HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI THE IMPACT OF ONLINE GAMING HABITS IN THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AMONG HSU STUDENTS A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of Higher School ng UMAK University of Makati In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Practical Research I Presented To: Dr. Leonardo G. Adap Professional Lecturer Higher School ng UMak University of Makati Presented By: Michael Jhon Baguyo Menard Casicas Mico Niel Crisolo Zabdiel Josh Quitain Lourdes Marie F. Sison Maurein Anne B. Tepace March 2017 PAGE i HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE APPROVAL SHEET The thesis title “THE IMPACT OF ONLINE GAMING HABITS AMONG HSU STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI TO THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE” prepared and submitted by Jonh Michael Baguyo, Menard Casicas, Mico Niel Crisolo, Zabdiel Josh Quitain, Lourdes Marie Sison and Maurein Anne Tepace. In fulfillment of the requirements for the Subject Practical Research 1 has been examined and hereby recommended for Oral examination. Dr. Leonardo G. Adap Research Adviser ________________________________________________________________ Panel Of Examiners Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of_______. Prof. Glenn I. Tio-an Chairman Edwin M. Magdaleno Member Prof. Carlo Jay Evardone Member Accepted as Research Proposal in partial fulfillment for the Subject Practical Research 1 March 2017 ii HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Table Of Contents Pages TITLE PAGE--------------------------------------------------------------------APPROVAL SHEET----------------------------------------------------------TABLE OF CONTENTS------------------------------------------------------ i ii iii CHAPTER I. II. THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction-------------------------------------------------------- 1 Background of the Study--------------------------------------- 4 Theoretical Framework----------------------------------------- 5 Conceptual Framework----------------------------------------- 7 Statement of the Problem-------------------------------------- 8 Hypothesis--------------------------------------------------------- 9 Scope and Limitation of the Study--------------------------- 9 Significance of the Study--------------------------------------- 10 Definitions of Terms--------------------------------------------- 11 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES AND STUDIES The Rise of Electronic Games--------------------------------- 13 Modernization in Gaming--------------------------------------- 14 The Need For Internet------------------------------------------- 16 Online Addiction--------------------------------------------------- 17 Types of Online Games----------------------------------------- 18 Real Time Strategy Games--------------------------- 21 iii HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI III. PAGE First Person Shooters Games------------------------ 22 Addiction Among Teenage Filipinos------------------------- 24 Disadvantages of Online Gaming---------------------------- 28 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design------------------------------------------------- 41 Population and Sampling Procedure------------------------ 41 Research Locale------------------------------------------------- 41 Research Instrument/Tools------------------------------------ 42 Data Gathering Procedure------------------------------------- 42 Data Analysis------------------------------------------------------ 43 iii HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Chapter I The Problem and It’s Setting Introduction Man’s quest for knowledge shaped its world and identity since the beginning. Philosophers in the past never imagined how the curiosity of their minds that asked the fundamental questions of existence turned into a reality of discovery and never-ending investigation. In the end, this accumulated knowledge of information were used and applied in relevance to practical living. Hence, technology was born out of application of Science, the body of knowledge based on facts, observation, and experimentation. Technology is widespread nowadays. Today’s era, its existence can be best seen on modern and hi-tech gadgets that most of us are usually familiar with and use every day. Gadgets like computers, smart phones and tablets were never outdated. They keep on transforming and changing especially that they can now run different kinds of software applications of different interests, office and business works and the like. On the other hand, technology is not only made day by day. It is now even studied in schools and universities. According to Microsoft Encarta in 2008, the word technology originated from two Greek words, tekhnΔ m eaning craft or art; and logia, meaning an area of study. So literally, technology is for the study of crafting. In an increasingly technology-dependent based society, people will 1 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE continue to use computers not only for business but also for pleasure. Computers have become a social and economic necessity that permeates every part of our lives; it is feasible that in the future, every person in the world may own or use a computer. The rise in the use of the internet has led to many changes in our daily lives. In particular, this rise has also led to the rise of on-line gaming. We can still recall a time when we were limited by slow computers with crawling dialup speed. In the past, people could never have imagined the great leaps that would be taken in the field of on-line games. Today, on-line games are very advanced. These days, gaming technology has progressed to an amazing extent. Things like streaming 3-D animation graphics with superb surround sound stereo now have the ability to make us all addicted to gaming. Playing on-line games is so much more different that playing games in a single player mode where your only challenge is to beat the computer. If you are into on-line gaming, you can challenge some of the top gamers in the world. In fact, certain game platforms cater to this by having rankings to determine then champions. There can be no doubt that with this rankings system, gamers have become very motivated to win. Becoming the best is important to most of these gamers. Whether it is RPG (role playing games), shooting or strategy games, it is not surprising to see that on-line gaming is not just a teenage obsession . In the Higher School ng UMAK, the elective subject Computer Programming offers opportunity allowing students to specialize in the study and 2 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE application of computer technology in the community or society. One of the courses offered in UMAK is Bachelor of Science in Computer Programming Major in Application Development. Students are taught how to make use of computer technology in creating various useful applications for both school and business needs. For most students, technology in their computers aided them to study and to play as well when they want to relax. Playing can be best described when they sit in front of their computer or laptop for quite long periods of time. They play various games that test thinking and decision-making. But the most famous of all games are the role-playing games and even more popular when it is played on-line. Such games are competitive in nature which includes game of action and strategy. They can be played professionally or casually by millions of fans in the world. Many students of various ages are one of very passionate fans who play a lot. Well-known on-line games are League of Legends (L.O.L), DOTA, Cross Fire are just some of the few well-known games played on-line. There is no doubt that technology is always a good companion. But what if there are negative consequences too? There is a human law Ecology that says, technology can be both part of the solution and part of the problem as well. For this reason, the researchers found it interesting to find out how senior high school students view their on-line gaming attitudes. This may provide an enlightening aspect of how each of the students usually considers things in their life with regards to video gaming. 