OCEAN, ATMOSPHERE, AND CLIMATE – CLASS NOTES 09/21/21 Weekly, find news article about ocean or atmosphere, must be based on scientific study 09/23/21 Explire OAC canvas, missed posted lecture 09/30/21 Navigation o Latitude lines run E-W, Longitude N-S Lat determined by north star (northern hemisphere), horizon is 0 degrees, wherever the star sits from there is the degree of latitude. Northpole is 90 degrees, equator is 0 degrees Sextant measures lat, aligns horizon with north star. Lon. Origionaly determined by “running the latitude”, go down to the Lat of target, go in that direction. Determine noon based on when smallest shadow of mast is, set as noon, see when noon changes Earth rotates 360 degrees in 24, 15 egrees per hour. One hour means 15 degrees of longitude. Determine E/W by if you gained or lost time. o LOng Range Navigation, terrestrial radio stations. Able to triangulate location when not too far to shore. o Global Positioning System Reliant on satellites. Receiver, pick up at least three and triangulate location. Each satellite has a different signal, gps uses delay in signal to determine relative distance to satellite. 10/07/21 Thermohaline Circulation o Temp + Salt = change in density of water Wind Circulation o Due to friction, causes waves Waves vs Currents o Energy movement vs mass movement Doppler effect o As noise source approaches, velocity is added to sound waves hence increase in pitch on approach, and reciprocal effect. Ocean water is ~96% H20, ~4% salt. Base of ocean uniform temp due to dense water and thermohaline circulations, 4-5 degrees centigrade Global warming, causes ice to melt. Low density fresh water has the capability to throw off the thermohaline circulation, and cease the refrigeration effect of deep ocean currents. Coriolis Effect o Different places on earth are rotating at different velocities, quito vs buffalo. A projectile sent from quito inherits its higher velocity, opposite is true for buffalo. o Impact of the spinning on the east west parts of trajectories. 2 o Winds inherit these velocities as well, they seem to “curve” to the right in the northern hemisphere, and to the left in the southern hemisphere. o Basically tugging everything to the right in northern, tugging to the left in southern. Ekman Spiral o Due to wind, lower currents move at right angles to the wind. o Water moving away from the current upwells cold water Use APA Citations LAB 2 Atmospheric cells chart o Hadley Cell Near equator, air moves towards equator rises cools, moves towards poles Rain 0 degrees o Ferrel Cell Cold air sinks and moves when warmed along the ground towards the poles (counter Hadley Cell) No precipitation 30 degrees o Polar Cell Warm air rises, cools, snows/clouds, cool air moves towards the poles Rain/Snow 60 degrees Most rain on the planet occurs at the equator 3