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Mindset Motivation

Mindset And Motivation
your guide to creating a winning mindset
By dell farrell
Mindset & Motivation
Self Acceptance
Be Present
Overcome Stress & Worry
Simplify: Less Is More
Letters To Future You
It’s Not About The Goal
Every Difficulty Is An Opportunity To Get Better
Plan To Fail
Done Is Better Than Perfect
Take Action!
Mindset & Motivation
If you Google ‘diet and exercise program’ you’ll get over 18 million results. Each one promising
to be the last one you will ever need. Because ‘it’s not a diet - it’s a lifestyle.’ Or if it’s a diet it’s
the one solution you’ve been looking for, the missing piece of the puzzle that no one ever told you
about. So why can’t we stick to it? Why do we keep searching for the next best thing when one
diet doesn’t work out?
The truth is, it isn’t easy. It’s not going to be something you don’t have to keep working at
continually. There isn’t one magic answer, there aren’t specific foods or training exercises that
will magically transform your body overnight. It takes time. If you want a better than average
body you have to put in better than average effort. But it doesn’t have to be painful. In fact, just
making small and sustainable changes sets you up for steady fat loss that’s easier to maintain.
With these miracle plans, there is one key thing the majority fail to mention - they tell you what
to do but they forget to tell you how. If you have the best program in the world, but you don’t
know how to get started or how to stick to it, then it’s just not that valuable.
Mindset and motivation are vital to getting started and staying on track. Use this manual as a
practical guide of how to stick with the plan when things get tough. Know that we all face these
struggles when it comes to change. Implementing these methods will help pick you up when you
fall and get you back on the horse. Choose the strategies that you feel apply to you most, then
once you master one move onto the next.
"The journey of a thousand miles
begins with one step." - Lao Tzu
Start your day with a killer morning routine.
Now that you don’t have to think about eating for the first few hours of the day, you
have time to create a stress free, structured morning routine to set you up for success. Things
to do in the morning can include meditation, stretching, going for a brisk walk, reading,
drawing, writing, planning your day, exercising, drinking tea or walking your dog.
Choose how you will structure your morning for optimal productivity and mood for the rest
of the day. We recommend you get moving for at least 5 minutes then do something that
relaxes you.
Getting good quality sleep will help regulate your appetite.You won’t get as hungry and will
be less likely to get cravings throughout the day. It’s also super beneficial for overall health.
Need help with sleep? Try this.
Carbs after dark. I know what you’re thinking... ‘But wait, you’re telling me to eat most of my
carbs at night? What the flip?’ You heard me ladies. Carbs at night are your friend. They’ll help
you sleep like a baby and refuel your muscles aka your bodies fat burning furnace. Carbs at
night is a good strategy to stop you feeling hungry later in the day when willpower is lower
- making it easier to overeat.
I used to think meditation was for weird jobless hippies high on space crack.
Plot twist - it’s not! Meditation can be as easy as listening to a guided meditation/visualisation
track on YouTube or the podcast app which are all free. Listening to even 5 minutes of this
upon waking before getting out of bed, plus right before bed, will work wonders in so many
aspects of your life. I use an app called Smiling Mind as well as the audiobook, Practicing
The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle. This will improve sleep quality and help you make
everyday more enjoyable and amazing.
Not sure where to start? Choose 1 of these ten practices: greatist.com/happiness/unexpectedways-to-meditate
Self Acceptance
Self Acceptance
Accept yourself before you master the task at hand.
Time spent worrying about what you look like is a drain on your precious time and energy. It
will suck the life out of you. Change your view of yourself. Realise that you are good enough.
That you do deserve the results you want. It is possible, if you take a reasonable approach.
Killing yourself at the gym and starving yourself is never the answer if you want to be
lean, fit, happy and healthy.
"No amount of self-improvement can make up
for a lack of self-acceptance"” - Robert Holden
Be present
Be Present
Focusing on the current moment will make you realise that nothing can take away your current
happiness except you and your own thoughts. By being present we accept the position we are
currently in. We are then able to make the changes necessary to get to where we want to be.
