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DLP ExamineBias

Jemely B.
Learning Competency:
Grade Level
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. Understand the concept of bias;
2. Identify words or phrases that show bias in a text;
3. Recognize biases in author’s work;
4. Examine biases, for or against made by the author
on a certain issue.
Examine biases (for or against) made by the author
II. Learning Content
Examine biases
I. Objectives:
III. Learning Resources
English Communication Arts and Skills through Afro-Asian
Literature Grade 8
English Q3M1 Examining Biases ADM Module
Learning Activity Sheets in English 8 W1Q3
Other learning materials
IV. Learning Experiences
Introductory Activities
laptop, projector, PowerPoint presentation,
Preliminaries and daily routines such as prayer, checking
of attendance, and classroom management
Show picture of a local cafe to the class
Reviewing previous
Presenting the new
(scenario) Imagine you are going to Athea Faye’s Cafe, who
would you pick to go along with you?
Your friends?
Or Your Family?
When you are already inside the café, what
would you likely prefer to order?
Burger or fries?
Milk Tea or Shake?
Spaghetti or Carbonara?
You are already seated with your preferred company,
waiting for your orders. You take out your cellphone. Which
social media app would you choose to open?
Or TikTok?
You open the app, and saw some videos there, which would
you likely prefer to watch?
Video of a dog?
Or video of a cat?
Then you saw these beautiful tourist destinations and you
are inspired to go for an adventure too. Which would you
Swimming at Tinawagan beach? Or
Hiking at Gabao hills?
Were you able to make your choices?
What made you choose your answers in this activity?
Were your reasons based on facts or personal preference?
Did you pick based on your favorites?
What factors come into play when you choose based on
your personal preference?
Is it experience? Upbringing? Trend? Environment?
Culture? Or other things?
Establishing purpose
for the lesson
While it may sometimes be harmless to choose based on
preferences; however, there are instances when these may
easily make you biased in believing certain types of
information. Our preference of one thing over the other may
lead us to being biased. This may result to you forming
biases which may later on turn into a belief that can alter
your attitude towards an issue.
Hence, in this lesson, you will learn how to examine biases
especially in tackling issues and informing your beliefs.
This will help make you sound judgements on given
Our personal preferences may lead us to being biased.
Are you familiar with the word BIAS?
K-pop idols?
Presidential candidates?
What does Bias mean?
of the new lesson
To give you a hint, here are some examples.
1. I love all the foods being served, but there is no greater
food than the spaghetti.
2. I don’t like to go swimming anymore; we live beside the
3. Dogs are far superior as pets to the typical house-cat.
What did you observe from the statements?
Yes, that is right! The statements are unfair preference for
or against something.
Why is it unfair?
-Because it is based on opinion or generalization, not
from facts.
Bias refers to an author’s expression of his/her own
opinion on a particular issue without examining and
presenting enough evidences.
This arises from the author’s thinking which may be
influenced by personal beliefs, culture, attitudes,
preferences, and past experiences.
In another definition, Bias means that a person prefers an
idea and doesn’t give equal chance to a different idea.
Bias means partiality for or prejudice against someone or
Reading Task:
Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills
Cats and dogs are both good pets. Dogs are
affectionate, but they are extremely difficult to care for.
Cats, on the other hand, are also very lovable and cuddly.
They require only moderate care that isn’t time
Based on the author’s choice of words, which do the author
prefer? Cats or dogs?
Cats, you are correct.
You have just identified a bias.
How about you? Do you also prefer cats over dogs just like
the author?
That is great. Remember
We all have biases that reflect our opinions and outlook in
life. Almost every piece of writing shows a little bit of bias. A
reader’s job is to:
 Recognize biases;
Think critically;
 Determine effects.
On how much they affect the author’s presentation of
his/her ideas.
To further understand bias in writing, refer to this
Bias in Writing can be defined as:
Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills
It is a prejudice against something an author is writing
Favoritism of what an author is writing about .
An author letting feelings or emotions cloud his/her objectivity
about something he/she is writing about
Unfair presentation of the
issue or topic
Focuses on one side of the
issue or topic
Fair presentation of the
issue or topic
Focuses on both sides of
the issue or topic
How do you determine the author’s biases?
