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Nursing Leadership & Management: Chapters 1-5

ATI: Nursing Leadership &
Chapters 1-5
San Jacinto College - Central Campus
RNSG 2121
Chapter 1:
Managing Client Care
Leadership Styles
1. Authoritative
2. Democratic
3. Laissez-faire
A. Makes decisions for the group; motivates by
coercion; communication via chain of
B. Makes very few decisions; does little
planning; motivation is largely
responsibility of individual staff members;
communication occurs up and down chain
of command
C. Includes group in decisions; motivation by
supporting staff achievements;
communication occurs up and down chain
of command
Characteristics of Leaders
Positive attitude
Communication skills
Problem-solving and critical-thinking skills
Types of Leaders
A. Inspires others to follow by modeling a
1. Transformational Leader
2. Transactional Leader
3. Authentic Leader
strong moral code
B. Empowers and inspires followers to
achieve a common vision
C. Focuses on immediate problems,
maintaining the status quo and using
rewards to motive
Emotional Intelligence
❖ Nurse must perceive and understand own emotions and the emotions of the
client and family
❖ Important characteristic of an effective leader
➢ Insight into emotions of team members
➢ Encourages constructive criticism
➢ Refrains from judgement in controversial or emotionally-charged
situations until facts are gathered
5 Functions of Management
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Staffing
4. Directing
5. Controlling
Critical Thinking, Reasoning, & Judgement
❖ Includes interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, and
❖ Mental process used when analyzing elements of clinical situation
❖ Decision made regarding a course of action based on analysis of
❖ Must reset to meet needs of multiple clients and maintain safety
❖ Priorities include:
➢ Which client is seen first
➢ When assessments are completed
➢ When/what interventions are provided first
➢ When other components of care to be completed
Concepts of Prioritization
❖ Systemic before local (“Life before limb”)
❖ Acute before chronic
❖ Actual problem before potential
❖ Listen carefully and don’t assume
❖ Disability
❖ Exposure
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Time Management
❖ Organize care according to client needs and priorities
➢ 1. Immediate concerns
➢ 2. Time-sensitive care
➢ 3. Care that must be done by end of shift
➢ 4. Delegated care
❖ Time-saving strategies and avoid time-wasters
Assigning, Delegating, and Supervising
1. Assigning
2. Delegating
3. Supervising
A. Process of directing, monitoring, and
evaluating the performance of tasks by
another member of the healthcare team
B. Process of transferring authority and
responsibility to another team member to
complete a task, while retaining
C. Transferring the authority, accountability,
and responsibility of client care to another
member of the healthcare team
Delegation Video
Staff Education, Orientation, & Socialization
❖ Involvement in orientation, socialization education, and training of fellow
healthcare workers
❖ Quality of care is directly related to education and level of competency
❖ Orientation helps new staff translate knowledge, skills, and attitudes into
➢ Introduced to philosophy, mission, and goals of organization
➢ Introduced to unit
❖ Socialization refers to learning a new role and values/culture of the group
Quality Improvement & Peer Review
❖ Process used to identify and resolve performance deficiencies
➢ Outcome Indicators
➢ Structure Indicators
➢ Process Indicators
❖ Formal system for conducting performance appraisals
➢ Data should be collected to ensure unbiased evaluations
Conflict Resolution
❖ Result of opposing thoughts, ideas, feelings, behaviors, values,
opinions, or actions
➢ 1. Latent conflict
➢ 2. Perceived conflict
➢ 3. Felt conflict
➢ 4. Manifest conflict
❖ Problem-solving and negotiation
Negotiation Strategies
Assertive Communication
Expression in direct, honest, and nonthreatening way
Acknowledges and deals with conflict
Recognizes others as equals
Elements of assertive communication
NCLEX Question #1
A nurse enters the room of a client and finds the client lying on the floor.
Which of the following actions should the nurse take first?
Call the provider
Ask a staff member for assistance getting the client back in bed
Inspect the client for injuries
Instruct the client to ask for help if they need to get out of bed
NCLEX Question #2
A PN is ending their shift reports to the RN that a newly hired AP has not
calculated the intake and output for several clients. Which of the following
actions should the RN take?