When you realise that nothing is wrong in this very moment and stop worrying about the past
or future you can start living more purposefully. If you have trouble focusing on the current
moment try listening to the audio version of Practicing the Power of Now. This will help put
everything in perspective.
Being mindful about your daily habits is vital. Self-awareness will help you identify the
situations and circumstances where you slip up. For some, eating when bored leads to
weight gain. This may be because they are uncomfortable with sitting and just being.
It may be a way of avoiding other things.
Recommended Reading:
Practicing the power of now by eckhart tolle.
Stop making excuses as to why you can’t have the body you want. You need to decide today
that you are in control. With every decision you make, understand that you are shaping your
future body. Having strong values of who you are will allow you to stick to habits that shape
your body. Are you the kind of person who is mindful of what she eats? Are you the kind of
person that doesn’t give in when things get tough? Do you cry to quit or cry to keep going?
Write a list of ten daily affirmations that will help form your values, habits and guide decision
making. Remain consistent by focusing on your ‘why’.
I track my food everyday and eat towards my goals
I am authentic, honest & compassionate
I finish what I start
I always make the effort to look fly everyday
I practice gratitude daily
I persist until I succeed
I am not afraid to fail and learn
I keep my surroundings simple, distraction free & uncluttered
I do what is hard now, to reap the benefits later
I focus my energy on what matters most so I don’t become overwhelmed
Recommended Reading:
Start With Why by Simon Sinek.
Overcome Stress & Worry
Easier said than done, right? Here are some practical solutions to keep your cool and stay on
track when things get a little crazy.
• Listen To Music. Switch off by relaxing to your favorite song. This is a great way to improve
your mood.
• Focus On Your Breath. Deep breath through your nose into your belly helps you keep calm
and relaxed.
• Go For A Walk. You’ll get some alone time to process thoughts and clear your head.
Plus you get the added benefit of exercise.
• Go Workout Have you had your daily boost of endorphins? If you need an instant mood
boost, try exercise as a free and effective anti-depressant that promotes feelings of euphoria.
Even a short at home bodyweight workout will give you the desired effect.
• Go Hiking Or Spend Time In Nature. Taking time out from a busy schedule and crowded
environment can work wonders for your head space and putting things in perspective.
• Switch Of. f Scheduling one day a week to switch off and unplug from phones, computers,
televisions and devices will allow you to spend more time doing things you love instead of
wasting your days with your eyes glued to a screen. Being in nature can enhance happiness,
positivity, and emotional stability.
• Express Gratitude. It’s hard to think about your problems when you’re focused on the good
things in your life. Write a list of 10 things you’re grateful for everyday e.g. Appreciating what
you do have while working towards what you want will make the process far more enjoyable.
"Nothing has happened in the past; it happened in
the Now. Nothing will ever happen in the future; it
will happen in the Now." - Eckhart Tolle
• Hang Out With A Pet. Cuddling your furry friend is a great way to destress.
• Laugh. Science shows that laughter can help improve blood flow and boost immunity. Try
watching the latest funny and cute animal videos on YouTube or watch a comedy you love.
• Look Fly To Feel Fly. If you put in the effort to dress nice, have good hygeine, do your
make-up every day, do your hair - you are going to feel much better than if you tell yourself
“why bother”. Taking pride in your appearance and presenting yourself like everyday is a job
interview will help you keep a positive outlook. Putting the effort in to look after yourself sets
you up for a successful day.
• Focus On The Right Things. Write down what is going right. What have you mastered
today/this week/this month that you should continue to do? Far too often we illuminate our
insignificant mistakes and forget about all the things we’ve done great. Remember a few small
mistakes will not make or break you. Shift your focus to what works, and do more of it.
• Phone A Friend. Someone who is going to be supportive and give a fresh perspective on the
situation. If possible, schedule a meetup to get out of the house and into a fresh environment.
Remember, instead of just complaining, try to talk about possible solutions to your current
• Have A Coach Or Support Group To Help You Out. Have a coach or support group to help
you out. When you’re overwhelmed it’s good to talk it out with someone with a level head.
• Drink Green Tea. Tea can help lower cortisol levels and leads to greater feelings of
• Try Guided Visualization. To help reduce stress and ease feelings of anxiety.
