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learning WHMPress (1)

learning WHMPress - While you are learning
Reselling web hosting services is one of the most profitable passive income streams,
especially if you are studying computer science or business that will help you in digital
marketing with a great marketing exposure.
One question that comes into mind is how you will set up a business, let alone provide
effective support to your customers. Using sales and marketing as your learned weapons that
you are trained in class for.
The answer lies in two words "Reseller Hosting."
As a student with reselling hosting, you should not worry about setting up your servers and
knowing all technical details. You can buy a reseller account from any famous Webhosting, like
GoDaddy or Hostgator. With the help of a carefully chosen WHMCS WordPress Theme that
supports WHMpress, you can make a web hosting selling website within 2 hours.
The only thing you need besides the hosting account is a web hosting website. The better
your website is, the more hosting you will sell. And this is where you have to focus all your
energy. To sell hosting, you will need WHMCS integrated with WordPress.
You will lose clients if your ordering is not well integrated with your wordpress site. And for a
better WordPress WHMCS Integration. you will need WHMPress.
Why WHMpress?
Because whmpress helps you make your web hosting reselling website faster, WHMPress has
built-in domain search, comparison tables, and ordering sliders. So If you know how to make a
site in WordPress, you can easily set up your hosting website with WordPress at the front and
WHMCS at the backend.