Education & 21st Century Literacy Essay

Republic of the Philippines
R. M. Durano Avenue, Poblacion, Carmen, Cebu, Philippines
Website: http://www.ctu.edu.ph│Email: cdcarmen@ctu.edu.ph
Name: Hisoler, Jorge Jr
Phone: (+6632) 266-9357 │ 266-8514
Yr/Course/Sec: BSEd MATH 3A
Education is the only solution to make a career and also to know a lot about the world and to
contribute to society.
Every classroom has its own unique community especially in giving every students a good and
quality room to study. In order to give them a good quality of learning, I am capable to develop
students who can create their own image and give them the be a positive role model for your
Every child should have an equality of opportunity to receive an education. As a teacher, I have
a goal that every child with a dream in life I make sure will graduate. I want to create a group
that can help not only children with the ability to get an education but also those who have a
dream in life. I know many of today's young people are struggling due to lack of finances, as a
teacher, I want to build your skills, I want to accompany everyone in their most difficult
situation in life until they are successful in all their trials of life. The great thing about teaching is
that it offers a lot of variety. Each school year, I get to teach new sets of students with varying
characters, experiences, and ideas. As their teacher, I can incorporate new topics, upgrade
eaching style, and design new lessons to spruce and liven up the classroom. Hopefully I can
advance my career so that I can help more children who have dreams in life.
2. 21st century Literacy is more than just reading and writing.It is knowing how to learn and
know.Students need to able to understand concept as tools,which can be used to solve realworld problems.The important things I can do is accept that a new reality should come with a
different level of expectations. For example, in learning, if it used to be easier because we go to
school every day, learn well and are able to relax and at the same time, nowadays, we think
more that not everything will be easy. I know that many like me are struggling because of the
modern literacy that has existed since the pandemic began. As a student, what I have made is
that even though there are many changes in today's time, I do not stop even when I am
struggling, but I am happier because of modern literacy, my communication with different
people in this world is easier, I can communicate more easily my loved ones even if they are far
away, it makes it easier for me to do especially in the field of business. As long as we always
remember that no matter how difficult we go through, no matter how many changes,
everything will be fine and we have God close to us and always there at all times.