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Lesson 30
Adult Questions
FIRST DAY: Read Lesson 29 Notes.
1. How did the lecture or the notes on the resurrection change your thinking? How does the reality of Jesus’ victory
over Satan, sin, and death impact your life?
Its gives me a sense that peace with God is his ultimate goal for his children. It almost makes me too comfortable if I'm being honest.
Depite all the distraction Christ had to face, ultimately he accomplished his goal. That gives me hope, that the power that Christ held,
is the same power God has made available to me. I just have to be willing to embrace his lordship and not just his sacrafice.
2. a. As you think of the overarching lessons you learned through the study of Matthew, what stands out? Why is
that observation or lesson significant to you?
Christ was very intentional on who he spend him life with and what he spent his time on. This is signficant to me because I am in a
season of evaluation. I'm only beginning to see how my gifts or talents can be used to help others, but also revealing how I am in
need of a guide to help me see how i can be effiecient in my time with God, family and business.
b. As you think about the words, actions, miracles, and other glimpses of Jesus Himself in Matthew, what was
most meaningful to you?
The 1st shall be last and the last shall be first. Christ came to save that which was lost.
This reminds me of how Christ came to fulfill the old testament and made a new covenent in the new testament.
Also how the promised kingdom was offered first to the jews, God's chosen people who knew the old testament prophecies.
This new testament was not only for the jews but the gentiles. The Gentiles were not included in the covenant God first made with
man because he chose a certain group of people that Christ linage would come through. Christ came to redeem the jew and open
access to the gentile. A Centurion (gentile) told Jesus there is no need for Him to come to his home, “only say the word, and my
servant will be healed.” (Matt. 8:8). In both Matthew, Jesus said, “Truly, I tell you with no one in Israel have I found such faith’
(Matt. 8:10
ESV; cf. Luke 7:9). Jesus was saying to both his original Jewish audience and to Matthew’s Jewish readers, that this
lectures most impacted you this year? How have you applied this truth
more faithfrom
Jew he had
to your life?
God is inviting me to particpate in what he is already planning to do.
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4. If you had children in the Preschool Program or students in the School Program, how has their participation been a
blessing to you? Your family? Your child or student’s development?
5. What specific blessings did you experience within the community of your group?
It is the reconnection with God through the fellowship of bible study and scripture study that blessed me during this time spent
studying matthew. I was able to view my marriage in a different light, just by one comment made in class that enlightened the
answer I was asking God to give.
6. How has God used your participation in BSF and the study of Matthew to propel you to greater service in your
family, church, community, business/school, or the world?
I gracefully accepted a position at my newlu launch church as the Director of Childerns ministry. I stepped out on the faith God has
given me to know that if I make a step in the right direction, he will not only meet me there but walk with me along the path. God has
never let me down.
7. a. How has the study of Matthew changed your understanding of Scripture and God’s character?
God is going to do what he has planned to do all along. I have the opportunity to be apart of it, daily.
b. How has this study helped you grasp and appreciate God’s plan for the world? His will for you?
I appreciate that he just didnt leave us to our own demise, but watched over and favored us with his son and spirit that made a solid
path back into his kingdom.
8. a.
Pick one word that best describes your experience with the Lord and His Word this year.
b. Write a short prayer, expressing your gratitude and giving God glory for His work in your life.
Lord thank you for having a plan all along. You had a plan for my life before I was ever thought of in this world. I see I get my gift of
organizing and managing from you, although I fail, fall and stumble daily, you keep me. Thank you for not allowing me to stray to
far. Thank you for being the light in the darkness. Forgive me for the times I have walked away from you and led mysle into darkness
only to be saved by you time and time again. Now Lord, as I plan new experiences in my life, establish my steps so that I can find
comfort in knowing you are always in control.
© BSF 1963-2021 (This material may be downloaded from mybsf.org and used by BSF class members in connection with their personal BSF class studies.
It may not be otherwise reproduced without BSF’s written permission.)
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