12 Tribes Daily Practice Protocol (suggestion offered by Georgie Rose) Section 1: Rising Routine Source vow Maharic Shield Amoraea Quick Buffer (6 weeks) Maharata Invocation Section 2: Optional Rasha Krystar capsule 6 pointed lotus breath Protoplasm code: UM Ma-Ta UM (x3) TE’ Wha Na’-hA-Vu-Sa-ta (x4) Followed by 12 min sun gazing (details in podcast ep 2) Source River Frequencies Elemental Command Perpetual Sanctification Psonn of Aurora x 3 "I am Free" Morphogenetic Reprogramming "Shadow Healing" Morphogenetic Reprogramming "I am the Sacred SUN" Section 3: IMPORTANT! Tech 8 Amoraea DNA Template Buffer (once per week) Personal Avatar Identity integration - Puts the shadow healing on autopilot - FB Module 6, min 56:21 Tech 13 (1 per week for 1 year) FB Module 8, min 13:13 Tech 15 before bed Words of Co-Creation PSONN of RAMA: Um-Ma-TA Pa-DA-ON DE-Ay-Oh (2x) Um-Ma-TA Pa-DA-ON E-Tu en-Sha Ajha Ne-Ta DA-O Ha’ah-TUr Councils (the UnSpoken ones) Um-Aah-UN (The Original infrasound tones that emanated from Source Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta-Ha-La-a-DUR-UM-et-a-DUR (Sound tones that emanated from the 3 original infra-sounds) Section 1: Rising Routine Source vow Maharic Shield Amoraea Quick Buffer (6 weeks) Maharata Invocation Section 1: Rising Routine THE VOW TO SOURCE By the love of eternal Source, I AM By the truth of eternal Source, I STAND By the power of eternal Source, I FLY By the way of eternal Source, GO I By the grace of eternal Source, I now sanctify and renew this gathering and decree this gathering and BEINGS as under the divine protectorate of the Eternal-Life, Original Founders Races. In the name of the Eternal Source Consciousness Field and 1st Eternal-life Creation. Ta –A’jha-Inta-DO’-A (3x) Amoraea Quick Buffer Section 1: Rising Routine Section 1: Rising Routine Maharata Invocation Section 2: Optional Rasha Krystar Capsule 6 Pointed Lotus Breath Protoplasm code: UM Ma-Ta UM (x3) TE’ Wha Na’-hA-Vu-Sa-ta (x4) Followed by 12 min sun gazing (details in podcast ep 2) Source River Frequencies Elemental Command Perpetual Sanctification Psonn of Aurora x 3 "I am Free" Morphogenetic Reprogramming (Tech 10) "Shadow Healing" Morphogenetic Reprogramming (Tech 11) "I am the Sacred SUN" (Tech 12B) Rasha Krystar Capsule Section 2: Optional Brings in Source Frequencies Imagine Krystar Source Vehicle surrounding your body, home, car, etc. "Rasha-Eira-Krystar NOW!" (3x) 6 POINTED LOTUS BREATH Inhale through your nostrils and exhale through your nostrils. Just breathe naturally on your own. Focus your attention on your pineal gland, at the centre of your head. As you're inhaling, I want you to imagine you're inhaling through the front of your head through the rear of your head. And then as you're continuing to breathe, add the left side of your head, and the right side of your head so you have four ways coming into your pineal gland now, and then add the top of your head, as well as the bottom. So, as you are breathing, imagine six points of entry and exit into the pineal gland, as you take your inhale and exhale breath. Now, imagine a lotus flower. As you inhale, you're imagining the petals of that Lotus are arching upward. On the inhale, and as you exhale, the petals release. It is an arc and a phasing of the lotus petals. As you inhale, that six-pointed breath, and as you exhale, those petals release and blossom. This is what's called the six-pointed Lotus breath. You can choose to breathe this at any chakra. You can choose to breathe this through your whole entire body. X12 x24 x36 x48 times, etc. PROTOPLASM CODE UM Ma-Ta UM (x3) TE’ Wha Na’-hA-Vu-Sa-ta (x4) Followed by 12 min sun gazing (details in podcast ep 2) Section 2: Optional SOURCE RIVER FREQUENCIES: Part 1 Section 2: Optional SOURCE RIVER FREQUENCIES: Part 2- Elemental Command Perpetual Sanctification Section 2: Optional (continued, next page) SOURCE RIVER FREQUENCIES: Part 2- Elemental Command Perpetual Sanctification (cont.) Section 2: Optional PSONN OF AURORA (x3) Section 2: Optional I AM FREE - MORPHOGENETIC REPROGRAMMING Section 2: Optional SHADOW HEALING - MORPHOGENETIC REPROGRAMMING Section 2: Optional I AM THE SACRED SUN Section 2: Optional Section 3: IMPORTANT! Tech 8 Amoraea DNA Template Buffer (once per week) Personal Avatar Identity integration - Puts the shadow healing on autopilot Flame Bodies Module 6, min 56:21 Tech 13 (1 per week for 1 year) Flame Bodies Module 8, min 13:13 Tech 15 before bed (media file/signal app) Words of Co-Creation PSONN of RAMA: Um-Ma-TA Pa-DA-ON DE-Ay-Oh (2x) Um-Ma-TA Pa-DA-ON E-Tu en-Sha Ajha Ne-Ta DA-O Ha’ah-TUr Councils (the UnSpoken ones) Um-Aah-UN (The Original infrasound tones that emanated from Source Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta-Ha-La-a-DUR-UM-et-a-DUR (Sound tones that emanated from the 3 original infra-sounds) Tech 8: AMORAEA DNA TEMPLATE BUFFER Section 3: IMPORTANT once per week - Personal Avatar Identity Integration (Puts the shadow healing on autopilot) Tech 8: AMORAEA DNA TEMPLATE BUFFER continued... Section 3: IMPORTANT Tech 13 (1 per week for 1 year) Flame Bodies Module 8, min 13:13 Section 3: IMPORTANT Section 3: IMPORTANT Tech 15 Before Bed Technique 15 is the "AMORAEA CONTACT PLATFORM" Subtle contact with the original Founders Races (See Signal Chat Media Files for Recorded Visualization by Dr. Jere) WORDS OF CO-CREATION Section 3: IMPORTANT PSONN OF RAMA Um-Ma-TA Pa-DA-ON DE-Ay-Oh (2x) Um-Ma-TA Pa-DA-ON E-Tu en-Sha Ajha Ne-Ta DA-O Ha’ah-TUr Councils (the UnSpoken ones) Um-Aah-UN (The Original infrasound tones that emanated from Source) Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta-Ha-La-a-DUR-UM-et-a-DUR (Sound tones that emanated from the 3 original infra-sounds) APPENDIX Thun-ImmanU (Veca #11) Liquid Restructuring Code Or-ImmanU (Veca #12) Solid Restructuring Code