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Persuasive Essay Planning: Why Superman Isn't Boring

Target: Evidence must be
convincing. Ensure you write
down every website you use.
Preparation for Persuasive essay: Planning
Try and have a mixture of
What is your stance? What will you be arguing for in each paragraph?
facts/ statistics/ case
studies/ Expert opinion.
Why Superman isnt a boring character
What are the arguments in favour of my position? (Up-to 6)
_________________________________________________________He teaches kids morals and
allows them to hope, __________________________________________________________His
story mattress a lot more today of a sheltered kid from a country background fighting against
billionaires .
What is the counter-argument?
How can I prove this is wrong?
Main Body
Point 1: (Tip: You could make this the counter-argument and your rebuttal)
Evidence for Point 1:
Point 2:
Evidence for Point 2:
Point 3:
Evidence for Point 3:
Point 4:
Evidence for Point 4:
Point 5:
Evidence for Point 5:
Point 6:
Evidence for Point 6:
List of Sources consulted. (Either write down or copy and
paste the URLs)