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System Evaluation Research: ISO 25010 & Likert Scale

Data Gathering Instrument
The researchers will be using the 5-point Likert Scale as the basis to gather data
from the system evaluators. The questionnaire that will be used will be based on ISO
25010 standards. The quality model determines which quality characteristics will be
considered when evaluating the properties of a system. It uses functional suitability,
performance efficiency, compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and
portability criteria.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study will be selected using the purposive sampling.
Purposive sampling is intentional selection of informants based on their ability to
elucidate a specific theme concept or phenomenon (Robinson, 2014). There will be three
selected respondents are programming experts and another three respondents which
consists of the users of the system: the client and the Fablab personnel. The respondents
will evaluate the system in terms of its functional suitability, performance efficiency,
compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability criteria.
The questionnaire will be distributed to the respondents during the testing and
demonstration of the transaction system at the Iloilo Science and Technology University
where the printed instrument will be supported with an oral interview.
Data Processing and Statistical Tool
The data gathered from the respondents in the printed questionnaire will be
tallied. The mean will be used as a statistical tool by summing up the ratings and dividing
it to the number of items in each category using the Microsoft Excel software. The Likert
Scale Rating will be used to measure and interpret the mean for each item.