• Get Organized And Clear The Clutter. Being in a disorganized and untidy environment can
add to stress. Cleaning and organising for a clutter free home and workspace can help your day
run smoother and make you feel in control. A cluttered head and a cluttered mind go hand in
hand. Clear the clutter and take control.
• Do The Thing. There’s usually 1 or 2 major worries on our mind. Most of the time
it’s something we’ve been putting off and avoiding by pushing it to the bottom of the to-do
list. If it’s something that is worrying you, just make a small start. Break it down and get some
small part of it done instead of wasting time worrying about it.
• Stretch. Stretching and using a foam roller can help relieve sore or tight muscles and help
you feel more relaxed.
• Read A Book. Start with this one...
Recommended Reading:
How To Stop Worrying and Start Living
by Dale Carnegie.
Simplify: Less Is More
Adopt a laser-like focus through eliminating the clutter from your life. Start by writing
a to-do list of 20 things you have to do. Circle 5 of these things. Everything that you have
not circled is now your ‘not to-do list’. Focusing on less will allow you to do better work at the
things that really matter to you. We can’t do it all, and trying to do everything at once usually
means doing less than our best.
Recommended Reading:
ESSentialism by Greg McKeown
Letters To Future You
The only way to get to your goal is to overcome the short term emotions that deter you from
achieving your goal. Think of a letter you would write to your future self as a letter of clarity
for moments of distress where you want to quit. Wanting to quit is normal, we are resistant to
change. But don’t cry to quit, cry to keep going. The days when you want to give up and take
the easy way out are usually when you are close to a breakthrough.
Those days are the days to keep pushing, when you are facing a wall that seems, in that
moment, unclimbable. This is mental roadblock trying to resist the new. And this is when
you must practice self control to maintain forward progress. Give yourself the option to quit
tomorrow, not today. This allows you to put aside your temporary emotions and get on with it.
The more you push through this wall each time it arises, the quicker you will start to see results
and reach your goals.
A letter to your future self reminds you that this is all part of the process. Assuring yourself
that many others have faced this, it is merely a stepping stone you must pass. You can quit
if you want, but not today. Quit tomorrow. Having a letter from your more rational self will
remind you that it’s ok to feel this way, but it doesn’t mean it’s ok to give up. The ability to
persist and resist when things get tough will keep you consistent. This will set you apart from
the average person who is constantly starting over because their plan didn’t account for the
tough times.
"Only by persisting and resisting can we learn what
others were too impatient to be taught. It's ok to
be discouraged, it's not ok to quit.”" - Ryan Holiday
Letters To future you
Here’s an example:
Dear Future Self,
You might be feeling unsure whether this is all worth it right now, this is your reminder to hold
tight. Don’t forget why you started. Because sticking to the plan will bring great things into
your life. Change is scary, but we must do what we fear most in order to keep moving forward.
You might want to quit right now because things are tough, but just sleep on it. Don’t let a bad
day or a negative emotion throw you off course. Gravitate towards the difficult and embrace it.
What would be worse, changing, or remaining the same because of fear of failure?
Don’t quit now, do this for yourself and for those around you struggling. Be the inspiration.
Understand that the best times are yet to come, you just have to pass a few road bumps along
the way. Never Quit. Accept yourself and where you’re at, because enjoying and appreciating
what you have will bring more good things your way. Stop, breathe and then get on with it.
Recommended Reading:
No excuses! by Brian Tracey
It’s Not About The Goal
Rather than obsessing over the goal, think about how you will pursue this goal today. Don’t get
tied up in thinking about the end result. It will lead to putting current happiness on hold, rather
than making the journey worthwhile.
The tendency to tell ourselves “I’ll be happy when..” is the surest way to be unhappy in this
moment. Instead be happy with where you’re at, and that each day you can steadily work
towards improving upon that. If you live a miserable existence on the way to your goal, you’ll
be just as dissatisfied when you reach it.
Breaking your goals down into small achievable habits that are almost too easy will make
you win every day. This creates a positive feedback loop so you can master everyday. These
seemingly insignificant steps will build a strong foundation for your success. It takes more
discipline to hold yourself back and have a controlled patient approach, in comparison to the
all in, full steam ahead approach that most take. The all or nothing approach that aims for
perfection and sets unreasonable standards sets you up for constant disappointment which
sucks the life out of you. It makes the whole process miserable, meaning it is not sustainable in
the long run. You need to challenge yourself in small ways, but make it a game. It should be a
fun process, and it will be
if you make it!