The author may state directly some of
his/her biases by telling the reader
his/her opinions on certain topics or
admitting that he/she has a conflict of interest or
preference. But when an author does not acknowledge
his/her own bias, a skilled reader can infer what an
author’s bias may be by looking at the author’s diction and
use of evidence.
Diction refers to the words or expressions that help convey
the stand of the author towards an issue. These words and
expressions may indicate a positive or negative connotation
or meaning.
Does the author use words with more negative
connotations when referring to one side of an issue
or topic?
Does the author use words with more positive
connotations when referring to one side of an issue
or topic?
These connotations are clue to what or to whom the author
may be biased for or against.
Positive Connotation
The newly-opened restaurant
served us chicken with a
crispy breading.
Negative Connotation
The newly-opened restaurant
served us chicken with a
dry breading.
Evidences can be in the form of facts and information,
testimonies, and direct observations, scientific and legal
findings, anecdotes, and philosophical evidences.
Does the author present more positive evidence for
one side of an issue than the other?
Does the author present more negative evidence for
one side of an issue than the other?
To recognize bias, one must consider the
Look for loaded words and phrases. Words that are
charged with emotion, whether positive or negative, can
reveal an author’s opinion about a topic.
Reading for pleasure is a waste of time. People who spend
hours on reading don’t get to live in the real world. They
don’t really learn anything that is useful about dealing
with everyday people and problems. Plus, teachers
always make us read texts that are boring.
From this example, which words and phrases are charged
with emotions?
Reading for pleasure is a waste of time. People who spend
hours on reading don’t get to live in the real world. They
don’t really learn anything that is useful about dealing
with everyday people and problems. Plus, teachers
always make us read texts that are boring.
Exactly, words and phrases such as… give you an idea
about the author’s take on the topic. These imply the
author’s bias.
Let’s go back to the text, what is the topic?
Reading for pleasure is a waste of time. People who
spend hours on reading don’t get to live in the real world.
They don’t really learn anything that is useful about
dealing with everyday people and problems. Plus,
teachers always make us read texts that are boring.
Correct! It is about reading for pleasure.
What is the author’s bias on the topic?
Is it for or against?
Correct! The author is biased against Reading for pleasure.
Watch out for Stereotypes. A stereotype is an
overgeneralized belief about a particular group of people. If
the author labels an entire group, the writing is probably
Women are better than men in so many ways. Whether at
home or at work, women always excel. In fact, there is
almost nothing that women cannot do better than men
On what stereotype, does the author show bias?
Women are better than men in so many ways. Whether
at home or at work, women always excel. In fact, there is
almost nothing that women cannot do better than men
That is right! The author believes that Women are better
than men in so many ways.
Let’s take a closer look at this text. What is it about?
Women are better than men in so many ways. Whether at
home or at work, women always excel. In fact, there is
almost nothing that women cannot do better than men
Excellent! It is about women.
What is the author’s bias on the topic?
Is it for or against?
Exactly! The author is biased for the idea which claims that
women are better than men.
Notice unclear language or generalization. This
happens if the author isn’t using specific language or
Online learning has many benefits. Learners who have
gadgets with internet access learn better than learners
who only use modules. The internet is expensive though.
Did the author show an unclear generalization?
Yes, I agree. The author failed to provide direct and specific
arguments leading to vague and confusing generalizations.
Let us check the text again, what is it all about?
Online learning has many benefits. Learners who have
gadgets with internet access learn better than learners
who only use modules. The internet is expensive though.
Very good! It is about online learning.
What is the author’s bias on the topic? Is it for or against?
Great job. The author is biased for online learning.
Be on the lookout for one-sided arguments. If the
author presents one side of the argument.
Many Filipinos disagree with DepEd Secretary Leonor M.
Briones on the opening of classes on October 5. They claim
that the lives of everyone will be placed at risk once
classes resume. Because of the threat of Covid-19 virus,
many people are protesting to further postpone the
opening of classes.
Did the author present a one-sided argument?
Yes. You are correct. The author’s argument on the topic is
one-sided. The author failed to present the other side of the
story by excluding the DepEd Secretary’s side regarding the
One more time, let’s check the text. What is it all about?
Many Filipinos disagree with DepEd Secretary Leonor M.
