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Ultimate Chair Design Essay: Ergonomics & Engineering

Essay writing
Bashir Al Rifaii 202002259
Faculty of Engineering.
Submitted to
Dr. Chaker Abas
A person who maintains engines, build, and designs is an engineer. Engineering an
important field of study that sets individuals to enhance lives our in different fields.
Engineers help facilitate our lives through inventing different things one of the things are
ultimate chairs. Ultimate chairs are the hit of our 21st century since it is a very developed
chair. Our ultimate chair to be invented has many special characteristics that facilitate our
lives and meet our needs.
First and before discussing the ultimate chair qualifications let us define what is an
ultimate chair. An ultimate chair is simply a chair with ultimate characteristic that allows
to automatically fix your body position to your work, because your work cannot be fixed to
fit your body position .This chair is perfect for work, cars, mechanics in addition that it
suits all people, and it helps disabled and injured people. So how can a chair do this?
Simply due to its many special characteristics. Our ultimate chair insures stability that
Avoids stretching of the spine since it has hard casters that allows stable movement even
when the chair is inclined into different positions also it has arm rest benefits. The arm rest
has adjustable weight and height that help reduces pressure on lower back besides it
supports many
Tasks such as reading and writing. Moreover, the chad is made of very good materials that
are durable and breathable in addition that the materials easily dissipate moisture and
In addition to the characteristics above the ultimate chair also maintains posture in many
ways. How can someone sit with a good posture if the chair doesn't support? To maintain
posture the chair is adjustable in which it is
Easy to modify its position, and it's height. Since some of us are born with long legs and
others don't the chair can be adjusted easily according to someone's height or needs Beside
the characteristic of adjustable height the chair also has Adjustable depth In which you can
adjust its depths to support your lower back. The ultimate chair can also be moved easily
on the floor due to its mobility and the materials the wheels are made of that enables it to
move on any floor without getting broke or stocked. Furthermore, the seat cushions are
thick to support sitting for long periods, soft to prevent excessive stress on the pelvis, and
are made of breathable materials also.
In deed these are the characteristics of our ultimate chair. It is very important to sit
comfortably to do our work correctly. We all should know that if we didn't feel
comfortable on the chair we are sitting on from the very first time we sit we wouldn't be
even after a long time. So be wise while choosing your chair because this is the reason our
ultimate chair is designed to comfort you and facilitate your sit.