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VSI Oil Advantage: Real-Time Oil Monitoring System

Voelker Sensors, Inc. (VSI)
1. Contribution to the Requirement
Reduces Costs – VSI’s oil monitoring device, the OIL ADVANTAGE ®, introduces significant savings for oil, oil
change labor, and probably most important to the Navy, reduced downtime.
Reduce Technical Risk – OIL ADVANTAGE reduces the chance of catastrophic oil-related failures by alerting in
real time early signs of premature oil wear and/or other causes (e.g., water in the oil) long before scheduled
maintenance intervals. These alerts can be both local and communicated wirelessly across the globe if necessary.
2. Technical Approach
Combining real time prognostic health monitoring (PHM) with VSI’s OIL ADVANTAGE will inform both local
and remote locations in real time the condition of engine, hydraulic, or gear oil in propulsion systems and support
equipment. This embedded PHM will prevent an unforeseen mechanical failure of the monitored equipment (e.g.,
water/coolant ingress) by warning of premature oil degradation that could result in catastrophic mechanical failure.
Statistically accurate information on oil degradation can also significantly reduce the amount of human monitoring
of the oil by setting predetermined early warning “alarms”. The OIL ADVANTAGE currently monitors for the
following oil conditions:
• Water/coolant contamination
• Metals
• Acidity (TAN)
• Soot
• Oxidation
• Fuel contamination
• Viscosity
• Temperature
• Polarity
• Low level conditions
• Conductivity
• Metal contamination in oils with minimal
conductive additives (machine tool, gear oils)
• Additive package breakdown
VSI’s patented fuel contamination technology can detect for the presence of fuel in oil down to a theoretical limit of
just 0.02% using a very simple and miniaturized sensor.
We recognize that in order for our OIL ADVANTAGE to be adapted by the DOD, it must pass vigorous testing
including proof of strong correlation of oil condition to independent “brick and mortar” laboratories, rigorous stress
testing and improvements in ruggedization.
System Specifications (Current Configuration)
Control Unit
Sensing Unit
Input Power: 12 – 28 VDC, 100mA Operating Temperature:
Dimensions: 5” x 3” x 1”
-40C - +150C
Operating Temperature: -40C Pressure: 200 psi maximum
Mechanical Interface: ½”
Humidity: 95% RH, noncondensing NPT, 4” long (2.5” depth in
Local LED for power and system error
and each parameter (TAN, Moisture,
Remote monitoring via:
• Analog voltage
• 4-20 current loop
• RS232
Principle of Operation
As oil breaks down, it becomes increasingly acidic and polar. These changes are proportional to each other. Using
this fact, VSI uses its proprietary technology to precisely measure the oil’s polarity to determine its acidity (TAN),
which is an industry standard measure of the oil’s wear.
Moisture in oil affects the oil’s ability to lubricate, prematurely ages the oil, and can contribute to corrosion of
equipment. To detect for water/coolant, VSI uses a patented technique that consists of a hydroscopic polymeric bead
matrix (that expands when in contact with water or coolant) held between two permeable surfaces containing
charged groups that measure relative change in the solvent properties of oil. This allows us to detect the presence of
water in the oil before it reaches the fully saturated point thereby providing very early detection. Metal wear causes
microscopic conductive particles to enter the oil and increase its electrical conductivity. The OIL ADVANTAGE
monitors the oil’s conductivity using extremely sensitive proprietary circuitry to detect the presence of metals in the
oil. VSI also measures the oil’s conductivity using a direct DC measurement. Conductivity decreases as conductive
additives are consumed. The central unit stores all parameters at pre-determined intervals with a time stamp so that
trend analysis can be performed. VSI knows of no other oil sensor in the market that measures all the above
parameters in a single sensor component. The company currently holds 7 patents.
Voelker Sensors, Inc. (VSI)
Competing oil sensors typically only measure changes in dielectric constant or impedance which are more
expensive, sophisticated, only one-dimensional, and cannot ensure that the oil has in fact degraded; only that the
measured parameter has changed.
The sensor and housing simply needs to be installed so that it is in contact with the oil that needs monitoring along
with a 12 – 28 VDC, 100mA power source. The harness is then run to VSI’s proprietary circuitry.
Project Objectives and Scope
.VSI’s oil monitoring device is designed for and in service for engine and power train monitoring of commercial
mining equipment. (TRL 9).
We propose to integrate the VSI oil monitor with the goal of moving the VSI device from its current TRL 5 to an
exit level of 8 for aircraft. This will involve taking the existing VSI product design and reengineering it for more
rigorous environments such as can be expected for military use. We see no reason we would not be successful for
the Air Force.
Our project scope would also include the additional feature of Bayesian algorithms for measuring and reporting the
viscosity at either 100 C or 40 C regardless of the immediate oil temperature so that the user would be familiar and
comfortable with the value that we provide. This would involve more rigorous testing of oil condition and attendant
degradation in real-world applications vs laboratory environments to ensure that our sensor design meets the
requirements. This will also involve performing additional correlation studies with multiple oil analysis laboratories.
Correlation studies would include data from field installations where oil samples would be collected from
applications currently in service.
Related Prior or Current Work
VSI has performed 15+ years of testing and correlation studies of its OIL ADVANTAGE sensor with independent
oil labs which has enabled us to further improve its design. Years of “rough service” field testing has enabled us to
continually improve form factor, eliminating in-service failures. Currently, we are working to improve ways of
remotely communicating with multiple units while in a variety of settings. This primarily involves software vs
hardware development.
Current TRL of the Technology:
VSI’s oil monitoring device is designed for and is in service for engine and power train monitoring of commercial
mining equipment. (TRL 9)..
Benefits of the Technology: The OIL ADVANTAGE can significantly reduce oil change intervals. Our studies
have shown that under certain conditions, oil life is significantly longer than as suggested by the manufacturer (as
much as six times in some cases). United Parcel Service has shown oil change intervals can be as long as 60,000
miles. Our sensor also provides an early warning sign of premature oil wear or mechanical failure (e.g., coolant
leaks). This was demonstrated at the mining company, Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. (fka Phelps-Dodge)
where they avoided a total engine failure of one of their mining vehicles due to a broken turbo collar, which caused
a coolant leak. Their routine lab testing would not have detected this for another three weeks.