies many statistical inference tools
The large sample concepts will be considered in Topics 2 and 3
For now we will simply review some of the key features
Consider a continuous random variable X with
µ = E(X )
σ 2 = Var(X )
X has a normal distribution, written
X ∼ N(µ, σ 2 ),
if the probability density function of X has the form
(x − µ)2
fX (x) = √ exp −
x ∈ (−∞, ∞)
2σ 2
σ 2π
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Standard normal distribution
Cumulative distribution function FX (x) is not convenient and needs
to be calculated numerically
This is done using a special case, called the standard normal
distribution, which is the N(0, 1) distribution
Let the standard normal cumulative distribution distribution be
Z x
exp −
Φ(x) = √
2π −∞
Then the cumulative distribution function associated with any other
normal distribution is
x −µ
FX (x) = Φ
α-percentile of the standard normal distribution is zα
Φ(zα ) = α
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zα = Φ−1 (α)
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probability density
probability density
1 σ 2π
Standard normal distribution - percentiles
µ − 2σ
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µ + 2σ
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Bivariate normal distribution
The bivariate normal distribution is a joint probability distribution
Consider two normally distributed random variables X and Y with
Corr(X , Y ) = ρ
We call µ the mean vector and Σ the variance-covariance matrix
ρσX σY
ρσX σY
Then X and Y have a bivariate normal distribution, written
X ∼ N2 (µ, Σ)
where X =
if their joint probability density function is of the form
T −1
fX ,Y (x, y ) = fX (x) =
exp − (x − µ) Σ (x − µ)
2πσX σY 1 − ρ2
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Multivariate normal distribution
Generalisation of the normal distribution, giving the joint distribution
of a k × 1 vector of random variables X = (X1 , . . . , Xk )T
The joint probability density function is
− 1
fX (x) = (2π) det(Σ) 2 exp − (x − µ) Σ (x − µ)
x ∈ <k
where det(Σ) is the matrix determinant of Σ
µ = (µ1 , . . . , µk )T is called the mean vector
The k × k matrix Σ is called the variance-covariance matrix and must
be a non-negative definite matrix
Its main use in this unit is as the distribution of estimators in large
samples – more on this in later topics
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Inference example
We will now consider how to use a probability model for the sampling
variation in a simple introductory example
Example: Assessment of disease prevalence in a population
We are interested in the proportion of a population that has a
particular disease, called θ
We sample n individuals at random from the population
We observe the number of individuals who have the disease
We assume our sample is truly random and not biased i.e. assume we
have not systematically over- or under-sampled diseased individuals
How would we use the sample to make inferences about θ?
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Inference about the population
The population prevalence θ is considered to be a fixed constant
Our goal is to use the sample to estimate this unknown constant and
also to place some appropriate uncertainty limits around our estimate
The starting point is the natural estimate of the unknown population
prevalence, that is, by the observed proportion in our sample
By using the observed sample prevalence to make inferences about
the disease prevalence in the population, we are extrapolating from
the sample to the population
The reason why such sampling and extrapolation is necessary is that
we can’t assess the entire population
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Sampling variation
How much do we “trust” the observed sample prevalence as an
estimate of the population prevalence?
The answer depends on the sampling variation
Sampling variability reflects the extent to which the sample
prevalence tends to vary from sample to sample
If our sample included n = 1000 individuals we would “trust” the
observed sample prevalence more than if our sample included n = 100
Consider a plot of repeated samples with difference sample sizes
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Figure 1: Results from 10 prevalence studies with sample size
100, and 10 prevalence studies with sample size 1000.
Sample size=1000
Sample size=100
Sample Prevalence (%)
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Probability model
In order to quantify our “trust” in the sample prevalence, we need
some way of describing its variability
This can be done using a probability model
In this example the binomial distribution provides a natural model for
the way the sampling has been carried out assuming:
n is fixed not random
individuals are sampled independently
We then have a probability model for the observed number of
diseased individuals X and the sample prevalence
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Binomial model
Pr(X = x) =
Pr(P = p) =
θx (1 − θ)n−x
(n − x)x!
θpn (1 − θ)n−pn
(n − pn)(pn)!
x = 0, . . . , n
pn = 0, . . . , n
We can use this distribution to quantify our trust in the sample
prevalence as an indication of the population prevalence, particularly
using the distribution’s mean and variance
We can also use this model to calculate a confidence interval, which
is an important summary of our “trust” in the sample
We will come back to this in Topic 3, after discussing the large
sample normal approximation to the binomial distribution and some
key estimation concepts
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