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CHM1046C General Chemistry Syllabus Fall 2019

CHM1046C Course Syllabus
General Chemistry w/Qualitative Analysis II
Fall 2019
Section: 16063
Location: East Campus lecture 1-251; lab 1-322A
Time: M 7:00 pm – 9:45 pm (lecture)
W 7:00 pm – 9:45 pm (lab)
Contact Information:
Instructor: Dr Lora Parahovnik
E-mail address: lparahovnik@mail.valenciacollege.edu
Office Phone: (407) 582-2311
East Campus Science Department: (407) 582-2583
Office Hours: Monday 11:45 – 12:30 pm , room 4-133
*Appointments can be scheduled upon request
Course Description: Continuation of CHM 1045C dealing mainly with properties of liquids and
solids, solution formation, reactions rate, equilibrium theory, thermodynamics, chemical
kinetics and electrochemistry. Laboratory illustrates principles of reaction rates, ionic equilibria
and electrochemical cells within framework of qualitative analysis (4 credit hours per 2019-2020
college catalog).
Prerequisites CHM 1045C with C or better
Required Materials:
Textbook & Online HWK Bundle: General Chemistry, 11th Edition, Ebbing and Gammon,
Cengage with OWL online homework access code.
Lab Manual: Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry I, J. A. Beran. Custom print
for Valencia East Campus.
Calculator: TI-30XS
Supplemental Materials: Study Guide General Chemistry, 11 th Edition, Ebbing and Gammon,
Cengage. Click Cengage to go to website.
Materials: You must bring these items to each class!
Textbook, lab manual, scientific calculator (You cannot use a cell phone or share a calculator),
lecture notes, homework, pen/pencil, and papers
Lecture Outlines: Canvas is the learning management system (LMS) used for this course and it
can be accessed on the web. You may also access Canvas through Valencia’s main webpage;
under quick links select online courses. Canvas is the online repository of all lecture related
materials: syllabus, announcements, and lecture notes. Lecture outlines are in pdf format. You
will need Adobe reader to open these files. Click Adobe to download.
Skills and Competencies
Valencia faculties have defined four interrelated competencies (Value, Think, Communicate, and
Act) that prepare students to succeed in the world community. These competencies are
outlined in the College Catalog. In this course, through classroom discussion, group work, labs,
and other learning activities, you will further develop your mastery of these core competencies.
Specifically, during quizzes and exams you will be asked to communicate your knowledge of the
information in a coherent manner with the use of relevant information to support your
answer/opinion/analysis. Thinking skills will be developed in all aspects of this course,
specifically, critical thinking skills will be necessary in order to internalize chemical concepts and
problem-solving skills as well as communicate answers effectively. Value skills will be addressed
in terms of valuing the usefulness of the scientific method of real-life scenarios as well as
understanding basic scientific information in order to be able to understand the relevance of
current scientific discoveries in relation to your life (such as environmental and medical
Homework: An OWLv2 access code is needed to register and do your online homework for this
course. Students can obtain access to OWLv2 through a Code Exchange program. If you are
eligible for this program, please go to Canvas to access the Code Exchange web link and fill out a
request form. Please submit only one code exchange request as multiple requests will be denied
by publisher. Be aware that OWLv2 access permission can take up to three (3) days to process.
To register in OWL v2, go to Canvas and click on the OWL registration link to enroll in this
specific section. Please make sure you have enrolled in OWL v2 for section CHM1046C, section
16063. Notify your instructor immediately if you enrolled in the incorrect course section. If a
used textbook was obtained instead, an access code can be purchased separately with an ebook in this website. Each assignment for each chapter covered must be completed by the
assigned date and time deadline. Due dates and times will usually fall on a Thursday at 11:55
pm. There is NO Make-up Homework… No Exceptions! even if you have computer, software or
internet problems. Homework will have a percent weight of 15% on your final course grade.
Grading Policy: The final grade for this course will be based upon the student’s performance on
online homework, lab reports, weekly quizzes, three-unit exams, and a final exam. The grade
percent distribution by percent weights for each type of assessment is as follows: 40% lecture
exams, 15% online homework, 10% weekly quizzes, 15% lab reports and 20% final exam. The
final grade will be determined according to the grading scale described below.
Grading Scale
69.9%- 60%
59.9%- 50%
And lower
*** Grades are NOT rounded up. For example, a student must have 90.0% or higher for an A. A grade of
89.99% is a B.
