. . c-bروحــــك ..وارقصي ... talk youعاصمه اليابان ... Ourالكوسه كويس ... Attackالعيب و أزح ... Miss youوثابوني لوحدي ... so what toعليك يا بعيد ... OLDقبل كده ومحدش سمع الكالم ... Underابن شداد ... web camكيلو البطاطا النهاردة ؟؟ ... as forفي اليد خيرا ً من 10علي الشجره ... Postايد امك النهاردة ... the bodyخالط ... Back Carو رشيدة ... Tomorrowبى أى حاجة ... Kissبالستيك ... Bothالواوا ... In tagحربى ... marry meعلي األرض Problem (1) Write the Query • Problem: -Create a list of all tables whose first two characters in the name of the table is JO -The tables must be owned by the current Oracle User • Tables Used: -User_tables Query SELECT table_name, owner FROM all_tables WHERE table_name LIKE'JO%'; Problem (2) Create a list that includes the first initial of every employee's first name, A space, and the last name of the employee • Tables Used: - Employees Query: SELECT SUBSTR(first_name,1,1) || ' ' || last_name FROM Employees; Problem (3) - Create a list of every employee's first name concatenated to a space and the employee's last name, and the email of all employees where the email address contains the string 'IN' • Tables Used: - Employees Query: SELECT first_name ||' ' || last_name, email FROM Employees WHERE email LIKE'%IN%'; Problem (4) - Create a list of 'smallest' last name and the 'highest' last name from the employees table • Tables Used: - Employees Query: SELECT last_name AS "First Last Name", last_name AS "Last Last Name" FROM Employees ORDER BY "First Last Name" ASC, "Last Last Name" DESC; Problem (5) - Create a list of weekly salaries from the employees table where the weekly salary is between 700 and 3000 - The salaries should be formatted to include a $- sign and have two decimal points like: $9999.99 • Tables Used: - Employees Query: SELECT TO_CHAR (ROUND (salary/4,2), 'fm$99,999.00') AS "Weekly Salary" FROM Employees WHERE salary BETWEEN 700 AND 3000; Problem (6) - Create a list of every employee and his related job title sorted by job_title • Tables Used: - Employees, Jobs Query: SELECT SUBSTR(employees.first_name,1,1) || ' ' || employees.last_name "Employee Name", jobs.job_title "Jobs" FROM Employees, Jobs WHERE employees.job_id = jobs.job_id; Problem (7) -Create a list of every employee’s job, the salary ranges within the job, and the employee's salary -List the lowest and highest salary range within each job with a dash to separate the salaries like this: 100 – 200 • Tables Used: -Employees, Jobs Query: SELECT SUBSTR (employees.first_name,1,1) || ' ' || employees.last_name "Employee Name", jobs.job_title "Jobs", MIN_SALARY ||'-'|| MAX_SALARY "Salary Range", employees.salary "Employee's Salary" FROM Employees, Jobs WHERE employees.job_id = jobs.job_id; Problem (8) - Using an ANSII join method, create a list of every employee's first initial and last name, and department name - Make sure the tables are joined on all of the foreign keys declared between the two tables • Tables Used: - Employees, Departments Query: SELECT SUBSTR(first_name,1,1) || ' ' || last_name "Employee Name", department_name FROM Employees NATURAL JOIN Departments; Problem (9) - Change the previous listing to join only on the department_id column • Tables Used: - Employees, Departments Query: SELECT SUBSTR (first_name,1,1) || ' ' || last_name "Employee Name", department_name "Department Name" FROM Employees e JOIN Departments d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id); Problem (10) - Create a list of every employee's last name, and the word nobody or somebody depending on whether or not the employee has a manager - Use the Oracle DECODE function to create the list • Tables Used: - Employees Query: SELECT DECODE (manager_id, null,'Nobody','Somebody') "Works For", last_name "Last Name" FROM Employees; Problem (11) - Create a list of every employee's first initial and last name, salary, and a yes or no to show whether or not an employee makes acommission - Fix this query to produce the result. Query: SELECT SUBSTR(first_name,1,1)||' '|| last_name "Employee "Salary", DECODE (commission_pct,null,'No','Yes') commission FROM Employees; Name", salary Problem (12) - Create a list of every employee's last name, department name, city, and state_province - Include departments without employees - An outer join is required • Tables Used: - Employees, Departments, Locations Query: SELECT E.last_name, D.department_name, L.city, L.state_province FROM Employees E JOIN Departments D ON E.department_id=D.department_id JOIN Locations L ON D.Location_id = L.Location_id;