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Elevator History, Patents & Future Trends

A Brief Exposé on Elevators
• An oft neglected
requirement of our
modern society, the
elevator gives structure
for our modern urban
pursuits and represents
a technological leap
forward for vertical
History of the elevator
Early BC origins of elevator systems
Hydraulic elevators were popular in the mid-1800s and are still
the norm for low-rise buildings; problematically, they require
hydraulic oil and are inefficient
“Standing rope control” for elevators invented in 1850
Credit goes to Elisha Otis for having invented the first safety
passenger (brake) elevator in 1852
– This elevator featured a lock-spring which would engage
should the elevator descend too quickly ie if the cable were
to break
1857: Otis showcases the first passenger elevator (for a
department store)
1874: JW Meaker patents safety method for elevator doors
1880: World’s first electric elevator
1889: Direct-connected geared electric elevator
1903: Gearless traction elevator
1940’s: push-button elevators (not requiring human
1950’s: pre-programmed elevators responding to peak hours
1960’s: introduction of microcomputers to create a more
efficient elevator
1996: Machine room-less elevators by Kone save space and
energy (1/3 the energy use of hydraulic elevators)
Patent information: total US
patents granted
• Elevator – 24,800 hits
• A refined inspection of the patents reveals that
2796 (approx.) have been filed in the US which are
pertinent to elevator technology
– Includes inventive steps to elevator systems,
safety features, physical design, electronic
monitoring, control systems and ancillary
– 374 patents for induction motors
– 13 patents for machine room-less
Major patent-holders
42 (with Westinghouse, 289)
Inventio – 350
2 (American office)
Examples of Patents and
*Published Applications
Serial Number
Invention Title
Serial Number
Invention Title
1 (2010)
6 (1980)
Floor selector system for
2 (2005)
Elevator System
Method for determining
replacement state of wear of
elevator means
3 (2003)
Elevator belt assembly with
noise reducing groove
Elevator system (speed)
4 (2000)
Interactive elevator
communication system
Elevator guide-rail system
5 (2002)
Method for preventing an
inadmissibly high speed of
the load
Security-based elevator
Patents observed in situ
Machine room-less
Elevator system
Interactive elevator
communication system
Method for preventing
unnatural high-speed
Gap-sealing technology
Elevator group control
control system
Safety equipment for
preventing an elevator
car collision with an
Notable patent infringement
• Schindler v Otis (2010) – for an elevator
feature capable of recognizing a user upon
walking into a monitored area and sending
an elevator to bring the user to the relevant
floor, no infringement was found.
• Kone v Zheijiang (China) – elevator driving
device attached to the wall instead of the
ceiling was found to infringe under the
“doctrine of equivalents”.
• Inventio AG v ThyssenKrupp – defendant
prevails in this suit alleging infringement for
temporary overlay patent providing controls
with dispatch functionality; plaintiff’s
patents revoked.
• Advanced Hydraulics v Otis – “hydraulic
elevator” patent of 1951 assigned to plaintiff
and was likely infringed; however, estoppel
due to delay and laches prohibited the claim
• Kone v ThyssenKrupp (2009) – pending suit
Future of the industry
Looking at environmentally-friendly technology and efficient
use of shaft space
Passenger comfort and smarter technologies to recognize
passengers for security purposes, with emphasized research
into computerized innovations
Economic downturn has been reducing sales and stymied
high-rise development
– Replacements for outdated and irreparable elevator
systems less in demand than previously predicted
Competitiveness of the field set to increase following the
immense fines (nearly $1 billion USD) levied against the largest
elevator companies by the EU Competition Commission for
price fixing and illicit collusion
Bizarre and logical tech
• “Vacuum” elevators of science fiction, using
air pressure to transport tenants and
• “Smell sensors” to determine whether or not
the tenant is actually whom he presents
himself to be
• Magnetic suspension system – Mitsubishi –
in trial stage
• More efficient hydraulic systems for cities
with blackouts and electrical precariousness