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Aquaponics STEM Project: Design & Build a System

Days 1 and 2
Days 3–5
Engagement and
Research and
Days 6–9
Making, presenting, and
Days 9–10+ (two weeks to two months)
Set up and sustain the aquaponics
Students will work together to design and create from recyclable materials a functioning aquaponics
system in the classroom.
This project is designed for students on or above grade level in biology or environmental science.
Students will use their understanding of the life cycle of plants and fish to develop a functioning
aquaponics system. The plants, fish, water, nitrogen, oxygen are all variables that need to be in proper
ratio in order to function properly. The students will find and bring in recyclable materials from their
homes and design their containers for the system. The students will then decide what type of plants they
want to grow and what type of fish will work the best. The students must understand the relationships
necessary to create a balanced system. The students must measure the oxygen and nitrogen levels in their
system and decide the levels necessary for their chosen fish and plants. The students can also decide if
other things are necessary for their system (snails, bugs).
This PBL will allow students to develop the following knowledge and skills in each of the identified areas
Science – The student is expected to:
– Use understanding of the life cycles of plants and fish to balance an aquaponics system.
– Measure output of the nitrogen and oxygen cycles to keep systems functioning.
– Research aquaponics systems and the possible effects more sustainable farming could have on the
– Develop an understanding of the delicate balance necessary to sustain life.
Mathematics – The student is expected to:
– Calculate necessary nitrogen and oxygen levels needed for plants and fish.
Engineering – The student is expected to:
– Design a container for an aquaponics system from recyclable materials.
– Decide an appropriate location for the aquaponics system (at home, large scale, rural village).
Language Arts – The student is expected to:
– Work as a team to develop the project.
– Communicate reasoning and design concepts to the class during the project.
– Produce a final presentation of the project, including the reasoning for its design.
M. M. Capraro et al. (Eds.), A Companion to Interdisciplinary STEM Project-Based Learning, 75–79.
© 2016 Sense Publishers. All rights reserved.
This PBL will reinforce and strengthen the following concepts and skills already learned by the student.
– Students will use prior knowledge of the life cycle of plants and fish, and nitrogen and oxygen cycles
– Students will design and construct an aquaponics system
– Students will use formulas to calculate necessary nitrogen and oxygen levels
Two of the greatest problems in the world today are hunger and pollution; aquaponics can work in
reducing both. Aquaponics is an agricultural tool that combines aquaculture and hydroponics (growing
plants in water). The development of an aquaponics system combines knowledge of science, math and
engineering. The system can be used to teach the life cycle and structure of plants, sustainable farming,
effective use of recyclable materials, and the nitrogen cycle. Students will work together to think of
creative ways to design their systems; there are so many materials aquaponics systems can be made of.
After designing and building their systems the students will decide what types of plants and fish will be
best to meet their objectives. After developing the system, students will track their plant growth and
maintain their aquaponics systems. After completing the design and construction, students will
conceptualize other sustainable farming techniques that could be made from recyclable materials.
– Computer with internet
Building the container:
Recyclable materials from around the house (suggestions)
Plastics straws/tubing
Water pump (optional)
– Ammonia testing kit or papers
– Oxygen sensor, titration set up, colorimetric set up
DAYS 1 & 2 (100 MINUTES)
Depending on what aspect of the project the teacher wishes to focus on there are many introductory
videos the teacher can present to the class. These videos provide an introduction to the topic and methods
of aquaponics, as well as the importance of aquaponics systems. The most important thing to discuss
is the large impact aquaponics and sustainable farming as a whole can have on the world. Feed
the World – Aquaponics is a great example of the ways aquaponics can affect an entire community.
Urban Farming in the City is an example of how a small sustainable farming set up can be useful in
different environments. Students should participate in a discussion on sustainable farming and the
problems of hunger and pollution in the world today.
Why Organic, Sustainable Farming Matters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD5jnxhne7o (06:25)
Feed the World-Aquaponics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofS9MFXFIBE (02:21)
Small Scale Aquaponics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DMylpQqVKI (05:43)
Urban Farming in the City: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJcACw_--Nk (03:26)
After showing these videos to the class on the first day the students will then have the remainder of the
class and the following class period to conduct research for their project.
DAYS 3–5 (150 MINUTES)
This project can take from two weeks to an entire semester. If the teacher wants to focus more on the
design and construction phase than the sustaining the system phase, the project will be shorter.
In the design phase, students will have time to do more research on aquaponics and sustainable
farming. The students will need to research design and construction methods and waterproofing. They
will also need to understand nitrogen levels and which plants and fish can live together in a system. The
students will also look into the environmental impacts of sustainable farming and the importance of
aquaponics. The students will decide what type of environment they are designing for their systems. For
example, they will decide if it is a small single-family system, or a large-scale system to feed many
people (these types will have to be scaled down depending on classroom space available.)