"Tiny habits create momentum and snowball into
success. Big expectations of perfection kill current
happiness and hold you back."”- Dell Farrell
Small habits might include:
Putting your shoes on upon waking
and start your day with a brisk walk
Schedule in a weekly time to cook/meal prep
Shop at the start of the week
4. Switch juice and soda for water and diet soda
5. Eat veggies at least twice a day
6. Always park at the far end of the car park
7. Get some sun exposure everyday
8. Prioritize getting quality sleep and going
to bed at a reasonable hour each night
Wake up 20 minutes earlier and listen to
power of
one of the recommended audio books
Reduce unnecessary screen time,
replace with gym time
Recommended Reading:
How To Stop Worrying and Start Living
by Dale Carnegie.
Every Difficulty
is a
Every Difficulty Is An Opportunity To Get Better
You can be held down by your circumstances or you can choose to grow from them. In
every difficulty lies opportunity. Can’t get to the gym? It’s an opportunity to try a new at
home workout. Friends eating fast food in front of you? What a great chance to test out your
willpower. Know that you are always in control of your thoughts and how you react to every
Recommended Reading:
The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday.
“Always plan
for the fact
that no plan
ever goes
to plan.”
-Simon Senek
plan to fail
Plan To Fail
Having an overly positive attitude doesn’t always work in your favor or help drive real results.
Being realistic and honest about your failings will help build a stronger plan to save you from
thinking that nothing is going to stand in your way. Get comfortable with failing. Through failure
we learn how to build better methods into our daily lives that elevate us to the next level.
Consider in advance the challenges you may face, or have struggled with before. You must
outline a strategy in advance that acts as a game plan to overcome each obstacle.
Write down 5 obstacles you may confront that will stall progress:
Failure doesn’t mean defeat, so don’t fear taking a big step out of your comfort zone. As
difficulties arise adjust your plan of attack. Instead of complaining and worrying, think of
solutions. Worrying is often useless, be present. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be
difficult and scary, but staying in your comfort zone means staying the same. What’s worse,
a little discomfort now or waking up a year from now in the same place because you were too
afraid to make real change? You must choose difficult now or difficult later.
For each of these obstacles, detail 2-3 strategies that will help you overcome them:
"Always plan for the fact that no plan
ever goes according to plan"” - Simon Sinek
Done Is Better Than Perfect
Start small, but start now. There is never a perfect time to begin, nor does there have to
be. Little and often over the long haul is better than all out once in a while. Quit starting on
Monday, instead start right now. There is always something you can do today to win. Stop
searching for the one thing you’ve been missing, you already know what you need to do. You
don’t need to know every facet of the process to get started. So take action. The more you take
action, the more you stimulate forward momentum in the right direction. No program will work
unless you do.
How will you take action today?
Hydration. Drink water like it’s your job. I get a gallon bottle and carry it everywhere with me
like it’s my child. Because I know if I don’t I’ll just forget to drink water. Make water less boring
by adding lemon, lime, berries, cucumber, mint or any combination. Adding flavored BCAAs
also helps you drink more if you get a tasty flavor. Including lots of high water content foods
like whole fruits and veggies is another great way to stay hydrated. For me, dehydration means
feeling tired and sluggish, being hungrier, and not bringing my A Game. Make sure you get
enough in.
"Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where
you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have
at your command and better tools will be found as you go
along." - Napoleon Hill
Take action!
Take Action!
You’ve taken the first step by choosing to read this guide. But we know that’s not enough. So
now it’s time to take action. Don’t let your quest for the perfect strategy and the perfect time
hold you back from getting started. The best time to start is always now. Do what you can
today and slowly build from there. Your time is valuable so don’t waste it thinking about what
to do. Get up early and get started before your brain tries to reason you out of it.
When you look back a year from now to tell someone how your life has changed and what you
have achieved, what will your story be?
"Don't explain your philosophy,
embody it" - Epictetus