Transitional Guided Reading Plan (Level J-P) Students: Dates: Title/Level: Strategy Focus Comprehension Focus DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 1. Book Introduction 3-4 minutes Synopsis: 1. Introduce Next Section 1-2 minutes New 1. Vocabulary 2. (4 steps) 3 4. 1. Writing Prompt o o o o o o New Vocabulary 1. Define 2. Connect 3. Relate to Book 4. Turn & Talk Model Strategy: 1. 2. 3 4. Observation/Assessments: o o o o o o o 2. Reading with Prompting 10-15 minutes Monitoring and Word – Solving Fluency Prompt Prompts o Read it like the o Does that make sense? character would say o Reread and sound the first it. part. Comprehension Prompts: o Read on. What would o What did you read? make sense? o Why did the o Check the middle (or character say (or do) end) of the world. that? o Break the word apart. o What was important o Do you know a word with on this page? Why? this part in it? o What caused o How can you figure out _______? that word? B-M-E Problem-Solution Five-Finger Retell SWBS Character Analysis Ask and answer questions Event – details Key word summary Compare/Contr ast Cause-effect V.I.P New facts you learned Other: ________________ 2. Plan 3 – 5 minutes 1. o What are you thinking? o What question do you have? 3. Discussion Prompt 3 – 5 minutes 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. Teaching Points for Transitional Readers 1 – 2 minutes Word – Solving Vocabulary Fluency: Example Strategies Strategies o Phrasing s: o Sound o Look for o Expression 1st part clues o Dialogue o Endings o Check o Punctuati o Use the on known picture o Bold words part o Use a o Use known analogi part es o Make a o Bread connecti big on word o Substitute a word o Use the glossary 5. Word Study for Day 2 3 – 5 minutes (Optional on Day 1 if time allows) o Sound boxes o Analog y charts o Make a big word 6. Next Steps Text was: Next focus: o Hard o Appropriate o Easy 3. Write 15-17 minutes Observation and Teaching Points: Students to assess and analyse: 1. 2. 3. Teacher Notes – Transitional Readers (Level J-P) Dates: Student: _______________ Observations Next Steps o o o o o o Student: _______________ o o o o o o Student: _______________ o o o o o o Student: _______________ o o o o o o Student: _______________ o o o o o o Monitor for Meaning Word Solving Fluency Vocabulary Retell Comprehension Monitor for Meaning Word Solving Fluency Vocabulary Retell Comprehension Monitor for Meaning Word Solving Fluency Vocabulary Retell Comprehension Monitor for Meaning Word Solving Fluency Vocabulary Retell Comprehension Monitor for Meaning Word Solving Fluency Vocabulary Retell Comprehension