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Scientific Method in Earth Science

Lab 1 – GEOS 1405
Dr. Bradley Blackwell
College: Lubbock Christian
Masters: TCU
PhD: Syracuse University
Professional experience: Environmental Protection Agency, National Park
Service, Wyoming Conservation Districts, and other universities
Introduction to Science
Geology and earth science, like all other
forms of science, advances by application
of the scientific method
The scientific method is based on
observations and the systematic collection
of evidence that can be seen and tested
by anyone with resources
Scientific Method
What is a null hypothesis?
The null hypothesis states that there is no relationship or effect between
two variables
It is used to test observations
Alternative hypotheses are formed in conjunction with null hypotheses
Observation: Plants need water
Does more water make a plant grow better?
Experiment you set up: give plant 1 liter of water per day
What is the null hypothesis?
Null hypothesis: giving the plant 1 liter of water per day will have no effect
on the plant
Results: Plant is dead after 2 weeks
Do you accept or reject the null hypothesis?
More complicated experiment based on the same question
Many plants
Water with different amounts each day
No water, 100 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL, 1 liter
Record results for each treatment
Null hypothesis: Differing amounts of water will not affect plant growth
Plants with 250 mL of water grow better than all others: 500 mL still alive; 100 mL and 1 liter
are dead
Historical Examples of the Scientific
Round earth
Chickens and eggs
Charles Darwin
Observations about finches
Developed many of the basic fundamentals of evolution
Gregor Mendel
Father of genetics
Used pea plants to experiment with inheritance
Complete a simple experiment using the scientific method
Graph data using Microsoft Excel
Excel Tutorial
Quickly show how to create graphs using data in Microsoft Excel
Steps for Using Excel to Create Graphs
Label columns correctly
Enter data into correct column
Highlight the data (including column headers)
Under Insert tab, select the proper graph (for this lab, either column or line)
Label the axes and title the graph appropriately
Set up Data
Create Graph
Line Graph