Exams: Three (3) one hour exams will be given this term and must be taken when scheduled. No
makeup exams will be given. Each exam is worth 100 points and they collectively make up 40%
of the final course grade. Please see final exam policy for possible grade replacement.
Labs: Lab reports will make up 15% of the final grade. Every lab will start from a short quiz (5%)
related to the specific experimental session performed that day. Pre-labs and lab reports (10 %)
due are collected at the beginning of lab class. Lab reports can be submitted by 2 students that
work together through the semester via experimental procedures If you are late or don’t have
your pre-lab completed, you will be dismissed from lab without credit to pre-lab and you won’t
be allowed to take a quiz. NO make-up laboratories are arranged due to lab space and use
limitations. Lab starts at 4:00 pm every Wednesday according to the schedule on page 8.
Lab Safety Rules and Agreement form must be read, filled out, signed and turned in at the
beginning of the first lab meetings. The Lab Safety Rules and Agreement form will be uploaded
on Canvas. You must follow the Laboratory Safety Rules in order to conduct lab experiments.
Otherwise, you will be dismissed from the lab and it will count as an absent. The laboratory
environment often will involve the use of and/or exposure to chemicals or other hazardous
substances/equipment. If you are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant during this course
and are concerned about your exposure to these chemicals or hazardous
substances/equipment, please see your instructor to discuss possible alternative arrangements.
Students are also invited to contact Mr. Ryan Kane, Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity
Officer, 407-582 3421, rkane8@valenciacollege.edu, regarding requests for alternative
arrangements relating to pregnancy.
Pre-Lab Assignments: The pre-lab assignments can be found in the lab manual. Pre-labs
assignments for the upcoming experiment must be completed before you arrive to the lab. If
the pre-lab is not completed or you are late, you will be dismissed from lab and will receive no
points for pre-lab. Pre-labs will be validated with initials by instructor at the beginning of the
lab period.
Data Tables and Post Labs: Data tables and post-lab exercise can also be found in the lab
manual. Data tables must be completed during lab time and will be validated with initials by
instructor upon completion. Post-lab exercises can be completed at home. Lab Report: A due
lab report must include experiment’s pre-lab, data table and post-lab answers in this order and
stapled when submitting. Lab reports missing parts, not in order or stapled will not receive
credit. Complete lab reports are due at the beginning of the following lab meeting (a week
later!). Credit will not be given if report has not been initialed twice (pre-lab and data table) by
Quizzes: Quizzes will make up 10% of the final grade, the quizzes will be performed weekly and
students will be informed throughout the lecture’s outlines according to the schedule on page
Missed Quiz or Exam Policy: There are no make-up quizzes and exams. If you miss a quiz or an
exam, you will receive a zero and it affect your final grade.
Final Exam: The final exam is cumulative, worth 100 points. The final exam is scheduled on
December 9th, 2019 at 7:00- 9:30 pm room 251. The final exam grade can be used to replace a
lower-class exam score. If final exam is missed, no replacement for lower-class exams will be
Make-up work/Extra Credit: Under no circumstances, make-up work or extensions will be given
in this course. College students are expected to perform to the best of their abilities on the
assessments established in this syllabus. There are no make-up quizzes, exams, and labs!
However, I will drop one lowest lab grade and one lowest quiz grade at the end of the
Incomplete Grade: An Incomplete may be assigned if you have completed 2/3 of the course
requirements satisfactorily and can provide evidence of a valid reason (e.g. emergencies such as
serious illness or death of an immediate family member) for which you are not able to complete
the course work within the term. It is your responsibility to consult with your instructor to
determine if you qualify for an Incomplete. If you are awarded an I (Incomplete) and you
complete the required course work according to clear written criteria/schedule established by
the instructor, your grade will be changed from I to the appropriate grade (A – F). This grade
change will be processed by the end of term of the following full term (excluding summer in
which case the change of grade will be processed at the end of the subsequent fall term). An
Incomplete grade is subject to approval by the dean of science.
