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Friends with Music - Program Koncertu

{ A bout F rie nd s w ith Music }
On May 31, 2015, a group of young string musicians had the
opportunity to play at Carnegie Hall in New York City. They
practiced for months, enjoying the music and each other’s
company. While practicing, the group realized they had a special
connection, and that they were having a very special experience
that they did not want to end. From this, Friends with Music
was formed.
{ Frie nds with Music }
C o n c e rt
Friends with Music is a youth classical music ensemble comprised
of pre-college musicians playing classical instruments. It is
the express hope that Friends with Music will nurture young
musicians to develop a greater appreciation of, and lifelong
companionship with music through practicing and performing.
February 11, 2018
Brightview Paramus
396 Forest Ave, Paramus NJ
w w w. f r i e n d sw i t h mu s i c. o r g
B r i g h t v i e w Pa r a m u s }
{ Our Musicians }
February 11, 2018
[ Friends
Music Junior ]
Viol in
Jesu, Joy of Men’s Desiring ..........................................................by J.S.Bach
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (from The Nutcracker)...... by P. Tchaikovsky
Natalie Ahn
Claire Lim
Adagio ( Ave Verum) .............................................................by W.A.Mozart
Defne Alptuna
Keilah Om
Yankee Doodle.................................................................... Traditional song
Emre Ekin
Ashley Park
Jennifer Jang
Sophie Schwartz
Julia Jang
Joon Sohn
Violin Conerto in B minor Op.35 1st Mvt..............................by O.Rieding
Harin Jeong
Audrey VanNess
Violin: Julia Jang
Piano: Esther VanNess
Emily Jung
Jenny Yang
Minji Kim
Brian Yong
Tae Eun Kim
Nicholas Yoo
[ Solos
Piano Sonata in F Major Hob.23................................................. by J.Haydn
Violin: Jennifer Jang
Piano: Esther VanNess
[ Friends
Music & Junior ]
Buttherfly Waltz ..........................................................................by B. Crain
[ Friends
Rachel Lee
Music ]
Ce l lo
Mitsuru Kubo
Sinhwa Lee
Royal Fireworks Music
I. Allegro from Overture& II. Bourrèe.................................. by F. Handel
Anton Lee
Taite Lee
The Entertainer .......................................................................... by F. Joplin
Allison Park
New York, New York.................................................................. by J.Kander
Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz............................... by H. Arlen