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EDU625 Hall 1

Instructional Leadership Skills
EDU 625
Hall # 1
Leadership Roles and
Becoming a Collaborative
Teacher Leader
Purpose of EDU 625
• Facilitate growth in the knowledge of national and state
teachers standards as well as issues related to school
• To hone leadership skills essential in enhancing student
achievement and effecting school improvement via
development of a professional teaching portfolio
• To assist teachers in documenting and planning for
professional growth as instructional leaders
• To integrate biblical principles in leading and serving in
the learning community
Format for Hall sessions
Introduction of the Hall
Hall Topics
Major Points for the Week’s Learning
Christian Worldview Applications
Weekly Assignments
Weekly Discussion Questions
Weekly Assessments
Learning tools
• Hall lectures
• Completing all
components is very
important to accomplish
the objectives of the
▫ Hearing and seeing
• Text book
▫ Reading
• Weekly hall quiz
▫ Assessing comprehension
▫ ½ text; ½ hall lectures
• Individual homework
▫ Analyzing and applying
• Discussion forum
▫ Applying and Examining
Asynchronous learning
• Motivated
▫ Asynchronous learners
must be highly selfmotivated
• Responsible
▫ Asynchronous learners
must have high
responsibility for
assignments and
• Facts
▫ Asynchronous learning
is not easier than
traditional classroom
▫ Learners must meet
▫ It’s easy to think we’re
anonymous because
there’s no face time.
Tips for success
• Course Page
▫ Activities
 Individual homework
 Team activities (not
for online classes)
▫ Discussion forum
 Weekly discussions
▫ Media
 Syllabus
 Handouts & links
 Hall lectures
• Schedule
▫ Be attentive to
▫ The week begins on
Sunday and ends on
 Observe Sabbath
 Manage your time
Tips for success (cont.)
• Do not procrastinate
▫ It’s easy to get behind
in an asynchronous
 False security that
there is time to catch
 Each week builds on
the previous
• Sequence
▫ Set your schedule
 Hall lecture
 Assigned reading
 Discussion
 Homework
 Individual or team
 Study key points for
Tips for success (cont.)
• Communicate
▫ Ask questions
▫ Participate
▫ Be engaged in
▫ Seek handouts
▫ Contact the professor
with questions or
Class Introduction
• Becoming a Facilitator
Topics we’ll cover
• Becoming an effective and reflective teacher who leads the
classroom with biblical truths
• Explore the role of Christian leadership and service in the
teaching profession
• Composing, revising and editing a Comprehensive
Capstone Paper that includes the domains: Learning
Opportunities/Environments, Instructional
Methods/Teaching Strategies, Assessment and Use of
Assessment Data, Self-Evaluation/Reflection,
introduction, conclusion
• Leadership roles that teachers can assume effectively,
inclusive of tools use in leading peers toward positive
change that impacts student achievement
Hall 1 Objectives
• Introduction of the class
• Description of the Comprehensive Capstone Paper –
preparation assistance materials
• Explore two case studies relative to the teacher assuming
the role of facilitator within professional development
• Consider the many different formats available for
teacher leaderships roles
• Reflect on your reaction to adversity and times you
receive praise, taking the Biblical perspective into
Biblical Foundation
• Belhaven University seeks to:
Prepare students academically and spiritually to
serve Christ Jesus in their careers, in human
relationships, and in the world of ideas.
• Motto:
To Serve – Not to be Served
Biblical Foundation
• The Belhaven School of Education seeks to:
Prepare competent teachers who demonstrate both
academic excellence and professional knowledge
while providing distinctive Christian leadership
and service to those they teach.
• Motto:
Learning to Teach – Teaching to Serve
Hall text highlights
Read the ASCD article entitled, “Ten Roles of Teacher
Leaders” and understand the ways teachers can lead
- Resource Provider
- Instructional Specialist
- Curriculum Specialist
- Classroom Supporter
- Learning Facilitator
- Mentor
- School Leader
- Data Coach
- Catalyst for Change
- Learner
Hall text highlights
• Dilemmas in Educational Leadership
Read “The Promise of Collaborative
Communities” in the text.