3 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Background of the Study Nowadays, more and more people are starting to use the internet. At the same time online games have become extremely popular among the young generation. Computer games have become a very popular leisure activity among children and adolescents in recent years. In fact, based on popularity alone online gaming garners a larger share of ‘favorite’ votes among young people than physical team sports such as ice hockey and football combined. There are many benefits of the Internet as it not only acts as an entertainment tool, but also an important professional resource for work, communication as well as education. The researchers who are currently taking up their Computer Programming elective subject became interested to find out the on-line gaming attitudes among senior high school students of the Higher School ng UMAK. The researchers can mostly relate upon knowing many of their friends or classmates play on-line games and tell stories that they stay very late at night playing the games and even become very much addicted to it, forgetting sometimes to do normal household activities or school home works and projects because they lack already the energy and feels lazy to perform in the school. This is the reason why the researchers wanted to investigate the on-line gaming attitudes of the students. 4 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Theoretical Framework This study is supported by the theories on attitude formation. According to Cherry (2016), in psychology, an attitude refers to a set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviors toward a particular object, person, thing, or event. Attitudes are often the result of experience or upbringing, and they can have a powerful influence over behavior. Psychologists define attitudes as a learned tendency to evaluate things in a certain way. This can include evaluations of people, issues, objects or events. Such evaluations are often positive or negative, but they can also be uncertain at times. Researchers also suggest that there are several different components that make up attitudes. The components of attitudes are sometimes referred to as CAB or the ABC's of attitude. Cognitive Component: Your thoughts and beliefs about the subject. Affective Component: How the object, person, issue or event makes you feel. Behavioral Component: How the attitude influences your behavior. (Cherry, 2016) There are three key theories that describe attitude formation. There are three founders of attitude formation. Attitude formation theories provide insight how a person's attitude takes shape and why a person might have a particular attitude or how that attitude came to exist. Attitudes often direct behaviour on the person itself. The three theories used most often to describe attitude formation are functionalism, learning, and cognitive dissonance theories. Attitude formation theories suggest that people do what benefits them, hence the functionalist theory. Daniel Katz, a functional theorist, suggests that 5 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE attitudes are formed according to how a particular person or thing meets our needs. To a functionalist, attitudes are shaped based on the personal benefit they offer. (Study.com, 2016) To relate this to the study, a person develops their online gaming attitudes because playing the games meets their needs. At some extent, it supports selfimage or existing values. Learning theory on the other hand states that their past experiences have taught them how to act. Ivan Pavlov, a learning theorist, gives the explanation that our attitudes are formed through conditioning. Pavlov would suggest that as this person grows older they will likely respond by favoring classical music. This is called classical conditioning: when a previously neutral stimulus provokes a conditioned response. Another type of conditioning is called operant conditioning. This is simply when a stimulus provokes a response. (Study.com, 2016)To relate this to the study, online gaming attitudes are formed by getting conditioned with the same stimulus. It is repeatedly experienced by gamers since they frequently play online games nowadays. Learning theories suggest that attitudes are from conditioned past experiences that continue at present. Cognitive dissonance theory states that people have an attempt to restore harmony to two opposing truths are held. Cognitive dissonance is a phenomenon in which a person experiences psychological distress due to conflicting thoughts or beliefs. In order to reduce this tension, people may change their attitudes to reflect their other beliefs or actual behaviors.(Cherry, 2016) 6 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE To relate this to the study, online gamers may be aware that some people says that too much gaming might not be good for them, so they change their belief that “playing” computer games is just a form of leisure activity and nothing to be worried much. Conceptual Framework Impact of Online Gaming Habits (Independent Variables) *Type of games played *Number of hours playing *Extent of gaming Data Gathering Through Surveying of HSU Students There is no significant relationship between online gaming habits and academic performance on Student Performance (Dependent Variable) Figure 1 Impact of Online Gaming Habits Among HSU Students of the University of Makati to their Academic Performance The figure above shows the research paradigm of the study. The two-way arrow shows how the online gaming attitudes will influence the academic performance of the selected Senior High School respondents of the study. The online gaming attitudes (independent variables) includes the type of games played, number of hours spent, frequency of playing, and extent of gaming. The researchers wanted to determine if these online gaming attitudes will influence the academic performance of the respondents (dependent variable). To 7 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE determine if there is significant relationship between the two variables, a test of correlation will be used. In order to perform the above procedures, the researchers will gather the necessary data through a survey questionnaire that they will develop. The survey questionnaire will gather the information of the senior high school students’ profile background and their on-line gaming attitudes at the same time. After the data are fully gathered and completed, it will be carefully processed for collation and tallying to provide insights for over-all result analysis and interpretation. After the analysis and interpretation are made, the output of the study can now be finalized through summary of the results and drawing of conclusions. The recommendations for the study will depend on these two aspects of the study. Statement of the Problem This study will investigate on-line gaming attitude among senior high school computer programming students in the Higher School ng UMAK. It will specifically answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the senior high school students of the Higher School ng UMAK according to the following: 1.1 Age; 1.2 Gender; 1.3 Grade level; 1.4 On-line gaming frequency; 8 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE 1.5 On-line gaming medium; 1.6 On-line games played 2. How do the online gaming habits affect the student respondents’ academic performance of student respondents in terms of the following? 2.1 Social Behavior; 2.2 Academic Performance; 2.3 Study Habits; 3. Is there a significant relationship between the on-line gaming attitudes of the student respondents and their academic performance? Hypothesis To determine if there is a significant relationship between on-line gaming attitudes of the respondents and their academic performance, the study will be testing the null hypothesis at .05 level of significance: HO: There is no significant relationship between the on-line gaming attitudes of the student respondents and their academic performance. Scope and Limitation of the Study Senior high school students in the Higher School ng UMAK will be randomly selected to become the respondents of the study. They will answer a survey that will be designed by the researchers. The survey will ask of their personal profile regarding their age, gender, current grade level, on-line gaming 9 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE location, and electronic medium used when accessing on-line games and it will only include their assessment of their on-line gaming attitudes. Significance of the Study The researcher conducted this research to know the on-line gaming attitudes of senior high school students of the Higher School ng UMAK. The researchers believe that the result of this study will greatly benefit the following: UMAK Students They will know the emotional and physical effects of playing on-line games. They will be more conscious on the said effects. They will know how they behave when playing on-line games every time and they will realize that playing too much on-line games is not worth their money. Parents Parents will be provided good information background about how their children behave towards on-line gaming. They will become more aware of the different nature of on-line games that their children usually play on their mobile or electronic gadgets. Schools and Universities The different schools will be also informed of the on-line gaming attitudes of their students. Because of this, they may provide programs that will guide and counsel students with regards to proper attitudes and outlook in both studying and playing on-line games. Future Researchers 10 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Future researchers may be provided eye-opening insights about on-line gaming attitudes among people. This study may become a proposal for them to perform a wide and in-depth study and analysis on this topic. Definition of Terms The following words used in the study are defined operationally by the researchers for much easy understanding: Academic Performance. Performance measured by taking written and oral tests, performing presentations, turning in homework and participating in class activities and discussions. Teachers evaluate in the form of letter or number grades and side notes, to describe how well a student has done. Attitude. The personal view of a person towards a particular thing, condition, or aspect. Attributes. A quality or characteristic of On-line Gaming among HSU Students in UMAK. Computer. An electronic gadget that runs with a central processing unit (CPU). Decision–Making. This is regarded as mental processes (cognitive process) resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternatives. Every decision making process produces a final choice. The output can be an action or an opinion of choice. 