Briones on the opening of classes on October 5. They
claim that the lives of everyone will be placed at risk once
classes resume. Because of the threat of Covid-19 virus,
many people are protesting to further postpone the
opening of classes.
Correct. It is about the opening of classes on October 5.
What is the author’s bias on this topic?
Is it for or against the opening of classes on October 5?
Incredible job! The author is against the opening of classes
on October 5.
Does the author present facts or opinions? Facts are
something that is known or proved to be true. But opinions
can be based on feelings, emotions, or prejudices, which
aren’t objective.
Most parents tell their children that engaging in romantic
relationships can ruin their studies. As for me, based on
my experience, being in a relationship provides inspiration
to graduate. The feelings of excitement, love, and
motivation make me believe that it is okay to be in a
relationship while studying.
What does the author use on this text?
Definitely, it is an opinion.
The author shows bias
according to his/her opinions and feelings.
What words or phrases did the author use to show his/her
Most parents tell their children that engaging in romantic
relationships can ruin their studies. As for me, based on
my experience, being in a relationship provides inspiration
to graduate. The feelings of excitement, love, and
motivation make me believe that it is okay to be in a
relationship while studying.
Going back to the text, what is this about?
Most parents tell their children that engaging in romantic
relationships can ruin their studies. As for me, based on
my experience, being in a relationship provides inspiration
to graduate. The feelings of excitement, love, and
motivation make me believe that it is okay to be in a
relationship while studying.
Yes, it is about engaging in a romantic relationship.
What is the author’s bias on this topic?
Is it for or against?
Precisely. The author is in favor of engaging in a romantic
relationship while studying.
How about you? Do you agree with the author? Is it okay to
have boyfriend or girlfriend while studying?
Practice Task: LIGHT READING:
Read each statement and identify whether it
contain loaded words, stereotypes, opinion,
generalization, or one-sided argument. Put a
check mark under the correct answer.
Developing mastery
For me, most
beautiful of all
contestants is my
Considered by
many as “man’s
best friend, dogs
are loyal.
Susan’s childhood
memories were
terrific. It
contributed much
to her optimistic
People with tattoos
are troublemakers
and ex-convicts.
Children under 12
should not be
allowed to stay
home alone.
without parents'
care, children can
cause a lot of
problems. Children
who are under 12
can't look after
themselves well.
Read each text
Carefully and answer
The questions that
What is the Catriona
bias for?
What is she bias against?
What words or phrases indicate the author’s bias?
What is the author biased about?
Is he for or against the issue or topic?
Group Work (15 minutes): Divide the class into groups. Ask them
to pick their favorite between the given options, then write their
reasons for choosing that in 3-5 sentences. Write the paragraph
in a cartolina to be presented in a class later.
Basketball or Volleyball?
Singing or Dancing?
English or Math?
Beach or Mountain?
Modular or Face-to face Classes?
The other groups will examine the biases made by the other
Examine the following statements made by
the 2022 presidential aspirants. Distinguish
whether the author/speaker is bias for or bias
against the topic or issue.
Finding Practical
application of concepts
and skills in daily living?
1.Senator Ping Lacson is
bias for mining.
2. Mayor Isko Moreno is
bias against abortion.
3. VP Leni Robredo is bias
for the ICCs War on drugs
4. Senator Bongbong Marcos is
bias against the tightening of
the Constitution’s presidential
5. Senator Manny Pacquiao
is bias against same-sex
Did our lesson about Examining biases, for or against,
made by the author teach you something?
What have you learned today?
Today, I learned that _______________________________.
To recognize bias in a text ___________________________.
Making generalizations
and abstractions about
the lesson
Ultimately, the ability to detect, and be able to examine
author’s biases is an important skill, not only in our
academic, but also in our everyday lives. It is a must that
we need to examine biases presented in the information
given to us. In this manner, we can be critical and active
readers that are able to discern and evaluate messages.
Multiple Choice: Analyze the questions carefully.
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on a sheet of paper.
1. This refers to an author’s expression of his/her own
opinion on a particular issue without examining and
presenting enough evidences.
a. Bias b. objective c. subjective d. judgement
2. Below are true about bias, except:
a. Presenting both sides of the issue
b. Telling only a part of the issue at hand
c. Putting an unfair, one-sided opinion
d. Being subjective, as opposed to being objective
Evaluating learning
3. Why do we need to be aware of the author’ bias?
a. It’s because it may lead us to the wrong conclusion.
b. It’s because it may give us information.
c. It’s because it may change our way of thinking.
d. It’s because it may direct us to error.
