ADet ai l edLessonPl anonOt herMember sofSol arSy st em:Comet s, Met eor sand Ast er oi dsf orGr ade8 ¬ Lear ni ngCompet ency : Thel ear ner sbeabl et o: Compar eandcont r astcomet s, met eor s, andast er oi ds I . Lear ni ngObj ect i v es Att heendoft hel esson, t hest udent sshoul dbeabl et o: 1.Compar et hedi f f er entchar act er i st i csofcomet s, met eor s, andast er oi ds 2.Descr i bet hechar act er i st i csofComet s, Met eorandAst er oi ds 3.Cl assi f ywhet herorbel i ef sandpr act i cesaboutcomet s, met eor shav e sci ent i f i cbasi s. I I . Lear ni ngCont ent A.Topi c: Ot hermember sofSol arsy st em: Comet s, Met eor s, Ast er oi ds B.Ti meAl l ot ment : 30mi nut es C.Ref er ence: Sci enceandTechnol ogyI : I nt egr at edSci enceText book D.Mat er i al s Powerpoi ntpr esent at i on E.Val ui ng - Appr eci at i ngt hechar act er i st i csoft hesol arsy st em i nt heuni v er seand appl yt hosef act si nr eal l i f esi t uat i on. F.Sci encePr ocessSki l l s - Enhancedt hi nki ngski l l ssuchasanal y zi ng, compar i ngdescr i bi ng, and i dent i f y i ng I I I .Lear ni ngPr ocedur es A.Pr epar at i on Teacher ’ sAct i v i t y Assal amu’ al ai kum andgoodmor ni ngcl ass. Howar ey out oday ? St udent s’ Act i v i t y Wa’al ai komi ssal am and good mor ni ng, ma’ am, wear ef i nema’ am Pl easear r angey ourchai r sandpi ckup pi ecesof St udent spi cked t he paperand ar r anged paper t hei rchai r s Okay !Pl ease st and and l et ’ s hav e oursi l ent St udent sar esi l entdot hepr ay er pr ay er . You may t ake y our seat . Let ’ s check t he Yes, ma’ am at t endance.Pl easesaypr esentwheny ourname i scal l ed.Okay ? B.Rev i ew udentr ai sed herhand and answert he Tof r eshenup,whocant el lust hedi scussi onl ast St q u e s t i o nc o r r e c t l y meet i ng.Yes, I mam? Ver ygood Okayt henl et ’ spr oceed. C.Mot i vat i on Shor tact i v i t yt ot estt hei rpr i orknowl edge ( Thet eacherwi l l gi v eanact i v i t y ) Okaychi l dr enbef or ewepr oceedt oourl esson t odayl et ’ shav eashor tact i v i t yorgame! Thest udent sar el i st eni ngandexci t ed Ourgameoract i v i t yi sPool ofl et t er s I nst r uct i on:You shoul d guess t he wor d bei ng f or m i n each pi ct ur e and y ou onl y hav ef i v e secondt oguesst hewor d. Ar ey our eadycl ass? Thet eacherst ar t st hegame Yes, Ma’ am Thest udent sar ehav i ngf un Now y ouhav eguessedt hewor dsper f ect l y ,so am now y ouhav eani deawhataboutourt opi ci s Yes, Ma’ a s t e r o i d s t oday .So,byt hewaydoy ouhav eani deaabout ourt opi ct oday ? Ver ygoodcl ass! comet s, met eor s, and D.Pr esent at i on/ LessonPr oper ( Teacherwi l l post / show/ r eadt heobj ect i v esof t hel esson) .Att heendoft hel essont hest udent s shoul dbeabl et oknow 1. Compar et hedi f f er entchar act er i st i csof comet s, met eor s, andast er oi ds 2.Descr i bet hechar act er i st i csofComet s, Met eorandAst er oi ds 3.Cl assi f ywhet herorbel i ef sandpr act i ces aboutcomet s, met eor shav esci ent i f i cbasi s ( Pr esent at i ont hr oughPowerpoi nt ) Let ’ sgetst ar t edwi t hourl essont oday ! Tabl eofcont ent sf ort hel esson Whatar east er oi ds,comet s, andmet eor s Char act er i st i csofAst er oi ds, Comet s, andMet eor s Super st i t i ous bel i ef s about comet s, met eor s, and ast er oi ds Whatar east er oi ds, comet s, andmet eor s ASTEROI DS–ar esmal lr ockobj ect st hator bi tt he sun.Al t houghast er oi dsor bi tt hesunl i ket heyar e muchsmal l ert hanpl anet s. COMETS – A cel est i alobj ectconsi st i ng ofa memberofi ceanddustand,whenneart hesuna “ t ai l ”ofgasanddustpar t i cl espoi nt i ngawayf r om t hesun. METEOR – A smal lbodyofmat t erf r om out er spacet hatent er st heear t h’ sat mospher e. St udent sl i st ensat t ent i v el y Char act er i st i cs of Ast er oi ds, Comet s, and Met eor s Comet s Ar emadeupofami xt ur eofi ce,dustand r ock and r ev ol v e ar ound t he sun,l i ke pl anet s. - Takesar ound200y ear sormor e t o compl et e one r ev ol ut i on ar oundt