Attendance Policy: This is a very rigorous science course that will build a foundation of
knowledge for your future science courses. There is a large amount of material to cover and
every lecture will include major learning objectives. History shows that failure of this course is
usually preceded by attendance issues. Additionally, multiple research studies show attendance
in school is directly correlated to success in a course. The attendance will be checked at the
beginning of every class/lab meeting. A grade of W will be given to students that do not attend
class during the first week of class. Excessive absences on lectures and/or labs (> 3 class
meetings) can result in a failing grade from the course unless a withdrawal form is completed
and submitted by the withdrawal deadline published in the current catalog and/or credit course
schedule. If you miss 3 classes (lectures, labs or combination of lecture & lab), I reserve the
right to withdraw you from the course. If you are late to class twice (2 tardies), it will result in
an absence. If you don’t stay the entire lab period, you will be considered absent . Students
receiving financial aid are advised to discuss the impact of not attending classes on their
financial aid or veterans benefits.
Withdrawal Policy: Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and
Grades, and Withdrawals), a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline
for a particular term will receive a grade of “W.” A student is not permitted to withdraw after
the withdrawal deadline. A faculty member may withdraw a student up to the beginning of the
final exam period for violation of the class attendance policy. A student who is withdrawn by
faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W.” Any student who
withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course
will be assigned a grade of “F”. If you do not intend to complete the course, you must withdraw
Withdrawal Deadline: Nov 1st, 2019.
Academic Honesty: All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia College.
Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, acts or attempted acts of plagiarism,
cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct
during a testing situation, facilitating academic dishonesty, and misuse of identification with
intent to defraud or deceive. To review the Valencia policy, please visit at
http://valenciacollege.edu/generalcounsel/. All work submitted by students is expected to be
the result of the student’s individual thoughts, research, and self-expression. Whenever a
student uses ideas, wording, or organization from another source, the source shall be
appropriately acknowledged.
Academic Integrity: Cheating and/or plagiarism (individual or in collaboration) are forbidden in
this course. Cheating on an exam, homework or copying someone else’s laboratory report is a
violation of this policy. A violation of this policy will result in failure of the entire course and/or
your current status as an active student. Removal from the course with a grade of F on the first
incident! Each student is expected to be informed and compliant with the college policy on
academic honesty as stated in the Student Handbook.
College Student Conduct Policy: Valencia College is dedicated not only to the advancement of
knowledge and learning but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and
social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia College, a student assumes the responsibility for
becoming familiar with and abiding the Student Code of Conduct. The primary responsibility for
managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any
prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty to
leave the class. Violation of any classroom or Valencia’s rules may lead to disciplinary action up
to and including expulsion from Valencia. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn
from class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and
authorized actions. A full description of all College policies can be found in the College Policy
Student Assistance Program: Valencia College is interested in making sure all our students have
a rewarding and successful college experience. To that purpose, Valencia students can get
immediate help with issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties,
substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home
or work. BayCare Behavioral Health Student Assistance Program (SAP) services are free to all
Valencia students and available 24 hours a day by calling (800) 878-5470. If needed, the
counselor may refer the student to appropriate resources or to speak face to face with a
licensed counselor.
Electronic Communications Devices Use Policy: The use of electronic communication device
during any examination is strictly prohibited. Academic integrity penalties will be enforced if
electronic communication devices are used during an examination.
Use of Campus Computers: The Business, IT, and Public Service classrooms at Valencia College
is restricted to those activities designated by the instructor to enhance the class materials. Use
of computers in the departmental open lab is limited to those activities involved with preparing
homework or coursework in this department and is subject to the same restriction. Any other
use is strictly forbidden.
Other inappropriate use includes but is not limited to: Use of computer to send Email or access
Internet sites not specifically assigned in class. Use of computer for job, internship, or other
activities not assigned in class. Modifying any hardware or software system configuration or
setting. Activities not in accordance with the Valencia Student Code of Conduct. Subsequent
offense may be sent to the campus administration for further disciplinary action.
Students with Disabilities: Any student whose disability falls within the American Disabilities
Act (ADA) and requires accommodations should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities.
The office is in Building 5 Room 216. You may also reach the office by phone at (407) 582-2229.
Approved paperwork from the Office for Students with Disabilities must be submitted to
instructor by the end of the second week of class.
International students: Note to International Students (F-1 or J-1 Visa).
Please be advised that withdrawal from this course due to attendance may result in the
termination of your visa status if you fall below the full-time enrollment requirement of 12
credit hours. Contact Valencia’s International Student Services office for more information.
Valencia Student Core Competencies: Valencia faculty defined four interrelated competencies
(Think, Value, Communicate, ACT) that prepare students to succeed in the world community. In
this course, through lecture and discussion, group work, and other learning activities, you will
further develop your mastery of those competencies. THINK: think clearly, critically and
creatively. Analyze, synthesize, integrate, and evaluate in many domains of human inquiry.