Complete an incident report
Delegate this task to the PN
Ask the AP if they need assistance
Notify the nurse manager
Prioritization, Delegation, Assignment Practice
Chapter 2:
Coordinating Client Care
❖ Qualities for effective collaboration
❖ Nurses’ role in collaboration:
➢ Coordinate interprofessional team
➢ Holistic understanding of client
➢ Continuity of care
➢ Provide information during rounds
➢ Provide link to postdischarge resources
Factor Affecting Collaboration
❖ Hierarchical influence on decisionmaking
❖ Behavioral change strategies
❖ Planned change
❖ Lewin’s change theory
❖ Stages of team formation
❖ Generational differences
Case Management
Collaboration with healthcare team in acute and post-acute settings
Goal is to avoid fragmentation of care and control cost
Critical/clinical pathways
Continuity of care
Consults, Transfers, & Discharge
❖ Consultants provide expert advice in a particular area
➢ Nurses can initiate consults/notify provider of need
➢ Incorporates consultants’ recommendations into plan of care
❖ Referrals are formal requests for a service by another care provider
➢ May include need for special equipment, specialized therapists, and/or
care providers
❖ Transfers may be between units or facilities
➢ Handoff communication is key to continuity of care
❖ Discharge planning begins on admission
NCLEX Question #1
A nurse is preparing to transfer a client who is 72 hr post-op to a long-term care
facility. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the transfer
report? (Select all that apply)
Type of anesthesia used
Advance directives status
Vital signs on day of admission
Medical diagnosis
Need for specific equipment
NCLEX Question #2
A nurse is assisting with the discharge planning for a client. Which of the following
actions should the nurse take? (Select all that apply)
Determine need for home medical equipment
Provide a list of all medications the client received in the facility
Obtain printed instructions for medication self-administration
Provide the family with a list of community agencies that can provide assistance
Discuss the importance of attending follow-up appointments
NCLEX Question #3
A nurse is caring for a client who has chest pain. The client says, “I am going home
immediately.” Which of the following actions should the nurse take? (Select all that
Notify the client’s family of their intent to leave the facility
Document the client’s intent to leave the facility against medical advice (AMA)
Explain to the client the risks involved if they choose to leave
Ask the client to sign a form relinquishing responsibility of the facility
Prevent the client from leaving the facility until the provider arrives
NCLEX Question #4
A case manager is discussing critical pathways with a group of newly hired nurses.
Which of the following statements indicates understanding?
A. “The time to fill out the pathways often increases the cost of care.”
B. “The pathway shows an estimate of the number of days the client will be
C. “Deviance from the pathway is a sign of improved care quality.”
D. “The pathway included information about the client’s history.”
Chapter 3:
Professional Responsibilities
Client Rights
Be informed about all aspects of care and take an active role in decisions
Accept, refuse, or request modification to the plan of care
Care delivered by respectful and competent individuals
Refusal of treatment
➢ Clients must sign document stating they understand risks
➢ AMA procedure
Client Rights Video
❖ Ensure clients have information necessary to make informed decisions
❖ Must act on clients’ behalf, even if the nurse disagrees
❖ Common situations for advocacy:
➢ End-of-life decisions
➢ Access to health care
➢ Protection of client privacy
➢ Informed consent
Informed Consent
❖ Reason for treatment; risks; alternatives; and risks if refusal
❖ Most nursing care is implied consent
➢ E.g. patient holds out their arm for a blood pressure to be taken
❖ Invasive procedures require written consent
❖ The provider obtains informed consent
➢ Nurses witness that the patient received and understood the
information, and notifies the provider if the client has questions
Who can sign consent forms?
❖ Competent adults & emancipated minors
❖ Client must understand the information and be able to communicate
with the healthcare provider
➢ Medical interpreter may be used
❖ Parent of minor
❖ Legal guardian
❖ Court-specified representative
❖ Health care surrogate
❖ Spouse or closest available relative
Advance Directives
❖ Living will
➢ Expresses the client’s wishes regarding treatment in the event the
client becomes incapacitated
❖ Durable power of attorney for health care
➢ Designates a healthcare surrogate for a client who is unable to
make decisions on their own
Confidentiality & Information Security
➢ Obtain a copy of their record
➢ Submit request to amend erroneous or incomplete information
➢ Written information on how information will be used/shared
➢ Privacy and confidentiality
❖ Keep workstations secure
❖ Inappropriate use of social media
Unintentional & Quasi-Intentional Torts
1. Negligence
2. Malpractice
3. Libel
4. Slander
A. Practice that does not meet expected
standards of care and place client at
risk for injury
B. Professional negligence
C. Defamation with written word
D. Defamation with spoken word
Intentional Torts
1. Assault
2. Battery
3. False Imprisonment
A. Physical contact with a person that
involves injury or offensive contact
B. Conduct that makes another
person fearful and apprehensive
C. Competent person, not at risk for
injury to self or others, is confined
against their will
Standards of Care
❖ Texas State BON Practice Act
➢ https://www.bon.texas.gov/laws_and_rules_nursing_practice_act.asp
❖ Facilities also have policies/procedures to guide care
Legal Concerns
❖ Impaired coworkers
❖ Mandatory reporting
➢ Abuse
➢ Communicable disease (full list via CDC)
❖ Verbal prescription orders
Disruptive Behavior & Ethics
❖ Incivility
❖ Lateral violence
❖ Bullying
NCLEX Question #1
A nurse manager is observing the actions of a nurse they are supervising. Which of the following actions
by the nurse requires the nurse manager to intervene? (Select all that apply)
Reviewing the health care record of a client assigned to another nurse
Making a copy of a client’s most current laboratory results for the provider during rounds
Providing information about a client’s condition to hospital clergy
Discussing a client’s condition over the phone with an individual who has provided the client’s
information code
Participating in walking rounds that involve the exchange of client-related information outside
clients’ rooms
NCLEX Question #2
A nurse witnesses an assistive personnel (AP) they are supervising reprimanding a
client for not using the urinal properly. The AP threatens to put a diaper on the client
if the urinal is not used more carefully next time. Which of the following torts is the
AP committing?
