Uploaded by Michael Ventura

SHS Implementation Analysis: Text & Critical Thinking

Michael Ventura
1. What do you think is the strand of the author? Is he/she for or against the implementation of
SHS? Justify your answer?
The author may be informing or educating the reader, or the author may be influencing the reader
to embrace their strong opinions and alternatives.
2. What is he central claim of the text?
The center of your argument is your central assertion (also known as a thesis). It grounds your essay
as a contestable and substantial assertion, containing the most essential notion that you will
deconstruct, reveal, and support throughout your writing.
3. Who do you think is he target reader of the text? Why?
Texts are also written with a target reader in mind. That is the person who you expect to read it.
That may be young people interested in a subject, or a particular person, such as an employer or a
4. What was currently happening when the text was written? What prompted the author to write
the text?
Written text something written, especially transcribed from one medium to another, as in dictation
typewritten transcription. written communication, written language - communication using written
symbols, black and white (either printed or handwritten). The rationale for or intent behind an author's
work is referred to as his purpose. An author's goal may be to entertain the reader, convince the reader,
enlighten the reader, or parody a situation. An author writes with one of four broad goals in mind: to tell
a tale or recall events, he or she utilizes narrative writing.
5. Do you think there is sufficient and valid evidence against and for SHS? Justify your answer.
NO, there is insufficient and inadmissible evidence against shs. The Republic Act 19533, also known
as the Basic Education Act of 2013, was signed and implemented in the same year with the goal of
aligning our educational system with worldwide educational standards, notably in terms of graduate
6. Based on your own experience, should SHS continue to be implemented?
YES, the establishment of Senior High School (SHS) sought to provide students with critical
information and abilities that would assist them better prepare for their chosen career in higher
education, work, or entrepreneurship. Yes, Senior High School (SHS) implementation designed to
provide students with necessary information and abilities that would help them better prepare for the
chosen path in higher education, job, or entrepreneurship. As a result, it should be maintained.
Claim of Fact
Claim of Value
Claim of Policy
The K to 12 was introduced in
the Philippines with the aim of
providing sufficient time to
master concepts and skills,
prepare graduates for higher
education, produce lifelong and
prepare students for middle
level skills development
Entrepreneurship and
Although the intention of
adding shs is commendable,
some critics claim that there is
still a mismatch between our
schooling System and working
system. As regards the
implementation of shs, some
people are concerned about the
lack of learning materials
provides to the schools.
This promotes the right of every
Filipino to quality. equitable,
culture-based and Complete
basic education. Through
inclusive education, all Filipinos
will realize their full potential
and contribute meaningfully to
building the nation.
1. What is the main claim of the author?
Her main thesis is that the Internet lacks security safeguards and therefore jeopardizes the
benefits and conveniences of many smart objects.
2. What is the main purpose of the author?
Tufekci's study focuses on the interaction between technology and society. Her research interests
include social movements and civics, privacy and surveillance, and social interaction.
3. What is her tone in delivering the message and how is this tone shaped by the language she
Tufekci's demeanor was more serious, and she clearly expressed her worries about the dangers
posed to safety and security by technology breakdowns that have happened and will continue to occur.
She expressed her disappointment and worry at the lack of interest in this issue from the public.
4. What is the background of the author?
Zeynep Tufekci is an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina's School of Information
and Library Science and a contributing opinion editor for the New York Times. She is a Turkish writer,
professor, and techno-sociologist who is most recognized for her work on the consequences of
developing technology.
5. Who are the target readers of the article?
This article's intended audience is everyone who are dependent on technology in making their lives
easier. Nowadays, we seldom see people who are not using gadgets. Even kids have them, even our
grandparents who are not that tech-savvy uses them.
6. What was the context for writing the article? What was the current sociopolitical economic, and
cultural situation when it was written?
Economic, social, and cultural rights are socioeconomic human rights that include the right to
education, the right to housing, the right to a decent standard of living, the right to health, the rights of
victims, and the right to science and culture. Economic, social, and cultural rights are recognized and
safeguarded in international and regional human rights treaties. Member states have a legal
commitment to respect, preserve, and fulfill economic, social, and cultural rights, and they are obliged
to take "progressive action" to do so.
7. Do you think there is sufficient and valid evidence that supports the main claim of the author?
Justify your answer.
NO, there is insufficient and inadmissible evidence against shs. To be globally competitive, our
education system changed its focus to what graduates are expected to do. With this, we hope to provide
our graduates with "fairness" in seeking for employment.
8. What are the other important pieces of information pieces of information that might probably
be missing? How would these missing pieces of information influence the overall structure,
tone, and message of the article?
Consider reading a long block of text in which each thought blends into the next. Even if you're
reading a gripping novel or an engaging news story, you'll rapidly lose interest in what the author has to
say. It is beneficial to establish oneself as a reader during the writing process. Consider whether you can
readily focus on each point you make. Effective writers adopt the approach of starting a new paragraph
for each new concept they offer. Paragraphs are used to divide concepts into logical, digestible parts.
One paragraph concentrates on a single core theme and employs cohesive phrases to support that
9. What is nature of the hyperlinks in the article? Are they leading towards a certain
interpretation? Justify your answer.
The hyperlink network research technique is founded on the premise that hyperlinks may serve as
social symbols or indicators of communicative hyperlink age among themselves, functioning as a
structured bridge between hyperlinking and hyperlinked Web site authors. In other words, hyperlinks
are viewed as more than just a technological tool, but also as a novel developing social and
communication channel. On the Internet, there is a connection that connects persons, organizations, or
nations via hyperlinks.
10. What are the logical fallacies and manipulative language used by the author. If there are any?
Was she accurate and objective in presenting the idea?
Logical fallacies are arguments that appear plausible but are founded on flawed reasoning and hence
fallacious. They might be the product of inadvertent mistakes in logic, or they can be employed to
intentionally mislead people. Taking logical fallacies at face value can lead to unwise judgments based
on faulty reasoning.