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A Day No Pigs Would Die Study Guide

Study Guide
A Day No Pigs Would Die
Answer the following question on loose leaf paper and in complete sentences
Due first day of the new school year.
Chapter 1-2
1. Why did the narrator hate Edward Thatcher?
2. What was the first problem the narrator noticed with Apron? How did he help her? (List
the things he did, in order.)
3. What was the second problem the narrator noticed with Apron? How did he help her?
(List the steps in order.)
4. What was the narrator’s name? What was his father’s name?
5. Who found rob?
6. Describe Rob’s condition, and what his parents did to help him.
7. What was Haven Peck’s occupation?
8. When did Rob think his father smelled the best, and why?
Chapters 3-4
1. Describe the “odd parade” Rob and his father saw.
2. What did Mr. Tanner give Rob and why?
3. Mr. Peck did not want to accept a gift just for being a good neighbor. How did Mr.
Tanner get him to accept the gift?
4. What did Rob name his pet?
5. Rob said he disagreed with his father about one shaker law in particular. What was it?
Why did he disagree?
6. Could Mr. Peck vote? If not, Why not?
7. What did Mr. Peck say his mission was?
8. What, according to Mr. Peck, made Vermont a good state?
9. How did Rob feel the first night he had Pinky?
Chapters 5-6
1. What, according to rob, was the best part of Shaker meeting?
2. How did Mr. Tanner’s farm look, compared to the peck farm?
3. After whom was rob named? Why was this person famous?
4. Why did mama call rob to the barn?
5. How big was pinky by June?
6. Who was at the house visiting?
7. What was Robert’s big mistake? What happened as a result of his mistake?
8. Aunt Matty had a reason for robs D in English. What was it?
9. What was aunts matte’s job before she married uncle hue?
10. What was the reason, according to aunt Matty, that Rob didn’t know grammar?
Chapter 7-8
1. What did the hawk catch?
2. Did rob know the amount of food pinky was eating?
3. What did Rob intend to do with pinky?
4. What was Robs favorite sight?
5. Who came to the house during the thunderstorm, and why?
6. Who was Letty Phelps? What happened to her?
7. What did heaven peck do when he found Sebring Hillman?
8. What did Mr. Hillman want to do with the smaller coffin? Why?
Chapters 9-10
1. What did Aunt Carrie think was shameful? What was Mama’s opinion on the subject?
2. Summarize Rob’s first run-in with the Widow Bascom.
3. Summarize Rob’s second run-in with the Widow Bascom.
4. How did Rob get the opportunity to go to the Rutland Fair?
5. How did Mama and Aunt Carrie feel about rob going to Rutland?
6. What did Rob tell pinky about the Widow Bascom?
7. What one word did papa say as rob go out of the wagon at the Tanners’ house?
8. List, in order, the things Rob did when he got to the fair.
9. Did Pinky win a prize? If so, what was it?
Chapters 11-12
1. Did rob tell his parents that he got sick at the fair?
2. How did Rob feel about going to the fair?
3. What happened when Ira Long, Rob, and Papa tried to weasel Ira’s dog, Hussy?
4. What problem did Papa think there might be with Pinky?
5. Did Heaven Peck want Rob to be just like him when he grew up?
6. What did Mr. Tanner say about Mr. Peck?
7. Rob said he wanted a store bought, red and black plaid coat. What was Papa’s
8. What did Papa tell Rob while they were sitting by the fire in the parlor?
Chapters 13-15
1. Mr. Tanner asked Rob about Heaven Peck’s health. What was Rob’s answer?
2. What did Mr. Tanner think of farming? What religion were Mr. and Mrs. Tanner?
3. What religion were Mr. and Mrs.Tunner?
4. How was the apple crop?
5. What happened to Pinky, and why?
6. What did Rob say he wanted to do? What did he do?
7. Which day was the day no pigs would die? Why?
8. What did Rob find in the cigar box under his father tools?
9. What did Rob do after he sent his mother and Aunt Carrie to bed with cups of hot tea?