11 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Internet. It is an electronic network of computers that includes nearly every university, government, and research facility in the world. On-line Games. Any electronic or computer video games that are played in the presence of an internet connection. Problem-Solving. Is a mental process that includes problem finding and problem shaping. Considered the most complex of all intellectual functions, problem solving that has been defined as higher-order cognitive process that requires the modulation and control of more routine or fundamental skills. Problem solving occurs when an organism or an artificial intelligence system needs to move from a given state to a desired goal state. Programming. A process of making or creating programs that command how a computer will function or work. School. An institution that offers formal education to students. Productivity. A measure of efficiency of the student in converting inputs into useful outputs. UMAK. University of Makati. This is the locale of the study. 12 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Chapter II Review of Related Literatures This chapter presents and discusses the various theories, concepts, research findings, and output from both foreign and local perspectives which are relevant and supportive to the proposed study. The Rise of Electronic Games An electronic game is an interactive hardware or software played for entertainment, challenge, or educational purposes. Electronic games vary in design but can include vibrant color, sound, realistic movement, and visual effects; some even employ human actors. There are two broad classes of electronic games: video games, which are designed for specific video-game systems, handheld devices, and coin-operated arcade consoles; and computer games, which are played on personal computers. Electronic games are a popular pastime for both children and adults. Categories include strategy games, sports games, adventure and exploration games, card and board games, puzzle games, fast-action arcade games, and flying simulations. Some software programs employ game-play elements to teach reading, writing, problem solving, and other basic skills. From their crude origins in the late 1950s and 1960s, electronic games have grown to become a multibillion-dollar industry, one which uses the latest computer technology to produce ever-more realistic game experiences for millions of users (known as gamers). (Kent, 2009) 13 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Also studies have shown that, increasingly, the majority of gamers are age 18 or older. In response, many software companies and game studios have focused on developing more advanced games aimed at late teenage and adult audiences. This in turn has sparked concerns by some parents’ groups that younger teens and children are being exposed to graphic violence, drugs, and even sexual imagery in popular games. Most game developers now follow an established rating system—much like the movie industry—that includes the designations E (for Everyone), T (Teen), M (Mature), and AO (Adults Only). (Kent, 2009) Modernization in Gaming Building on the success of interactive games played on consoles and computers, some companies have branched out into new platforms. One of the fastest-growing gaming platforms is the Internet. While the first multi-user dungeon game (or MUD, online role-playing game worlds involving multiple players) appeared in 1979, recent developments have made Internet, or online, gaming a unique platform unto itself. (Kent, 2009) One type of popular Internet game is characterized by its “massively multiplayer online” (MMO) worlds, in which hundreds and even thousands of players can socialize and compete with one another. These games are also sometimes known as massively multiplayer online role-playing games, or MMORPGs. With 100,000 paid subscribers by 2000, Origin Systems’ Ultima 14 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Online was the first economically successful MMO game. Games such as Sony’s EverQuest and Microsoft’s Asheron’s Call built on this popularity and on the expanding availability of broadband Internet access. Other popular MMO games include The Sims, World of Warcraft, and Lineage. Developments in the console game market, such as Microsoft’s Xbox Live feature, were also able to take advantage of the Internet to connect gamers and enhance their games. Xbox Live had attracted about 4 million paid subscribers by the end of 2006. (Kent, 2009) The rapid pace of technological growth appears to offer a bright future for the electronic-games industry. Several companies now publish games for handheld personal digital assistants as well as for cell phones. The popularity of electronic games today actually drives the development of new technologies because companies see a huge, lucrative market in which to release new products. Cutting-edge developments such as virtual reality may eventually be introduced to a mass audience through video games, breaking new technological ground in society through play. (Kent, 2009) From Zona in 2004 as cited by Seay in 2006, it was estimated that 430 million people world-wide, or 7% of the world’s population, played video games in the year 2003 alone. Over one quarter of these individuals did so online and that number as a percentage of total video gamers continues to grow. In the United States, half of all Americans age six and older play video games (ESA, 2004). Both Zona and Kagan in 2004 mentioned that in 2003 worldwide gaming 15 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE revenues reached $31.37 billion, including hardware and software, having more than doubled since 1996. This compares to $34.2 billion in revenue for the film industry in 2003. The gaming population continues to expand alongside these impressive financial numbers. The average age of the video game player in 2004 was 29, and 39% of gamers were female (ESA, 2004). As the demographics continue to diversify, revenue continues to mount, and content becomes more and more adult in nature, there is no sense in which gaming can be defined as “kid stuff”. The Need for Internet Online gaming needs internet connection. Internet is a computerbased global information system. The Internet is composed of many interconnected computer networks. Each network may link tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computers, enabling them to share information and processing power. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to communicate with one another effectively and inexpensively. Unlike traditional broadcasting media, such as radio and television, the Internet does not have a centralized distribution system. Instead, an individual who has Internet access can communicate directly with anyone else on the Internet, post information for general consumption, retrieve information, use distant applications and services, or buy and sell products. The Internet has brought new opportunities to government, business, and education. Governments use the Internet for internal communication, distribution of information, and 16 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE automated tax processing. In addition to offering goods and services online to customers, businesses use the Internet to interact with other businesses. Many individuals use the Internet for communicating through electronic mail (e-mail), retrieving news, researching information, shopping, paying bills, banking, listening to music, watching movies, playing games, and even making telephone calls. Educational institutions use the Internet for research and to deliver online courses and course material to students. Use of the Internet has grown tremendously since its inception. The Internet’s success arises from its flexibility. Instead of restricting component networks to a particular manufacturer or particular type, Internet technology allows interconnection of any kind of computer network. No network is too large or too small, too fast or too slow to be interconnected. Thus, the Internet includes inexpensive networks that can only connect a few computers within a single room as well as expensive networks that can span a continent and connect thousands of computers. (ComerMicrosoft Encarta, 2009) Online Addiction Online gaming is said to be linked to addiction as gamers or players tend to stay long in the cyberspace. Cyberspace refers to a computer jargon, the community of networked computers and the culture that has developed among users of these computers. The term was coined by American writer William Gibson and first used in his 1984 science fiction novel Neuromancer, in which he described cyberspace as a place of “unthinkable complexity.” The term has 17 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE given rise to a vocabulary of “cyberterms,” such as 18ehaviours (cafes that sell coffee and computer time), cybermalls (online shopping services), and cyberjunkies (people addicted to being online). (Microsoft Encarta, 2009) According to Wang and Zhu in 2011, internet addiction is a relatively new phenomenon in which social workers and psychologists are unaware of and are thus unprepared to treat at present. They cited Mu (2006) pointing out that some of the main symptoms of Internet and online game addictions, including the decrease in social friend network and face-to-face interactions with others, become infrequent while the member of friends in the virtual world exponentially increases. Ultimately, the psychokinesis becomes weaker and weaker over time. This means that after a long time of playing online games, the players begin to realize the dangers of online gaming. At this point players generally try to play less as they try to orient themselves back to the demands of society. However this is mostly unsuccessful as it almost always ends up failing. Types of Online Games Massively Multiplayer Online games (MMOs), Multiple Undergrad Destroyers (MUDs) and Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) Seay (2006) listed several online games and their notable features. According to him there is a great breadth of social (and not so social) multiplayer gaming experiences available online, from backgammon to modern combat simulations. One need only peruse the shelves of local retailers, miniclip.com, or 18 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Xbox Live Arcade to see that there are gaming experiences from many genres available online in a multiplayer setting. This is not restricted to the PC, as console-based online services like Xbox Live bring the social world of online gaming out of the study and into the living room along with many trappings of the PC experience. Buddy lists, instant messaging, and voice communication are now a part of the formerly simple and comparatively solitary console gaming world. This section will define the classes of multiplayer online games enjoyed by the lion’s share of this study’s participants: Massively Multiplayer Online games (MMOs), Real Time Strategy Games, and First Person Shooters. He cited Koster in 2002 that though the true “beginning” is a matter of some debate, a family of online text-based environments called Multi-User Dungeons (MUDs) began to captivate a niche of gamers with academic and commercial access to the internet throughout the 1980s by offering a collaborative social experience in a persistent online world. The experience of playing a MUD is much like that of playing any one of the collection of “Infocom-style” text-based adventure games, except that there are other people playing with you, fighting alongside and against you, creating content, and changing the world. MUD1 created by Bartle and Trubshaw was available on the ARPANET in 1980. Due to their accessibility and penetration on college campuses with capable computer systems, MUDs became known pejoratively as Multiple Undergrad Destroyers. Early online communities like Lambda Moo and Habitat grew and flourished around this collaborative communication technology in spite of its no-frills, 19 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE command line appearance. Text only MUDs still thrive all over the internet in both commercial and public domain manifestations today. In the mid 1990s, even more players joined in as graphical, internet based multiplayer PC games like Meridian 59 and Ultima Online began to hint at the potential commercial and social impact of what would become the Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) genre. Both Ultima Online and Meridian 59 (the first graphical MMORPGs) are still available for play on the internet at the time of this writing, a testament to the compelling nature and longevity of well conceived online worlds. Huge commercial successes like Sony’s Everquest in 1999 and Blizzard’s World of Warcraft in 2004 have followed, cementing the legacy of the genre. With the widespread availability of broadband internet connectivity, and penetration of 3D acceleration hardware, graphically intensive multiplayer online games are now a sizable part of the interactive entertainment industry. Today, comparatively few entertainment products for the PC ship without some form of networked multiplayer component, and the consoles are following suit. For example, Microsoft’s online gaming service, Xbox Live is heavily integrated into their latest console product, the Xbox 360. Sony plans to offer a similarly integrated online gaming service with the release of their next console, the Playstation 3. (Seay, 2006) According to Woodcock in 2005 products like World of Warcraft and EverQuest II command audiences of 200,000 to 5 million subscribers who 20 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE purchase the client software for 30-60USD and pay a monthly fee of around 15USD to play. The Blizzard Entertainment in 2005 said that massively multiplayer games generally require sizable investments by developers in infrastructure and upkeep, but can bear huge dividends when subscriber numbers swell. Blizzard, the developer of World of Warcraft, reported that worldwide subscriptions to their game surpassed 5 million in December of 2005. (Seay, 2006) Within MMOs like EverQuest Online Adventures for PS2, Phantasy Star Online for Xbox, and Star Wars Galaxies for the PC, several thousand players can simultaneously join in a persistent gaming experience in a world that exists even when they aren’t playing. Participation in these “worlds” allows players to build social relationships with other players, which often develop into organized collaborative groups, called guilds. Seay also mentioned Yee’s series of surveys of Everquest players found that social interaction was the primary reason for playing (Yee, 2001). The continuing penetration of broadband internet and voice communication promise to enhance the social and collaborative experiences upon which these games are based. (Seay, 2006) Real Time Strategy Games A real time strategy game, or RTS, is a type of strategy game that is played without turns. Instead all moves and countermoves are made in real time, allowing for a faster pace. Though the genre is today characterized by PC titles like Command and Conquer and StarCraft, many trace the roots of the real time strategy genre back to the year 1989 and the title Herzog Zwei for the Sega 21 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Genesis/MegaDrive. The game was one of the first to introduce the idea of managing resources to create and deploy semi-autonomous units that would engage in real-time combat. Herzog Zwei offered single player and split screen two-player modes. Dune II, developed by Westwood Studios and published by Virgin Interactive, was released in 1992 and became the first popular instance of the RTS genre. Based on the Frank Herbert’s fantasy universe, Dune II chronicled the struggle between Houses Atreides, Ordos, Harkonnen for control of the planet of Arrakis. In designing the game Brett Sperry introduced tech trees and faction specific units to the genre. Games like Warcraft, Command and Conquer, and StarCraft followed, providing players the ability to compete with one another across direct dial-up connections and later over the Internet. (Seay, 2006) First Person Shooters Games First person shooter games, as the name suggests, generally involve taking on the perspective of a person or vehicle with a gun or camera and “shooting” things in the environment. The roots of the first person shooter (FPS) genre extend quite a bit further back in time than those of real-time strategy games. Though somewhat of a controversy, it is generally agreed that the first two implementations of