Developing Leadership and Management Submission date: 10-May-2021 11:48PM (UTC+0100) Submission ID: 152603975 File name: Developing_Leadership_and_management.docx (543.21K) Word count: 3337 Character count: 18922 University of Derby Derby Business School Developing Leadership and Management (6HR510) Exploring Leadership and Management Student ID: Date Submitted:10/5/2021 Word Count: 3194 Sensitivity: Internal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Developing Leadership and Management GRADEMARK REPORT FINAL GRADE 12 GENERAL COMMENTS Instructor /0 Be advised that all assignment grades are subject to internal and external moderation (audit) to ensure consistency and fairness in the marking / grading and feedback process. As such, until the grades have been validated by the University of Derby Examinations and Assessment Board, they may be subject to change. Please note that you are entitled to ask your marking tutor for a face to face (in person or virtual dependent on circumstances) meeting (should you wish to) in order to discuss your work and ways in which you might make improvements to any subsequent module or programme assignments. Marking Tutor: Mike Gilbert General Feedback Comments: Please Note: An 81% similarity is a major concern. It shows that there is very little original work here and suggests the ideas are simply copied from other sources. This could constitute an academic offence. Unfortunately you do not appear to have engaged in answering this assignment. The similarity index shows a lack of originality and the evident lack of appropriate academic research completely undermines any credibility of your work. You need to discuss this with me as you construct your resubmission. To further develop your academic skills, you may wish to consider the following points; 1. Please do some academic research. You will achieve nothing preparing work that has so little academic models and theories to facilitate your discussion. 2. Focus on answering the question. You were provided with opportunities to come and talk to me about the work, but I'm not sure you took them. PAGE 1 PAGE 2 Comment 1 What is this and why is it here? PAGE 3 Comment 2 How do you know these things? Where is the academic research to back up these points? Comment 3 The lack of appropriate academic underpinning is a concern. There is nothing here to validate your ideas. PAGE 4 Comment 4 Where is the academic research? This work appears subjective at best, copied from other sources at worst. Comment 5 This is not answering the question. Coaching is something that might be applied to any number of leadership theories. PAGE 5 Comment 6 Copying this from BING is not good practice, neither does it actually answer the question. Comment 7 This is not good academic practice. You are simply undertaking a cut and paste from this source. PAGE 6 Comment 8 Where is the academic theory that would support what you are saying? Comment 9 How do you know all this? Where is it coming from? PAGE 7 Comment 10 No academic theories provided which can help validate your ideas. Comment 11 This is not a strong rationale as you are not providing the necessary academic depth to validate the inclusion of this issue as a leadership development need. PAGE 8 Comment 12 Again, not a strong view as the lack of appropriate academic research is undermining the quality of your argument. PAGE 9 Comment 13 This does not make sense. It has no shape or structure to it. PAGE 10 Comment 14 So what exactly are you measuring and how will you measure it? This thinking needs to be structured far better. PAGE 11 Comment 15 This is nowhere near the requirement for work at this level of study. This indicates a lack of appropriate academic research and undermines the quality of your submission. PAGE 12 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 RUBRIC: DLM L6 11 / 90 KNOWLEDGE (20%) 35 / 90 OUTSTANDING (90) • Detailed understanding of topic area backed up with relevant references • Research beyond scope of module materials • Draws links to other modules • No further development of answer required EXCELLENT (70) • Wide topic knowledge from the module • Draws different concepts together effectively • Strong use of relevant theoretical models and/or research • Fully referenced with wide range of sources • Strong evidence of independent research VERY GOOD (60) • Draws together some of the key topics from the module • Some use of theoretical models and/or research to support answer • Evidence of some independent research but largely guided by references provided in the module GOOD (50) • Adequate use of module topics • Some gaps in knowledge or misunderstanding of concepts • Some evidence of research and reading but may be overreliance on core textbooks/overuse of direct quotes etc. SATISFACTORY (40) • Limited use of topic knowledge from the module/lack of detail • Some significant gaps in knowledge or misunderstanding • Limited or poor evidence of research and reading • Overreliance on lecture slides and notes UNSATISFACTORY (35) • No/ very limited use of topics from the module to answer the question • No/very limited supporting literature • No/ very limited use of topics from the module to answer the question • No/very limited supporting literature VERY POOR (5) Well below the pass standard. NOTHING OF MERIT (1) Nothing of value is contained in the submission CRITICALITY (20%) 5 / 90 OUTSTANDING (90) • Extensive critical evaluation of arguments and cited literature • Fully balanced argument EXCELLENT (70) • Researched and answered from different angles. • Questions some of the research sources used • Well balanced argument VERY GOOD (60) • Explores some alternative arguments, advantages/disadvantages, pros and cons etc. • Some evidence different approaches to answering the question are understood GOOD (50) • Acknowledges a few alternative arguments to the answer e.g. advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons SATISFACTORY (40) • Very limited identification of alternative arguments • Accepts reference sources at face value UNSATISFACTORY • A one sided answer with no consideration of alternative arguments (35) VERY POOR (5) Well below the pass standard. NOTHING OF MERIT (1) Nothing of value is contained in the submission APPLICATION (20%) 5 / 90 OUTSTANDING (90) • Thoughtful and thorough application of knowledge, theory and research to question throughout EXCELLENT (70) • Tailors information to answer the question fully • Illustrates answer with range of organisational examples • Links in relevant personal examples/experiences VERY GOOD (60) • Uses some appropriate organisational examples discussed during the module • Uses personal examples but may not always link this back to theory/literature • Integration of theory/research may still be disjointed GOOD (50) • Examples are limited or lack relevance • Examples are given but poorly integrated into the answer SATISFACTORY (40) • Lacks examples • Very limited reference to the task UNSATISFACTORY (35) • No or inappropriate use of examples • No links to the task VERY POOR (5) Well below the pass standard. NOTHING OF MERIT (1) Nothing of value is contained in the submission EVALUATION (20%) 5 / 90 OUTSTANDING (90) • All concepts and material fully relevant to the analysis and recommendations including materials sourced from independent research EXCELLENT (70) • All chosen ideas are relevant to the answer • Answers the question fully covering all key concepts • No evidence of ‘padding’ with irrelevant information VERY GOOD (60) • Uses some relevant ideas • Chooses appropriate concepts and makes an attempt to answer the question • Information is mostly relevant to the question • Only minor missing elements • Minimal ‘padding’ with irrelevant information GOOD (50) • Some effort to answer the question • Some missing, weak or irrelevant elements • Links to answer are unclear in places • May ‘pad’ with irrelevant information SATISFACTORY (40) • Key elements of the question remain unanswered/underdeveloped • Confused choice of concepts to answer the question • Important concepts may be difficult to pick out UNSATISFACTORY (35) • Largely irrelevant ideas • Does not answer the question that was asked • Covers concepts which are not relevant to the answer. VERY POOR (5) Well below the pass standard. NOTHING OF MERIT (1) Nothing of value is contained in the submission COMMUNICATION (20%) 5 / 90 OUTSTANDING (90) • Outstanding, sophisticated written communication • No significant areas for further development EXCELLENT (70) • Logical organisation and flow of ideas • Error free written communication • Precise Harvard Referencing • An enjoyable read VERY GOOD (60) • Largely well-structured answer • Only minor spelling/grammatical errors • Good grasp of Harvard Referencing • Mainly easy to read and follow GOOD (50) • Some spelling/grammatical errors but do not significantly interfere with understanding • Some attempt to Harvard Reference • Difficult to read and follow in places SATISFACTORY (40) • Repeated spelling/grammatical issues • Weak Referencing skills • Difficult to read and follow UNSATISFACTORY (35) • Very difficult to read and follow • Extensive problems with written presentation • No or incorrect Referencing VERY POOR (5) Well below the pass standard. NOTHING OF MERIT (1) Nothing of value is contained in the submission