False imprisonment
Invasion of privacy
NCLEX Question #3
A nurse is serving as a preceptor to a newly licenced nurse and is explaining the role of the
nurse as advocate. Which of the following situations illustrates the advocacy role? (Select
all that apply)
Identifying that a client understands what is done during a cardiac catheterization
Discussing treatment options for a terminal diagnosis
Informing members of the healthcare team that a client has DNR status
Reporting that a health team member on the previous shift did not provide care as
E. Assisting a client to make a decision about their care based on the nurse’s
Chapter 4:
Maintaining a Safe Environment
Culture of Safety
Promotes openness and error reporting
Service occurrences
Near misses
Serious incidents
Sentinel events
Failure to rescue
Handling Infectious and Hazardous Materials
Infection control
Standard precautions
Hand hygiene
Proper equipment
Safety Data Sheets
Prevention of Falls
❖ Physiologic changes in
❖ Decreased visual acuity
❖ Generalized weakness
❖ Orthopedic problems
❖ Urinary frequency
❖ Gait and balance problems
❖ Cognitive dysfunction
What can we do to
prevent falls?
Seizure Precautions & Restraints
❖ Seizures
➢ Close to nurses’ station
➢ Maintain patent IV
➢ Ensure rescue equipment at bedside
❖ Restraints
➢ Follow policy for use of restraints/seclusion
➢ Always start with least restrictive interventions
➢ PRN orders for restraints are not permitted
Home Safety & Ergonomics
Refer to text p. 55-57 for age-specific safety concerns
Plan activities and ask for help
Maintain good posture and exercise regularly
Use smooth movements
Avoid repetitive movements
Avoid twisting or bending at the waist
Keep object close to the body
Use assistive devices safely
NCLEX Question #1
A home health nurse is assessing the safety of a client’s home. The nurse should
identify which of the following factors as increasing the client’s risk for falls? (Select
all that apply)
History of previous fall
Reduced vision
Impaired memory
Takes rosuvastatin
Uses a night light
NCLEX Question #2
A nurse is observing a newly licensed nurse and an assistive personnel (AP)
pull a client up in bed using a drawsheet. Which of the following actions by
the newly licensed nurse indicates an understanding of this technique?
The nurse stands with both feet together
The nurse uses their body weight to counter the client’s weight
The nurse’s feet are facing inward, toward the center of the bed
The nurse rotates the waist while pulling the client upward
NCLEX Question #3
A nurse on an acute care unit is caring for a client following a total hip arthroplasty.
The client is confused, moving the affected leg into positions that could dislocate the
new hip joining, and repeatedly attempting to get out of bed. After determining that
restraints are indicated, which of the following actions should the nurse take? (Select
all that apply)
Secure the restraint to the frame of the bed
Get a prescription for restraints from the provider
Have a family member sign consent for restraints
Ties restraints to the side rail using a double knot
Ensure that only 1 finger can be inserted between restraint and the client
Chapter 5:
Facility Protocols
Reporting Incidents
❖ Unexpected or unusual incidents that affected a client, employee,
volunteer, or visitor
➢ Medication errors
➢ Procedure/treatment errors
➢ Equipment-related errors
➢ Falls/injuries
➢ Threat made to client or staff
❖ Not placed nor mentioned in healthcare record
Disaster Planning & Emergency Response
Disaster v. mass casualty incident
Internal v. external emergencies
Hospital Incident Command System (HICS)
Each facility has an action plan, often with assigned teams of staff
Triage system in place for MCI’s
➢ Red (I), Yellow (II), Green (III), Black (IV)
Triage System for Mass Casualty Incidents
Types of Emergencies
Biological incidents
Chemical incidents
Hazardous materials
Nuclear incidents
Explosive incidents
Radiological incidents
Security Plans
❖ Preventative, protective, and response measures
➢ Admission of potentially dangerous clients
➢ Vandalism
➢ Infant abduction
➢ Information theft
❖ R.A.C.E. & P.A.S.S.
NCLEX Question #1
A nurse discovers that a client was administered an antihypertensive
medication in error. Identify the appropriate sequence of steps that the nurse
should take using the following actions
Call the provider
Check vital signs
Notify the risk manager
Complete an incident report
Instruct the client to remain in bed until further notice
NCLEX Question #2
A nurse manager is explaining the use of incident reports to a group of nurses in an
orientation program. Which of the following information should the nurse manager
include? (Select all that apply)
A description of the incident should be documented in the client’s health record
The client should sign as a witness on the incident report
Incident reports include a description of the incident and actions taken
A copy of the incident report should be placed in the client’s health care record
The risk management department investigates the incident