the first person shooter appeared in the early 1970s and were titled Spasim and Maze War. Both of these games eventually supported networked multiplayer competition in real time. In 1980 Atari released Battlezone in arcades around the US. This vector graphics game involved shooting tanks 22 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE and UFOs while the player looked through a simulated “periscope” viewfinder. iD software’s 1992 release of Wolfenstein 3D followed quickly in 1993 by Doom marked the beginning of the modern FPS genre. Though both employed sprite based graphics, the gameplay and level design that came to define the FPS genre were evident in these releases. Several notable titles followed in the next decade including Marathon, Quake, Unreal, and Half-life, leveraging the expanding display and user interface capabilities of personal computers by implementing 3D graphics and mouse-based aiming. (Seay, 2006) Notable for its longevity and popularity, Counter-Strike is an FPS played around the world and used in professional competition. It started out as a free modification or “mod” of Valve’s Half-Life and became renowned for its fastpaced, team oriented gameplay. As with other mods, the customizability of Counter-Strike gave rise to a large amount of player created content ranging from player skins to levels. Along with games like the Battlefield series from Digital Illusions, Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty, and Epic’s Unreal Tournament series, Counter-Strike is an important part of the thriving online community of players and fans surrounding PC first-person shooters. (Seay, 2006) Important FPS releases on console systems include Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64, SOCOM for the Playstation2, and Halo and Halo2 for Xbox. SOCOM, from Zipper Interactive, was among the first console games to support voice communication, a substantial improvement that addressed the need for tactical coordination in multiplayer FPS, but also a huge social enhancement. 23 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Halo, from developer Bungie, did not directly support play over the internet when it was released. However, enterprising gamers were able to overcome this limitation with a PC based, companion application named Xbox Connect, which enabled Xbox gamers to locate and join one another’s games over the internet. The launch of the Xbox Live service in 2002 brought voice communication to Xbox gamers as well as social functions like friends lists and messaging that had previously been available only to PC gamers. (Seay, 2006) Addiction among Teenage Filipinos According to Maslog in 1998, the youth of today no longer seem to spend their leisure activities like in the olden days; outdoor games or playing with toys, instead, they spend their free time in their homes, internet cafés or computer shops simply to satisfy their hunger; and that hunger is Online Gaming. Online gaming has such a profound impact on not only the young, but dynamically every age group as well. So far, virtually anyone is able to go on a computer and punch through the keys and mouse in order to get a high score, chat with players, get the rarest items, and level up as fast as possible. Yes, there seems to be no restriction as to whom, how or what online gaming can extend to. As in any situation where new technology is introduced, the social impact of the Internet is being looked at. One social problem that has been observed is that the Internet café has become mainly game centres. About one-half to two-thirds of the computers in a typical Internet café, according to one study, are devoted to games (violent and gory games). The use of the remaining computers was 24 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE roughly split between browsing, email, online chat, word processing and research. The Internet cafés have become not just game centres. They are becoming centres off addiction among the youth, mostly boys, including elementary school pupils. According to one concerned Internet café entrepreneur, “Internet cafés are seducing youths to a new form of addiction, one which may not destroy their bodies as drugs do, but which is certainly twisting their minds. To the young play is reality and reality is play.” (Maslog C. (1998) The CIDG or “Criminal Investigation & Detection Group” (or CIDG) of the Philippine National Police (PNP) established the Project Angel Net: Internet Child Protection Program. They have a link about the different online risks “children” can and will encounter in the cyberspace. Their website define online gaming as a new epidemic that takes toll on the mental well being of players, and that this disease is equally debilitating as an addiction to drugs and alcohol. Computer addiction according to them is the excessive use of internet and computer that affects their daily life activities. This includes gaming, gabling, pornography, shopping, blogging, and social networking. Consequently, addictions to these have ruined their lives as they disrupt family life, distract students, and compromise jobs. Destacamento in 2012 of the Philippine Star said that as the advancement in information technology continues to gleam over the country, another part of our culture—one that our youth are tasked to espouse and 25 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE keep—slowly veers away from the light, creeping into the cavities of complete disremember. The advent of computers and internet cafeterias may have compressed the universe in a nutshell but in the process, it has also eaten up some of the Filipino youth’s prominent identity. Entertainment for the youth now comes in a form of a computer set and online games, most of which seem to promote and uphold violence. Least likely nowadays he said to see kids playing bato-lata, Dr. Wakwak or siyatong and any other traditional Pinoy games and sports. When in fact, these traditional games and sports characterize the kind of youth our nation has— springing with enthusiasm and power, gregarious but never oblivious to the basic tenets of humility in both defeat and victory, and most of all, glowing with some sense of resourcefulness that comes always inalienable to their being Filipino. Filipino kids are much rampantly found in any ordinary internet café in the 26behaviours262626 and there you will find students, others still in their school uniform, clashing in pairs and groups as they try to outplay others in what seems to be a battle of who clicks on the mouse faster. They are like being dragged into their own magical world that only they understand. They then, in a boisterous and raucous way, utter words that are rather displeasing to the ears of those who are in the café to do more meaningful business of researching or encoding, for instance. Sometime in their playing, they can even get extremely profane. Almost everywhere, this seems to be the culture among youths engaged in online gaming. According to an online how-to guide, many studies indicate that violent computer games can have very 26 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE negative effects on children. New studies indicate that even the non-violent games may have negative effects on a child. Games can have some positive results in helping children deal with stress and to learn difficult school subjects such as math and reading. These same positive games can cause problems for the child in other ways. (Destacamento, 2012) An article of the PinoyGaming.Net in 2008 discussed about why the Filipino youth is hooked to online gaming. A father caught his son playing an online game during the times he should be in class. His son said: “I played the game for three years now because this is where I found friends who share the same level of interest as I do. Friends that cannot be seen in-real or at close range like classmates, but friends who can offer a relationship that could stand the test of time.” One of the main advantages of having an internet connection is the opportunity to reach out other people, wherever they are or whatever time zone they are in. As long as you are online, the possibilities are endless. In all honesty, online games consist of just a small slice of those possible options out there. And in comparison to other choices, games could be the lightest of all. In online games, you can be you the way you want yourself to be. You can stand out the way you want it, evolving into options that are not socially acceptable in real life. Filipinos are conservative by nature, but online they can be as liberated as other countries. Just like coming out of its tight shell, they now have the access to express themselves. Online games became the breathing space of Filipinos, not just the youth but everyone who gains internet access. Boredom 27 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE may play a small role in the reasons, but it could still count. The sun is up, rather than playing