COMMUNICATE: Communicate with different audiences using varied means. VALUE: Make
reasoned value judgments and responsible commitments. ACT: Act purposefully, reflectively,
and responsibly.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Students will differentiate between states of matter; liquids, Solids and Gases via
different physical properties, as well as describe intermolecular forces for specific
Students will perform the calculation of the heat required for a phase change of a given
mass of substance.
Students will explore the colligative properties of solutions, including boiling-point
elevation effect, freezing point depression, osmosis and ionic solutions properties.
Students will Investigate how to determine the rate of chemical reactions and identify
the factors that influence this rate as: temperature, concentration and etc.
Students will define and understand the equilibrium constant for chemical reaction,
LeChatelier’s Principle and Equilibrium shift. Use experimental data to calculate values
for an equilibrium constant and equilibrium concentrations.
Students will describe acid- based concepts, determine the molar concentration of a
weak acid solution and molar concentration, use the pH scale and pH relationships to
determine hydrogen ion concentrations, hydroxide ion concentrations, pH or pOH for a
solution based on experimental data; perform buffer calculations for acid/base mixtures.
Students will perform equilibrium calculations of weak acids, weak bases, and salts in
aqueous solution.
Students will understand the thermodynamic variables of enthalpy change, entropy
change and Gibb’s free energy change, and how they affect the spontaneity of a
chemical reaction; predict the spontaneity of a reaction using the appropriate
thermodynamic data.
Students will understand oxidation-reduction reactions, define and describe the types of
electrochemical cells, and their individual components; use the quantitative relationship
between current, charge and time to perform calculations.
CHM1046C Tentative Schedule
Week of
Wednesday (Laboratory)
Downloaded by mo ra (mohigul_19@yahoo.com)
Aug 26th
Sept 2nd
Sept 9th
Sept 16th
Sept 23rd
Sept 30th
Oct 7th
Oct 14 th
Oct 21st
Oct 28th
Nov 4th
No Lecture
Ch. 12, quiz 1
Ch. 12- Ch.13,
quiz 2
Ch. 13-Ch.14,
quiz 3
Test #1 Ch.
Ch.14- Ch.15,
quiz 4
Ch. 15
Ch. 16, quiz 5
Ch. 16, quiz 6
Nov 11 th
Test #2 Ch.
Ch. 17
Ch. 17
Nov 18th
Ch. 18, quiz 7
Nov 25th
Ch. 18- Ch.19,
quiz 8
Ch. 19, Test
#3 Ch. 17-19,
Dec 2nd
Dec 9th
Safety Lecture
No Lab
Introduction to General Chemistry
Exp 14: Molar Mass of a Solid
Ch. 11
Exp 23: Factors affection Reaction
Exp 24: A rate Law and Activation
Ch. 13
Ch. 12
Ch. 14
Exp 16: Le Chatelier’s Principle
Exp 34: An Equilibrium Constant
Exp 18: Potentiometric Analyses
Exp 22: Molar Solubility; CommonIon Effect
Exp 38: Qual 1 (Na+, K+, NH4+, Ca2+,
Cu2+, Mg2+)
Ch. 15
Ch. 16/TBA
Ch. 16/TBA
Exp 39: Qual 2 (Ni2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Al3+,
Exp 32: Galvanic Cells, The Nernst
No Lab- Thanksgiving Holiday
Ch. 17
Ch. 19
Final Exam
Disclaimer: Changes in this syllabus, homework list or schedule can be made at the discretion of
the instructor and will be announced in class. This syllabus is a contract between the student
and the instructor. By attending this course, the student agrees to and accepts the terms and
conditions of this contract. It is the responsibility of the student to carefully read this
syllabus/contract, and to adhere to all policies and procedures within.
Course Contract
_________ 1. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions in syllabus.
_________ 2. I understand the attendance policy.
_________ 3. I understand no late work is accepted.
_________ 4. I understand there are no make-ups for quizzes, exams or labs.
_________ 5. I understand that there will be no exceptions to these conditions. In case of death in your
family, the documentation is required within 24 hours.
_________ 6. I will treat my classmates and professor with respect.
_________ 7. I will take responsibility for my own actions.
I, __________________________ read the syllabus and agree to the terms in the contract.