A Report on title Submitted by Name Roll no Under the guidance of Guide 1 And Guide 2 Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Dr.BabasahebAmbedkar Technological University, Lonere. Lonere-402103 2017 -2018 A Report on ECG ANALYSIS AND DISEASE DETECTION Submitted by Nmae Roll no Under the guidance of Guide 1 And Guide 2 In the partial fulfilment of B. Tech. in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering course of Dr.BabasahebAmbedkar Technological University, Lonere (Dist. Raigad) in the academic year 2017 - 2018 Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Dr.BabasahebAmbedkar Technological University, Lonere. Lonere-402103 2017 – 2018 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Project entitled “TITLE” submitted by NAME (Roll no. ______) is record of bonafide work carried out by her under my guidance in the partial fulfilment the requirement for the award of Degree of B.Tech. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering course of Dr.BabasahebAmbedkar Technological University, Lonere (Dist. Raigad) in the academic year 2017-2018. Guide 1 Project Guide Prof. S. L. NALBALWAR Head of Department Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Dr.BabasahebAmbedkarTechnological University Lonere-Raigad 402103 External Examiner 1. ………………………… 2. ……………………........ DATE: PLACE: Lonere, Raigad (402103) DEDICATED TO MY FAMILY And F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regard to my guides Dr. A. B. Nandgaonkar and Dr. S. L. Nalbalwar (H.O. D., Department of EXTC Engineering) for their guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this thesis. The blessing, help and guidance given by him from time to time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I am about to embark. I want to thank all my teachers for providing a solid background for my studies and research thereafter. They have been great sources of inspiration to me and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. I am highly indebted to all staff members of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere for all the valuable suggestions and information given by them in their respective field. I would like to thank all my friends, specially my classmates who have supported me throughout these two years of my journey in BATU, through their true friendship and companionship. I will miss all the time which we had spent together which creates blossom of happy memories. Finally, I humbly bow my head with utmost gratitude before the God who gives me strength to make all this possible. KIRAN VIJAY KURANGKAR (MT2016307) Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Dr.BabasahebAmbedkar Technological University, Lonere – Raigad (402103) Abstract Write your abstract/brief INDEX (Following content are only for sample purpose) Sr. No. Title Page No. LIST OF FIGURES I LIST OF TABLES II LIST OF ABBRIVESATIONS III CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Subpoint 2 1.3 Subpoint 2 1.4 Subpoint 5 1.5 Subpoint 5 1.6 Subpoint 5 CHAPTER 2 LITEATURE REVIEW 7 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DESIGN 8 3.1 Block Diagram 8 3.2 Description of System 9 CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY 10 4.1 Subpoint 10 4.2 Subpoint 11 4.2.1 Sub-subpoint 11 4.2.2 Sub-subpoint 11 4.2.3 Sub-subpoint 12 4.2.4 Sub-subpoint 12 Subpoint 12 4.3.1 Sub-subpoint 12 4.3.2 Sub-subpoint 13 4.3 4.3.3 Sub-subpoint 13 4.3.4 Sub-subpoint 13 4.3.5 Sub-subpoint 13 CHAPTER 5 FLOW CHART AND ALGORITHM 17 5.1 Algorithm 17 5.2 Flow Chart 18 5.2.1 Sub-subpoint 18 5.2.2 Sub-subpoint 19 5.2.3 Sub-subpoint 20 CHAPTER 6 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT 6.1 Software 6.2 Hardware 21 21 CHAPTER 7 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 23 CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 26 8.1 Conclusion 26 8.2 Future Work 26 REFERENCES 27 PUBLICATION 29 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE OF FIGURE PAGE NO. NO. Fig 1.1 2 Fig 1.2 3 Fig 1.3 4 Fig 4.1 8 Fig 5.1 18 Fig 5.2 19 Fig 5.3 20 Fig 7.1 23 Fig 7.2 23 Fig 7.3 24 Fig 7.4 24 Fig 7.5 25 Fig 7.6 25 I LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE OF TABLE PAGE NO. NO. Tab 2.1 7 Tab 4.1 12 Tab 4.2 12 Tab 7.1 25 II LIST OF ABBREVATIONS ECG ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH III “Title of Report” CHAPTER 1 (18pt) Name of Chapter One 1.1 Sub Point (16 pt, Bold) Content (12pt, Times new Roman) INPUT ECG FEATURE EXTRACTION COMPARISON RESULT Fig. 1.1 :General Representation of Proposed System(Centre aligned, bold, 9-10pt) **First image of first chapter therefore number is 1.1) 1.2 Sub Point: . Content (12pt, Times new Roman) 1.3 Sub Point: . Content (12pt, Times new Roman) 1.3.1 Sub-Sub point (14 pt, Bold) 1.4 Sub Point: 1 DR.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Lonere-Raigad (402103) “Title of Report” Fig 1.2: Ideal ECG Signal **It is second image of first chapter therefore number is 1.2) 1.5 OBJECTIVE: 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THESIS: 2 DR.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Lonere-Raigad (402103) “Title of Report” CHAPTER 2 (**New chapter on new page) Name of the chapter Table 2.1: Various methods used in different papers (9-10pt, bold, justify) ** First table in chapter two therefore number is 2.1 SR Author Title Year No. 1. Method/ technique Priya , Mandeep Singh MATLAB based ECG signal noise removal and 2015 FIR Notch Filter 2016 Histogram, its analysis 2. 3. B. Halder, Detection and identification S.Mitra , of ECG waves by histogram M.Mitra approach Lina hang, Xinhua The pre-treatment and feature Jiang data extraction of ECG based threshold 2011 Wavelet transform on MATLAB 4. PritomAdhikary A novel approach to find out QRS complex for ECG signal 2016 8051 based standalone embedded system **Remember: Image/figure name should be written at the bottom of an image and table name should be written on top of the table 3 DR.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Lonere-Raigad (402103) “Title of Report” REFERENCES [1] Author’s names , “Title of paper”, Journal/ Conference name with issue, volume,date [2] Example: E. S. Jayachandran, P. J. K., and R. A. U., “Analysis of Myocardial Infarction Using Discrete Wavelet Transform,” J. Med. Syst., vol.34,no. 6, pp. 985– 992, Dec. 2010. 4 DR.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Lonere-Raigad (402103) “Title of Report” PUBLICATIONS (If Any) Kiran Vijay Kurangkar, Dr. A. B. Nandgaonlkar,Dr. S. L. Nalbalwar, “ECG Analysis and Abnormality Detection”, ICICCSP 2018, Madurai. 5 DR.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Lonere-Raigad (402103)