basketball, you engage yourself into battle with other players with awesome sword fights and spell casting. This boredom almost made our “national street games” like piko, tumbang preso, and shato extinct. It also opened the occurrences of ailments that should be experienced by office workers like Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome or Juvenile Diabetes. But those conditions are avoidable, just know your body’s limitations and potentials and balance them out. The youth of today, without being bias or one-sided is considerably weaker than the earlier generations. They tend to stumble on the lightest of problems, and crippled on the slightest of mistakes. Online games became a staple “point of refuge”. Our country is a natural disaster playground. We have typhoons, volcanos, and man-made disasters all year round. Some individuals may lose hope because of this but others actually divert the fear and condense it into a whole new world found in cyberspace. Disadvantages of Online Gaming Destacamento in 2012 mentioned the General Aggression Model (GAM), developed by Craig Anderson and Douglas Gentile. It indicated that violent computer games can cause short term aggression. The computer games can be more prone to exciting aggression than other entertainment because of the interactive nature of the computer games. Children will have lack of problem solving. Violent computer games teach children that problems can be solved 28 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE with little or no personal investment or by violence. These games indicate that rather than talking through and taking responsibility for problems, shooting or other acts of violence can elicit correct responses and make problems go away. They are also prone to weight gain. Computer games frequently do not require any additional movements beyond the hands. This coupled with a child’s tendency to eat and drink while playing computer games can result in weight gain. Weight gain has been linked to various diseases including diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Children also develop antisocial 29behaviours. A child who is conditioned to play computer games may find it difficult to socialize with other children. This anti-social 29behaviour can extend through adulthood, making it more difficult for the adult to respond to co-workers in an effective manner. This can also negatively affect relationships and friendships, causing a sense of loneliness. While new technology contributes something good to humanity, it can also have disturbing impacts. Our youth with never ending attitude of curiosity can be most vulnerable to any 29behaviours bearing technology may bring. Of course, they can get entertainment for themselves but the process should not compromise the other important pieces of our nationhood. They can always choose to become DoTA masters, but they should first become Dr. Wakwak. (Destacamento, 2012) become DoTA masters, but they should first become Dr. Wakwak. (Destacamento, 2012) 29 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Seay in 2006 conducted a study on the social and psychological impact of online gaming. In his study, he investigated on the factors that contribute to players reporting that gaming has gone beyond being an engaging pass-time and begun to cause problems in their real life. It also included if playing leads to social isolation or expansion in the social connectedness a player feels. Also, if involvement in online gaming leads to depression or can participation on it reduces depressive effect. 1836 respondents were surveyed through a revised online survey to gather information from avid gamers regarding their gaming habits, attitudes, and feelings. Employing a longitudinal design, three waves of data were collected over a 14 month period from a sample including 2883 online gamers. Prospective analysis was used to establish causal and temporal linkages among the repeatedly measured factors. While the data provide some indication that a player’s reasons for playing do influence the development of problematic usage, these effects are overshadowed by the central importance of self-regulation in managing both the timing and amount of play. An individual’s level of self-regulatory activity is shown to be very important in allowing them to avoid negative outcomes like problematic use and, more broadly, depression. Further, the results indicate that participation in online gaming can lead to decreased isolation and enhanced social integration for those players who use online gaming as a medium in which to spend time and interact with real life friends and relatives. No causal link between online gaming and depression is observed, even in those individuals who report viewing their use as problematic. 30 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE With responsible use, online gaming appears to be a healthy recreational activity that provides millions of people with hours of social entertainment and adaptive diversion. However, failure to manage play 31ehaviour can lead to feelings of dependency. Strategies and tools for addressing these self-regulatory deficits and supporting self-regulatory activity with respect to gaming 31ehaviour were discussed. Another study conducted in 2011 by Wang and Zhu wanted to find out the online game addiction among university students. It aims at investigating the impact that online games have on undergraduate students at University of Gävle, Sweden. As most of the previous researchers in this area conducted a quantitative research, they decided to do a qualitative research which can help them to get a deeper and better understanding of online game addiction. They chose systems and ecological perspectives as their theory and analyzed their data using the hermeneutic approach. The methodology they used is interview; which entailed four interviews with both Swedish and Chinese undergraduate students. On the basis of the research the results they got are that; most of the students they interviewed are having problems with health and studies because of online gaming; and some of them are having bad relationships with friends and families, however, some of them have a good relationship with their parents. Wang and Zhu (2011) also cited the study of Wan and Chiou in 2006 on why adolescents are addicted to online gaming. Their study was to investigate the psychological problems of addicts among adolescents in Taiwan and to 31 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE discover the motivation, both conscious and unconscious, of online game addicts. During the research process they discovered that most of the adolescents they interviewed stated that online gaming had become the main focus on their lives, and that life would become dark and bleak without these games. From this point of view the investigation to focus on why young people become addicted to online games was channelled. Zhang (2007) and Zhuo (2007), who also researched on the same topic, reported different results on the online game addiction and the finding supported the same symptoms. With regards to undergraduate students who were addicted to the Internet or online games, Zhang indicated that most of these students had bad grades in their universities. Moreover, Zhuo stated that the physical symptoms of Internet and online game addiction were cervical spondylosis, neurasthenia and insomnia. Cervical spondylosis, a fairly common symptom of many MMOG players, is essentially a spinal injury which results from keeping the same sitting position for hours while playing games. This situation is more often than not leads to injuries to the cervical vertebra on the spinal cord. Neurasthenia on the other hand is a neurological disorder that results from when players engage in hours and hours of game playing with no virtually sleep intervals in between. Even though players may end up playing games for a long time before going to sleep, their brains still keep running and experiencing phantom excitement from playing games even when they are 32 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE asleep. This causes sleep sensitivity and disorders which induce addicted players to wake up several times during the night and as such this leads them suffering from insomnia which can cause mental anxiety and eventually result in nervous breakdowns and general tiredness. (Wang and Zhu, 2011) Cancio (2014) made mention of a study regarding violent computer games that lead to aggressive 33ehaviour. The title of the study is “A longitudinal study of risk-glorifying games and 33ehaviours33 deviance” from researchers of Dartmouth College. They suggested that MRRG (mature-rated, risk glorifying games) gameplay can have consequences for deviant beahvior broadly defines by affecting the personality, attitudes, and values of the player. Video games may lead teens to drive recklessly and experience increases in automobile accidents, police stops, and a