- PLC’s (Professional Learning Communities)
- 5 Dimensions of PLCs
- Critical Friends Group
- Transformational Learning
- Understanding the Adult Learner
Hall text highlights
• Dilemmas in Educational Leadership
Read “Becoming a Facilitator” in the text
- Teacher Leader Confides Issue
- Seeking Advice from Fellow Teacher Leaders
- Use of Protocols
- Getting Useful Feedback
- Philosophy of Facilitation
Capstone paper preparation
• Look at handout entitled Comprehensive
Capstone Paper Outline and Course
- Note sections: written across the course
- Note format: Professional Knowledge Base
Application to Practice
Integration of CWV in both
Capstone paper preparation
Domain I: Learning Opportunities &
Learning Environments
• Professional Knowledge Base – discuss
how you create learning opportunities and
design/manage learning environments that:
- make subject matter meaningful and useful
- accommodate a diverse student population
and provide for individual differences
- promote the growth, development and
achievement of all students
(*integrate Christian World View*)
Domain I: Learning Opportunities &
Learning Environments
• Application to Practice – discuss how the
points about professional knowledge base
mentioned are put into practice in the classroom
- How will you use the concepts in the classroom?
- How will it look?
- What are the benefits?
- How will this increase student achievement?
(*integrate Christian World View*)
Domain I preparation
• Read course notes in the following courses that
you have taken to refresh knowledge base and
determine focus intended for Domain I:
EDU 501 Measurement & Evaluation
EDU 602 Psychology of the Exceptional Child
EDU 614/628 Effective Teaching Strategies
EDU 630 Diagnostic & Remedial Strategies
EDU 506 Classroom Management
EDU 631 Individualized Instruction
EDU 612 Curriculum
Domain I preparation
• NOTE: Not all students will have taken each
course listed on the previous slide. Some
students are on the M.Ed. track, while others
are MAT students.
• Reference to every course or textbook is NOT
expected. Just reference what fits the logical
thread of thought you have established in your
Capstone paper graphic
Look at handout entitled Brainstorming Graphic for
Comprehensive Capstone Paper (next slide)
- Note 3 key points in the Professional Knowledge
portion, each with source references and CWV
- Note 3 key practices in the Application to Practice
portion, each with source references and CWV
Capstone paper graphic
Look at handout entitled Brainstorming Graphic for
Comprehensive Capstone Paper. VERY IMPORTANT
- PARALLELISM – same topics follow across the
from key point to source to CWV in Knowledge Base
then across practices/sources/CWV under Application
to Practice
Capstone paper template
Look at handout entitled Template for Comprehensive
- Template is APA format. DO NOT CHANGE settings.
- Title is a given. Do not change it.
- Introduction keys reader to what you are focusing
on in this domain.
- Body of paper is APA format. Remember to keep
your points parallel across the Professional
Knowledge Base, Application to Practice and CWV
Integration elements.
- Reference page is APA format. Look for sources in
the materials from the courses you have taken.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
• Synthesis
• Evaluation and
• Analysis
• Application
• Comprehension
• Knowledge/Skills
Capstone paper checklist
Look at handout entitled Checklist – Comprehensive
Capstone Paper
- Two sections – domains and grammar/composition
- Provided only as optional checklist
- Useful as a guide
Capstone paper rubric
Look at handout entitled Comprehensive Capstone
Paper – Assessment Rubric
- Each domain has a page – levels 1 through 4
- Note correlation with Domain information already
- Work hard to be at level 4 so you will pass
- It is possible to pass this course without passing the
CCP paper, which is required for degree designation
- Note grammar/composition, APA format,
Introduction, and Conclusion sections
What’s next?
Complete your detailed reading
Answer the discussion questions
Complete the writing assignments
Take the Hall Quiz
• Bloom, B. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational
• Harrison, C. & Killion, J. (2008). Ten Roles for
Teacher Leaders. Educational Leadership,
65(1), 74-77.
• Reid, D. (2014). Dilemmas in Educational
Leadership: The Facilitator’s Book of Cases.
New York, NY: Teacher’s College Press.