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8-Week Crash Course Plan: Pakistan Affairs, English, Science

8 Weeks Plan - Crash Course
No of Week
Course Name
Module / Lectures + Minutes of Content
Pakistan Affairs
1) Introduction
2) The Pre-Partition History of Muslim Subcontinent.
51 Min
2 Hours
Current Affairs
1) National Affairs > Domestic Affairs > The Political
System of Pakistan
25 Min
English Essay
1) Introduction to the Course
2) What is required in English Essay Examiner's Report
30 Min
15 Min
English Precis and Composition 1) Introduction to the course
2) Basic English Concepts
Islamic Study
1) Demo lecture
2) Concept of Islam
General Science and Ability
Demo Lecture
Pakistan Affairs
1) The Democratic Evolution of Pakistan
2) Governance Issues of Pakistan
1) Write any latest Article from Dawn in your own words.
No assignment
13 Min
Exercise: Parts of Speech (Wren & Martin)
2 Hours 30 Min
59 Min
62 Min
What is the meaning of Islam? Explain the basic characteristics of Islam? (Past
paper 2016)
20 Min
No assignment
2 Hours
Highlight the problems in the civil leadership of Pakistan?
2 Hours 31 Min
No assignment
Current Affairs
English Essay
The Aligarh Movement was a pure educational venture but it had deep
impacts on Indian politics. Discuss. (Paper 2016)
1)Types of Essay in CSS
2) How to write an Outline
18 Min
42 Min
No assignment
English Precis and Composition 1) Precis
2) Comprehension and Active Passive Voice
1 Hour
47 Min
Past Paper 2017 Precis + 5 Active Passive Voice
Islamic Study
Islamic Beliefs and Practices (Part 1)
2 Hours
Write a comprehensive note on Hajj (the pilgrimage) system of Islam and its
spiritual, moral and social impacts. (Past paper 2019)
General Science and Ability
1) General Science > Lecture 1 -5
2) Ability Portion > Lecture 1-4
59 Min
48 Min
Differentiate between the occurrence of Lunar and Solar Eclipse? (C) Briefly
explain what effects are produced due to Rotation & Revolution of Earth?
(Paper 2017)
Pakistan Affairs
1) Current Affairs
2) Pakistan Affairs 2022 Updates
Current Affairs
1) National Affairs > Domestic Affairs > Issues in Pakistan
2) National Affairs > Domestic Affairs > Social
Development and Welfare
25 Min
25 Min
Practice outline (2 Outlines in this week)
1 Hour
English Essay
2 Hours 11 Min
No assignment
2 Hours 20 Min
Highlight the challenges to Economy of Pakistan?
Outline: Higher Education in Pakistan: Ills and Remedies. (Paper 2018),
Polarized politics: the issues and challenges of democracy in Pakistan. (Paper
English Precis and Composition Direct In-direct , Tenses and Preposition
1 Hour 17 Min Past paper Direct indirect, Prepositions
Islamic Study
Islamic Beliefs and Practices (Part 2)
Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
2 Hours 28 Min Describe the characteristics of Military strategist in the light of Sirah of
6 Hours 44 Min Muhammad (PBUH) with arguments. (Paper 2016)
General Science and Ability
1) General Science > Lecture 6 - 12
2) Ability Portion > Lecture 5 - 10
Pakistan Affairs
1) External Relations of Pakistan
2) Internal Relations of Pakistn
1 Hour 46 Min Discuss revival of Pak-US relations in context of present US-Taliban peace
1 Hour 42 Min process. (Past paper 2020)
Current Affairs
External Affairs
30 Min - 40 Min Discuss the importance of Pak China relations? How does this relationship
affect political and security environment in south asia? (Past paper 2013)
2 Hours
37 Min
What is tsunami? How the tsunamis generated and what are their
characteristics? (b) What is an earth quake? Discuss Richter Scale in this
context. What was the intensity of the earth quake in Pakistan dated 26
October 2015 and where was the locus?
No assignment
English Essay
English Precis and Composition 1) Punctuation and Translation
2) Pair of words, analogies ….