willingness to drink and drive. The study further disclosed playing such kinds of games could increase a person’s “behavioural deviance”, or actions or 33ehaviours that violate social norms. It also said the said effects “part of consequences of the effects of such gameplay on sensation seeking and rebelliousness, attitudes toward deviant 33ehaviour in oneself and others, and affiliation with deviant peers. A survey conducted by Lenhart, Kahne, Middaugh, Macgill, Evans, and Vitak in 2008 provided the first nationally representative study of teen video game play and of teen video gaming and civic engagement in America. The survey looked at which teens are playing games, the games and equipment they are using, the social context of their play, and the role of parents and parental 33 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE monitoring. Their first large-scale study was to examine the relationship between specific gaming experiences and teens’ civic activities and commitments. The result showed that fully 97% of teens ages 12-17 play computer, web, portable, or console games. Gender and age are key factors in describing teens’ video gaming. Fully 99% of boys and 94% of girls play video games. Younger teen boys are the most likely to play games, followed by younger girls and older boys. Older girls are the least “enthusiastic” players of video games, though more than half of them play. Some 65% of daily gamers are male; 35% are female. Their survey provided a comprehensive result related to online gaming among teens and are presented as follows: Youth play many different kinds of video games. Most teens do not limit themselves to just a few game genres, instead choosing to play many different types of games. Daily gamers are more likely to play a wider range of game genres than non-daily gamers. Gaming is often a social experience for teens. For most teens, gaming is a social activity and a major component of their overall social experience. Teens play games in a variety of ways, including with others in person, with others online, and by themselves. Although most teens play games by themselves at least occasionally, just one-quarter (24%) of teens only play games alone, and the remaining three-quarters of teens play games with others at least some of the time. 34 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Close to half of teens who play online games do so with people they know in their offline lives. Online gamers are more likely to report playing games mostly with people they know in their offline lives than with teens they met online. Teens encounter both pro-social and anti-social 35ehaviour while gaming. Games are often played with other people. In multiplayer game play, different people control different characters in the game, and make individual choices about how to act and what to say in the context of the game. The most popular game genres include games with violent and nonviolent content. The two most widely played game genres were racing and puzzle games, played bynearly three-quarters of teens in the sample. These genres are noteworthy becausethey have little to no violent content. However, two-thirds of teens reported playing“action” or “adventure” games, some of which contain considerable violent content. Parental monitoring of game play varies. While most parents engage in some form of monitoring, parents are more likely to monitor game play for boys and for younger children. Monitoring does not have an impact on whether or not teens are exposed to anti-social 35ehaviour or words in the gaming context. There are civic dimensions to video game play. Their study found that the quantity of game play is not strongly or consistently related to most civic outcomes, but that some particular qualities of game play have a strong and consistent positive relationship to a range of civic outcomes. 35 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE The quantity of game play is not strongly related to teens’ interest or engagement in civic and political activity. Neither the frequency of game play nor the amount of time young people spend playing games is significantly related to most of the civic and political outcomes that we examined—following politics, persuading others how to vote, contributing to charities, volunteering, or staying informed about politics and current events. The characteristics of game play and the contexts in which teens play games are strongly related to teens’ interest and engagement in civic and political activities. Longitudinal and quasi-experimental studies have identified a set of civic learning opportunities (such as simulations of civic or political activities, helping others, and debating ethical issues) that promote civic outcomes among youth. Many of these civic learning opportunities parallel particular elements of video game play. We call these elements of game play “civic gaming experiences,” and the survey assesses how many of these experiences teens had. Playing games with others in person was related to civic and political outcomes, but playing with others online was not. Teens who take part in social interaction related to the game, such as commenting on websites or contributing to discussion boards, are more engaged civically and politically. Civic gaming experiences are more equally distributed than many other civic learning opportunities. (Lenhart et.al, 2008) 36 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE The study of Bringula, Basa, Enriquez, Bonifacio, Manuel, and Natanauan in 2013 cited Hermosa (2010) stating that the threat of excessive gaming is also present in the Philippines Since the country ranked first as the top market in Asia in online gaming. Furthermore they mentioned De Guzman and Fabian in 2009 where they already noted the effects of excessive gaming on Filipino youth. They found out that excessive use of computers has negative effects on students such as disturbance in study periods, quality time not dedicated to family, laziness to do household chores, stubbornness, escapism from house work, missing of classes, and failing to submit assignments on time. However, they also found out that other studies have the opposite results. Since gaming have positive effects. For example, Cole and Griffiths (2007) reported from their sample of 912 MMORPG players from 45 countries that MMORPGs were found to be a highly socially interactive environment which provided an opportunity to create strong friendships and emotional relationships. They also reported that 74.7% of gamers made friends with other gamers. Gamers also tend to meet with other gamers through guild meet ups, small group meetings, or conventions. Cole and Griffiths (2007) also reported that 81% of their respondents enjoyed playing games with their real-life friends (friends who were not met online) and family. This is also similar to the findings of Utz (2000) and Yee (2006b). Cole and Griffiths (2012) also showed that gaming allowed players to express themselves in ways that they may not feel comfortable doing in real life due to their appearance, gender, sexuality, and/or 37 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE age. Suler (2004) commented that these 38ehaviours were called dissociative anonymity (“you don’t know me”) and invisibility (“you can’t see me”). These 38ehaviours cause people to self-disclose sensitive issues to someone online more than they ordinarily would in a real life. Bringula et al. (2013) study employed a descriptive design in which a descriptive-survey was conducted using the questionnaire as the research instrument. Based on the classification of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network of the City of Manila as a Beta+ global city (a ranking of a city based on its progressive economic activities) (Globalization and World Cities 2008), the City of Manila was chosen as the research locale of the study. It was revealed that the effects of cyber café gaming could be investigated into the following dimensions – Responsibilities, Health, Relaxation, and Socialization. All questions under each construct were found highly valid and highly reliable. The study of De Guzman and Fabian (2009) showed that the price of the technology is the major concern of the students and most of the students cannot afford ICT products such as video games, cellular phones, MP3 players, and laptops. In order to address these situations, students share ICT products with their classmates or avail themselves of the services of cyber cafes in their locality. On the other hand, Alam et al. (2009) defined cyber café as “a shop, café or place which is open to public, where anyone can just hire a computer for a certain period of time with a certain amount of fee”. Cyber café is 38 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE interchangeably called internet café, internet shop, or computer shop in the Philippines. They also cited the study from Somoni et al. in 2010 that cyber