The girl who cried mermaid By: Brielle Harris Once upon a time there was a girl named Anna. She lived along the beach in Ballito. She used to go for walks on the seashore. She had no friends and was often very lonely. One day as she was sitting on the rocks at the beach, she screamed mermaid, mermaid. All the people came running to see the mermaid. She giggled and ran away as she was lying, there was no mermaid. The elders were very angry Days went by and she went on her daily walks on the beach. Suddenly Anna exclaimed mermaid! mermaid! mermaid! All the people came running towards the shore to see the mermaid and all Anna did was to giggle and run away. The people were angry and walked away. One afternoon she was walking her dog at the beach. There were playing catch, she threw a stick and her dog ran after it, as he ran a mermaid appeared and grabbed her dog. Anna screamed help mermaid, and no-one came. Everyone thought Anna was lying again. The mermaid took her dog, and no-one came to help her because she was always lying about seeing a mermaid. That was the last time Anna lied. The moral of the story is to not tell lies because no-one will believe you when you eventually tell the truth.