DAYS 6–9 (200 MINUTES)
In the making phase, students will bring in recyclable items from home in order to construct their own
systems. The students will present their ideas to the class and give each other constructive feedback on
their ideas. The teacher should also offer feedback on the designs. After feedback is given the students
will construct their containers and decide on their fish and plants for their systems. The teacher should
pay close attention to the students’ choices and make sure they are feasible and within the budget for the
district. The project can be modified as far as plants and fish based on available budgets.
The projects can be simple and small like a soda bottle, or much larger and more advanced like
commercial aquaponics systems. Students should carefully consider all aspects of their project to ensure
their systems are as healthy as possible.
This phase of the project is sustaining the system. During this stage the students will add their fish and
plants to the set up and begin the process of growing plants in their aquaponics systems. The students will
need to take daily measurements of the oxygen and nitrogen levels in their systems; they will maintain the
levels in the system. The students can also measure the growth of their plants and fish in the systems.
Depending on the plants chosen and how the plants started, as seeds or as sprouted plants, this stage will
vary in length. This part of the project is not entirely class consuming. The students will need about 10
minutes a day to check on their systems and could do it before or after school if needed.
Extensions to the assignment can be in the design of more sustainable farming techniques. Most students
will complete an assignment on where their design for aquaponics would be most beneficial. They could
focus on providing food for a small single family home, a restaurant, or an entire rural village. The
students will create a report on why they designed their systems as they did and how they’re suited to the
environments they choose. As an extension to the assignment, students could create their own sustainable
farming techniques or systems. They could develop ideas for other biotic systems that could be used in
farming, or any engineered system to make farming self-sustaining. All ideas should reflect the benefits
for the environment and the people intended as recipients for the food.
Coordination of resources
Design of the system
Functionality final product
Final Product
Aquaponics evaluation rubric
3-Exeeds expectations
2-Meets expectations
1-Fails to meet expectations
Students present the reasoning
for their system effectively.
They put time into their
presentation and it looks clean
and is presented clearly. The
logic behind their design is
Students present their
reasoning but it is not as
well explained. The
presentation is complete
but not as clearly
The presentation is not well
reasoned. The logic for their
system is lacking. The
students’ presentation skills
are lacking, and the
presentation is hard to
Final System
Students took care to build their
system properly, and it
functions as it should.
Students’ system is
constructed with some
care, but there are some
problems with the
Students’ system are poorly
Nitrogen and The measured levels of nitrogen
oxygen levels and oxygen are correct for the
system and sustain both the fish
and the plants with no added
nutrients. The calculations for
the levels were correct.
The measured levels
sustain most of the plants
and fish. The calculations
were mostly correct with
some corrections needed.
The measured levels do not
sustain the fish and plants.
The calculations done were
All materials are recyclable.
Most of the materials used None or only a few of the
are recyclable.
materials are recyclable.
The design is well thought out
and has all of the components
necessary for an aquaponics
The design is somewhat
original and has most of
the necessary components
for an aquaponics system.
Design is not complete. Does
not use recyclable materials.
Does not meet all of the needs
of an aquaponics system.
Plant life and The chosen plants and fish can
live together and the students
have a good explanation for
their decisions.
Chosen plants and fish
can live together but are
not as compatible.
The chosen fish and plants
cannot function together. The
students have not done
enough research to understand
what their system needs.
Critique/critic During the critique session the
ism/ problem students give constructive
criticism to other projects and
problem solve the feedback they
Students give some
feedback to classmates.
Use some of the feedback
they receive but not to the
best ability
Students provide to
constructive criticism for
other groups and do not alter
their projects at all following
their feedback.
The students work together on
the project; each student
contributes to the project
evaluate their equally and communicates
effectively with the team
The students mostly
worked well together; the
work was not as evenly
distributed between the
students. Communication
with team members was
The students do not work
together well. Some students
did more work than others.
Worked well most of the
research time provided.
Did not contribute to the
research of the project.
Worked hard and efficiently to
prepare for the design,
construction and presentation of
the system
Peer Evaluation Rubric
Evaluate participation from 1 to 10, with 10 being high
participation and 1 being no participation
Student discusses
and talks about all
aspects of the
Research: Student
uses research time
efficiently, uses
valid sources
Design: Student
contributes to the
design, uses class
criticism for
Student contributes
to the construction
Student helps
prepare for the
presentation, student
presents clearly and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The students will rate their peers on a scale of 1 to 3 in each of the categories. The scores will be
averaged for the students’ teamwork scores on the final rubric; students can also give comments on their
peers’ work during the project.
Aquaponics. National Agriculture Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2015.
Feed the World-Aquaponics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofS9MFXFIBE
Small Scale Aquaponics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DMylpQqVKI
The Aquaponic Source | Systems, Supplies and Education. The Aquaponic Source. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2015.
Urban Farming in the city: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJcACw_--Nk
Why Organic, Sustainable Farming Matters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD5jnxhne7o