Megan Halbur Observation Reflection

Megan Halbur
Observation Reflection
Rebecca and I were able to zero in on how to hande the challenge of working with
unprepared and unresponsive students. We watched my video session together and went over
possible improvements that I could make in my sessions. It was nice to have another person view
a session that I thought was a struggle and examine the process I went through with the student.
Rebecca and I also focused on finding a middle ground between being invested in the student’s
work and accept the limits of the session when the writer is not engaged. I feel like this has been
a struggle for me in the past that I’ve been trying to improve. Rebecca took me through the best
practices for tutors’ checklist and we worked together the spots that I could improve upon. It was
a great experience and I felt like I got a great perspective on my tutoring style.