cafés are open to the public and offer gaming and Internet services to the users which are unmonitored and controlled. It showed that customers repeatedly returned to the cyber cafés because of computer games. Also, Alam et al. 2009 mentioned that the gaming services provided by cyber cafés posed threats to tradition and cultural values of the users. (Bringula et al. 2013) Synthesis The literatures and studies of both foreign and local shows an in-depth nature of how technology in the form of online games becomes part of living specially among gamers particularly teens in general. It discussed how the games changed and had become modern with the development of internet at the same time. It gave a glimpse of the different types of online games widely played in the world that are now popularly played by the Filipino youth as mentioned by the local articles. The literatures also provided information of the rampant development of computer gaming addiction on the player themselves. Furthermore the related studies cited here, in such a manner explored the different relationship of online gaming to the attitude of young people nowadays. It provided a bigger understanding for the researchers so that the study may be placed into its proper order and undertaking for this will enable the researchers to investigate well on its background. Also, it provided the researchers the idea of the different methods that may be employed in the development of the 39 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE methodology of the study regarding the different data gathering procedures to be used. This will help in designing the research tool or survey for the study. The present study on the other hand is unique because it will explore the online gaming attitudes among senior high school students in the University of Makati. The research locale where the study will be conducted is different and the main concern will only revolve particularly on the gaming attitudes as perceived by the students in the senior high school of the University of Makati. 40 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Chapter III Research Methodology This chapter discusses the research methods and design utilized by the researchers of the study as well as the population and sampling procedure. It includes the research locale, research instruments and tools, data gathering procedures and statistical treatment appropriate for the analysis of data. Research Design The study will be conducted using a descriptive-correlational method. Descriptive method is based on observed events from which theories may later be developed in explaining the observations. It is correlational since it will look for the significant relationship between the on-line gaming attitudes of the student respondents and their academic performance. Population and Sampling Procedure The respondents will be chosen using random sampling. Senior high school students will be participating in the study. They will be given survey questionnaires to determine their profile background and on-line gaming attitudes. Research Locale The locale of the study will be the Senior High School of the University of Makati or Higher School ng UMAK. Respondents who are senior high school students will be the main respondents of the study. 41 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Research Instrument To gather the necessary data needed for this study the following research instruments will be utilized: a. Survey Questionnaire. This is the main data-gathering instrument that the researchers will utilize to determine the on-line gaming attitudes of the selected respondents. This survey will be developed by the researchers. It will be composed of 30-item questions that explore the on-line gaming attitudes of the respondents in terms of the type of games played, numbers of hours spent playing, frequency, and extent of playing. The questionnaire will also gather information about the profile of the respondents and the benefits of the on-line games played in terms of problem solving, strategic thinking skills, learning skills, decision making, and productivity levels. b. Report Card. The report card of the participating respondents of the study will be utilized to gather their GWA or general weighted average. This will be used to correlate their academic performance to their online gaming attitudes to find out if there is significant relationship between the online gaming attitudes of the respondents and their academic performance. Data Gathering Procedure The procedure for data gathering will involve a courtesy call to office of the Dean of the Higher School ng UMAK to submit a letter for the conduct of the 42 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE study and distribution of survey questionnaires to the participating respondents of the study. Data Analysis The following statistical tools will be used in analyzing the numerical data gathered: 1. Frequency (f) was used in tabulating the scores from the profile variables of the respondents. 2. Percentage (%) was used to express how large or small one quantity is, relative to another quantity. It was specifically used in computing the percent distribution of the profile variables. Computation of the Frequency and Percentage Distribution Formula: % = π π × 100 3. Weighted Mean (WX) was used in average respondents of the assessed aspects of working condition based on the data that were gathered using the five-point scale. Computation of Weighted Mean Formula: ππ = πππΉ π 43 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Where: WM = TWF = Weighted Mean The total of the products of weights multiplied by their respective frequencies. N = the number of respondents Table 1 Score Interval for the Online Gaming Attitudes Mean Range Adjectival Rating 5 4.24 to 5.00 Of much great extent 4 3.43 to 4.23 Of great extent 3 2.63 to 3.42 Of moderate extent 2 1.81 to 2.61 Of least extent 1 1.00 to 1.80 None at all 4. Standard Deviation was used in order to see how spread or varied the responses of the respondents to the mean. 5. Person product-moment correlation coefficient I was used to find if there is a relationship between the online gaming attitudes of the respondents and their academic performance. 44 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Research Questionnaire IT Student – survey Questionnaire Dear IT Students, Good Day! The researchers are conducting a study entitled “Online Gaming Attitude Among Computer Programming Students in the Higher School ng Umak: Its Significance to the Academic Performance”. Please allow us to take a little of your precious time by answering this questionnaire. Your answer to this survey will be treated with strictest confidentiality. Thank you for the consideration. Part I : Respondent’s Profile Name: (Optional) ______________________________________ Age: __________ Gender: M______ F______ Grade Level: ________ GWA: ___ 95 above ___ 91 – 94 ___ 87 – 90 ___ 83 – 86 ___ 79 – 82 ___ 78 below 45 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE Part II : Survey Paper Directions: Put a check ( √ ) on the space/ box provided that correspond to your response. Legend: SA( Strongly Agree ) A ( Agree ) FA ( Fairly Agree ) D ( Disagree ) Decision Making SD ( Strongly disagree ) SA A FA D S D SA A FA D S D SA A FA D S D SA A FA D S D Effectivity in time management Improve logical thinking Having better strategy skills Game Played RPG (Role Play Games) ex. Sims, WOW,LOL RTS(Real Time Strategy Games) ex. DOTA FPS(First Person Shooter Games) ex. Call of Duty Assessment Playing online games through computers Playing mobile application games Participation in MMO Tournaments ( Massively Multiplayer Online) Time Consumed 30 mins – 1 hr a day 1hr – 3hrs a day 3hrs – 5hrs a day Others.. __________________________________ 46 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI Frequency Ones a week Twice a week Thrice a week Others.. __________________________________ SA A PAGE FA D S D 47 HIGHER SCHOOL NG UMAK - UNIVERSITY OF MAKATI PAGE References Destacamento, J.M. (2012). 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Video games boost skills, but also harmful – studies <http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/463170/scitech/technology/vide o-games-boost-skills-but-also-harmful-studies> Lenhart,A., Kahne, J., Middaugh, E., Macgill, A., Evans, C., Vitak, J. (2008). Teens, Video Games and Civics <http://www.pewinternet.org/2008/09/16/teens-video- games-and-civics/> The Asian Conference on Society, Education, and Technology ( 2013). Official Conference Proceeding Development of Scales on the Effects of Gaming in Cyber Cafés in Manila <http://iafor.org/archives/offprints/acset2013offprints/ACSET2013_0177.pdf> Why the Filipino Youth is Hooked to Online Gaming <http://www.pinoygaming.net/why-the-filipino-youth-is-hooked-to-onlinegaming/> http://www.raisesmartkid.com/3-to-6-years-old/4-articles/34-the-good-and-badeffects-of-video-games 48