Dear Sir Our Company M/s --------------, is your regular customer. We receive tax invoices from your company/firm on which your company discharges GST liability. The tax paid by you is available to us as input tax credit. We understand that you are a quarterly return filer. Under the GST law, we can only take ITC of the invoices raised by you once the same is furnished in the GSTR1 return filed by your company by the 11th of the next month and is reflected in our GSTR-2B The above scenario is explained by us through this illustration: Suppose your company raises an invoice on us on 15th April. The said invoice appears in our GSTR2B only when you would file the return in July. Due to this our ITC get stuck for almost 3 months. The smooth credit transfer cannot be done without changing the filing to monthly. As per law, we are unable to take any credit until our supplier upload and furnish those invoices in their return and the same is appearing in our GSTR-2B. Therefore, request you to kindly change your option from quarterly filer to monthly and file your GSTR-1 by 11th of the next month, so that the same reflect in our GSTR-2B and we may avail the credit. This way we can continue to do business, without loss to other party and your payments would get expedited as the result. This would be win-win position for both of us. Hope the same is useful.