hesunandl ar gel ymade ofi ceand - Comet s comes near t he sun, heatf r om t he sun bakes t he comet . - Si ncei tt r av el scl osert ot hesun, t he comet becomes cl ear because t he war mness oft he sunmel t st hei ceoft hecomet andt ur nsi tt ogas - Thi sgasdev el opsi nt oacoma whi ch cov er s and hi des t he nucl eusf r om ourv i ew,onepar t oft he cometi st he socal l ed headi scomposedofanucl eus andcomet .I tbecomesbi ggeras r ar egasandmudar er el eased f r om coma. - The r adi at i on bl ows mor e and mor egasf r om t hecomacausi ng i tt ocr eat eat ai l ,whi chi nsome comet s can r each up t o 150 ki l omet er si nl engt h. So, wher et hecomet scomef r om? Comet s come f r om t he out si de oft he sol ar sy st em andaf t erasev er alt housandt r i psar ound t hesunt hei cef r om t hecometi scal m andwhat r emai nsofcomet si scal l edanAst er oi d. St udent sl i st eni ngat t ent i v el y Ast er oi ds Si mpl yr ockyormet al l i cobj ect sor bi t i ng t hesunwi t hi nt hesamewayt hatpl anet s or bi t s. - Ther e ar e many ast er oi ds or bi t i ngt hesundur i ngar egi on bet weenMar sandJupi t er . Met eor s Ar e st onel i ke but made f r om sev er al mi ner al sandr ocki nsi l i conandoxy gen‘ ’ i r on’ ’f orconsi st i ng mai nl y ofi r on and ni ckel , or‘ ’ st or yi r on’ ’ . - I ti s when an ast er oi d ent er s Ear t h’ sat mospher et heyheatup and st ar t bur ni ng due t o a f r i ct i on. Thi s bur ni ng r ock i s cal l edMet eor s. - Met eor scanbemuchsmal l eri n si zed i nst ead of an ent i r e ast er oi dt heycoul dj ustbesmal l par tofast er oi d. - So,shoot i ng st ar s ar e not hi ng butmet eor s - Met eor s bur n up compl et el y bef or ehi t t i ngt hegr oundandi fi t hi tt he gr ound,t heyar e cal l ed Met eor i t es - Met eor i t eshel pst hesci ent i st st o i nv est i gat et he nat ur e of t he mat er i alf r om whi ch t he sol ar sy st em wasf or med St udent sar est i l l l i st eni ngat t ent i v el y I nsuper st i t i ousbel i ef : Ther ei sabel i eft hatwheny ouseeashoot i ngy ou makeawi sh, andt hi swi l l comet r ue. Ot herbel i eft hati ti sasi gnofwar ,deat horbad l acket c. Super st i t i ousaboutcomet sandast er oi dshav e absol ut el ynosci ent i f i cbasi swhat soev er . I n ol dt i mes peopl e bel i ev es on super st i t i ous bel i efbecauset heyhav el ackoft echnol ogyt o hav edat af ort hesesheav enl ybodi es. Now y ou hav e under st and t he di f f er ent cl assi f i cat i onofcomet s, met eor s, andast er oi ds Let ’ shav eashor tact i v i t yaboutourl essont oday , i nt hi sact i v i t yy ouwi l li dent i f yi fi ti scomet s, met eor sandast er oi dschar act er i st i c. Di r ect i ons. You ar e t o i dent i f y whet her t he descr i pt i onbel owmat chesi sacomet , ast er oi d, or amet eor I st hat cl ear cl ass? Do y ou under st and t he i nst r uct i on? 1.For msbel tbet weenJupi t erandMar s 2.Or bi t sar oundt hesun 3.Al socal l ed‘ ’ shoot i ngst ar s’ ’ 4.Usual l ybur nupi nt heat mospher e 5.Bal l ofgasanddust Yes, Ma’ am St udent1answer : Ast er oi d St udent2answer : Comet St udent3answer : Met eor St udent4answer : Met eor St udent5answer : Al l t heabov e : Okayv er yy ougoti tal l cor r ect ! Anyquest i onsandcl ar i f i cat i ons? No, Ma’ am. E.Gener al i zat i on I fy oudon’ thav eanyquest i ons?Then, whati sour St udentr ai sed herhand and answert he l essonal l about ? quest i on Yes, Nat angcop? Excel l ent !Thanky ou,Nat angcop,f orwr appi ngup t hel esson Ar et her eanyquest i ons? No, Ma' am Okay , l et ’ shav eashor tqui z.Ki ndl yget¼sheetof paper .( Thet eacherwi l lshow t hei t emsf ort he shor tqui z. I V.Appl i cat i on/ Val ui ng Appr eci at i ngt heuni v er seandunder st andi ngaboutmet eor si snosci ent i f i cbasi s butj ustasuper st i t i ousbel i efbyt hepeopl e. V.Assessment / Ev al uat i on I nst r uct i on: I na½sheetofpaperuseaVenndi agr am bel owt omakeacompar i sonbet ween cometandast er oi ds VI .Assi gnment Adv ancer eadi ngonMat t erf ort henextl esson.