Parallelism Fix the following passage to use parallel structures. From My husband wants me to diet, quit smoking and regular exercise. He hates my normal routine which is to sleep during the day, pounding the keyboard all night to finish my essays. I told him that I think better at night when there are no distractions from the telephone, television, and someone ringing the doorbell. He said that I was so noisy that it was impossible for him to sleep at night, and besides, he was tired of sleeping with the cat. He offered me two alternatives: either change my routine or we could get separate bedrooms. In the end, we compromised. He unplugged the telephone, made me a set of dark blinds and a "Do Not Disturb" sign for our front door. I can now work during the day without distractions. I have also quit smoking, and we go for a walk every evening. There's only one problem: now the cat is angry with me!