52 Min
1 Hour 8 Min
Pair of words from past papers + Translation paragraph
Islamic Society
3 Hours 12 Min Highlight the concept of Public Administration in Islam. Explain the
responsibilities of Civil Servants. (Past paper 2016)
General Science and Ability
1) General Science > Lecture 13 - 16
2) Ability Portion > Lecture 11 -15
1 Hour 45 Min
1 Hour 3 Min
Pakistan Affairs
1) Past Papers
Current Affairs
1) International Scope > Macro View> Changing
Dynamics of the world order
2) International Scope > Macro View> Alliances and
Rivalries in the Middle East
Islamic Study
English Essay
1) How to build body paragraphs
2) Practice
What are fertilizers? What do you understand by NPK Fertilizers? (Past paper
2015) + Why the excessive use of chemical fertilizers should be avoided?
(Past paper 2019).
Discuss the Kashmir problem in its entirety; throwing light on its background
and prospects of possible solutions to this core issue between India and
Pakistan. (Past paper 2016)
What are the causes of "Arab Spring"? Identify their impacts on the future
politics of the region. (Past paper 2015)
39 Min
1 Hour
No assignment
Past paper 2019 Precis
English Precis and Composition
Islamic Study
Islam and Muslims in Contemporary world
1 Hour 54 Min Discuss in detail the principles and terms & conditions for “Jihad” in the light
of Quran and Sunnah. (Past paper 2020)
General Science and Ability
1) General Science > Lecture 17 - 25
2) General Science > Lecture 26 - 32
35 Min
Explain with examples the relationship between cells, tissues and organs. &
2 Hours 30 Min What is meant by the term double circulation? Briefly describe how the heart
is adapted to
keep blood flowing in a double circulation. (Past paper 2021)
No assignment
Pakistan Affairs
Current Affairs
English Essay
1) International Scope > Macro View> Political and
Economic Dynamics of Europe
2) International Scope > Micro View> Global Commons
20 Min
25 Min
1) How to write Introduction
2) Practice Introduction (2-3 Topics)
32 Min
1 Hour
English Precis and Composition 1) Sentence Correction
2) Past Paper Analysis
Islamic Study
Rights and Responsibilities in Islam
51 min
Write a note on " IMF's objectives in funding Pakistan".
Write introduction to essays: Democracy and illiteracy do not move together.
(Past paper 2019) & Essay: I disapprove of what you say, but I defend to
death your right to say (Past paper 2015)
Sentence Correction from Past paper
Islam provides better rights to men and women than all other religions.
Explore with arguments. (Past paper 2021)
General Science and Ability
What were the main objectives of Clean Development Mechanism? Also
explain the reasons for the criticism on Koyoto Protocol by the developed
countries. (Past paper 2016)
2 Hours
Current Affairs
Past Papers
20 Min
Delineate the ways in which Covid-19 has affected the contours of the
contemporary world order.
English Essay
Essay Examples
64 Min
No assignment
1 Hour
Solve precis of past paper 2021
1) General Science > Lecture 33 - 39
2) General Science > Lecture 40 - 44
No assignment
Pakistan Affairs
English Precis and Composition Precis Practice
Islamic Study
Sources of Islamic Laws
1 Hour 56 Min Define Ijma’ (consensus) and explain its different kinds. Highlight its
importance in the light of the Qur’ān and Sunnah. (Past paper 2021)
General Science and Ability
1) General Science > Lecture 48 - 51
2) Ability Portion > Lecture 16 - 20
1 Hour 30 Min
38 Min
No assignment
Pakistan Affairs
No assignment
Current Affairs
English Essay
Write a short note on artificial intelligence. (b) Write short notes on: (i) Fibre
Optics (ii) Global Positioning System (Past paper 2016)
Analysis of Past Papers topics
English Precis and Composition 1) Comprehension Practice
2) Precis Practice
20 Min
3 Hours
Write an essay on "Crisis of good governance in Pakistan: Need for reforms
and institution building." (Past paper 2016)
Comprehension passage paper 2019 + Precis 2020
Islamic Study
Past papers
1 Hour 50 Min Write a note on" Islamophobia is a sign of extremism. Give suggestions for its
remedy. " (Past paper 2021)
General Science and Ability
1) Ability Portion > Lecture 21 -24
2) Past Paper Analysis
34 Min
Solve "Ability part" of past papers 2020 + 2021
1 Hour 45 Min