4. Which of the following situations shows that an author
has a bias?
a. The writer provides an impartial view about a
particular issue.
b. The writer does not generalize about a certain group
based on his/her opinions
c. The writer presents more positive evidence of an issue
he/she favors
d. The writer shows no favoritism or prejudice about an
issue he/she is writing about.
5. Which is the best example of prejudice or bias?
a. The owner of a company evaluates all potential
employees exclusively by their professional
b. The exaggerated and oversimplified belief that some
lawyers are dishonest.
c. A man from Asia does not like Americans because he
thinks that they drink irresponsibly.
d. A woman believes it will rain because she sees so
many grey clouds in the sky.
6. Buying a brand-new cellphone is a waste of money. Which
of the words in the statement show bias?
a. Brand new b. buying c. money d. waste
7. “To have a Covid-19 vaccine before the opening of classes
is unbelievable.” Which of the words make the sentence
a. Before b. opening c. unbelievable d. vaccine
8. Which expresses bias?
a. The earth rotates around its axis.
b. Jose Rizal is our country’s national hero.
c. Putting rubbing alcohol is the best way to kill bacteria
and virus.
d. Covid-19 is an infection caused by a new strain of
9. Everyone who cooks should own a food processor. This
marvelous invention is now being used by over 12 million
vegetarians, compared with only half that number a
couple years ago. Vegetarians rarely have a weight
problem since most vegetables are low in calories and
contain a little or no fat. They do not suffer a build-up of
cholesterol in the bloodstream as they grow older. Some
doctors have suggested a link between vegetarianism and
longevity. As people become more health-conscious,
vegetarianism will certainly become popular.
What does the author show bias for?
a. Eating more vegetables
b. Avoiding cholesterol
c. Eating “healthy foods”
d. Becoming a vegetarian
10. Citizens of the Harrison Park area look with alarm at the
diabolical plot to change a beautiful spot into a baseball
park. If this malicious plan is carried out, the lovely trees
in the park will be chopped down. Values of the property
within the area will drop sharply as the park fills with the
filth and debris of the bulldozers and other equipment.
Obviously, no one cares about the poor citizen who slaved
to pay for his home and to keep up with his taxes.
In this passage, the author shows bias against______?
a. Homeowners and taxpayers
b. Citizens of the Harrison Park
c. A baseball field in the park
d. More trees in the park
Pick Me!
Pick out the words or expressions that make the sentence
biased. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
11. Women are very sensitive compared to men.
12. By giving financial assistance to his people, the governor
is a hero to his constituents.
13. Love is the most powerful force that spins the earth.
14. Marrying at an early age is a disgrace.
15. Men are better drivers than women.
For or Against
Based on the given paragraphs, identify the idea which the
author favors. Write the word FOR under the topic if the
author is biased towards it. If not, Write against.
16. Topic: Dog vs Cat
Dogs and cats are the commonly domesticated animals.
However, dogs are a better choice for they are fun to play
with and they can be trained as service dogs to help
humans. Cats, on the contrary, can only serve as a house
17. Topic: Soda vs Juice
I like soda better than juice. I prefer soda because it is not
too sweet unlike juice. Though juice tastes good, soda has
acidity that make you
18. Topic: Phase out
jeepneys vs Retain jeepneys
Jeepneys have been one of the main modes of transport in
the Philippines. They are also the livelihood source of
many Filipinos. However, they often cause road congestion
and traffic jams. Also, they are obsolete that may
compromise the safety of the passengers, and may pose a
threat to the environment. As such, these jeepneys do not
meet the standard of modernization and phasing them out
appease to be a much better
Phase out
Jeepneys Jeepneys
19-20. Fill in the shapes with words or phrases that relate to the
word “bias”.
HOMEWORK: Read the text below. Then, examine biases made
by the author on the topic by completing the paragraph below.
Additional activities for
application or
I find the article entitled __________________________ biased
because the author used words that are
____________________. These words are _____________
Study collections