Uploaded by Marie Nguyen

Human Physiology Documentary Script: Coronary Heart Disease

Haikus on ecology:
Our mesocosms
Cesspools Of bacteria
Death beyond measure
I love the phyla
Oh how glorious
Our ecosystems
The natural selection
It’s a part of life
Bunnies everywhere
An online simulation
These haikus are done
Human Physiology - Topic 6
Marie = Dr. Nguyen
Mark = Dr. Vergara
Lenika = patient with coronary heart disease
Rebecca = mom cop with mom clothes as usual
Script be done by May 15th
Work on May 16th and 17th - After 5:30 @ Rebecca’s house
Project due May 22
Day in the life of doctors:
*doctors doing doctor stuff and then leaves to go to coffee shop*
*at home Rebecca the mom cop is telling Lenika to have a good day and be safe*
*making my way downtown*
*Lenika is driving and get into a car crash cuz Lenika has coronary heart disease* *car crash
sound effects*
*Rebecca is a cop and arrives to the car crash scene-- inserts some cop memes whatever*
Coffee shop scene with yo doctors:
*Doctors are chilling and drinking coffee or whatever*
*Dr. N gets a phone call from assistant or whoever that Dr. N and Dr. V needs to get to the
hospital STAT for an emergency*
Hospital scene:
*Lenika is laying on the hospital bed and Rebecca the mom cop is crying and asks Dr. V how
her conditions are*
*add dramatic music while Rebecca is crying over Lenika*
*Dr. N comes in with the bad news that she has discovered that Lenika has coronary heart
disease dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn*
*Rebecca asks wtf that is*
*Dr. V explains what coronary heart disease is*
*Dr. N explains that Lenika needs surgery STAT and explains how the surgery will go*
*Cranky Rebecca the mom just yells at the doctors to stop explaining and do the surgery*
*some surgery scene;;; how tf will this go*
Jello heart
*Dr. V and N does the heart surgery on the jello + dramatic music*
We eat the jello
*Surgery is over and everyone lives happily ever after // some cheese and crusty ending or
First we harvest the saphenous vein by making incisions in the leg. The harvested vein will be
grafted into the heart for the bypass surgery.
Then we make an incision down the centre of the patient's chest, then separate the two halves
of the breastbone with a sternal retractor.
Then we make an incision down the centre of the membranous sac which encloses the heart.
We make a slit into the affected coronary artery wall at a site below the obstruction to attach the
graft. The slit will be enlarged to produce a narrow oval opening.
We will carefully sew the lower end of the graft vessel onto the coronary artery.
We will attach thin wires for a temporary pacemaker to the surface of the heart. A pacemaker
corrects any irregular heartbeats which may occur after the bypass machine is stopped.
We will insert tubes to drain excess fluid.
Finally, we stitch up the chest and she will recover in intensive care: