Uploaded by Sharina Gerald

Nervous Coordination: Neurons, Potentials, Synapses

By Ms. Sharina Gerald
Nervous Coordination
Special Objectives of CXC CAPE Biology Syllabus-Unit 2-Module 2:
6.1 Describe the structure of motor and sensory neurones with the use of
annotated diagrams.
6.2  Explain the role of nerve cell membranes in establishing and maintaining
the resting potential;
6.3  Describe the conduction of an action potential along the nerve cell
membrane; Emphasise the value of myelinated neurons in increasing the speed of
6.4 Explain synaptic transmission; Structure of cholinergic synapse. Annotated
diagrams required.
6.5 Outline the role of synapses.
Background Knowledge
A good grasp of the excretory system from O’Level Biology which would
Set Induction
The Components of the Human/
Mammalian Nervous System
The human nervous system is composed of two parts:
Human Nervous
Central Nervous
Spinal Chord
All the other
extending from
Types of neurones
There are three types of neurones:
Sensory(receptors)-responsible for detecting a change in the
Relay or interneurone- connects other neurones to each other.
Motor neurone(effectors)- bring about a change in response to stimuli.
Types of neurons
The Spinal Arc
Resting potential
Na+/K+ pumps in the membrane actively pump sodium ions out of the cell and
potassium into it.
Three sodium ions are removed for every two potassium ions brought in.
Some of these ions leak back to where they came from by diffusing through
other parts of the membrane.
More potassium ions leak out than sodium enter.
Overally, these two processes causes the outside of the neuron to be negative
with relation to the outside.
This difference in charge is called a resting potential and is about -70 mV.
Action potential
This is how nerve impulses are propagated.
Axons have voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels that
A receptor detects stimuli.
Sodium channels open.
Sodium ions flood back into the cell due to an already existing
electrochemical gradient.
The inside is now no longer negative with relation to the outside. Rather, it is
the reverse and the neuron is said to be depolarised.
The sodium channels close.
Action Potential cont’d
In response to voltage changes, the potassium channels open.
Potassium diffuses out of the axon therefore positive charge us removed from
the axon.
The charge now returns to normal. A process called repolarisation.
So many K leave that the inside of the axon becomes more negative than the
normal resting potential. This is called hyperpolarisation.
Na and K channels close and pumps restore the electrochemical gradient.
Very light/weak stimuli does not result in and action potential.
This is because there is a threshold potential of -50mV to -60V which must be
Evaluation 1
Explain how stimuli results in the formation of an action potential.
Conduction or transmission of an action
What we have just studied is an action potential at one point.
For nerve impulses to be carried, the action potential needs to move along
the length of the axon.
For this to happen, depolarisation at one point causes local circuits to be set
up in the regions next to the action potential on either side.
The area before is in a refractory state since its resting potential has not
been restored.
Therefore the action potential moves forward.
How information is carried by action
The action potentials are always the same size.
A strong or weak stimulation would result in the same size action potential
i.e. depolarization from -70 mV to about 30 mV. This is known as the ‘all-ornothing’ law.
How is it then we know the difference between a weak stimulation and a
strong stimulation?
This is achieved by the frequency of the action potentials. Stronger
stimulations have more frequent action potentials.
Additionally, more neurones are active for a strong stimulus than for a weak
The nature of the stimulus is determined from the position of the sensory
neurone. E.g. all stimulation at the eyes is detected as light.
How information is carried by a neurone
Saltatory Conduction
The myelin sheath is impermeable to the Na+ and K+ ions. Hence, no action
potentials are set up in this region.
Therefore the action potential has to “jump” from one Node of Ranvier to the
other. This is called saltatory conduction.
However, assuming there was no myelin sheath, the speed of conduction
along the neuron would be too slow for survival.
Evaluation 2
Outline the process of the transmission of nerve impulses in a myelinated
Synaptic Transmission
When two neurones meet, they do not touch each other. Instead, there is a
very small gap between the two neurones. This is called a synaptic cleft.
The synaptic cleft together with the presynaptic membrane and
postsynaptic membrane make up the synapse.
Action potentials do not move across synapses. Instead, a chemical known as
a neurotransmitter is secreted from one synapse and detected at the other.
There are over 40 known neurotransmitters. Synapses are named after their
neurotransmitters. For example,?
Noradrenaline-adrenergic synapses.
Acetylcholine(Ach)-cholinergic synapses.
For our purposes, we will be looking at the cholinergic synapse.
Cholinergic synaptic transmission
Action potential arrives at the pre-synaptic membrane.
Results in the opening of calcium ion channels causing calcium ions to flood
into the membrane.
This results in the exocytosis of vesźicles containing acetylcholine.
Acetylcholine then diffuses across synaptic cleft to post synaptic membrane.
Molecules of acetylcholine bind with its specific, complementary receptor
protein on the post-synaptic membrane resulting in a conformational change
in the protein.
This results in Na+ channels opening in the post-synaptic membrane,
depolarizing the membrane and causing propagation of the action potential.
Excitatory Cholinergic Synapse
Cholinergic synaptic transmission cont’d
As long as acetylcholine remains in the receptor, there will be an influx of Na+
and depolarization will continue.
To restore the potential, acetylcholinesterase(an enzyme found in the cleft)
is used to split acetylcholine into choline and acetate.
Choline is taken back to presynaptic cleft where it reacts with acetyl CoA to
make acetylcholine.
The acetylcholine is transported into vesicles, awaiting the next action
Functions of synapses
Ensuring one-way transmission.
Interconnecting nerve pathways
Spatial summation
Temporal summation
Memory and learning.
Effects of chemicals at synapses
Mimics the action of acetylcholine.
Is not easily broken down.
Botulinum toxin(Botox)
Acts at the presynaptic membrane.
Prevents release of acetylcholine.
Organophosphorous insecticides
Inhibits the action of acetylcholinesterase.
Results in continuous action potentials.