Psychology Exam Prep: Internal Consistency, Personality, Mental Health

1. Your co-statistician forwarded numerous Likert-type questionnaire for their
internal consistency. After the evaluation of the research tool, you have to bear in
mind that an acceptable range must be
A. 0.5-0.59
B. 0.6-0.69
C. 0.7-0.79
D. 0.8-0.89
Internal Consistency
0.4 - 0.49
0.5 - 0.59
0.6 - 0.69
0.7 - 0.79
0.8 - 0.89
0.9 - 1.0
2. A questionable coefficient has a value of
A. 0.5-0.59
B. 0.6-0.69
C. 0.7-0.79
D. 0.8-0.89
3. Dispositional/Trait theorists believe that genetic factors were far more important
than environmental in shaping personality. Which among the following is highest in
A. Openness
B. Conscientiousness
C. Extraversion
D. Agreeableness
E. Neuroticism
Heritability of the 5 Factors (OCEAN)
 Highest to Lowest
OENCA (Openness, Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness)
4. He or she has the assumption that humans have been torn away from their
prehistoric union with nature and are left with no powerful instincts to adapt to
changing the world; instead, adapt to the human dilemma
A. Carl Jung
B. Alfred Adler
C. Karen Horney
D. Erich Fromm
Carl Jung - Analytical Psychology (Levels of Psyche, Collective Unconscious,
Archetypes, Cosmic Psychology)
Alfred Adler - Individual Psychology (4 Major Lifestyle Types,
Family Constellation, Birth Order)
ADLER (Aggression, Drive, Lifestyle, Early Recollection)
LARS (Leaning, Avoiding, Ruling, Socially useful)
Karen Horney - Psychoanalytic Social Theory (Neurotic Needs,
Feminine Psychology)
MATA (Moving Away, Towards, Against)
Erich Fromm - Humanistic Psychoanalysis / Socio-analytical Theory
(Psychic Escape Mechanisms, Syndrome of Decay)
Erich Fromm & Carl Jung - combined psychology with religion
Rollo Reece May - Daimonic - "any natural function which has the power to take
over the whole person"
- similar to Jung’s concept of the shadow
5. Which among the following is distinguished from the following syndrome of decay:
love of death, sense of entitlement, and extreme dependence.
A. Love of others, positive freedom biophilia
B. Biophilia, love of others, positive freedom
C. Positive freedom, biophilia, love of others
D. Biophilia, love of others, positive freedom
Erich Fromm
Syndrome of Decay (Necrophilia, Malignant Narcissism, Incestuous Symbiosis)
Syndrome of Growth - (Biophilia, Love of Others, Positive Freedom)
-opposite of Syndrome of Decay
6. He or she came up with the movement which attempted to provide coordinated
mental health services to people in local facilities.
A. Phillipe Pinel
B. Dorothea Dix
C. Benjamin Rush
D. John Kennedy
Philippe Pinel
-Humane/Moral treatment (unchained, treated with kindness)
Dorothea Dix
-Mental Hygiene movement (clean Dix = clean dick) mao ranay nadungog nako lol
-Prison reform
Benjamin Rush
-Humane/Moral treatment
-Tranquilizing chair
John Kennedy (President John F. Kennedy)
- Humane/Moral Treatment
-Community Mental Health Act 1963
7. Mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone, fixed false
belief, and false sensory perception are examples of:
A. Positive symptoms
B. Cognitive deficits
C. Negative symptoms
D. Catatonia
Negative symptoms - NAAAAAAA
- Alogia (lack of logic / poverty of speech)
- Affective flattening
- Anhedonia (lack of pleasure)
- Attention impairment
- Avolition (lack of motivation)
- Asocial behavior (lack of interpersonal relationships)
- Anergia (lack of energy)
Positive symptoms - PBHAAAD
- Bizarre behavior
- Hallucinations
- Ambivalence
- Abnormal thought form
- Delusions
- Develops over short time
8. A mental health patient tries to explain a life hack. His instructions consist of
jumbled and illogical speech. This form of thought is termed as
A. Associative looseness
B. Perseveration phenomenon
C. Flight of ideas
D. Word salad
Associative looseness
-mental illness
-confused thinking
-jumbled and illogical speech and reasoning
Perseveration phenomenon
-repetition of a particular response (word, phrase, gesture)
-Echolalia - repeat noises and phrases that they hear
-Echopraxia / Echokinesis / Echomotism - repetition of another
person's behavior or movements
Flight of ideas
-rapidly shifts/shifting thoughts (between conversation)
-speech (challenging, impossible to follow)
Word salad
-jumble of speech
9. The analyst uses what, how, and when questions but not why. This technique is
termed as
A. Adlerian Therapy
B. Person-Centered Therapy
C. Gestalt Therapy
D. Behavior Therapy
Adlerian Therapy
- Encourage and assist
- Purposeful
- Time-limited approach
- Futuristic
Person-Centered Therapy / Client-Centered Therapy / Rogerian Therapy
- Active listening
- Non-directive (allows clients to take more of a lead in sessions such that, in
the process, they discover their own solutions)
Gestalt Therapy
- What and How
- Here and Now (focuses on the present moment rather than past
- Empty Chair Technique (a person sits in front of an empty chair and pictures
someone whom they want to express their feelings, or one can picture half of
themselves as well)
According to behavioristic approach - never ask why because you’ll be accusing
the person
10. Use of antabuse among alcoholic is an example of which of the following therapy
A. Flooding
B. Aversion therapy
C. Systematic desensitization
D. Exposure in vivo and response prevention
Flooding Therapy
-Abrupt exposure meaning exposing the patient directly to their worst fears.
Systematic Desensitization/Graduated Exposure Therapy
-Developed by Joseph Wolpe
-A type of behavioral therapy used to treat anxiety disorders, post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) and phobias
-Has three main steps. First, you’ll learn ways to relax your muscles. Next,
fear hierarchy, you’ll make a list of your fears and rank them based on how
intense your fears are . Last, exposure, you’ll start exposing yourself to your
fear in stages so you get more and more comfortable dealing with it.
-Graduated Exposure Therapy (gradually exposing the individual to what
they’re afraid of)